Let's talk about a Stone Armor Revamp
Quite a few interesting ideas.
I agree with the idea..stone is far and away the least used and liked armour..in SPITE, as you say, of being the toughest. I think, if anything, that fact really shows just how much people want fun and interesting and cool looking over the unkillable lump of...rock.
I played a stone brute ages ago, before IOs. And while it was stupidly tough, the drawbacks got to me in the end. Not being able to pick it up and play solo without a kin etc. Yes I know..people can and do play with no kin..I still think they need help. (the people that is)
Really like the idea on Granite being LESS of a 'pop one power and gain more than the rest of the crap set' power. Having it work together with the other toggles seems to fit more with earth to me..growing and helping.
Agree with less of a penalty..no other set gets almost crippled..just for wanting to use your darn mez toggle. Give it -jump if you have to. Or keep the regen as only when touching the ground..like the kb in Elec
Fix that look too. Granite..I can actually stand..but it is a total costume killer. The other toggles though..look mostly awful..and dont seem to go together in any way.
Regarding the -speed, rech, damage etc..I still dont see why any set needs a penalty. If the drawbacks, less good things arent inherent in the powers (aka, fire having no psi res), slapping on a debuff just cause the designers were too lazy to think properly, seems like a cop out.
I do sorta like the idea of Stone being the only set that can run a tier 9 all the time..assuming it HAS to be run with the other toggles, layering benefits..instead of the one awesome power, skip the rest, mishmash we have now.
Thought..THING..he would be stone armour for sure right? Is he really that slow?
I agree with the idea..stone is far and away the least used and liked armour..in SPITE, as you say, of being the toughest. I think, if anything, that fact really shows just how much people want fun and interesting and cool looking over the unkillable lump of...rock.
And revamping the powers in any way that the survivability is kept up without the penalties will see stone being the top played tank set even if the animations don't change imho.
Hell it will probably become 2nd only to /Fire on brutes and scrappers will be clamouring for it as well!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
But..it isnt that slow and weak with IOs. A brute wont really notice the -dam. A tank gets bruising and should not really be expecting amazing damage anyway. The - rech can be taken care of with hasten, ios, ageless. Speed well..with just granite going, it is just bearable. TPing works. Again, not a playstyle, not bad for everyone, but could stand to be a lot more friendly.
And why would keeping the same level of toughness be that bad? It IS so tough already, better that just about anything else in all situations. Regardless of people play it or not..it still is the toughest. You are saying..that making people want to play it is..bad?
By the same token, you say /Fire is clearly the most popular on Brutes. Oh, its being played a lot! It cant be played a lot AND good, right?
Something is always going to be the best/most played. Is wanting to take a set thats almost extinct, and have people want to play it, such an awful idea?
Also, read what we were saying. Keep teh overall toughness similar (hell, or lower it into 'normal' territory), but make it so the other toggles are worth and needed to be picked. That would serve to make the set LESS flexible than now, by far. Cause now, your just need granite, earth em, and stone skin! Damage aura if you want, mez prot isnt that needed. Meaning more set powers needed, less choice, less slot, less options. Just like a more balanced set.
Lets not mess up this set. Fixing it is as simple as making granite custom and lowering the self debuffs. I would even be willing to let the slow debuffs stay, just lower them significantly. I mean, it does fit with the theme. Your made of stone, your heavy. The recharge and damage debuffs need to be gone or set to -10 or -20% each.
Set fixed. No breaking of the cottage rule.
I think your idea has merit. It won't be on the list of things to fix, because it functions well in the late game despite the absurdity of the interaction here. The equivalent would be modifying Invulnerability to raise general survivability, and then converting Unstoppable into a short-term (think 15s), long cooldown take-zero-damage buff.
But..it isnt that slow and weak with IOs. A brute wont really notice the -dam. A tank gets bruising and should not really be expecting amazing damage anyway. The - rech can be taken care of with hasten, ios, ageless. Speed well..with just granite going, it is just bearable. TPing works. Again, not a playstyle, not bad for everyone, but could stand to be a lot more friendly.
And I never said making people want to play it was bad, I said I don't think any animation changes need to happen to make people want to play it. Just changes to the powers themselves.
If they just removed the movement penalties from Granite I would imagine you would see loads more than you do now, removing the -dam and -rech would probably see it the most played set, and anything else would be a bonus.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Lets not mess up this set. Fixing it is as simple as making granite custom and lowering the self debuffs. I would even be willing to let the slow debuffs stay, just lower them significantly. I mean, it does fit with the theme. Your made of stone, your heavy. The recharge and damage debuffs need to be gone or set to -10 or -20% each.
Set fixed. No breaking of the cottage rule. |
The set does not need a buff. It just needs to be fun.
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
But you can't really do that without also lowering the survivability of the set.
The set does not need a buff. It just needs to be fun. |
Debuffs would still be there, they just dont need to be so harsh.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I'd likely not touch Granite, it seems well balanced, a big penalty with a big upside, meant to be used situationally, but possible to build around full uptime if desired. I do want it to have a costume customizable version that still allows for at least a very small amount of the base character to peek through.
I'd lessen the debuff in Rooted. This power and the set without Granite doesn't deserve to be debuffed as much as Rooted does. I'd still want the debuff to be strong, no fly, -70% run and jump speed, and if it is possible allow jumping, but limit the max jump height to 5 or 10 feet.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
The only thing I would really want to change is the speed penalty and -jump from rooted.
Having your mez protection outside of granite having such a big penalty is the biggest drawback to making the set fun.
Make it just like grounded, even if some of the regen has to be changed. Even though in granite rooted is not really needed and with IO's you can get a pretty good run speed, its the playtime that is such a pain outside of granite.
On my stone tank I was able to pretty much softcap defense to all (except fire/cold) outside of granite and was pretty much on par with other tanks and only needed granite as a emergency power. You know what though I still stayed in granite because I was able to move faster then with rooted on, and having no mez protection on a tank well you know that answer.
Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list
It's worth noting that, with SOs, a tank can hit the defense soft cap to Psi with Minerals (and pool powers). So moving the other armors up to par with Minerals would let the set hit the defense soft cap to everything (except Toxic, which doesn't have a defense) on SOs alone. Much as I like the set, that seems like too much buff -- it would be better than Super Reflexes if you cut granite out of the set entirely and put nothing at all in its place. That wouldn't be fair to the other sets.
The game is balanced around the limitations of the free player experience, thus SO's. IO's are not available by Default for free players, and the developers have always stated that the MAIN game was ALWAYS balanced around the SO measuring point. What CAN be done with IO's is not a balance factor except to the IO bonuses, as was seen many issues ago when Blessing of the Zephyr was halved.
That being said, I did phrase the suggestion somewhat poorly due to typing it and proofreading for clarity after a long day. I meant an average of the raw numbers we currently have rather than a flat increase to only the lower numbers. This would put each lower-tier armor's baseline defense at 20% (what we see in Granite for unenhanced defense % already) and then fully enhancing those and stacking with just weave would put you just below the softcap.
Originally Posted by Me
As the game is (supposedly) balanced around numbers attainable with SO's, granite can obtain as high as 31.2% defense and 78% resist to the aforementioned types using the standard 3 SO's to yellow ED effect. Changing these to level 50 NON-set IO's, these numbers become 31.7% and 79.2%. This is not a great jump in effectiveness due to ED demolishing the value from the third generic IO of each type.
On paper, Stealth looks like it could be used to patch up that gap to the Softcap, but an unknown portion of the +defense vanishes when the Tanker is attacking, and keeping the power active while fighting is dangerous from a teaming perspective since mobs could potentially peel away.
Now, yes, that is only 6% away from the softcap in the proposed final totals WITH Weave, and assuming all FIVE armor toggles are running, as well as Mud Pots and Rooted. It's also the most important 6% when you look at survivability. Stone Armor WITH Granite and Weave in these proposed changes would have less raw +defense than SR, which is as it should be, SR is crazy with tanker modifiers and can hit 44.5% on SO's with just Combat Jumping outside of Elude AT LEVEL 22 when SO's are first available, 25 for AoE since that's the soonest you could squeeze that third slot into Lucky if you're filling every defense power before moving on to the next. An SR Tanker WITH Weave is just silly.
Now, everyone knows that when IO's are brought to the table balance tends to get WRECKED. Let's look at things while taking them into account. Stone Armor players are ALREADY able to build to cover up every issue they have in granite via IOs. This would remain true, except they'd only have +resist without the other armors and the Psi hole would still be there. With IO's and optimized builds, Earth's Embrace can be permanent EVEN IN GRANITE, nevermind before, so they can heal when needed and have extra health for the regen in Rooted to build off of.
And the reason I even advocate for any nerfs at all to granite while in general buffing the ACCEPTABILITY of the set is because the developers, Synapse specifically, don't want to LOOK at the set because of the balance monstrosity it currently is. Back in i21 beta, I was asking if they had put any thought whatsoever into making the Seed event accessible to Stone users, or making it so that the temporary +fly powers overpowered the -fly in Rooted so that a Stone Armor wouldn't be leeching the league for the badge if the league formed for the intended level of the zone.
The response I got at the time was basically "We don't talk about Stone. If we look at it too closely we would end up nerfing it."
So here's the nerf. Nerf the overperforming powers while buffing the others so they're WANTED. Most Stone users would be OKAY with this kind of nerf if it meant that the set was actually useful aside from five powers.
Stone armor is the ONLY set in the game that people take solely for the Tier 9 and then drop EVERYTHING else. It is the only set in the game that CAN do this and still be useful. This is not balanced, this is the developers sticking their fingers in their ears and closing their eyes, ignoring it so that the problem goes away because of the neglect that has been heaped on the powerset making it less and less attractive for people to bother glancing at.
This is an instance where the cottage rule both applies and does not apply. It applies because the proposed change involves altering how a power can be slotted. It does NOT apply because the changes are NEEDED for the powerset to get even a passing glance from the developers in the future.
Brimstone Armor would still be a toggle, would still be used for mitigation, and the only alteration would be the sets that can be thrown into it switching from +resist to +defense.
Granite Armor would still be a toggle, would still be that insane survivability power that Stone Armor is known for, it would just become less of a perfect god mode by itself and require the other powers in the set to attain current levels...and in fact would be a slight BUFF to the set to allow it to stack with even just Minerals.
I'd likely not touch Granite, it seems well balanced, a big penalty with a big upside, meant to be used situationally, but possible to build around full uptime if desired. I do want it to have a costume customizable version that still allows for at least a very small amount of the base character to peek through.
Granite's current 'situational' use is "Am I fighting Psi? No? Use Granite. Yes? Use Granite anyways, you might get smashed in the time it takes to retoggle your other armors."
The balancing factor would be in the overall increased endurance usage. Sure there are so many ways to mitigate it right now, but having Granite be a 7th toggle in addition to R/B/C/M, Mud Pots and Rooted would make it more of an 'oh ****' and less of a 'look at me, I suffered through Stone' power.
Stone can ALREADY be built for insane survivability without Granite, Granite in the current form just makes it so easy to do that nobody bothers to consider the other powers.
This is not good balance. Time for a change.
The game is balanced around the limitations of the free player experience, thus SO's. IO's are not available by Default for free players, and the developers have always stated that the MAIN game was ALWAYS balanced around the SO measuring point. What CAN be done with IO's is not a balance factor except to the IO bonuses
There is only ONE other +defense pool power that works with Granite now, and would continue to be the only one that works while IN Granite under my proposal: Stealth.
but an unknown portion of the +defense vanishes when the Tanker is attacking
Let's look at things while taking them into account. Stone Armor players are ALREADY able to build to cover up every issue they have in granite via IOs.

Stone armor is the ONLY set in the game that people take solely for the Tier 9 and then drop EVERYTHING else. It is the only set in the game that CAN do this and still be useful. This is not balanced, this is the developers sticking their fingers in their ears and closing their eyes, ignoring it so that the problem goes away because of the neglect that has been heaped on the powerset making it less and less attractive for people to bother glancing at.
I wouldn't terribly mind seeing Granite become something that adds to the rest of the armors, but I don't think Brimstone needs to become a defense power and I don't think Granite needs to lose all of its +defense if that were done. But I also am not eager to see that done, as I kind of like the odd option to run Grantie, Rooted, Mud Pots, Stone Skin, and Earth's Embrace. I think 5 powers of 9 is a fine amount to take, I don't think sets should be designed where 8 or 9 of 9 are required.
Granite is only Situational when people don't build for permanent granite.
meant to be used situationally, but possible to build around full uptime if desired.
making it work WITH the other powers in the set rather than making them garbage.
I don't see it that way. Why use Granite unless you really need it? I'd stay away from that recharge and damage debuff whenever possible and then switch back to my regular armors only when I felt safe enough to do so.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
It's worth noting that, with SOs, a tank can hit the defense soft cap to Psi with Minerals (and pool powers). So moving the other armors up to par with Minerals would let the set hit the defense soft cap to everything (except Toxic, which doesn't have a defense) on SOs alone. Much as I like the set, that seems like too much buff -- it would be better than Super Reflexes if you cut granite out of the set entirely and put nothing at all in its place. That wouldn't be fair to the other sets.
Yes, WITH IO's and pool powerS. One of these is not a factor in game balance, and the other is an opportunity cost.
Minerals (and all the other armors, under the proposed change) base defense: 25% defense
Three Defense Buff Single-Origin Enhancements take that up to the ED cap, (x1.56) = 39% defense
Weave on a Tanker: 5.63% base defense
Three Defense Buff Single-Origin Enhancements take that up to the ED cap, (x1.56) = 8.78% defense
39% +7.78%= 47.78% defense, over the soft cap with NO IOs and only ONE pool power.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Personally I would like to see the Granite look be customizable and that female stone tanks get bewbies.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I like a lot of what's in the OP, especially with the stacking armor. I don't think people respec out of the other armors that much anymore because of needing places to put IOs, and I don't run in Granite unless I just have to for the extra challenge, but it would just be a more elegant set if the armors worked in conjunction with each other rather than against.
If the devs feel like Granite still needs the "psi hole", then have Granite still turn off or otherwise neuter Minerals.
Most of all, I'd love for Rooted's -Jump lowered. Nothing says "not super" more than being occassionally defeated by a higher than average curb, or a velvet rope.
Global name: @k26dp
I actually find the -rech to be more crippling than the -movement or -jump. I like teleporting around on my Stone Tank. In fact, he's the only character I have in which teleport is tolerable due to the -fly debuff (I can't stand the momentary floating after teleport).
But the -rech is the deal-breaker for me. It almost single-handedly keeps me from establishing any decent attack chain or relying on Earth's Embrace more than once per mission. I don't mind being slow or unable to jump, but when a debuff turns all of my fun powers into "one use per mission" powers, it just sucks the enjoyment out of them.
Protip: You can turn off granite armor and rooted in between combat. Allowing you to zoom to the next fight unhindered.
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
I've been involved in a few threads discussing this topic. While I would love to see Rooted get the Grounded treatment, I'd leave the rest alone.
I've recently come to this conclusion:I think it would be harder to "fix it", without major changes, then to just start over. Just make a different set from scratch.
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
I think the basic concept of having granite stack with your other armor so that it isn't a one power set is a good idea.
If I were doing it, I would want the set to get up to about 70% res and 20% def without granite, then 90% s/l res, 80% other res, and 30% def with granite (from the set and enhancements, not including pool powers).
So you could tank fairly well without it, but if you needed the boost you could get it at the cost of -rech, -dmg, etc.
I would be more interested in Stone Armor if it kept the movement penalties but got a Teleport power built in. I'm fine with it needing a unique way to get around, I just feel the set should provide that rather than pushing you into a specific pool. It also gives an opportunity for a unique Teleport animation that mademore sense in the context of the set (probably diving into the ground or tunneling), maybe using that "crack in the earth" animation, and then popping up in a new location.
Yes, this topic again, as I am sure I am not the first to propose such a thing.
First, I want to say that this is NOT a proposal to nerf Stone Armor as the king of defensive sets in the game for pure solid survivability, this is a proposal of balanced changes to a powerset that has some long-standing issues and design flaws.
Second, my thoughts come from the point of view of someone that actually LIKE the set as a concept, but feels the execution is awful.
Now for some raw, unenhanced Tanker numbers from Mids.
Granite Armor gives +20% defense to all types except Psi. No positions.
Granite Armor gives +50% resist to all damage types except Psi. (0%)
Granite Armor gives magnitude 21.63 protection against Holds, Stuns, Sleeps, and Immobilization effects, as well as mag 10 Knockback and Repel protection.
Granite Armor ALSO applies a -30% damage debuff and a -65% recharge debuff as well as slowing walk/run speed. My version of Mids currently shows 1.4 mph runspeed no matter what I do on all AT's with any powerset, so there's a bug somewhere.
As the game is (supposedly) balanced around numbers attainable with SO's, granite can obtain as high as 31.2% defense and 78% resist to the aforementioned types using the standard 3 SO's to yellow ED effect. Changing these to level 50 NON-set IO's, these numbers become 31.7% and 79.2%. This is not a great jump in effectiveness due to ED demolishing the value from the third generic IO of each type.
Rock Armor, unenhanced, gives 16% S/L defense, 25% at ED-yellow with SO's, and 25.4% with level 50 GIO's. Again, minimal gain from changing SO's to GIO's
Brimstone Armor, unenhanced, gives 25% F/C RESIST, 39% with SO's, and 39.6% with GIO's.
Crystal Armor is the same as Rock Armor, except for E/N.
Minerals, the much-overlooked power from this set, gives a respectable 25% Psi DEFENSE with NO enhancements. The enhanced numbers are the same as brimstone. Minerals ALSO provides Magnitude 30 Confuse protection, 86.5% Confuse Resistance for anything that manages to SURPASS said protection, and 60% Perception Debuff protection. Confuse protection is NOT provided anywhere else in Stone Armor, not even in Rooted.
Stone Skin, the passive mostly used as +3% Defense IO mule slots, gives a paltry 15.6% S/L resist at the ED cap with SO's. 10% base. It's a passive, this is forgivable.
Earth's Embrace: It's a Dull Pain clone with +toxic resist. +40% HP, 20% Toxic resist unenhanced. Slotted for health, resist, AND recharge to maximize uptime (No hasten, yet) this becomes: 53.3% +HP and 28% toxic resist with a recharge time of 218 seconds, far shy of permanent.
Rooted, the Mez Protection power, gives Magnitude 12.98 protection against Hold, Sleep, Stun, and Immobilization effects, and mag 10 against Knockback and Repel. It also provides PToD-level Knockback and repel resistance, 10000% and 1000% respectively. In addition to being the Mez Protection power for Stone, this power also provides a base +100% regeneration.
Mud Pots is your standard Taunt Aura. It deals fire damage, has a Mag 4 taunt and slows non-flying critters by 40%...oh, and it has an unenhanceable Mag 2 Immobilize according to Mids that lasts 2.25 seconds.
Now, as everybody knows, Stone Armor is a toggle-heavy set. It's one distinct difference from other defensive sets is that Granite Armor is itself a toggle. It's also the only toggle-heavy set where the tier-9 power renders all but one other armor completely redundant by itself AND precludes access to said armor by forcibly detoggling all other armor powers when turned on. In the base game, without IO's and Sets, this is not a huge issue.
Stone Armor is also a set that hinders MOBILITY in the extreme...to the point of tedium and frustration since teleport is the only viable travel power in Rooted/Granite/Both since both powers severely debuff move speeds, and essentially disable jumping entirely, as well as DETOGGLING if any travel power or defensive power that is part of a travel pool is activated.
As most people reading this are likely well aware, most players that bother playing Stone Armor to level 32/38 end up immediately respeccing and removing every other armor power from their build that they can. This is because granite provides more and better survivability fresh out of the box than all of the other powers in the set combined do, with the one exception being that it provides for a psionic hole that Minerals used to cover, and a Confuse hole that most players don't realize they even have until they get hit with a Psionic-based confuse effect. This combined with the fact that granite cannot currently be used in conjunction with the other toggle armors in the set makes even having the other armors in your build counter-productive.
My proposal for a Stone Armor revamp so that it retains current top-tier functionality in survivability as well as retaining certain thematic weaknesses is this:
Allow granite to stack with the other four armors by making it so that the other armors are NEEDED for Granite to have its current level of effect. I would accomplish this by first turning Brimstone Armor into a +defense power and bringing Rock and Crystal Armors up to par with Brimstone and Minerals in their base +defense. This would turn Granite into a +resist power that serves to BUFF the defense powers by offering extra protection beyond what they do without entirely eclipsing them by itself in the form of resistance as something beyond their raw defense. Granite would retain the lack of anything for Psi, so psi attacks that slip past Minerals would still hit for full damage.
Furthermore, to compensate for the nerf to Granite Armor as a standalone power, allow it and Rooted to function with Super Speed so that there is at least ONE viable alternative to teleportation as a travel power.
Beyond THAT, make Rooted function like Grounded and remove the -jump from it. Keep the -Jump in Granite. Rooted now has a downside, it only functions when you are on the ground, but it allows you to JUMP with some risk attached in that while jumping you have no Mez protection. This allows for a second viable travel power outside of Granite Armor; Super Jump. The only travel power that Stone users would be effectively locked out of is Flight, and that's okay. Being locked out of one without detoggling your protection is better than being locked out of all BUT one.
People who want to take only one main power from a set should be penalized for it, not rewarded. With this restructuring of the abilities in Stone Armor, you would reward the people that do not respec out of everything BUT Granite, without coming down overly hard on the people that do such, since granite would retain the powerful resists and rooted would still have regeneration. Furthermore it would open up more OPTIONS for players that want to try Stone Armor but dislike how the set performs before granite, and dislike the constraints of granite as well.
After all that, let's take a look at the cosmetic side of things, shall we?
FIX GRANITE ARMOR! Make it able to be customized. At the very LEAST allow it to work with PATH auras.
Return it to the ancient Golgothan appearance if you must, as long as we can customize it and make our characters look SOMEWHAT unique. City of Heroes is the game KNOWN for customization. Granite Armor is the ONLY power in the game that imposes a restriction on this freedom to create outside of the Epic/Ancilliary pools and EAT's. It needs to change. It has needed to change since issue 16.