Is there going to be any non-battle Incarnate powers?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
So what I hear you say here is that Destiny (and maybe Lore) needs to be nerfed so that Hybrid can feel more powerful? That would be a suggestion I could really get behind! *obviously cheesy thumbs up*
I hope that dont happen.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I hope that dont happen.
To be clear, I was joking... but I honestly wouldn't mind if it did (or if they included Judgment in that).



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
To be clear, I was joking... but I honestly wouldn't mind if it did (or if they included Judgment in that).
I aint joking. I really do hope that dont happen.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
To be clear, I was joking... but I honestly wouldn't mind if it did (or if they included Judgment in that).
I'd just go Premium, spend the sub money on character slots and play the non-Incarnate game.

So what I hear you say here is that Destiny (and maybe Lore) needs to be nerfed so that Hybrid can feel more powerful? That would be a suggestion I could really get behind! *obviously cheesy thumbs up*
To give a fuller explanation, I quoted your original statement. There's a very specific reason, this would be it for me. In some other MMOs I've played, they use this exact method as a lazy man's way to deal with power progression. Here, the devs teased ten slots. They created the expectation of progressively becoming more powerful as we move up the line. Hybrid is now illustrating the problem that many other games find themselves in. We are running up against hard caps in much of the content. Now, how you deal with that isn't a trivial question. But what you NEVER do, in my opinion, is go back and nerf powers that were fine when they were added, but only now are overpowered because you need some headroom to add more power. Interestingly, Hybrid Assault Radial, deals with this issue in a good way, IMO. By adding a damage proc, it allows low damage cap ATs to circumvent that limitation and still progress. While at the same time providing a benefit to high damage cap characters who choose to go that way.

I don't claim I know the best way to deal with this problem. But I know what I don't like to see, and you described it quite well.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
*Ability to ascend into an other teams instanced mission in a PVP state for 5 min wiping their entire you chase the last squishy alive down the mission hallway and [snowball] them for 1 hp.....just to make them furiously mad and babble words (in all caps) not meant to be over broadcast!
You joke but when the iTrials first came out the LFG system was so buggy that this did happen with entire leagues getting ported into random missions instead of the Trial they were trying to run. I don't think I heard of anyone being able to PvP this way but I did hear a few stories (complete with screenshots) where a giant league ended up running amok in someone's PvE mission.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
You joke but when the iTrials first came out the LFG system was so buggy that this did happen with entire leagues getting ported into random missions instead of the Trial they were trying to run. I don't think I heard of anyone being able to PvP this way but I did hear a few stories (complete with screenshots) where a giant league ended up running amok in someone's PvE mission.
Those poor, poor enemies.



I would say all the Incarnate Costume pieces are about as far as I would want to go as 'non battle' incarnate powers.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
I would say all the Incarnate Costume pieces are about as far as I would want to go as 'non battle' incarnate powers.

THIS, don't make me waste time, effort, and energy into getting a slot unlocked so I can get the next power I want that is useful because somebody wants an incarnate costume emote or travel power or who knows what other useless thing.

When you're playing this game, and you're not in combat, are you really playing it? I think that's more using a game as social media...and while I don't have an issue there, I think it's a bit selfish to impose a useless wasted slot on people who play this game specifically to be in combat regularly, and make them have to unlock it in order to get to something they want.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
You joke but when the iTrials first came out the LFG system was so buggy that this did happen with entire leagues getting ported into random missions instead of the Trial they were trying to run. I don't think I heard of anyone being able to PvP this way but I did hear a few stories (complete with screenshots) where a giant league ended up running amok in someone's PvE mission.
It was happening as late as I22. I was in Sharkhead doing an instance when... BOOM 50+1 guys were suddenly showing up in my mission! It was just a tip I wrapped up quickly but damn it was funny. TPN broke and dumped everyone willy nilly into live instances.



I'm having trouble with how much more powerful the devs want incarnates to become. The current five slots (if you include Hybrid, which you probably shouldn't) have the potential to increase the effectiveness of any character dramatically. If the remaining four slots were even just as 'useful', the game would be as easy as it is when you play as your future self in Mender Ramiel's arc.

Do we really want incarnates to break the game? I personally do not and I'd be willing to bet the devs do not. If the devs are dead set on providing us with combat-effective abilities all the way through omega, you can probably expect them to be as or less effective than the Hybrid slot. I think an interesting idea would be an incarnate ability that provided extra enhancement slots.

As for quality of life powers, I don't think they're a bad idea. Perhaps upgraded versions of Afterburner or Long-range Teleport with some basic (read: pointless) combat use could work. I don't know. I can't really see it happening... we'll all just have to wait and see.



Originally Posted by electric_emu View Post
I'm having trouble with how much more powerful the devs want incarnates to become. The current five slots (if you include Hybrid, which you probably shouldn't) have the potential to increase the effectiveness of any character dramatically. If the remaining four slots were even just as 'useful', the game would be as easy as it is when you play as your future self in Mender Ramiel's arc.

Do we really want incarnates to break the game? I personally do not and I'd be willing to bet the devs do not. If the devs are dead set on providing us with combat-effective abilities all the way through omega, you can probably expect them to be as or less effective than the Hybrid slot. I think an interesting idea would be an incarnate ability that provided extra enhancement slots.

As for quality of life powers, I don't think they're a bad idea. Perhaps upgraded versions of Afterburner or Long-range Teleport with some basic (read: pointless) combat use could work. I don't know. I can't really see it happening... we'll all just have to wait and see.
I can assure you the devs will keep balance in mind. Also, look at the trials where these powers become available...UGT is exponentially more difficult than BAF, and Magi is harder than UGT, especially trying to do it "the hard way" or "the really hard way"

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
If you want pretty emotes and costume pieces, the Incarnate system actually covers that already through the Astral/Emp merit vendors- Auras, costume pieces, emotes, etc. The slots themselves are meant to enhance character performance. QOL stuff like mission teleporters, team transporters, etc. can be picked up through the Paragon Market, but I guess there could be a fair argument for making stuff like that purchasable through Emps/Astrals too- I would absolutely get behind that.
I think this pretty well covers it. Now adding additional costume pieces, emotes or whatever to the Astral/Emp stores in Ouroborus is okay but to actually use a power slot to make me look different? I don't think the majority of the player base would be happy.

Incarnate powers are designed to make us more powerful, more GOD like, so we can better deal with the challenges of the trials. When the system first began we had ALPHA which was a build fixer... dependng on what you chose you could increase you damage output, reduce end loss, increase resistance or defense, and so on. We didn't have a trial at that point but did pick up the Apex and Tin Mage task forces.

Then they added Judgement, Lore, Interface and Destiny at the same time giving us Lambda and the BAF. Suddenly we were facing a constant diet of 54 level foes that challenged our abilities and those four powers, as we opened them, helped us deal with it. As newer trial emerged the need for certain powers became much more realistic.. WHile not all do a good leader is always going to ask how many players can slot Clarion before starting an Underground Trial (to deal with the massive PSI the Emmisary of Hamidon has in that final chamber). Anyone that has done a Mind of Mayhem will tell you how important a few good Barriers (with 2 rezzes) and a few Clarions can be while dodging pink clouds of death or dealing with all that PSI (confuse/damage). How much easier did the BAF become after players started opening up Lore and even a Tanker suddenly had at least 2 pets to add to the prisoner escape phase? While some criticize it even Hybrid is useful when you are battling Emperor Cole in the Magi trial.

We have 5 powers left and its interesting that no new powers or new trial are scheduled for issue 24. I am betting when 25 arrives any new power or powers we get will add us in battling the new threat of Battalion. Somehow I seriously doubt a pretty aura or a costume piece will help win that battle.

Add whatever you like to the Astral/Emp store .. at the moment most of my incarnates have merits they don't know what to do with but when I start collecting salvage for a power I want to get an actual POWER in return.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Only saw this thread 'cause it was bumped, so here are some very late thoughts.

Some of my friends refer to Judgment as the "Yeah, No" Button. As in, "Hey look, a spawn of..." "Yeah, no." *ZOT*

Hybrid could definitely use some work, but I don't consider myself qualified to even suggest what. Arcanaville(someone who IS qualified, IMO)'s note on what players can (be manipulated to) accept is well-taken.

Haven't noticed a huge difference from Destiny myself, except in the highly specific case of the UG Trial and "If you do not bring this many Clarions, You Will Fail." Which I'm not entirely certain is good design, but... *shrug* (Kind of like how you can have a whole zone beat on a Giant Monster all day, but without at least one (and often just one is enough) with some kind of -regen like Rad or Dark, you're not touching his health bar.)

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Such as?

The best anyone has come up with is a teleport. In a game that keeps adding new ways to get around.
Just to get things back on topic:
The ability to use most, iof not all powers, while running/flying/jumping. Yeah yeah yeah, coding blah blah. We just dropped a robot on Mars with a ROCKET CRANE. Anything is possible.

The ability to add a seventh slot to your powers. You'd still have the same pool of slots as other 50s, you could just pile more into one power if you chose.
A bonus number of slots to add to your powers, up to 6 per power. Maybe one per tier. Enhancements in these slots would ghost out if you unslotted the Incarnate power.

Combining three of any kind of inspiration gives you the same inspiration, one tier higher. Combine 3 T1 Lucks to get a T2 Good Luck. You can keep combining all the way up to a Super Tier inspiration.A Horadric Cube for superheroes.
Break down enhancements into inspirations. Break down a TO damage enhancement into a T1 rage inspiration. Break down a SO damage enhancement into a T3 righteous rage enhancement. And so on. Maybe make it random, so SOs would grant you T1-T3 inspirations. Enhancements with no discernible enhancement counterpart (range, fly, etc) would give random results.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



I don't think any of the upcoming Incarnate abilities should be something that's not directly useful for the character, whether it's passively or actively effecting you in some way.

I do think it would be cool to add mini-powers or something though. More things along the line of Incarnate costumes. Incarnate versions of travel powers would be cool too. Maximum speed run, fly, jump, or long-range teleport or your own personal TUNNEL system, etc. That would be an interesting addition, add some flavor to being an Incarnate, and not be a part of the 'main tree'.