Absolutely incredible potential
As are we all ;c
Very very sad
Don't hold the emotions back. Keeping them bottled inside rots your soul.
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There is so much potential that we will never get to see here. Don't hold your emotions back- just let it out.
- GAGGLES of new powersets
- new lore/storylines and trials
- no more hasten hands
- a quiver for my arrows
- continued community involvement with a wonderful playerbase and devs that truly care about the game
... and so much more. To send this game off in its prime in such an unceremonious way is awful.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
Thats what gets me the most. The game was better than it had ever been, and looked like it was only going to improve in leaps and bounds.
Yeah, the new powersets, the fixes, the whole I24, new costumes...
This game has improved a lot, but it was in its best shape when NCSoft killed it.
It's so sad.
I would understand the shutting off if servers merged, and we didnt had any update coming, but the game was only getting better...
This sucks, men.
Yep. Issue 24 was shaping up to be one of the best Issues ever, in my opinion.
Regardless of an Issue vs. Issue contest, I do believe this game continuously just became better and better.
I don't get the big clamor for new and shiny and all that... give me something that continuously gets more and more depth added to it and more and more of the options that continue to make a game greater and more customizable and more appealing for everyone.
Blah, blah, blah... Somebody help us!!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world
I was on the edge of my seat for i24. There were so many great things coming with that issue...
Really, CoH: Freedom was a big turn-around for the game...the rate of development increased tremendously. I agree that CoH was, in a lot of ways, the best it has ever been, and was -so close- to being a lot better.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."
Just desperately holding the emotions back. I will cry any minute quickly.
This game had such a mountain of potential, even now. The upcoming updates inculded a ton and absolutely everybody liked the whole thing for once. I am devastated.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!