Top 10 Enhancements List




10 Celerity, stealth, toss it in sprint

9 Performance Shifter +end, stamina, grab the end for the speed boost

8 Miracle toss it in health for 15% recovery

7 Numias + regen/recovery, toss it in health (toss in heal for the 12% bonus regen)

6 Gaussinans Chance for build up. toss in tactics or other to hit toggle

5 Shield wall +3 global resist, toss in something w/ defense

4 Gladiators armor +3 global def, toss into something with resist

3 Steadfast protection +3 global def, toss into something with resist

2 Luck of the gambler 7.5 global recharge you'll want 5 of these and 5 of the def for 50% regen

1 Pancea I've been field testing this, its about 30% regen/rec, toss it in health.



Here is an example i made with a blaster.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.956

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 49 Magic Blaster
Primary Power Set: Archery
Secondary Power Set: Darkness Manipulation
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Concealment

Hero Profile:
Level 1: [Empty]
Level 1: Penumbral Grasp -- Empty(A)
Level 2: [Empty]
Level 4: Boxing -- Empty(A)
Level 6: Maneuvers -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(7), SW-ResDam/Re TP(11)
Level 8: Hover -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(9)
Level 10: Stealth -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(11)
Level 12: [Empty]
Level 14: Tough -- GA-3defTpProc(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(15)
Level 16: Weave -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(17)
Level 18: Tactics -- GSFC-Build%(A)
Level 20: Vengeance -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(21)
Level 22: [Empty]
Level 24: [Empty]
Level 26: [Empty]
Level 28: [Empty]
Level 30: [Empty]
Level 32: [Empty]
Level 35: [Empty]
Level 38: [Empty]
Level 41: [Empty]
Level 44: [Empty]
Level 47: [Empty]
Level 49: [Empty]
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Defiance
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Clrty-Stlth(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 4: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(A), Numna-Heal(5), Panac-Heal/+End(7), Mrcl-Rcvry+(9)
Level 4: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Stamina -- P'Shift-End%(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(5)



I'd have a Kismet +6% in there, particularly on any builds without some form of +To Hit such as Tactics. And in most of my builds I'd put it ahead of GSFC BU% (and likely grab it before Panacea as well though that might depend a bit on Panacea's price these days and the individual build). And while the Shield Wall +resist is nice I don't really place it in the same category as most of the rest of the enhancements on the list (though much like the Panacea I'm not up to date on what its cost is like these days).




Unbounded Leap +stealth fits in the leaping power, and the sprints. I like it. It doesn't go in hurdle. I like to put stealth in a power I can toggle off.

I am a big fan of the achilles' heel proc as well.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



kismet is good, it makes a solid argument for the top 10. I put gussians over it for the damage, however, its all relative. I agree shield wall is not as important due to cost. It is very nice to add tho. Thats why I rated seadfast over gladiators armor, its the same thing, steadfast is only about 30 or so reward merits. Pancea is going to cost you an arm and a leg, and then your other arm. Its the last thing you should grab, well that and those other 2 pvp Io's.



Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
Unbounded Leap +stealth fits in the leaping power, and the sprints. I like it. It doesn't go in hurdle. I like to put stealth in a power I can toggle off.

I am a big fan of the achilles' heel proc as well.
Indeed Achilles is another I'll go looking to add somewhere in a build including working a bit to find a slot if need be.

... I put gussians over it for the damage, however, its all relative. ... [
My personal 'problem' with the GSFC is it's a either a random (and therefore unreliable) damage spike in the short run or in the long run about the equal as I recall of a +2.5% damage set bonus. When I think of it as a "+2.5% damage set bonus" it really doesn't cut the mustard when thinking about the best special IO's.

Now if I'm recalling the averaged over time boost to damage from a long past thread on the subject incorrectly then ...

I may be missing a good thing

In most of the builds when I've fiddled around with adding or not a Kismet to things it tends to work out to reliably hitting at a 95% rate foes who are about 1 level higher. In otherwords instead of hitting +3's at 95% I'll be hitting +4's or instead of +1's I'll be hitting +2's at 95% hence my desire to get Kismet into a build. That said most very high end builds tend to have sufficient accuracy to make this entirely moot. Kismet hence tends to be more of value either while leveling up or if one exemplars frequently at levels where accuracy is perhaps not quite so good (which tends to describe my playing rather well).




I'm in this debate in another thread. In short, while procs are unreliable, they are more effecient over time than straight %. Thats Why I have pancea on top of my list. That is also why performance shifter is on the list, of course nobody argues with that, because they are cheap. Now if you need accuracy, kismet is a great choice, I'm a bit queesy to toss it in a def power tho, esp over a lotg. Gnaussians is not for every build, none of these enh are, they are just foundational pts to build upon.

Now I hadn't thought about kismet. It makes a solid argument. I'd like to see what else arises.

At any rate, in one of the great comedies of all time, i have to play a show in front of some 200 cops for an award banquet, in about 7 hours. I guess I've only drank about 14 beers after work, 4 hours to sleep, I am so going to jail.



How about Regenerative Tissue as well? 25% Regen starting at lvl 10?

Can anyone confirm Panacea as better/equal to Numinas Regen/Recov? I seem to remember it not being that great for some reason.

- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server



Originally Posted by Xyzor View Post
How about Regenerative Tissue as well? 25% Regen starting at lvl 10?

Can anyone confirm Panacea as better/equal to Numinas Regen/Recov? I seem to remember it not being that great for some reason.
well lets see panacea is 64.58 hp heal and %7.5 endurace gain for a %20 chance for each while numina is flat %20 regen and %10 end recovery. It is important what you are slotting in but from numbers and IIRC panacea in a passive or toggle means it checks for chance at each 10 second and %20 is 1/5 chance so rougly it fires at every 50 second once so it is like 1.2916 hp/sec regen %20 regen on a scrapper with no global bonus is 1.12hp/sec.

For endurance part %7.5 endurance over 50 second is 0.15 end/sec while numina's %10 recovry bonus on same scrapper is 0.17 end/sec.

Overall they are close to each other if both are in toggle or passive but if you put panacea in a power that recharges faster than 10 second (I am not sure if there is any heal power like that) than it is better than numina and if you put numina in a click power than it is probably worse than panacea. Also not forget that numina's bonuses counted against 5 rule (not sure if there is other %20 regen or %20 recovery bonuses but it is better to mention than not) while panacea's not effected by 5 rule.



So, the bottom line is both are useful, if you have the room for each in a build. For some reason, I was under the opinion that Panacea wasn't that good. Clearly, I was wrong/misinformed.

- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server



I like the anti KB Uniques. They've saved my butt (from hitting the ground) many times. And on a similar subject, I think there's going to be a LOT of use for the chance for KD/KB 2 KD proc from what I've been hearing about it.

I'm also a fan of Hold procs for my controllers, and the use of damage procs can turn normally lackluster debuff auras into damage machines. Still, I would rather have most of the items on that list over what I mentioned here for most other builds.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



GSFC is pretty crappy in tactics. Actually, replace pretty with VERY. It used to be ok when you could but 2, one in aim, and build up...but in tactics. Be serious, in a normal mission it goes off about...5 times or less, and unless you are assuming said mission is a farm (ie, constantly swamped) it is very likely the boost will appear when you are not attacking.

I get this is 'your' top 10 list, but that does not mean others arent useful. Not including Kismet is awful..almost the same +to hit from base tactics, all the time, for free, and one slot? Yes please. And unlike the BU proc, you never have to worry about missing it.

Also, for EVERY single AT that isnt melee (and some melee sets to) you simple can not go past KB IOs. Look at your top 10, and think 'If you could only have ONE of those as a new player which would you take.' I say new player cause they wouldnt be sure what they actually need, and would be looking to get the most value out of a 'big' purchase.
Personally, I would take a KB io over that whole list in this case, as it would have the most benefit to play style and experience.

Naturally that changes when your 50 and have the cash to spend on anything.

Shouldn't the steadfast +def be higher than the gald? 5 mil vs 500? (or whatever it is)



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post

Also, for EVERY single AT that isnt melee (and some melee sets to) you simple can not go past KB IOs. Look at your top 10, and think 'If you could only have ONE of those as a new player which would you take.' I say new player cause they wouldnt be sure what they actually need, and would be looking to get the most value out of a 'big' purchase.
Personally, I would take a KB io over that whole list in this case, as it would have the most benefit to play style and experience.

Naturally that changes when your 50 and have the cash to spend on anything.
Okay I just collected a gazillion demerits for not noticing the lack of the -kb IO's on the list. One of them is the very first thing every single character I have seeks out if they don't have some form of kb protection.




I don't like Gaussian's in toggle powers.

Sure, it might go off more often in toggles, but 90% of the time it happens when I'm not able to actually USE the boost.

In click powers like Aim or Build Up it will go off less frequently, but I will get the benefit from it 100% of the time when it does, because I only use those powers immediately before attacking.

Say it goes off 20 times in a play session in a toggle. In my experience, the boost from it will only affect my attacks 1-2 times out of those 20.

If it goes off 3 times in a play session in a click power, it affects my attacks all 3 times.

It's a case of numbers being deceptive. Just because it goes off more frequently when it's in a toggle doesn't necessarily mean that's the optimum place to put it.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Isn't the Gaussian's proc so poor that until it goes PPM it doesn't really have a place anywhere aside from something 6 slotted with the rest of the set?

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Isn't the Gaussian's proc so poor that until it goes PPM it doesn't really have a place anywhere aside from something 6 slotted with the rest of the set?
powers like follow up are the best place to put it until it goes ppm afterwards BU/AIM will be best assuming it gets a ppm of 1 or better



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Isn't the Gaussian's proc so poor that until it goes PPM it doesn't really have a place anywhere aside from something 6 slotted with the rest of the set?

And, I'd have to see a miraculous improvement to EVER slot that POS. It's like punishment for getting the six slotted gauss bonus, and assuring that you can only ever get one of them.



My personal top ten would probably be:

1) LotG 7.5% recharge - More recharge is always good no matter the AT or powerset combos. Some get more out of it than others but in general being able to do stuff quicker is good and in many cases game changing.

2) Miracle +recovery - I slot it on every character at 17. More end is good.

3) Numina +regen/recovery - I slot it on every character at 27. Again more end is good... and if you're building for regen more is good too.

4) Performance Shifter +chance for end - I slot it on every character at 18. What was that? An echo? MoReeee Ennnd IIISSSS gOOOOOood!

5) Celerity +stealth - In any case where the character doesn't have inherent stealth/invis powers and/or can't afford to take stealth itself, This baby is handy for the sprint of your choice. I invariably like to have a form of full fledged invis or failing that stealth on every character even if I only use it occasionally.

6) Steadfast 3% defense - Not every character I make is built for defense, but when they are this is my first "go to". It's cheap and awesome.

7) Gladiator's Armor 3% defense - If I am desperate for even more defense this is the next stop... but far more expensive.

8) Shield Wall 3% resistance - I am fickle with this one. When I have a bunch of low resists (but not no resist) I usually pop this in to shore them all up. When I only have say s/l resist I am reluctant to use it cause the 3% to everything else seems so small. I know that's silly... it's just my brain being stupid.

9) Panacea +chance for hp/end - I am fickle with this as well simply due to the price tag. It's good don't get me wrong and especially nice in conjunction with the Performance Shifter proc after popping things that crash or stop end recovery (I'm giving em pulse the evil eye right now!), but it's not vital. I use it for characters I feel can really get the most out of it.

10) ATO set - I try to invariably get the full ATO set for whatever AT I am playing cause the set bonuses are generally great, the procs are often cool, the price is right, and catalysts make them easy cheap purples to grab.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by dazedandconfused View Post
10 Celerity, stealth, toss it in sprint

1 Pancea I've been field testing this, its about 30% regen/rec, toss it in health.
Really? Panacea is #1?

I thought the performance numbers on this had it as somewhere between 'crappy' and 'awful', but I admit that's from digging through the forums and didn't do any testing myself.

PvP procs are a lot less expensive than they were; get any pvp IO and use converters to get what you want.



I think the Winter's Gift unique deserves at least a mention. When stacking on a character with some built in slow resists (Cold and Elec Armor for example), it can trivialize most annoying slows and recharge debuffs. Even without stacking it makes a noticable difference. Crucial? No but I prefer it in a t3 travel power if I'm not slotting BotZ -kb.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by dazedandconfused View Post
1 Pancea I've been field testing this, its about 30% regen/rec, toss it in health.
Mathematically it is a whole lot less, at least until the switch to PPM.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Some of us don't have the gobs and gobs of Influence for PvP IOs . . . or we are too cheap.

Since I play a lot of controllers and other squishier types, my list is:

1) -Knockback for any character without knockback protection in a powerset. This might be a Steadfast, a Karma or a Zepher, but they all get one eventually.

2) +Stealth for any character who (a) does not have native invisibility, (b) is not a tanker, brute, scrapper or mastermind (except if there is a stealth power in in one of the powersets, then I may add either Super Speed or a Stealth IO), and (c) has partial invisibility and did not take Super Speed. I often use Super Speed+Celerity Stealth, but I sometimes use the Fly or Jump versions. I love invisibility on my characters and will often prefer invis over Defense. Ever since this IO became available, I see very little reason to ever take the Stealth Pool other than as a set mule.

3) Miracle proc for any character who has endurance issues.

4) Numina proc for any character who still has endurance issues after the Miracle proc.

5) Perf Shifter proc for any character who still has endurance issues after Miracle and Numina.

6) LotG Recharge, essential for many controllers and characters with imporant long-recharge powers.

7) Damage procs when they can be fit in. Especially for Controllers, those Damage Procs can sometimes result in a large increase to your damage.

8) Achilles Heal -Resistance proc, when it can be fit in the right kind of power.

9) Steadfast +3% Defense if I am building for Defense.

10) Kinetic Combat Knockdown proc for melee characters who don't otherwise have knockdown in a melee attack and are building for S/L defense. I like how it mitigates damage while I beat up on them. It is far cheaper than the Kin Comb triple, and I still get capped damage if I add an Acc/Dam Hami-O to 4 Kin Combats.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I think I like Local Mans' list, although I may move LOTG and steadfast up, but that all depends on what powerset they are.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list