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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    If it's a choice between no game at all or starting fresh, I'd be perfectly willing to start all over and I'd like to think a fair number of other people would be as well.
    I would as well. Although some restructuring would be wise in that case. For instance the auctionhouse would need to be accessible by a base number to even be viable. And with the auctionhouse comes IOs and the entire crafting system.

    I DO think it might be a good time to eliminate base salvage and brainstorms from the system though.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    While I don't have BBC America, I will damn well find a way to watch Dr. Who so I can see Jenna-Louise Coleman play her part. And in these little clips, she looked like she's got a good rapport with Matt Smith, and... she's hella good lookin' to boot. More of her will be a good thing.

    New Companion = Hawt.


    /I miss cable sometimes... but mostly not...
    //This is one of those times.
    You have internet access. That's all you need.
  3. I know this is probably covered by the EULA, but I'm not certain where. Asked another way, if the game is sold after shutdown how will the new owners know about things like veteran status or prior purchases?
  4. Well I learned from this that player notes "restarts" when someone changes their global. I noticed that I was listed twice with Impulseking and my old Breaker11. Noticed another person was 2 starred before her name change, but no point in calling out the name at this point.

    My Fiancee got a kick out of seeing her name on this list too.

    Shamster called my cousin a flake... ok he got that one right.
  5. ImpulseKing


    The final scene in the 2nd ep just screams to me.. "Message for you sir."
  6. Slight theadjack to ask a variant question.

    How many would be willing to run an emulator given the opportunity? (This questions assumes no significant technical or legal hurdles exist.)
  7. ImpulseKing


    For over a year I cornered the redside market on Essence of the Earth inspirations.
  8. ImpulseKing


    I just plain LIKED this. Although I do have some plot-related quibbles. With the Slade mask, yeah I can deal with the melee skillsets, but where do you pick up computer skillz on a remote island? Or did he manage to grasp 5 years of evolving computer security in a week? I really hope they have this base covered.
  9. I would go on in a heartbeat. Heck if the folks that craft the emulator code see fit to distribute it, I may just run a server.

    Now for you folks that won't join for moral reasons? Fine. I can respect that.

    But I'm afraid the folks citing legal concerns are not aware of the realities of the internet. That's their choice as is whether or not to act on that revelation. I assure you your choice is unlikely to affect me.
  10. EoE= Essence of the Earth inspirations for protection vs hamidon. I've had a supply squirreled away for a few years which I've slowly been releasing for 500K per. But there were over 1.7K bids last night and I can't supply that quantity. So can anyone else dump some onto the market?
  11. I haven't seen any copies of CoH at Walmart in over a year. Basically since Going Rogue was pulled. Doesn't mean that somewhere it won't happen, because I can recall a case where hardcpoies of another cancelled MMO were still in the store past server shutdown.
  12. Hello everyone. In the past 2-3 months not a single issue has been on the shelves at any stores I have been to. Anyone else having this issue?
  13. In my reading about behind the scenes stuff on Babylon 5, Blake's 7 was referenced repeatedly. Basically to highlight that the concept of a TV series with a multiyear story arc had been attempted before. Unfortunately that and this thread are currently my only knowledge sources for Blake's 7. I hope it does well.
  14. Defragging after a patch can be a good idea. You might also try running /unloadgfx ingame.
  15. Not certain if it's the answer you want, but Force Feedback recipes currently drop as rares. They aren't attuned like the summer event drops were however.
  16. For me, most of the new 52 haven't been able to maintain their initial momentum. I find myself trimming a title or 2 every month. However some books HAVE done enough that interest isn't waning. Teen Titans is doing the best for me, and I'm at least ok with the various Justice League books.
  17. I know that Doctor Who is coming back soon. Can anyone tell me the date please?
    Thanks in advance!
  18. So I was on a great team on my lvl 42 BR/Kin Rocky HPS when my 5 year old says "Daddy. Will you play outside with me?". After the mish is over I explain to the team and they understand. Raising a child is a fantastic adventure in it's own right and there will come a time, all to quickly, where she won't want to spend time with daddy. Double xp is very nice and all, but some real life xp is worth SO much more.
  19. Probably the best way to find out would be to join the server channels and ask once or twice daily. Recommended channels include Victory Badges and Victory Limitless. Now even if your old friends have moved on, there are many NEW friends waiting in these channels!

    Welcome back!

    Huh? How do you go about joining these channels? Simple!

    /chanjoin "Victory Badges"
    /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"

    Hope you find friends old and new!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    Eh, Fulcrum Shift only looks incredibly overpowered on it's own, but the Kinetics set overall is "defense through offense".

    It doesn't offer much in the way of safety for allies besides a Heal, an End Gain, slow protection, and limited damage resistance and mez protection. For defensive debuffs, it has a ST and AoE Damage (with only moderate values) and a ST Slow.

    Instead, it focuses on speeding up battles with Siphon Power, Speed Boost, and Fulcrum Shift. Most people don't notice how fragile a set it can be because it makes battles go by fast.

    I'm of the opinion that any reduction to Fulcrum Shift's abilities would make that way more obvious and then there'd need to be adjuments made to some of the other powers.
    You forgot repel. Carnie bosses stacked in a corner ftw.

    On topic, I think the OP is overlooking that Fulcrum Shift still requires some skill to use well. If it were a toggle that said "Everyone I know and their cat is now at the damage cap with a press of this magic button" then yeah many fewer would argue. He also assumes a team.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    Time my friend... time. Not enough of it and too many toons...
    Well if time is the only issue, then there is an efficient workaround that chicken pox helped me discover. So while I was recovering I found myself wanting to play and maybe socialize a bit at all hours of day or night. Now we all love our dear home server here, but we also know it's a low population server. That's even more pronounced at 3 am on redside.

    So I realized I had moved a 50 over to virtue to help a friend prior and discovered they ran BAF and Lam 24/7. Soooo many runs.. Then we got the ability to email ourselves threads and now all but my newest 50 have all non-hybrid slots unlocked and I still have over 400 threads unclaimed. If I want them to have level shifts, then all I need do is run iTrials on Vic until a rare or very rare drops for whatever tree I want.

    TLR version. For time efficiency, stockpile threads by whatever means is convenient. Time spent complaining or wishing for a magic wand is time you could be spending getting results.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Most_Amazing View Post
    Secondly, I notice you do not have a travel power of any sort. I see this often on the forums maybe it's just not that important to you all, or maybe you just don't run speed Task Forces like I do. However in my build you'll see that I've managed to fit in a travel Power at the cost of Aim and Snap shot. I willing to make this trade because I've already got my 22% to-hit. Allowing my snip to instant cast replacing snap shot. And if I've already got 22% to-hit I'll have no use for aim.
    I'm by NO means an expert, and I'll admit I haven't looked at the build, but I think you are confusing +Accuracy for +to-hit. My understanding is that the Kismet unique is the only IO-related means of getting +to-hit.