1124 -
It's possible that the CoH successor being discussed on the Titan forums could do something interesting with it (not a straight-up character import, though), and there's a good chance that someone will come up with a "display your character" website that can use these exports.
That's probably it, then. If you've got access to a computer with a newer version of MacOS, try doing the export there.
Quote:What version of MacOS are you running? IIRC, "unknown required field load command" errors are caused by bugs in Apple's methods of compiling software for older versions of MacOS.Sorry to bug you, but i don;t know where to put this.
When i run the Mac version of Sentinel+ I get the following message;
dyld: unknown required field load command 0x80000022/bin/sh: line 1: 8107 trace/BPT trap ‘/users/Jenn/Desktop/sentinel/sentinelplus.app//contents/resources/scripts/sentinel’
and then it closes...saving nothing in the process... Plz help?? -
I'm working on a program to generate short demofiles showcasing a character. I've got most of what I want it to do figured out, but I can't find a way other than demorecording each power to generate power animations. For example, is there a way to figure out that activating "Blaster_Ranged.Fire_Blast.Flares" while flying generates the lines "FX Maintained 26804 CUSTOMIZEABLEPOWERS/FIREBLAST/FIREHANDS.FX 0" and "FX OneShot 26805 CUSTOMIZEABLEPOWERS/FIREBLAST/FLARES_ATTACK.FX 0", as well as a "MOV" line to get the character's hands into position?
Another "was-it-a-bug" I encountered: the drop rates for salvage increased twice, so that by Issue 22 beta, it was double the published drop rates (I haven't checked since -- for all I know, it's gone up again). Was this intentional, or not?
Quote:Nothing nefarious here, it's just a side effect of how the patching system works. Patches are sets of instructions on how to modify the game files to get from one version to another. There are hundreds if not thousands of past versions of the game, and generating patches for all of them would take months and require terabytes of storage. Instead, they just generate patches for the versions that are likely to be encountered. Right now, there are patches for what looks like Issue 20.5 and newer, plus specific versions of Issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, and 18. You're upgrading from a late version of Issue 20, and the error message is telling you they don't have a patch for that specific old version.So I saw this on Twitter yesterday:
I tested this at work:
I tried to "Update" but that failed.
(There is a way they could generate patches that would let users upgrade from any prior version: each patch is strictly an update from one version to the next, and upgrading from an ancient version to the current one means applying all the in-between patches. The problem is that this shifts the burden onto the end user: as many patches undo or over-write each other, the resulting unnecessary work would cause updating from an original install CD to take weeks, and download gigabytes of useless data in the process.) -
If somebody's found an activity with a disproportionate risk/reward profile, the proper response is to fix the activity and roll back the rewards. No further punishment is needed -- just letting it be known that you can't expect to keep your ill-gotten gains can act as a deterrent.
Because it is. I've researched CRC32's weaknesses as part of my job: I wanted to use checksums to verify every file making up a software installation, including the file containing the list of checksums, which requires being able to easily generate a file with a desired checksum. I'll send you the details in a PM, but in short, one of the weaknesses permits someone to undetectably modify the file even without knowing the details of how the checksum is computed. Cryptographic hashes were invented for a reason, you know.
The Nova Praetoria counter is directly above <-6191.7 380.1 -848.4>, approximately one standard jump height up. I haven't managed to find the Imperial City one.
Odd. The apostrophe is allowed in filenames on every filesystem that Windows supports, and I didn't have any trouble exporting characters with apostrophes in their names.
At the end of the Hess TF, Ernesto Hess says his associates "can spin a tangled web". The obvious assumption is that he's working with Arachnos; is that correct, and if so, which faction within Arachnos?
One of my favorite bugs was when I finally ran a BAF trial on a character with Surveillance, and discovered that the Warmth of Prometheus was buffing the enemies as well as the players. I don't know if that was ever fixed.
Quote:Did you pass the "-renderthread 0" command-line parameter? Multi-threaded rendering works on Windows, but it doesn't work on Linux, and I suspect it won't work on MacOS.Found an old (~1 year) copy of Wine I had... CoH wouldn't load past the banner image (not even the splash screen). If it works on Wine on Linux, I'd bet that it'd likely work on OS X. I'm sure someone else with an OS X machine will be around to test... if not, I'll try to grab a newer copy and see how that goes.
The export tool works fine for me with Wine 1.4.1 on Linux. -
My favorite probably-not-a-bug:
Mission doors for most missions are selected randomly from the set of all doors that meet certain criteria, eg. "warehouse door in Atlas Park". When the limit on the mission list was raised from three to seven, I wondered what would happen if you accepted a mission, but there were no doors meeting the criteria that didn't already have a mission attached to them. After some effort, I found the answer: I've got a character with two missions associated with a single door (one of the Portal Corps portals). Going through the door seems to pick the first one on the list. -
I've been playing around with ideas for a browser-based massively zero-player game for a while. I'll probably work on actually developing it now.
(Which setting should I go with: high fantasy, or pseudo-American Frontier?) -
Quote:120Hz minimizes frame lag if the monitor's controller is up to the task (a cheap or overly-fancy display controller can introduce several frames of lag), but TN panels have annoying color shifts if viewed off-axis, and many of them get their speed by reducing the number of distinct colors they can display. Flicker is only a problem for CRT monitors; LCDs don't flicker at any refresh rate.The only reason I went with that monitor was because it was the only one that had 120hz (which is suppose to be the new big thing with regards to monitors).
Apparently 120hz minimises flicker, frame lag etc. most of which isn't actually visible to the naked eye but still nice to have.
The main tradeoff with LCDs is speed vs. color quality: TN panels are fast, while IPS panels are almost as good as CRTs for color. -
Quote:A typical computer has four states it can be in (omitting minor details like standby power, reduced-power modes and the like):I usually only put it into hibernate mode instead of turning it off completely. Is that good/bad to do?
1) On. Everything is powered up and ready to go.
2) Sleep. The CPU, hard drive, and most peripherals are powered off. Memory is kept powered up to retain its contents.
3) Hibernate. The contents of the memory have been saved to the hard disk, and everything has been powered down.
4) Off. Everything has been powered down without preserving the contents of memory.
As far as your computer's hardware is concerned, there's no difference between hibernate and off. Hibernate/off vs always-on is a different matter, and there's a lively debate over which is better for the hardware (in short, an on/off cycle causes one type of damage to computer chips, and always-on causes a different type of damage). It's quite clear which one's better for your power bill, though. -
Quote:Unless I've missed something, you can't set Freezing Rain on fire. The fact that you can ignite OSA makes a huge difference in the mechanics of how the powers work.Okay, I can deal with "can't be fixed." What I can't deal with is "if it's been broken for years, why is it still in the game." Replace it with another power that works!
However, I find it ironic that pets don't flee from Freezing Rain in the storm powerset. It's exactly the same ability! (except that it's ice instead of fire and has a considerably smaller radius than OS). -
If you can find a reliable way of causing rubberbanding, by all means file a bug report for Wine, either as a comment on bug 13718 if it seems to be related, or as a new bug if it doesn't.
Quote:The rules are quite simple: for a given character, running the WST will grant a bonus the first time they run it; the nature of the bonus depends on if the character is level 50 at the time of completion or not. Eligibility is reset every time the WST changes, so you could have, for example, run the Apex TF on Monday evening for a bonus, then run the Yin TF on Tuesday morning for a bonus. There is no way to get a second bonus for a given character in a given week, and nothing you can do will prevent you from getting the first bonus from the WST.Where can I find the rules or guidelines for how to get rewards for TFs. I did the weekly TF (Penelope) last night, and tonight, and I received no rewards in either case. I think it might be because I did a repeatable Dark Astoria mission where I chose Incarnate threads.
I'd like to know what all the can dos and can't dos regarding this. -
Quote:Pets are immune to the pink patches in MoM, and are reportedly highly resistant to the blue patches in Apex.I can now add Malaise in the MoM trial to the list with his cute fluffy pink puddles! God I hate that guy!
To be honest I do not remember if I was hovering or not, the darn things seemed to be everywhere! It felt like i was in a pinball machine... ding ding dingdingding, compounded by the fact I was the only taunter (I was on my MM) come on melee folks take your taunts! -
Quote:I've successfully run three accounts at once on a quad-core Q6600 with 8GB RAM and a GeForce 5770 GT card (a computer that was top-of-the-line five years ago). The limiting factor here was RAM: I could probably have fit a fourth account in, but I preferred to leave room for disk caching, which greatly reduces loading times. I'm fairly sure the graphics card was overkill, as I've run two accounts at once on a much weaker GPU.I currently have a couple old computers that i use for multi-boxing ,and i'm tired of the mess i have. i want to buy something that can run 4 accounts minimum at the same time
i'm not comp savy at all, so i'll not be building it.
I don't need it to be super powerful as far as graphics go for visuals ( keep them at minimum settings to reduce workload) but powerful enough that the lag isn't ridiculous when i swap between accts etc.
Can i get a laptop that would handle this? or does it need to be a tower?
Pricewise, i'm looking at $500 max. -
Yes, the chatbox retaining focus is a very longstanding issue with CoH on Linux.