Patron vs. Epic pool choice

Adeon Hawkwood



So, because my main was missing a lot of badges, I took him from the safe blue to the ugly red, with all the spiders and snakes that are just pretty creepy looking.

I decided that I like the idea of getting Scorpion Shield. Frozen Armor and Hoarfrost are great, but the flash freeze was so situational, I very rarely used it, although it was a good set mule.

I like the Scorpion shield because it gives protection for three types that are fairly common, and the other shields don't seem to provide as much. (I could have missed something, I suppose.)

Well, I'm bothered by this desire to have scorpion shield on other toons - because 1) I like to get my alignment merits. 2) I have my sg set up the way I like it, where I can drop salvage off quickly, grab insps, use empowerment stations and be off about my business.

I could blow a bunch on redside and make the same set-up - but it seems like a waste since I would only be there long enough to run 10 tips and a morality and to do the patron arc. And then I'd do some more tips until I got my hero alignment back.

I do realize that I could blow a bunch of points and switch to villain, and run the patron arc, and then blow some more points and switch back.

However, I suspect that I would still have to "re-enforce" my morality to get hero merits for running SSAs with those characters.

Hero to vig --- 10 tips + Morality
Vig to villain --- 10 Tips + Morality
Patron Arc -- a bunch of missions.
Villain to rogue -- 10 tips + Morality
Rogue to Hero --- 10 tips + Morality
Hero to hero ---10 tips + morality. (to reenforce for hero tips for SSAs)

Now, I understand that noone's putting a gun to my head. I guess what I'm wondering is -- blue side doesnt' have to jump through these silly hoops to get their epics. Why does red side?

Are the patron powers that much better? I've got the mace mastery on my blaster, and I do like the extra energy defense. But...55 missions, plus an arc? That just seems like a lot of fuss for something that should be readily available to anyone.

Am I off base? Is this just the way things are, and will never change because the players like having to do a patron arc instead of just choosing one the way blue side lets us?

Am I lazy? I guess I am - but tips are just really dull to me. It's like none of the bosses are different. They all seem so similar in style to me. But, I guess that's me digressing.

Think we could get them to change this? Or would I have better luck suggesting they not force my poor blasters into taking something lame like flash freeze just to get hoarfrost or Frozen Armor? The dropped the pre-reqs for power pools....

I know, next thing, I'll be asking to pick powers from more than one epic pool. Shame on me for thinking of such madness.

Still, though - how many of you do these 55 missions for all of your toons?

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I wouldn't say that blueside doesn't have to jump through hoops for it's pools. I mean, that's one way to look at it, but redside has access to them all too. At 35 anyone will have access to the 4-5 APP pools for their AT. But redside can access extra pools if they go to the trouble of it.

And.. I've yet to switch sides to do it. If the character is a villain they'll do the arcs. If they're a hero.. they deal with having just the APPs.

Some of them could stand to be better though, especially for certain ATs.

The coffee talk today though hinted that there might be something coming in I24 for pools, both the basic power pools and epic pools.



To be honest, it's not entirely an unreasonable complaint. The problem is just that the Devs basically shot themselves in the foot, or Jack Emmert deliberately shot them in the foot, by tying Patron Pools heavily to an RP story concept, even though Jack was surprised to learn people role played in the game to begin with.

This means that while it might be a good idea to automatically open up patrons pools for heroes and villains alike, it's not an easily accepted idea by even the present Devs.

Patron pools also are not exactly more powerful, but they do function on a radically different design set than APPs do, which tend to be much more specifically geared to the AT it's going to, even when APPs were proliferated, adjustments were STILL made. (and in my opinion, it resulted in doms getting infinitely better APPs than controllers)
Meanwhile, from what I've seen, the Patron pools were straight ports with no variation, ultimately ignoring how well or poorly it might fit the designated heroside AT equivalent.

In summary, I agree with you, but I don't think anyone else will, most of all, not the people who it would matter to, and even I might like some explanation to this. But maybe that's why there's so many hints at Scirocco potentially going rogue in the future.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



There was a time when a villain would pick a patron, and that would be his epic set, end of story. Eventually they earned the ability to respec into any of the four, and now they even get other non-patron sets just for being a high enough level.

At present, the patron sets are simply unlockable powers. The fact that you have to be a villain to unlock them is legacy, but I don't see any problem with it. That some people insist on getting them AND having their characters be full Hero, well, that's their choice. Under no circumstances would I consider it appropriate to call it an inconvenience.

Be sure to attend my next seminar for the full rant!

Reasons to play redside:

  • Easy access to Invader, sidestepping Task Force Commander entirely.
  • Mortimer Kal, which grants you a voucher for a Notice of the Well once you hit 50.
  • Much smaller volumes of zone traveling, street sweeping and defeat-alls.
  • Legacy story content is (subjectively speaking) much more captivating and satisfying to play.
  • The Patron sets are accessible without changing Alignment.
Reasons to play blueside:
  • The Atlas Medallion is accessible without changing Alignment.



Patron Pools were just a bad idea that were rikti monkied into the game. I think their thinking was that the Epic pools had been TOO good, so they wanted to NOT overpower Villains as they had done for Heroes, and then tying the unlock into getting handcuffed to serving a Patron since you were using their 'Signature' abilities. Even with the betrayal and surpassing your Patron in each arc it still just further threw your villain's essential lack of self-determination and power compared to the developer's Characters in your face, which everybody complained level 1-40 was too full of...rrr.

Honestly I doubt they considered the possibility of future a Going Rogue side-swapping system making that into the game so they probably never considered unlocking the pools via a story arc completion Badge to be an issue, to be fair.

And that Grandville update took forever to get published, too, I think it was almost a year after City of Villains launched just to put in the level 40+ content--compared to when City of Heroes launched and they patching in levels 40-50 consisting of Peregrine Island and later the immense (if unused) beautfil Shadow Shard relatively quickly.

I think Jack was just trying to preemptively kill CoX off so he wouldn't have to compete for subscriptions while Cryptic was developing the next superhero-themed MMORPG.

Scirroco isn't really a rogue type. He was all for conducting a magic ritual to forcibly alter the nature of man. It's still pretty much evil to use magic to make everybody 'become good', since he's robbing everyone of free will in the process.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
  • Easy access to Invader, sidestepping Task Force Commander entirely.
I'm not sure I'd count that as a bonus. I consider TF Commander a lot easier to get than Invader simply because it isn't level locked. However I do find Demonic easier to get than Arch Mage.



You have to level up to 35 to get Task Force Commander, and you have to level up to get your Mayhem Missions. While the Mayhems can be easy to miss in the lower levels due to rapid leveling, they're certainly easy to access for those characters interested in Invader. Just be sure to take a brief detour to run some newspapers and you'll have it.

Plus, if friends' characters have some Mayhems as well, you can get the badges without ever talking them out of your broker. To me, that's worth a lot more than suffering another Synapse ever again.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I'm not sure I'd count that as a bonus. I consider TF Commander a lot easier to get than Invader simply because it isn't level locked. However I do find Demonic easier to get than Arch Mage.
The accolades I find are fairly swapped.

Heroside has easier access to the stat increasing accolades (Atlas, Portal jockey, TF Commander)

Whereas Villainside has easier access to the click powers (Demonic, Megalomaniac, Force of Nature).

Other thing of note: Praetorian that go villain are screwed out of Invader without joining in on someone else's low level Mayhems.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
You have to level up to 35 to get Task Force Commander, and you have to level up to get your Mayhem Missions. While the Mayhems can be easy to miss in the lower levels due to rapid leveling, they're certainly easy to access for those characters interested in Invader. Just be sure to take a brief detour to run some newspapers and you'll have it.

Plus, if friends' characters have some Mayhems as well, you can get the badges without ever talking them out of your broker. To me, that's worth a lot more than suffering another Synapse ever again.
To each their own. I used to do the Radio badges while leveling up my heroes and I found leveling up a lot more enjoyable when I stopped. Yeah Synapse sucks but I can suffer through it once per character to avoid having to worry about out-leveling radio missions or finding people with characters at the correct level.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
To each their own. I used to do the Radio badges while leveling up my heroes and I found leveling up a lot more enjoyable when I stopped. Yeah Synapse sucks but I can suffer through it once per character to avoid having to worry about out-leveling radio missions or finding people with characters at the correct level.
Just make a free account and level a few alts up to the level of certain Mayhem missions and then turn off their xp. Then any time you need the invader badge just have the alts on your free account get the missions for you. I've found this to be a decent workaround, not perfect but it's the best we can get until(if) the mayhems get added to ouro.



I've been playing since just after cov launched and I've done the patron arcs and even been back and forth with a couple of heroes. I'm ok with the devs relaxing the requirements, the game has moved on.



The easiest fix, and the one I'd prefer most, would be to add another epic pool for squishie archetypes that had something equivalent to Scorpion Shield in it, ie a defence shield with non-intrusive graphics.

This would have the added bonus of not displaying an embarassing Arachnos style logo when you activate the shield, and having some other powers that weren't concept breaking in the pool.

Scorpion shields great, but the Arachnos mace and spiders aren't always suitable.

If you wanted a quick Demonic Aura you'd still have to switch sides, but pretty much every case I've heard of people doing this involves the Scorpion Shield, and often for mainly cosmetic reasons.



Trust me - I'd heard that accolades were easier to get - but this toon that's making the trip now already has atlas, freedom phalanx, Geas and TFC.

Once it goes villain, I'll have the character do the necessary mission through ouros to get demonic, as 100 hellfrosts is a lot faster than 200 of this, and 200 of that.

I'd thought about getting the villain side equivalent of other accolades - but 1000? as opposed to 333? And all those ghastly mayhem missions? That's sheer torture. I finally got all the explorations and defeats on my badge toon - I promise you - I'll likely NEVER do those again. That's like fingernails on a chalkboard.

The actual mission component is fine - but I just don't get the whole "let's smash inanimate objects" mentality. Maybe the parking meters and payphones, at least there's some small change in that.
Fire Hydrants? Bus Stops? What on earth for?

As for me - I don't really enjoy the casual team - task forces to me are the best way to level up, get merits and finance a build. Synapse is an hour,(with vet players and mission tp, team tp, etc) and not the most fun, but it's the best way I know to get a few levels at that level range.

Still - good tips on things to handle while the toon is redside.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Well it is a 'mayhem' mission, and the badge is 'force of nature', implying lots of widescale destruction.

And a good spot to farm the Cold demons is along the southern coast of sharkhead. That's a circuit you can run along the coast and over to the small island in the south east and you can pick up several demons in each 'lap'.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Hero to hero ---10 tips + morality. (to reenforce for hero tips for SSAs)
I'm fairly sure that you don't have to do that last part.
The requirement for getting alignment merits from the SSAs is that your most recently completed morality mission is a Hero one, which you satisfy while switching from Rogue to Hero.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Paragonwiki says you must have *affirmed* hero/villain status (as in, done a hero/villain morality while already a hero/villain) to claim that SSA reward. I can't confirm that personally, though, because I don't think I've actually had any characters switch sides since SSAs first appeared.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Well it is a 'mayhem' mission, and the badge is 'force of nature', implying lots of widescale destruction.

And a good spot to farm the Cold demons is along the southern coast of sharkhead. That's a circuit you can run along the coast and over to the small island in the south east and you can pick up several demons in each 'lap'.

Several? I use that a lot and you can get as many as 7 or 8 when things are good. Also in that same stretch you can work on COT Bosses (Succubus along with Cold Demons count toward Weedwacker), Soulbinder (100 COT Mages), Banisher (200 BP Spirits) and Tank Buister (100 Freakshow Tanks). Oh and keep an eye out occasionally the Ghost of Scrapyard moves down that way as well. Outstanding spot to badge or at the right level hunt and get good XP!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
The actual mission component is fine - but I just don't get the whole "let's smash inanimate objects" mentality. Maybe the parking meters and payphones, at least there's some small change in that.
Fire Hydrants? Bus Stops? What on earth for?
Yes, it's obvious you have no place red-side, those are a blast with a Bots MM (or probably even any MM).

I just switched over a defender to red-side to get the Scorpion Shield (a must!) and I'm not looking forward to the slog back to blue for her (fan of red-side that I am). I bought a token to switch her villain and I just might waste the points to swing her back blue, too.

Which may be why the devs may never feel a need to relax the requirements for choosing a red-side patron pool, perhaps?



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
To be honest, it's not entirely an unreasonable complaint. The problem is just that the Devs basically shot themselves in the foot, or Jack Emmert deliberately shot them in the foot, by tying Patron Pools heavily to an RP story concept, even though Jack was surprised to learn people role played in the game to begin with.
I wouldn't say it's fair to blame JUST Jack, though his tunnel vision certainly helped. What I want to blame, and what's the single most prominent source of just about every problem I've had with villain-side since its creation comes down to two HORRID ideas:

1. The Villain story had to inexorably tie the villain to the world, chart his story for him, pick his goals for him and eventually get him into Arachnos' employ. This was downsized from the original idea where players would have to choose from one of the stock villain factions to serve, a concept that made my beard stand on end as soon as I heard about it. That's why so much of the legacy villain content assumes you want "brownie points with the Spiders" and why, naturally, the final form of character progression is to get powers from Arachnos. The entire theme of the game built up Arachnos to be the holy grail of CoV that players would want to serve and emulate, and it's really backfired in the faces of the original writers since it transpired that... Players kind of don't want to be lackeys. Grandville does make a step in the right direction, but it's too early in the evolution of the problem to really make a difference.

2. Villains needed an "evil" version of everything heroes got and everything villains got had to be "evil." So, they got Infamy despite the fact that "influence" is not good-themed and is actually more appropriate for a villain to have, they got Strike Forces instead of Task Forces even though the difference between the terms is completely unrelated to good and evil... It's gotten to the point where people insist on calling villain Super Groups "Villain Groups" even though the game has never called them this. So, villains couldn't get Epic pools because "Anchillary Power Pool" is too "good." They needed something evil, and what's more evil than being a lackey of Arachnos, right?

As far as I'm concerned, while City of Villains revolutionised the game and introduced many positive changes, its central theme was irreparably flawed and continues spoil villain-side even to this day. Current content seems to have exactly the right idea and is making great strides towards cleaning up this mess, but there's just so much to clean up...


On the topic of heroes getting access to Patron powers? I say enable them to everyone without requiring the Patron arcs. Those are still good enough to run for the content alone.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I will make the switch for brutes, tanks because I absolutely love Leviathan Mastery's "breath" powers.

I prefer APPs for my Corruptor and stalker.



The suggestion I've been pushing for a while is to add a contact blue-side (Manticore's second in command of Wyvern, perhaps) who offers an arc equivalent to a Patron arc. Four missions where you go confiscate various toys from groups led by Wretch, Ice Mistral, Silver Mantis, and Barracuda. Then a final mission where Arbiter Sands shows up with some major fire power to take it all back. End result, you have the storyline elements required to access Patron Pools, but without having the extra 55 missions and ten days of filler to get it.



If they put the PPP unlock in the market people will buy it.



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
I'm fairly sure that you don't have to do that last part.
The requirement for getting alignment merits from the SSAs is that your most recently completed morality mission is a Hero one, which you satisfy while switching from Rogue to Hero.
I can verify and promise you that any character that switches alignment - if they hope to select an alignment merit (hero or villain) they will indeed need to do the extra 10 tips and morality to be able to select it.

I had rolled an elec/elec dom as a villain, brought it to blue side, and did my 10 tips and morality to become a hero. I was quite dismayed to learn that I would have to do another 10 and morality to "re-enforce" it. I'd sent a petition, thinking that coh was glitchy, but was told by support that it was WAI.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
I think a lot of this sort of thing could be avoided if they just had Heroic and Neutral "Training Pools"
APP basically are neutral pools.

And someone asked about "Hero Patron" pools at the coffee talk and they've said patron pools are really complex to do and they have other ideas they're going to run with.

Basically it's kind of hinted that they've got plans for pools, both regular and epic.