Strongest powerset?




I've taken about a three year break from this game, and Energy Melee doesnt seem as strong as it used to be. So I come to with this question: which powerset is strongest in your opinion for pvp and which set is strongest for soloing mobs? I know it's the player that matters, but I want to know what the new meta is.



Originally Posted by infr4mer View Post
I've taken about a three year break from this game, and Energy Melee doesnt seem as strong as it used to be. So I come to with this question: which powerset is strongest in your opinion for pvp and which set is strongest for soloing mobs? I know it's the player that matters, but I want to know what the new meta is.
PVP, pretty sure you don't want to play anything melee. Strongest AOE melee sets would be Super Strength and Titan Weapons paired with Fiery Aura.



TW, Sonic Blast, Time, SS, Traps, Fire Blast, Bots, KM, Cold Dom, Plant, Psi Manip



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
For mob slaughter you'll want to look to TW/FA or SS/FA melee. If ranged is your thing consider Plant/Storm controller. For PvP...well, I don't know.
Plant/Storm is a bit of a strange critter for fast defeats. It takes about 30 seconds to take down a single LT, but you can take down an entire x8 group in about 20 seconds if your key powers (Freezing Rain, Seeds of Confusion, and Carrion Creepers) are up.



PVP: no clue

PVE: I'd still go with SS/FA(/Soul) brute. TW/FA is a possible contender and may well surpass it in pure damage in the hands of a good player, but SS/FA has the often overlooked advantage of a massive tohit buff (which isn't relevant if you meant to say farming, but can matter significantly against certain groups if you're talking about fighting any kind of mob), as well as requiring little personal skill due to no redraw nor any special mechanic.



the strongest powerset is radiation emission



Mace right? It's mace. Wait, is mace the pretty one?



Gonna be a tough call atm. With the changes to i24 not out yet certain Blaster or Corruptor builds might be very, very good with a crashless nuke.

But overall seeing that every farmer is a fire toon. I would say any fire melee set, especially a Brute would be good or strong.

Traps is very good assuming you can get your head around it.

But on the flip side I am soloing 4/8 on my AR Device and I am soloing 4/8 against certain DA incarnate mobs. Those vengeance mobs are very tough. They are the new Malta for DA. But again it all depends. I am getting the feel your a melee player. Though Traps very melee oriented I don't imagine your that type of fella. PvP wise I do not think Traps is doable at all anyways.

PvP wise your best bet is going to the PvP forums and asking. Sadly there are not many left.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



I have a SS/FA brute IOd out about as far as she can be, and my vote for 'strongest' still goes to support.

Cold and Dark are right up there for me.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Mace right? It's mace. Wait, is mace the pretty one?
No, he's the bad-a** one:

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Cold/Dark Defender

Dark/Mental Blaster

any Super Strength

perma jump is ---> /up 1



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