696 -
I didn't see a thread about this but lets not all forget our friends (and enemies) who played this game with us. This is a general 'goodbye to everyone' thread so make your voice known here.
I keep trying to rewrite this post to sound so much better but I can't. I'll just keep it short and say that you guys were all fun to play with. Even if we had our differences we kept coming back to this amazing game and community. It wasn't just how great the game was, it was that this was such a positive community to be a part of and I'm sad to see it go. So thank you all for making this game amazing for me for the whole 6 years I was here. I'll miss you guys and you all deserve praise too! -
I just found out what is happening to you guys at Paragon. I'm sorry to hear that big daddy is shutting you down for their lack of successful business practices that you had nothing to do with. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not buying GW2. I was on the fence since I never like NCsoft anyway but this pretty much takes the cake.
I hope you guys have success in the future. You guys have earned it. Hopefully this obviously unwarranted axing of you guys will help keep other development teams from partnering with NCsoft in the future.
Jeese.. 6 years of CoH for me... crazy.
To everyone: Thanks for all the laughs, arguments and discussions. It was fun while it lasted but nothing lasts forever. Hopefully I'll see you guys in the future!
(I haven't done this in years...)
Your next of kin/
Velocity Overload -
Quote:It's a cheap marketing ploy to get people to buy more points so they can get these sets faster than others who wait their two months for the points. I'm sorry if I'm not a sheep and see a marketing ploy for what it is: insulting to the playerbase who still pay $15 a month and who are called V.I.P. I sure as hell don't feel V.I.P when you create a system that is literally more greedy than something Blizzard/Activision or EA would cough up... Atleast they don't charge me $15 dollars a month, call it VIP then insist I continue to fork over more cash for content.That is funny as a VIP subscriber I have gotten staff fighting and water blast without paying a penny. They give every VIP subscriber 400 points a month, or more depending on level.
I understand that you guys have low standards for games, but I don't and I already cancelled my sub again because I actually don't like supporting companies that insult my intelligence. -
Quote:some of us have been playing since 2006 or sooner and are tired of the same low level contacts that we've done countless times.Ugh. DfBs are super super boring. I can only stand to do like 2 of them a week... at most.
But, then, I have never cared about "fast" XP, just so long as the team isn't either: a) fighting stuff far too low so that nothing is gained from the mission or b) fighting stuff waay too high so that it takes us like 5-10 minutes per group of purples.
I could never understand why folks want "fast XP" if the ride is boring and over before you know you arrived. -
Possibly the biggest issue with this proc is that everybody with a -def power feels the urge to take it due to how rare and how powerful -res is. I tried making a Radiation Blast set user once and I honestly decided 'to hell with it' and never took the proc because it honeslty didn't seem worth it. Once you factor in the proc chance, and how useful many tier 6 bonuses on IO sets are (+2.5 ranged defense on thunderstrike for example) It makes it difficult to find a spot for the proc in single target attacks. Now, AoEs and abiltiies such as Sleet (Support abilities) are an entirely different matter. I suggest Atleast 1 in abilities such as Neutron Bomb and nearly every trick arrow set. This is because these 'attacks' aren't attacks at all and are support abilities where the only thing you hope to gain from them is just that 'support' where the proc acts like a pseudo 'critical hit' type effect.
I've always found the proc to be nice but underwhelming. Don't feel discouraged by not having it in every attack. It isn't as benficial as it appears to be. -
I thought it was sexism from the devs to purposefully ignore female minions. They just assume everybody would do juvinile things to the minions. I dunno, I don't have much respect for the devs these days and I'm sure that affects my opinion some how but I do find this to be a childish issue. This should have been done years ago. They don't have to make them 'sexified' and they need to get these sick thoughts out of their head concerning women and what women expect from them because many posters on this forum have already shown that women find this lack of equality in minion choices as sexist as the devs thought it would have been.
Also, plainguy, why can people do these emotes to male characters but not females? It's like this sexism is ingrained in our heads. I say if someone is found doing 'foul' things to any one of their minions, male or female, they should be locked from making masterminds or whatever is using said minion. -
Very cool find. I'm actually surprised it wasn't found earlier. But considering how much extra work you have to do to use this trick, it is really only good for AVs, Bosses etc. I'm sure a Starcraft pro can do this no problem though.
Quote:Ice Control is one of the few control sets that actually doesn't suck *** in Incarnate content. Ice Patch is better than Earthquake, and Arctic Air is a perma-confuse button with the purple proc. Meh, to each his own but Ice Control is not the worst control set by a long shot: Gravity Control LOLOLOLOLThanks for tuning in for this episode of The Bottom 5! I'm your host, Guy Perfect!
5. Electrical Blast - With its focus on utility and Endurance Drain, Electric Blast lags behind for damage like a witty comeback three months later.
4. Trick Arrow - Nothing says "we can beat Tar Patch" quite like drawing a weapon and using three different powers.
3. Ice Control - Question: What do you call a debuff set disguised as a control set that focuses on aspects that won't do much to lock enemies down? Answer: Better than Ice Control!
2. Charge Mastery - Is your Mastermind looking for a lack of protection, an unreasonably weak hold and the ability to utterly exhaust himself with a single click? Look no further!
1. Mercenaries - So derpy and ineffective that an upgrade power has to explicitly revoke a power from one of the henchmen, this set takes the crown for the most terrible of them all!
Soooo.... I guess what I'm trying to say here is, if you want the worst character imaginable, roll a Mercenaries/Trick Arrow/Charge Mastery Mastermind.
Force Field: Obsolete set that gets replaced in higher end content due to IO sets.
Energy Melee: Do pitiful AoE damage as a down side for your... mediocre single target damage. Pom-poms of death indeed
Electric Blast: Watch as your electric ball tickles your enemies! So much better than a tier 3 blast! Oh and Endurance Drain is so useful /sarcasmoff
Super Reflexes: Not bad, just outmatched. Take every power in the freaking set just to match the defenses of Shield Defense. Poor, poor super reflexes
Fiery Aura: the only thing it's good for is farming. The extra damage it puts out is not worth dying over. I don't care what people say, I hate this set and I'm tired of seeing crappy farmers thinking they can handle normal content with a defense set that is only good for dying and getting the team killed.
Mercs: Poor mercs. I can't be mad at this set.
Poison: Devs hate this set. They had a chance to make it not suck and they only put a bandaid on it. A tiny AoE effect on the set's two main debuffs didn't do squat to put this up to atleast Thermal levels of debuffage. Radiation, Cold, Thermal, and Dark outmatch this set by a longshot. -
Eh, they release content that I can't use unless I wait an additional 2 months for 800 points or spend even more money on top of my $15 subscription... so no.. I am losing love for the CoH devs. Not sure what game the OP is playing but he got Banned for doing something wrong.
Omega: Use: once per day
Free 800 Paragon points. So you can now get those powersets that VIPs should have gotten immediate access to instead of whatever ******** system they screwed us over with. We VIPs got the short end of the stick.. -
FF DOES feel ancient. Sonic is getting there but it's unique effects are holding up albeit barely.
They don't need 'buffs' I don't think that is the correct term. They simply need love and synergy. These sets work well in groups but they play too passively and suck at soloing, making them boring. Some say that means more blasting, but when you pick defender particularly, you're aiming at supporting, not blasting.
I still think the phase powers should be changed to 15 second unchangeable recharge with a 5 second duration, 1 second cast. This would make them like ultra holds, useful for soloing without being too annoying.
Oh and Sonic's Knockback anchor is wwaayy too unwieldy. Needs some love. -
I think the wierdo scrappers have done numbers on it and found it to be one of the highest dps dealing sets for them. I could be wrong though.
It's a very fun set either way and the combo system feels right. You're not punished for not making combos due to high damage but you're rewarded for doing them anyway. -
Difficulty in this game can be an utter joke with the proper team. X4/+8 just doesn't cut it anymore. Scaling difficulty needs to be reconsidered. While not every team can run +4/x8, as time goes on, the closer you get to 50 (+incarnate crap) the easier and easier it becomes. Whats the point of this Incarnate stuff if you can't test it against truly powerful enemies?
How much money City of Heroes lost due to store downtime: $43.86
People actually spend money at the store?! -
Knockback on a melee character is very stupid anyway. On Energy Melee, it some-what makes sense.... no, nevermind it doesn't.
Trick Arrow needs love for sure. Cold Domination does more mitigation, gives more -res and have better effects over all. Normally, it's not fair to compare sets back to back like this because every set as that 'gem' power that makes it amazing...
Trick Arrow has no real gem. I always wanted the set to be the -res set but it never came to pass. I'd love to see it get something unique attached to it so finally it has something special about it. -
--Sets that can made to look like light or are light related--
Energy Blast
Radiation Blast
Illusion Control
Energy Assault/Melee
Enery Aura
Entire Peacebringer Archetype
Eh, making a 'Light' powerset I think would be splitting hairs. Next we'll get a 'slightly less bright, but otherwise just like light' set. -
Bots/Dark was teh first character to ever solo ITF. This was before incarnates. I'm sure the thread is somewhere around here.
Dark makes everything better as others have said. Although Bots and Thugs possibly get the most benefit from it since they already have defense to stack upon. -
Quote:It's a neat concept but I'm not entirely sure.. It's almost too generic.Floating Weapons, a la Battle Maiden, would be cool. They fit a bunch of concepts, from telekinesis, to magic weapons, to remote controlled tech things, to ghosts.
Tier 1 could be standard floating swords, Tier 2 could be... bows? Or staves/spears? Tier 3 could be a hammer/battleaxe.
We need a kitty set. all tiers just make kitties. Tier 1 is white kitties. Tier 2 is black kitties and tier 3 is nyan cat.
It pukes rainbows doing all damage types. -
Claws hits the nail on the head. It makes it a great choice for people who want to solo AVs/GMs on characters who don't have access to absurd amounts of +damage/-resistance/-Regen
Toxic damage is pretty awesome too. -
Blasters gettin' boofed every which way. Happy days ahead for Blasters! Defenders can sue their 'expanding marshmellows' more often now too! yay!
Not anymore really. Years back, it was rather strictly followed. Glad to see that the devs now-a-days bend the rules alittle because it's honestly has held many sets back... poor poor Energy Melee.... Seriously why does that set have 5 single target attacks again?
I'm not impressed with I24.. I demand I28. I bet that one will be awesome! Revamped Shadow Shard, Praetorian Rularuu (don't even ask how this works) and Defenders become president of the united states OF THE WORLD
Nerfing Hasten would possibly kill this game knowing how many people rely on it...
...nerf hasten.
I wanna watch the world burn