Is there going to be any non-battle Incarnate powers?

Adeon Hawkwood



Would be nice if we could get a quality of life power of some sort, instead of always stacking more of something because its better.



Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
Would be nice if we could get a quality of life power of some sort, instead of always stacking more of something because its better.
Maybe one day.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
Would be nice if we could get a quality of life power of some sort, instead of always stacking more of something because its better.
You mean like costume effects or something, indicating your immense power?

Heck, it would be nice just to see incarnate enhancements that you have crafted to show up in your info tab.

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You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



If you want pretty emotes and costume pieces, the Incarnate system actually covers that already through the Astral/Emp merit vendors- Auras, costume pieces, emotes, etc. The slots themselves are meant to enhance character performance. QOL stuff like mission teleporters, team transporters, etc. can be picked up through the Paragon Market, but I guess there could be a fair argument for making stuff like that purchasable through Emps/Astrals too- I would absolutely get behind that.



Do you mean like having a sense of omnipresence? Where we can be wherever we want. We've become incarnated, beaten most of the game, so why should beings as mighty as us have to walk?

Like a travel power of some sort to increase quality of life?

Perhaps the power to change our own destiny(setting difficulty ourselves like x4+8). This would be handy since in DA, we have to push it up or they are too weak, then certain people would need to lower it again to leave. Worst of all is when you go to Ouro and your lower level missions are stronger than your comfort zone due to not being +1 and there aren't even any Fateweavers in Ouro to fix that.

That is all I'll think of relating to quality of life. Now to escape before I get more ideas.



Nothanks we don't need a fail slot worse than hybrid. Like someone mentioned most of those stuff can be handled with emp/astral merit buy but no slot wasted on that kind of stuff please.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Nothanks we don't need a fail slot worse than hybrid.
Hybrid's not a fail slot. It's just not another absolutely OP monstrosity like Alpha or Destiny.

C'mon, man.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
No thanks we don't need a fail slot worse than hybrid.
What he said.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



A travel power that did not go away when you EXd and could slot travel IOs could be cool. Since it stayed with you at all levels, you could respec out of the normal travel power. It would be non-battle (or you could make them immune to suppression and then they would be in-battle as well), but still be a power increase.

You could do some cool things with the tiered system as well. Each tier could add another slot, so eventually you could put up to 4 IOs into the power (or tier 2 and 3 could add two slots, and tier 4 one slot, to total 6). You could increase the amount of control and friction as you slide up the trees (imagine Fly with the control of Hover). You could add some short duration Fly speed after an Incarnate TP. You could add Jump Height to an incarnate SS or run speed to an Incarnate Super Jump. Obviously, speed could increase as you moved up the trees. You could add stealth and/or -threat to some of the trees. +perception could be a nice travel power add (moving so fast, you need to be more aware).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Hybrid's not a fail slot. It's just not another absolutely OP monstrosity like Alpha or Destiny.

C'mon, man.
C'mon what? Hybrid is a fail slot. Sure, it does something I guess, but there's no slot yet that has had less effect on our performance. It's the bottom the barrel as Incarnate powers go. The idea of making one of the remaining slots just as bad is crazy.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
Would be nice if we could get a quality of life power of some sort, instead of always stacking more of something because its better.
Do you have any suggestions about these quality of life powers?



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Sure, it does something I guess, but there's no slot yet that has had less effect on our performance.
Considering how few slots there are, and how pointless further power is at this stage, I don't consider this to be significant in any way.



I feel that having one or two non-combat powers in the Incarnate System would be great. Maybe Mind and Vitae?

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Hybrid's not a fail slot. It's just not another absolutely OP monstrosity like Alpha or Destiny.

C'mon, man.



Ask yourself how broken you want the game to be. If the Incarnate slots add more ridiculous buffs to the game, why play anything but the maximum DPS powers?

Who needs a Defender when we can all use our Destinies?
Who needs a Tanker when we can all have max defense and resistance?

Obviously one of the slot should be an AoE mag 10 hold. Then we can do away with all of our Controllers and Dominators!

Yes, we need slots that offer non-combat advancement.



Originally Posted by Legend_Light View Post
Yes, we need slots that offer non-combat advancement.
What non-combat (mini) games would you like to boost instead? It is not like CoH has a lot of stuff outside of combat.

Incarnate Marketing?
Incarnate Crafting?
Incarnate Ski slopes (and other games of balance and twitchyness)?
Incarnate Gladiators?

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
What non-combat (mini) games would you like to boost instead? It is not like CoH has a lot of stuff outside of combat.

Incarnate Marketing?
Incarnate Crafting?
Incarnate Ski slopes (and other games of balance and twitchyness)?
Incarnate Gladiators?
Ability to ascend into instance/zone xyz? Vanity item xyz?

If nothing else, make powers that are different for each AT.



On the (semi) related subject of the astral/empyrean merit-bought auras, are there any videos out there that are just a log of all the really expensive auras? I have spare merits, and I'd rather LOOK cool than be cool ><



Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
Do you have any suggestions about these quality of life powers?
Sleeping pills were kicking in when i wrote the post. But since ive woke up I guess about the only thing i can think of is a super teleport.

Click power a map opens up, then you pick what zone you want to go to then a specific point on said zone. Like placing a thumbtack.

Also LOL @ Hybrid!

@Devs, When the hell are you guys going to fix that crap for pets?



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
C'mon what? Hybrid is a fail slot. Sure, it does something I guess, but there's no slot yet that has had less effect on our performance.
Actually, my best estimate is that my Assault Core Embodiment ultimately provides a comparable level of net damage benefit as my Ion Core Final Judgment does in actual play. Performance-wise they are close enough to be a wash.

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Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
A travel power that did not go away when you EXd and could slot travel IOs could be cool.
Pick your travel power at 4. Done.

Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
Sleeping pills were kicking in when i wrote the post. But since ive woke up I guess about the only thing i can think of is a super teleport.

Click power a map opens up, then you pick what zone you want to go to then a specific point on said zone. Like placing a thumbtack.
Problems with the terrain on that. But we already have something fairly close via the mission teleporter/team transport and the tier 5 in Teleport.



We don't need non-combat incarnate powers.

There is no sense in saying incarnate powers are OP. That is their entire point. At the Incarnate level you are a team unto yourself. The Incarnate powers are supposed to completely nullify the normal game. If you want to play without being over the top awesome, then turn them off.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Actually, my best estimate is that my Assault Core Embodiment ultimately provides a comparable level of net damage benefit as my Ion Core Final Judgment does in actual play. Performance-wise they are close enough to be a wash.
On what character?

I imagine that my Tanker would see significantly more damage from Judgment.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
On what character?

I imagine that my Tanker would see significantly more damage from Judgment.
Unless you have a high AoE tanker with a gigaton of recharge, I would imagine so. But probably not enough to claim that Judgment is great and Hybrid is worthless.

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