Ok whats with some of these roleplayers?

Agent White



Ok so I recently moved to Virtue and I am not really into roleplaying. I mean I write my character biographies, have a concept, etc. but some of the stuff people do baffles me.

I am not trying to slam someone else's gaming experience, I am merely trying to understand. So thats what I came here asking.

Anyways, I am in Pocket D and I am running Gladiator matches for badges. I keep appearing next to this "couple" and I am catching their conversation. First let me describe their outfits:

Player A is wearing a school girl outfit, high heels, max boob slider, etc. Player B is also a female character with purple stockings, long legs, etc. Well when I started noticing the conversation they are flirting back and fourth and then eventually roleplaying making out. Granted I am popping in and out of arena so only catching bits and pieces of the conversation.

Eventually they are roleplaying, or maybe were the entire time, the naughty school girl getting seduced by the teacher. The teacher is female and so is the student. The teacher is telling the student if you get an A you get a special reward nudge nudge.

Then they start talking about being in a relationship and asking to be the other's girlfriend. So mind you we have two people roleplaying here two female characters making out, that are teacher and student, getting a bit graphic, and then being in a relationship.

From an outside perspective, this seems bizarre to me. I could understand roleplaying this with your wife or girlfriend in a real life bedroom situation, but in the game? Does this go on a lot in roleplaying?

The other thing that baffles me is its two female characters, I am sure one or both players are male. Does this have an effect at all? Or does the player fantasize the other is female?

I am literally trying to understand the behavior and maybe a poster out there likes to do this. What does it do for you? Is it simply fun? I can accept that.



If you have to ask...

...uh, well are you interested in that stuff or something?



Someone needs to get to the bottom of this immediately.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
If you have to ask...

...uh, well are you interested in that stuff or something?
Nope, hence why I stated the behavior is odd to me. Pocket D scares me now.



Hey Ulty, sorry I couldn't help ya out tonight.
My connection is really rough lately and I was just doing a little marketeering.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



It's Pocket D.

It's Pocket D on Virtue. Hive of scum and villainy. All those horror story's about it are at least 1/2 true. You really have to ask this?


Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I entered this thread prepared to defend the roleplayers on Virtue. Then I saw..

Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Anyways, I am in Pocket D

And that's all I had to read. If you're new to Virtue, Pocket D in the evenings is where a few people go to solicit some strange roleplaying in the side corners. You're going to get the occasional person seeking attention by doing what you described -at which point you can either call on them to take it to private tells or just move on.

It doesn't happen so much that it's common, but what you've run into is why plenty of Virtue-ites joke about the D. Most roleplaying isn't like that, but some people have, *ahem* needs that they enjoy fulfilling in a superhero setting, I guess. It's why you'll see a lot of roleplaying events scheduled outside of the D.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Hey Ulty, sorry I couldn't help ya out tonight.
My connection is really rough lately and I was just doing a little marketeering.
No problem thanks though. A really nice guy named XM Radio helped me out and I got the arena badges. Appreciate it though.



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
I entered this thread prepared to defend the roleplayers on Virtue. Then I saw..

And that's all I had to read. If you're new to Virtue, Pocket D in the evenings is where a few people go to solicit some strange roleplaying in the side corners. You're going to get the occasional person seeking attention by doing what you described -at which point you can either call on them to take it to private tells or just move on.

It doesn't happen so much that it's common, but what you've run into is why plenty of Virtue-ites joke about the D. Most roleplaying isn't like that, but some people have, *ahem* needs that they enjoy fulfilling in a superhero setting, I guess. It's why you'll see a lot of roleplaying events scheduled outside of the D.
So is this all the roleplaying that goes on in Pocket D? I've met some cool roleplayers before that made the experience really enjoyable. I had a new alt and was doing the Death From Below Trial and this guy played a war soldier that was leading people into the sewers to defeat Hydra. It was pretty cool and he had some macro'd scripts and such for the various sections.

He was running them back to back and even roleplayed the reasoning for going back. It was pretty cool and entertaining.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
So is this all the roleplaying that goes on in Pocket D? I've met some cool roleplayers before that made the experience really enjoyable. I had a new alt and was doing the Death From Below Trial and this guy played a war soldier that was leading people into the sewers to defeat Hydra. It was pretty cool and he had some macro'd scripts and such for the various sections.

He was running them back to back and even roleplayed the reasoning for going back. It was pretty cool and entertaining.
I'm glad you had a great experience. No, there's a lot of normal RP that goes on in the D and everywhere else in Virtue. But the cybering has caused a stigma to be attached to Pocket D. That stigma means hosted RP events occur in well lit corners of the D, away from any funny smelling spots.

Seriously though, roleplaying is everywhere on Virtue. Most people just RP their heroes doing heroic things or complaining about Statesman. Or grabbing a drink and taking part in general "tavern" style RP in the D.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




I always hear about it, but I never run into that stuff in Pocket D on Virtue. It seems to essentially be a more complex version of conversations people have over the phone, or some of the chat on mIRC. And those are really just a more involving/interactive version of certain texts some people enjoy.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
Someone needs to get to the bottom of this immediately.
Damn yooou. I just spat my drink out.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Does this go on a lot in roleplaying?

Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
So is this all the roleplaying that goes on in Pocket D? I've met some cool roleplayers before that made the experience really enjoyable. I had a new alt and was doing the Death From Below Trial and this guy played a war soldier that was leading people into the sewers to defeat Hydra. It was pretty cool and he had some macro'd scripts and such for the various sections.

He was running them back to back and even roleplayed the reasoning for going back. It was pretty cool and entertaining.
That's more what public role-playing is about and those are the great experiences that I love hearing even non-RPers stating how it made for a greater experience for them.

A simple way I tend to look at role-playing in a video game is... A movie is far more enjoyable when you lose yourself in it. When you're so engrossed in it that your heart pumps during the action, you feel the suspense and you get emotional when emotional things occur for the characters, and so on.
Much of that is the same when you're really into being your character and you start to really get into the fights and the encounters and hurdles that the game may throw at you. And it is all made greater by the other people, all playing and role-playing, right there along with you. For me, anyway.

I mean, role-play can be far more than that for me, but in its most basic form, that's what I love about it.

I also happen to just enjoy exploring the inner workings of other people, personalities and characters... when I have the time and energy to go there. Then again, that's something I do in other parts of my life just in psychological and philosphical studies as well as for my profession and other creative endeavors.
In its truest definition, role-playing is the attempt to be guided not by what you think and how you would react, but what a particular other person/character thinks and how they would react.

It honestly can provide some enormous experiences for bettering your perspective. It can allow you to understand other people and different ways of thinking than your own... which also tends to help you better understand yourself as well. All things that go way beyond just playing pretendy fun time (which it is also great for, hehe).

As to your first example... We could hope that they were actually two very prudent, anti-homosexual, close-minded individuals exploring different mindsets in order to potentially grasp greater understanding of opposing views... and thus possibly finding greater tolerance and ability to coexist with others that have differing views.
Also PM me about a bridge I have for sale.

EDIT: Also, I meant to state my agreement and approval of everything Paladin said!

AND... Klaw made me lol as well...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



You mean it's almost like an actual nightclub including people hooking up and getting it on just out back? shocking!

(I really don't care about these things anymore )



Here is another way to look at role playing.

Back in the dark ages that were the early late 1980s and early 1990s, we didn't have nice graphical games. One thing we did have were MUDs (Multi User Dungeons) that were basically like somewhat dialed back versions of the MMOs that would appear later.*

In a MUD, you didn't have a player avatar for people to watch perform actions, you had to type them yourself. So, to communicate, you would type a lot of things like "smile," "hug," "bow," "laugh," etc, that in City of Heroes would seem excessive. Some of these games let you write a short description of your character, but identifying characteristics were lacking. So to compensate, you would perform a lot of actions, give your character a distinctive speaking voice, and develop mannerisms to help establish the "feel" of the character.

When MMOs became popular, "talking" became much more difficult. The text pours into a small window (in most games). And despite being heavily based on MUDs initially, MMOs quickly gravitated to a game model that more closely resembles a single player game that happens to involve a lot of people. Interaction and (intentional) drama between players became significantly less important than interaction with the environment, so to speak. A player's central basis for interaction became "quests" or "missions," and no longer relationships and intrigue with other players.

Roleplayers in City of Heroes are basically harkening back to an earlier era (whether they were participants in it or not back then). Text games had a significant "pretend you're someone else in a chat room" type of feel to them, and that's basically what these people are doing.

As for the sexual overtones some players bring to their roleplay, just chalk that up to some people wanting a type of fiction that's more intense than others.

[*I say "somewhat dialed back" because there are many things that were accomplished in text games MMos have never duplicated. As early as the mid 1990s, a few games existed that included injuries like lopped off limbs, poked out eyes, destruction of nervous systems, along with the ability to apply "first aid" to stop bleeding, and systems for ultimately healing the wound (sometimes first resulting in a scar which might also need aid). Some of the text games that are still around are extremely complex compared to MMOs. Essentially, an MMO typically dials back personal relationships and complexity in order to focus on action. Neither approach is really "better" in the end, although I often wish MMOs would look back at their MUD roots and actually give Role Players tools that would facilitate more interaction, like better control over the camera or even an animation panel that serves ONLY to animate a conversation between multiple parties.]



Virtue always has too much yiffing.



In particular, the arena area is apparently designated for ERP sessions. So hanging out there and using it for arena stuff, you'll be bound to bump into the ERPers more than the normal/not-so-normal RPers.



A location designed for ERP? That is ridicoulous!

ERP in public or ERP in harrasment will lyably get your account blocked or banned. ERP is not something this game allows.

So it should always be done in private... Now... the current chat system makes even the private tells visible in baloons above your head. So it is important that IF you ERP you do that in a mission or a private base. NEVER in a public area like Pocket D.

And that is aside of teh fact if ERP is a healthy thing. If it is really an attempt to rp... some go a bit too far. RP ending in that should be stopped in time. If one gets further... maybe you have a real life couple that gets off on it. But this too could be harrasment without even knowing it at the time.

Either way.. both should be done in private. Or risk being banned if anyone descides to tell teh devs about the details. (Who can see you chat log)

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Now... the current chat system makes even the private tells visible in baloons above your head.
Only on your screen, and the screen of the person receiving the tell (If they're near you). Any other random bystanders don't even have the server send the tell to the game client, so there's no way for them to see the tell above your head.



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
A location designed for ERP? That is ridicoulous!
Hey, at least the Arena is being used.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
It's Pocket D.

It's Pocket D on Virtue. Hive of scum and villainy.
And yet the majority of scantily clad ERPers are heroes...

Ultimus, this behavior is typical of Virtue Pocket D, its best to dismiss the area as irrelevant to the RP experience.



This is why you go to D on Union. We're saner.




I can't say I approve of folks RPing anything in public chat that's sexual... however, I couldn't help but notice that you kept mentioning the fact that it was two female characters, Ultimus. I can't help feeling that such a detail should be irrelevant. Would this thread still exist had they been two same-aged opposite gender characters?

I mean c'mon, it's the 2000s!



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok so I recently moved to Virtue and I am not really into roleplaying. I mean I write my character biographies, have a concept, etc. but some of the stuff people do baffles me.

I am not trying to slam someone else's gaming experience, I am merely trying to understand. So thats what I came here asking.

Anyways, I am in Pocket D and I am running Gladiator matches for badges. I keep appearing next to this "couple" and I am catching their conversation. First let me describe their outfits:

Player A is wearing a school girl outfit, high heels, max boob slider, etc. Player B is also a female character with purple stockings, long legs, etc. Well when I started noticing the conversation they are flirting back and fourth and then eventually roleplaying making out. Granted I am popping in and out of arena so only catching bits and pieces of the conversation.

Eventually they are roleplaying, or maybe were the entire time, the naughty school girl getting seduced by the teacher. The teacher is female and so is the student. The teacher is telling the student if you get an A you get a special reward nudge nudge.

Then they start talking about being in a relationship and asking to be the other's girlfriend. So mind you we have two people roleplaying here two female characters making out, that are teacher and student, getting a bit graphic, and then being in a relationship.

From an outside perspective, this seems bizarre to me. I could understand roleplaying this with your wife or girlfriend in a real life bedroom situation, but in the game? Does this go on a lot in roleplaying?

The other thing that baffles me is its two female characters, I am sure one or both players are male. Does this have an effect at all? Or does the player fantasize the other is female?

I am literally trying to understand the behavior and maybe a poster out there likes to do this. What does it do for you? Is it simply fun? I can accept that.
Now, I won't go into the quality of RP, as you were in Pocket D and, well....best to avoid that. However, why's it so weird to roleplay characters being in a relationship? For an RPer, they're telling/acting out a story. How's it any weirder than an author writing about a character in his books being in a relationship? Only difference is these are stories with multiple authors. ( In the Pocket D's case, usually the quality authors you find on fanfic sites, granted.... )

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Virtue always has too much yiffing.

*Looks at White's avatar*


Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint