Summer Event KD Proc question




Long story short.

Between work and bad luck I just wasn't able to do the summer event enough times to score one of those Procs. I tried to see if I could convert one but no such luck. End result even though I market a bit. I just am not that big of a marketer to be able to afford that IO. I might be able to buy one for the price they are going for But then I would be broke. Many of my builds are a mix of converters and Hero/villain merits along with sales of some higher end IOs. I just can't stomach myself to blow my whole bank account for 1 IO when the reality is I probably need 2 or 3 across all my builds.

So anyone have any insight if these IOs will be coming around again ?

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Not certain if it's the answer you want, but Force Feedback recipes currently drop as rares. They aren't attuned like the summer event drops were however.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



If you have Hero/Villain merits, trade them in for high-ticket items. Sell them for a median price (Not so low that a flipper can grab it, but not so high that you have to wait forever for a desperate bid).

If you've played around with the Good vs Evil packs, you probably have a LOT of normal merits. Cash these in for things like the Karma -KB and other high-sellers that can be had for relatively few merits.

I would surmise that the next time we see these IOs will be next summer =/


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I wish Overwhelming force was that easy to get!



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
If you have Hero/Villain merits, trade them in for high-ticket items. Sell them for a median price (Not so low that a flipper can grab it, but not so high that you have to wait forever for a desperate bid).
If you DON'T have Hero/Villain merits, roll a few Stalkers*. Do a few DFBs or Story Arcs of your preference. Make sure to make gratuitous use of the Experienced temp powers that you get as part of your Vet Rewards. When you get to 20, run Tips for 2 days, then do your Morality mission to confirm your alignment. Using some seed money sent from an alt, convert the 50 merits to an alignment merit, then speed SSA 1 twice and SSA 2 once (for two "first time" Alignment Merits and one weekly reward). If you have 30+ Reward Merits on the character, speed SSA one more time for the weekly 20 merit reward and convert them to another Alignment Merit (alternatively, run it once for the 20, and then as many more for 5 each to get to 50). You will have to wait 20 hours before doing the second conversion. All of the timers are per-character, so by having multiple alts, you can earn LOTS of A-Merits in a couple days, depending on how much time you can throw at it. Once you've milked the characters for the first few A-Merits, delete them and repeat - starting over lets you re-earn the first time rewards.

*I say stalkers for the Stealth, high burst damage, and high defense (I use SR for this) at low levels, which makes speeding missions super easy. If you have a different preference for speed running missions, feel free to use that.




Thanks all for the info.

@Roderick I didn't think of those. I did them long ago and forgot about them. My mind is shot sometimes. I get what your saying but it will take a few rereads to have the process sink in.

But without naming the person until I get the Okay. Someone read this thread and offered me one. I was a bit prideful at first but common sense sunk in and told me this person could have just not wasted their time sending me a P.M. and just pretended they never read the thread.

I want to thank them publicly, but I won't without their okay. They should get the praise and public adulation's they deserve.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
Thanks all for the info.

@Roderick I didn't think of those. I did them long ago and forgot about them. My mind is shot sometimes. I get what your saying but it will take a few rereads to have the process sink in.

But without naming the person until I get the Okay. Someone read this thread and offered me one. I was a bit prideful at first but common sense sunk in and told me this person could have just not wasted their time sending me a P.M. and just pretended they never read the thread.

I want to thank them publicly, but I won't without their okay. They should get the praise and public adulation's they deserve.
Thank you SinisterDirge

He made it clear I didn't have to, but I felt I should.

Thanks again.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
Thank you SinisterDirge

He made it clear I didn't have to, but I felt I should.

Thanks again.
You are welcome.