1895 -
Awesome... lets hope it works in one way or the other... Thumbs up! Fingers crossed!
didnt knew this.. will check asap when back home. Valuable information.
Will not let this community go that easily... I say thank you and 'till nexttime.
Its either cryptic engine licence or NCSOFT likes all players to goto GW2. I will not take any chances and stay away from both GW2 and CO.
If I ever feel in need of another game... As of yet none can compair. -
I will miss this game.. and the many many hours of fun I had in it. When I heard the news I was in the mids of rebuilding not one, but two bases.. both I wanted to show off ...
But... I know that the reason I came back was the community. Any other game I tried... ANY other game... had a bunch of asocial persons running around. Here I found friends, and many good conversation. That was partly because of its fantastic Devs.
May your hats fit well forever !!! And good luck in any job after this... -
I will miss this more then anything else in my life... For the past years it filled a hole.
Ofcourse I sign!
UNION player here -
lvl 47
- IO the build out on lvl 50 enhance sets. Every set bonus is like enhancing your toon with new powers
lvl 50
- Unlock the Alpha slot with the menders in Ouroborous. And join the incarnate trials to unlock the other incarnate powers. -
On Union I have ...
Cher Nobyl
On Exalted...
Hiro Shima
Both fire/rad trollers ofcourse -
I have on Union...
Yim Wing-chun
El Mariachi
Desert Princess
and on Defiant...
Pocahontas -
Why the Pancake is this one not used.. and never changed again! Even if occasionally .. this one is waaaayyyyyy better then the one of states they did use.
Getting the big version... Now where was the proggy to change login screens? Can someone point that out again here? -
Quote:I'll add my voice to the chorus saying that they like the revamp, but hate, hate, Hate, HATE the club hair.
I absolutely despise it.
Aside from that, I actually feel like there's TOO many female members in the Skulls now. They should have a much lower spawn rate than males, just because that much more closely resembles my experience having lived in the "ghetto" most of my life. That's not to say there aren't girls in gangs, just that they tend to be far less overtly so.Quote:Originally Posted by dugfromthearth
I will be very upset if they redo gravediggers and they still use bats and not shovels
Them using shovels would be great.
I'd like them to keep the skulls pattern on the back of their shirts as well. -
Researched it... pre-ordered it. Yes it is Blu-Ray only... 2-D and 3-D versions (if excist) included. Not the DVD versions!
And now I feel like making a real replica of the Tesseract using this box and the German real suitcase combined. -
Hmm.. I am not on this server (or I would have joined)... but my main toon is an mm.
3 zombies
2 knights
1 lich
1 red vet wisp
1 dark servant
1 ghost (if a zomb dies, 2 if more dies)
2 cimeroran (lore)
11 pets all out... (12 if lucky enough to double the ghost)
I don't count temp powers as the heavy, amy, backup radio or shivan's. -
Quote:So true, so true... I agree with the bunny.Fresh takes don't work... Funcom tried that with The Secret World and everyday on their forums there are people complaining about it being too different, lack of levelling system, no mounts, no classes, too easy, too hard, lack of content (which I find hilarious, the game is one month old, you can't expect years of content on the onset...) and so yawn and yawn.
Most people are formatted to a particular model and don't want it to deviate even if it is in a totally different setting. TSW went with a subs only model and everyday there's someone crying for F2P and asking when it's going F2P. People don't seem to realize that F2P is anything BUT free! The amount you spend on micro-transactions compared to a monthly sub with ingame money only stores is ludicrous AND ridiculous. It's fleecing on epic proportions. Couple that with the sense of entitlement and the "I want it nao and I want it all" mentality and you have an ever growing abyssal maw you can never, ever come close to satisfying.
Also, one of the reasons why MMORPG are losing customers has to do with the economical crisis raging all over the world. With less jobs, more unemployment and job instability it's no surprise people are retracting from expenses they cannot justify when they need to worry about food, housing and, for those who have them, family.
And then there's the jaded feeling: no matter what you come up with, no matter how innovative you think you are or can be, chances are you won't get enough player retainability to keep your game afloat, mainly because today's youth (and, regrettably, the 30 something crowd) have the attention span of a fruit fly gnat and are always on the lookout for the next big shiny thing which they then proceed to devour like a cloud of hungry locusts, leaving a wasteland of detritus behind while flocking to the next new horizon which will never quench their hunger.
Rinse and repeat sweetlings, rinse and repeat... -
Sad that I am the one telling you this.. but PVP has had changes in the past that makes all toons around the same. Meaning damage and ressistence on squishies got buffed. Strong defence, regen and ressistance toons get nerved. Holds cannot be permanent anymore (only last a few seconds).
In short.. all your cool stuff you have will be nerved in PVP zones.
That is why you hardly see PVP anymore these days. -
Quote:I really would like that!Really depends how it's done. Might be kind of like the sequence in First Ward when we're going through the memories of one of the Apparitions. That was a fairly disturbing sequence. Just a series of scenes, with you in a different "costume" as time goes by, as Hamidon mutates from Dr. Hamidon Pasilima, eco-terrorist and scientist, into the monstrous Hamidon. Maybe include Tanya Tyler as well.
Also.. the temp bar is rather useless as it is... I would love it to be used with ALL temp powers gained in the whole game! That would free up space a lot....
Yes.... Daredevil wasnt that bad in the light of all.. Affleck shows a good blind man. Somthing that is hard to act. And the Kingpin although black was very nice acted. But I do advise to only see the directors cut. Then only Elektra sucks in there...
I like Fox to lose all Marvel characters rights as soon as possible and let Marvel go on with their movie verse.... -
Amazing Master buildrs for LEGO... Really.. I saw some Star Destroyers from Star Wars too...
And did you see the time spend on this!? Unbelievable.... -
Quote:Oh cool.. I got to improve on Arcanaville for once...How ironic. The Lord of the Rings was actually written to be a single novel. The publisher split it up into three books, but that was not the author's original intent. The Lord of the Rings is only a trilogy, instead of a single volume or six volumes, because a publisher decided they could make more money selling it as a three volume set.
I say six because The Lord of the Rings is divided into six "books" by the author: The Ring Sets Out, The Ring Goes South, The Treason of Isengard, The Ring Goes East, The War of the Ring, The Return of the King. So its either one giant novel, or six books of a series. Its only a trilogy because of money.
Tolkien always intended all of his Middle Earth stories to be pieces of one grand story. He even went so far as to change the Hobbit after it had been originally published to synchronize it with the Lord of the Rings as he wrote that. Tolkien constantly made changes to both The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings due to his work on the Silmarillion. Its reasonable to suggest that there are lots of non-linear connections between the works that could be explored in a movie based on The Hobbit, particularly appendix content, and including that content actually more closely follows Tolkien's story-telling intent. So much of his work is in appendices or originally unpublished addendums specifically because of perceived practical limitations of publishing page count.
And irony stacked upon irony: we only have a Lord of the Rings because Tolkien's publishers thought his originally intended next work, the Silmarillion, was unmarketable. The Lord of the Rings is actually an attempt by Tolkien's publishers to milk more money from Tolkien's readership's interest in Hobbits.
Tolkien wrote it as one big story yes. Based on his imagining of a world with myths and legends. Notes he had lying around. The whole Lord of the Rings was almost pushed as idea because the Hobbit sold so well.
He came with the whole book at the publisher who almsot screamed at the size of it. The books at that time couldn't hold that much pages. It was just impossable to print. So they said... cut it on three! Tolkien was a man with a very direct and hard to handle personality. He simply cut the book into 3 parts... didn't rewrite anything... just three parts. Ofcourse selling three nooks didn't hurt the income either... but it was not the main reason.
That is why there cliffhangers in the book doesn't fit the ends of the books. They where not written that way. Peter Jackson his writers repaired that part of the movies making them easier to follow. -
What I understood he is filling parts of the story with info on the Necromancer etc. That is work out of 'the Silmarillion'. Meaning he is adding parts from another now-sale book to be able to enhance the small pocket which is 'the Hobbit'.
*edit* and I saw someone also noted this too... it is geting late here
All things said..
+ It is Middle Earth and it is still great eye-candy
- Lord of the Rings was 3 big books for 3 movies where they cut an aweful lot, where The Hobbit will be 3 movies from a small thin book elongating parts with another book that was sold badly. -
Quote:I couldnt help myself.. but I would make him more like this :P Saw it as a challenge...I think that would be more likely to fall under Robes than shoulders, since it's all one piece. In fact, we have a robe that's pretty close to that.
Here's an example... Not that I would advise or condone making a character based on another company's copyrighted intellectual property... but just to show how the part looks compared to the picture...
And it he insectclaws werent pretinted it would be even better... -
Quote:Everything that requeres different animations because of powers. Like arms that blast fire. Will not happen at all.The seers in Praetoria sometimes have their arms bound to their side, can we have a "chest" option that activates this feature, locking the arms into a position like this?
Also, can we have something silimar for legs, in two different forms? I'm thinking floating standing vertically (to give the appearance that I never touch the ground) and sitting (invisible wheelchair!) which could then be coupled with this next thing:
wheelchairs, hoverchairs, and jump-jet leg attachments, for handicapped persons who wish to continue their superheroics!
(this would be really awesome for everyone, because you could roleplay out a hero's injuries rather than hand-waving them away!) -
Please make a solid 3D version of almost all basic masks... I am getting real tired of teh war paint trying to be a mask. At least make it that you cannot see the eyebrows anymore :S
Quote:I will for sure....Sure - it works like this. (And looks like THIS.)
When the invasion starts, the sky goes green, the War Walls come down, and the sirens start blaring. All the mobs on the street disappear.
About a minute or two later, a series of Rikti dropships begin flying through the zone, bombing everything in their path. Some bombs explode on impact, others sit delayed. You get a badge for blowing up the delayed ones.
That lasts about 5 minutes. Then waves of Rikti (based on the # of heroes in the zone) begin teleporting in AROUND you. For crowd control, this is why heroes/villains tend to gather in one spot. AoE is your friend. The more in one zone, the better the chance that the invaders will bust out the Heavy Armored Assault Suits (you get a badge for those as well).
Eventually the Walls come back up and they teleport away.
When you attack, they are automatically ranged to your level, so EVERYONE is on an equal playing field. This is a great chance for healing badges, debt badges, inf, prestige, etc.
If you're in a high populated server that's REALLY feeling motivated, you can put together a dropship team and go to town.
It is a shame it is a big effort and there is not even a blasted badge for it though! If there was it would be much easier to get a group big enough.
Teh devs should fix that.