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  1. Thank you all :x
    -a sad anthropomorphic bunny.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    The slows in Spines stack nicely with Chilling Embrace.

    And Spines' first 2 powers are getting buffed in issue 24 so that you can actually have a decent single target attack chain.
    Spines as a stalker has a good attack chain already ever since they changed the way that AS works
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    This is just a public service announcement; it concerns mostly melee and support, although others may be interested.

    I've seen a few comments about -DMG -- for instance, from Kinetic Melee or Kinetics -- synergizing well with +RES. This is not true. Obviously both reduce damage, but the greatest benefit is to characters with no resistance at all. This would only be of cursory interest (less damage is less damage!) except for how it interacts with other forms of mitigation. Given the choice, it is better to match -DMG with +DEF.

    Why is this? Well, the low-math explanation (sorry, I don't have a no-math one!) is that Resistance mitigates more damage the more damage the character is taking. If the character has gotten 50% resistance somehow, and they're dealt 1000 damage of the type they resist, they take 500 damage. If that damage is first reduced to 800, they mitigate 400 damage -- they only take 100 less damage, whereas a character who had no Resistance at all takes 200 less damage.

    Kicking up the numbers a notch, this greatly affects survival lines. Let's deal with the same attacker, who deals 1000 damage ordinarily that has been reduced to 800 by -dmg effects. In the case of a character with 50% resistance, no defense, no regen, and 2000 HP, that difference means they can take one additional hit before dying -- in game terms, a probable 10 attacks till death (five hits will kill them, but we're assuming mobs only hit 50% of the time), while a probable 8 attacks would have killed them if the attacks were dealing 500 damage instead of 400. In the case of a character with no resistance, 25% defense, no regen, and 2000 HP, it also would have taken a probable 8 attacks till death... but that's been increased to 12 by the -dmg effect. They can still only take one more actual hit before death, but "one more hit" (probably) means a lot more to them (since three out of four attacks will miss, rather than every other) than it did to the high Resistance no Defense character.

    This behavior becomes even more pronounced -- and complicated -- when you factor regen or direct heals into the issue, but I'll leave that be for now.

    However I would like to take this opportunity to point out to all the corruptors and defenders that unless I'm mis-remembering, there's only one blast set with -dmg. (There are a few other ways of getting it, though...)
    Resistance @ 50%
    Expected Damage = 200/attack (800*0.5*0.5)
    therefore 10 attacks until death

    Defence @ 25%
    Expected Damage = 200/attack (800*0.25)
    therefore 10 attacks until death
  4. I think when/if I reach 50 and get IOd out the abilities will feel much better. With sufficient +recharge it looks like the major ones are all pretty much permanent which is very very nice Unfortunately at the lower levels it feels like too many heals and not enough useful stuff :x

    The life giving spores ability looks pretty and gets spammed a lot but really the time used to cast it is IMO mostly wasted. The patch is small, the healing is slow, it really needs something more to make you actually care about it in the first place.

    I could make a bad pun about a late blooming set or something here I suppose :x
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    I'm of the opinion that any reduction to Fulcrum Shift's abilities would make that way more obvious and then there'd need to be adjuments made to some of the other powers.
    you should probably read the post rather than just the title...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    That really shouldn't be the deciding factor on a character you love or enjoy. The impact of redraw isn't that huge. Yes, it affects things, I'm not denying that.
    I went through 50 levels of Ar/Kin so I'm allowed to be exhausted by redraw
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
    Would be nice if we could get a quality of life power of some sort, instead of always stacking more of something because its better.
    Do you have any suggestions about these quality of life powers?
  8. I so want to do dual pistols/martial combat! Why redraw? Why!?
  9. BunnyAnomaly

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Tanks shine when the Brute can't stay up. If the Brute is capable of staying up, the Brute is probably going to be more useful.

    Both are very resilient so it's more a matter of when you pass the survivability of the Brute but not yet of the Tank. Some of these situations include:

    At low level where the Brute doesn't have IO sets, but the inherently higher mitigation and HP of the Tanker is enough.
    On 'weak teams' where the Brute doesn't get support from the team, but the inherently "" "".

    TLDR: Tanks get to being tanky earlier and require basically no support. Brutes eventually approach this to the point that the difference isn't noticeable for the vast majority of content.
  10. An 8 year old game that radically diminishes the power of its player base because one person on the forums decides he doesn't like people feeling powerful in a superhero game. Mhm. I'm sure the subscription numbers will just go soaring!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
    My response to this issue would be to give those two sets a minor pass to give them more game, and to nerf the crap out of +Def in sets. Kinetic Combat giving 3.75% defense on 4 slots? NOPE. All IO defense would be cut by 50-75%.

    I want to feel super and do super stuff, and ramping up my difficulty to be challenged, or getting to fight hordes of yellows and oranges and just smoking them is a feeling you really don't get in other games.

    If you don't like it don't use it, or customise the difficulty appropriately to how you enjoy the game.
  12. Try Stalkers, they have been quite dramatically improved over the last little while!

    They have a similar style of play to Scrappers but with a few interesting mechanics. Assassins Strike has been buffed be used mid combat (a 1 second animation) with a stacking +crit% chance based off other attacks. With the Stalker IO you can hide mid combat just by hiting other people.

    They are quite reasonably survivable (remarkably similar to a scrapper), have great single target damage and a stacking +crit% chance with team size.

    I played my spines/ice scrapper from 0-50 in next to no time because I simply loved the gameplay.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Not better. A REPLACEMENT.

    Same theme, same damage types, flashier animations and a gimmick.

    Show me evidence that energy melee underperforms and I might listen to you.
    I understand the requirement for evidence and people writing [citation needed] on what is controversial, but... oh hell. whatever.


    Whirling hands.

    That's it.
  14. It's a strange day when someone feels that Controllers are lacking. Best team friendly archetype in the game.
  15. I have a SS/FA brute IOd out about as far as she can be, and my vote for 'strongest' still goes to support.

    Cold and Dark are right up there for me.
  16. I would rate Freezing Rain is much much more powerful. Conceptually it has a lot of problems but that's besides the point of the question, yes?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormDevil View Post
    Yep. It works out pretty well, actually.
    Thank you so much that is perfect!
  18. Is it possible to colour Water Blast sufficiently enough to look like Blood? Are there red choices available? Is it convincing?

    I'd like to know before buying the set and finding out I can't do the theme that I want to do.

    Thank you!
  19. I actually love the animation for Barb Swipe, I wish it just got the damage upped to make it more worthwhile
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    Icy Bastion looks like a (quite good) "Oh ****" button. I'm normally building so I don't use those things (like, for example, on my shielders and willpower characters), and instead prefer a constant sort of output. Does it do something else I'm not getting?
    It's up roughly 1/3 of the time if you slot IOs for a reasonable amount of recharge so it's nothing like some other sets T9s. It is as you say however not a constant.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    Stalker all the way. Icy Bastion is amazing.
    Yup got my Stalker to 50 and you get the Tanker T9 in your APP with nicer prettier goodies like Icy Bastion in your regular secondary powers
  22. I can't see where the offensive/defensive adaptations can be found for Bio Armour?
  23. You mean it's almost like an actual nightclub including people hooking up and getting it on just out back? shocking!

    (I really don't care about these things anymore )