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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    Live Server Shutdown - November 30 12:00 AM PDT
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    You will be able to play until 11:59:59PM on November 30, 2012. Servers will go down at midnight.
    Yeah, and daylight savings ends on November 4, so uh... That should say December 1 12:00 AM PST. Couldn't you, like, edit your post?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    But I'm going to wait until Monday before doing this [...]
    Imagine a world where Monday is too late...

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    There are some unconventional ways, but last I checked, the post about not discussing them was still there.
    The file clientmessages-en.bin within the bin.pigg archive contains the mappings between the p-strings and their corresponding text. But in order for Sentinel+ to support that, it would need a PIGG archive handler (which includes, to an extent, a VFS implementation), zlib support and since the p-strings aren't sorted, it would need to pre-process the information for fast access when the exports are made. Every single time you run the program.
  4. The way text is organized in the game, the closest the exporter could reasonably get is a "p-string", the game's internal identifier for text that gets stored in a hash table. They did this so long text could be represented with short IDs regardless of what language the client was set to use.

    In short, there's not really any conventional way for Sentinel+ to resolve these ID strings into their corresponding English display names.

    Worse comes to worse, you could always copy the internal name into the City of Data URL to see what it is:

    Come to think of it, you could probably wget along with your grep and automate the whole thing that way.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    There was also a stealth update a couple days ago for 1.1 that fixed a handle leak (non-issue since it exits after each run anyway), and the line endings for the bio text, but since they were both minor issues the version number wasn't bumped.
    You stealth-updated my software? O-:

    I'm gonna go sulk in the corner now...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    The checksum can be trivially recomputed (just going by the length, I bet it's CRC32). It's intended to detect accidental corruption, not deliberate modifications.
    I'm not calling you out or stroking my ego or anything, but this boggles my mind. Given what the program can do, what could possibly possess someone to suggest that any part of it is amateurish? |-:
  7. Delete the old EXE and download the new one.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lee3232 View Post
    i have the same problem i have 2 toons with question mark at end of name
    I'll get to work on an update to the utility.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    That's a bummer. It's obviously sent to the client in some fashion. Is it just not something anyone's had the time to reverse engineer? (I wish it could be exported, but I'm also just curious about the comment that it's not available, since it's surprising to me, doubtless due to my layman-ness about the particulars.)
    What's sent to the client are those sentences that your contact says to you, and the options of how to respond. Exactly how that relates to story arc progress or even which contact they came from is something only the server knows.

    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    I was looking through one of the XML files to see what is captured, and I don't see anything pertaining to a character's souvenirs (as opposed to badges). Am I just missing where they are? Or does the exporter not save which souvenirs you've got?
    I'd have to double check, but I think the list of souvenir names you own is only available while the Souvenir tab is active, and the text that goes with the souvenirs is only available after you click the >> button. It's in the same boat as the mission progress.

    I want to stress to everyone that with the exception of the stuff directly tied to your character (powers, costumes), the server never sends any information unless it's requested. For example, if you remove the NPC Dialog chat channel from all your tabs, you'll never see characters in missions say anything.

    The reason they did this was to reduce the amount of data sent over the line, which makes sense. It's inconvenient to our cause, however, because it means we don't have ready access to every type of information.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    How ironic, this is a tool I always wanted and a couple of times asked the devs for (I know I bugged pohsyb about it). And actually, in a real sense its a player-created City Vault.
    If this is something you've wanted for a long time, you could have bugged me about it. (-:

    Incidentally, as the name of the utility indicates, this is all technology developed for the Titan Sentinel project. The big secret plan was to rework Titan Network in such a way that we really could make a player-created City Vault. In fact, the internal name of the server we were working on is literally City Vault. It's a shame we never got to finish that. )-:
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BadWolf View Post
    (On the technical end, did you know that it won't save any character with a question mark in their name? Had to do some clever stuff to get around that. Not complaining, but I know programmers love their feedback. )
    The question mark is a reserved character in the Windows file system; I wasn't aware that it could be used in character names. The same would hold true for colons, slashes and asterisks, if those are allowed as well.

    If anyone else has troubles with special characters in character names, let me know.

    Originally Posted by moe4871 View Post
    It works when the game isn't up, but when it is, it automatically crashes
    You might try right-clicking it and running as administrator. Make sure it's in a folder where files can be created. Also check your character name for the special symbols mentioned above.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    PvP and Arena stats
    I've never looked into it, but other aspects of the info window consist of a formatted block of text. It wouldn't be impossible, but no work has been done to preserve this or Alignment stats.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Temporary Powers (yeah, yeah)
    Current Zone and /loc (which might require a /loc)
    Supergroup name and info
    All of these can be exported, but are intentionally left out.

    There have been a few requests for Temporary Powers, but no decision has been made at this point to include support for them.

    Current zone and character coordinates fall into the category of things that would be possible, but aren't particularly useful information. It would require some amount of reverse engineering and implementation that, frankly, doesn't have any real purpose in the end. A few other things not being exported:
    • The direction your character is facing
    • Which powers are toggled on
    • Which powers are recharging
    • The configuration of your power trays
    • The arrangement of your Inspirations
    • Window settings
    • Speech bubble colors
    • Chat tab configuration
    • Whether auto powers are configured to show icons
    These are all just examples. The line had to be drawn somewhere.

    When it's all said and done, characters won't be members of any super group, and the super group itself may change in some way between the time of the character's export and the end of the world.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Contact and current mission information
    This information is not available for export, or believe me, it'd be exported.
  11. Plus, it already exports your Vault storage, even when the window isn't open.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    but what will this do, exactly?
    At the end of the day, it gives people an archive of their characters so they have some record of what they used to have. For some, just knowing the information is in there is a big relief.

    There's also the possibility of using it in the future to import into some other game system, like private servers. We'll have to see what the future holds.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    A quick question: I assume that this tool doesn't in any way "capture" items held in e-mail or on the market, correct? So things like enhancements would need to be claimed on the exported characters to "preserve" them, right?
    Correct. Claim your stored items before exporting your character.
  14. The utility explicitly and intentionally ignores Inherent (unslottable) and Temporary Powers. The prestige sprints are in the exports, though.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Just got the 'no badge detected' message; even though the P-Info window was already open.
    * Does it happen every time?
    * Does it happen when you zone?
    * Does it happen on every character?
    * Are you certain it's your character's info window?
    * Does your character by chance have zero badges?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'll try this when I have the chance, thanks Guy. I'll be looking for that elusive "ý" that was tripping me up last time
    It was "ÿ", actually. (-:

    But that was in the Mids export. This is XML and doesn't make any character encoding assumptions.

    Originally Posted by Sysy View Post
    where is this gonna be saved? on a server or on our computer!
    It will produce .xml files in the same folder you run the EXE from. Hold onto those .xml files for your own records, as they may be useful someday soon.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Profit View Post
    Wait... 65kb????
    The Titan Network icon itself is 33.6 KB.

    I just rebuilt the EXE without the icon in it. The resulting size is 30.0 KB (30,734 bytes).
  18. Unfortunately, both of those are information that the server sends only when you request it. There's no way to dump them all at once.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
    Also not sure if i asked this before - but what about market slots and whats stored in them. Ive actually left tons and tons of inf and items in market slots.
    Market and e-mail storage aren't included because it's somewhat redundant work. If you want items recorded, pull them out of storage and have them on-hand before exporting your character.

    Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
    Can't recall if this has been asked/explained yet, but once we have these exported character files, how will we get them back into the game when the time comes? Do we send them to whomever is running the game so they can place them on the servers, or will we have a tool to that ourselves?
    Let's say that there's a Secret Underground Server that appears somewhere. Titan Network will give the management team information on how to validate the XML files, and everyone would send them the XML exports.

    For now--rather, when exports become available--people should hang onto their own exports.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by General_CoH View Post
    Will this only work for characters we can play? Most of my characters are locked due to not being VIP.
    Unfortunately, the server only sends information that we can get to once the character is loaded into the game. Unless there's a way around the locks, it could be bad news for those characters. )-:

    But don't give up hope! And don't delete them. There's a very real chance that the locked characters, even on the Exalted server, may be unlocked before the game shuts down.

    We'll be readying the export utility ASAP as an emergency stop-gap for people whose VIP time still hasn't run out. Expect it in the next couple of days.

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    your best bet is to still go into your base and do a short demorecord to at least keep record of it till the folks at titan find a way to work with it
    Oh, we already know how to decode it. That's how we know for sure that all the contents of the storage bins are in there.

    With a collection of .xml (character) and .cohdemo (sg base) files, Titan Network will be able to accurately recreate nearly all player assets in a new system.

    Originally Posted by Zapping View Post
    If people want their other costumes saved they can go to Icon and click save to store a file with their selections.
    This is true, though it also takes 30 seconds between costumes, and some people have all 10 costumes on many characters. Since they'd be running the export utility anyway, this makes it all a one-step process.
  21. Regarding Mac users: you'll need to run the game in a Windows environment to export information. You can do this with Parallels Desktop if you feel like being fancy, but the game can also be run in self-contained virtual machines since the graphics are done in OpenGL. You might consider Oracle VM VirtualBox or VMware Workstation for this task, though I'm not an expert on what works best. I'll have more information before it's time to export everyone.

    Failing all else, find someone you trust who runs Windows and have them log into your account. It may be a violation of the terms of service, but that really means beans nowadays.

    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    "Costume" singular, as in just the active costume?
    Please refer to this file as an example of what will be exported. Currently contains the following information:
    • Character name, Title(s) and Description
    • Server and Global Handle
    • Archetype, Origin, Alignment and Dimension of Origin (Primal or Praetorian)
    • Inf and XP (from which level can be derived)
    • Current selected costume and build numbers
    • Enhancement, Invention Salvage, Recipe and Vault Reserve capacities
    • Currently held Enhancements, Inspirations, Salvage (all types), Recipes, Vault Reserve and Incarnate Abilities (even those that are not slotted)
    • All Costumes currently available to your character
    • All Builds currently available to your character
    • All Badges your character owns, but only when your personal Info Window is open
    Super Group name won't be preserved because all Super Groups are disbanding. )-:

    Auction and e-mail storage are intentionally being omitted as well, since it amounts to busy work. If you want items recorded, pull them out of storage and have them on-hand before exporting the character.

    Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
    Also, would the tool have the ability to save things bound to the account for later reinstatement? Things like unused global character unlocks; number of character slots per server; Paragon Rewards information; market purchase history; full Account Items list; and remaining Character Items list.
    In the event of a new system importing old characters, it would be administered and maintained by a different entity, and they'd be the ones who make the rules. The likelihood of it being run the same way Paragon did it is pretty slim. I'd be willing to bet just about any entity will remove the restrictions on character slots.

    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Question: How do you intend to prevent duping when people move Shield Walls and superior ATIOs and 2b inf between their 30 characters before they snapshot them?
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If it was me, I would add a hash signature to the end of all exports so it could be verified the export information was not hacked after export.
    That's how it works; see the file linked at the top of this post. However, that won't prevent anyone from exporting a character, moving valuables to a different character and then exporting that other character.

    At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. So there's 50 more Shield Walls on the new server than there should be. It won't be the end of the world. (-:

    And frankly, there's no way to prevent it for sure. But I imagine most people will be honest, though that's just my imagination.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Can't you also get Iron Wills as a reward for PVP points in Siren's Call?
    I said that. |-:
  23. Damage can be a confusing mechanic because of how it's handled by the game. Let's take a brief moment to review the fundamentals of the powers system.

    All entities in the game (in this case, we're talking about player and non-player characters) have several values associated with them. These values are called "attributes," and there's a significant number of them. Every distinct component of an entity fits into an attribute: Endurance, Defense types, Influence, Mez types, Regeneration, etc. If there's a number associated with an entity, there's an attribute to hold that number.

    Attributes themselves have a number of modification values associated with them, which the devs gave the non-descriptive name of "aspects." These include the direct values, resistances and strengths of the attributes, to name a few. The "direct value" includes anything with a quantity, such as Endurance, XP, Influence and status effects. Resistance and strength, applied to an attribute, affects all modifications of any aspects of that attribute on the target. More on that in a bit.

    Damage types are special case attributes in that the "direct value" for all of them map to the same thing: Hit Points. Subtracting 5 from Smashing Damage is exactly the same as subtracting 5 from Fire Damage. That is, they both result in a loss of 5 HP by the target. However, each damage type attribute still retains its strength and resistance aspects, meaning it's possible to resist, as an example, 50% Smashing Damage while resisting 0% Fire Damage.

    As I mentioned a couple paragraphs back, resistance and strength on attributes apply to all attempted adjustments to any aspects of those attributes. In the case of Smashing Damage, for instance, 50% resistance will halve the amount of HP depleted, as well as halve all debuffs to resistance and/or strength for that damage type. For this reason, almost all "buff" effects are set to be irresistible: they will apply at their full strength regardless of the target's resistances. However, "debuffs" can be resisted.

    In the case of -Damage, it's actually a compound effect. Reducing the damage of the target is actually an adjustment of the strength aspects for all 8 damage type attributes of the entity. The 8, for reference, are Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy, Psionic and Toxic. Most enemies have some form of resistance to some of those, meaning the portion of the -Damage effects that attempt to adjust them will be resisted accordingly.

    In the same way, -Resistance attempts to adjust the resistance aspects for all 8 damage type attributes, and likewise can be resisted.

    To answer an earlier question: yes, applying -Resistance first WILL increase the effectiveness of a subsequent -Damage.