Anyone else get a chuckle out of this article?

Agent White



I know its seems "odd" but, CoH being around for 8 years (a bit more), we still seem to be the red headed step child of the MMO world. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. What I do know is that our Devs (and more) have done a great job with keeping this game "fun" and "up to date". Yes, I use "fun" and "up to date'" in quotes because, after 8 years of playing I find my self from time to time wondering "Why do I still play this game?!" and then when I don't play for a few days, I actually miss it! Sometimes, I don't miss the content or what is going on but, I miss the players. I miss the "LFG". I miss the "Forming TF/SF". I miss the "FOTW". I miss the "* Farming".

You see, there is a lot more to this game than power-leveling your toon to 50 and running Incarnate content. This is actually a game where there is a community, a player base of people who have been around long enough to actually understand how to play the game. These people are not afraid to help and show the newbies how to do it.

As a community, we need to find more ways to show the Devs our appreciation. We need to find more ways of showing new and old players that this game still has LOADS to offer. Sure, we would all like to see less time for Issues in the Development Phase and more items on the Market. But, they only have so much time and so many resources.

As a Veteran player of 8 years, I would like to proclaim that on the date of Issue 24, we also call that date (from here on out) "Dev Appreciation Day!" While so many of us enjoy the this great game, we should give thanks to those who have made it great for us.

what do you say?

" you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb" - Dark Helmet



I don't think MMO's are a dying breed at all. I think people just have more to choose from, so the numbers are getting spread out. Just because the 800 pound gorilla is finally starting to take a beating doesn't mean the whole market is going down.

Now you could make the argument that the monthly subscription MMO market is starting to go downhill and that might be a bit more accurate. More people want to play, but less people want to pay for it. Which I suppose is just human nature, but it does add appeal to the micro-transaction MMO's.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Thumbs up on the "Dev Appreciation Day". Also, it's funny how much fixation the world at large has on [FANTASY MMO], considering CoH actually predates it somewhat (Released in April 24, while [FANTASY MMO] was released a few months later in November). I assume you can figure out what I mean by [FANTASY MMO].

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If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



On an amusing side note, since December, when EA launced their smash hit galactic fanfiction MMO, Paragon Studios has actually put out more content for CoH than Bioware has managed for the TORtanic.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'd say the problem with the MMO market is everyone and their mother rushed out to throw out some half-*** slapped together generic fantasy game. Of course a huge percentage are gonna fail! Even if they were actually good, the market is over saturated at this point, and you're going to have to slog your way through a huge pile of crap to get anywhere.

Paragon (and NCNC, and all prior names for the devs) have certainly done a good job keeping CoH afloat. Anyone that's familiar with NCSoft's history must know that they're not ones to keep unprofitable games around!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



a) Pundits can't predict marketplace changes, they can only explain them -- and not very well.

b) The most hilarious part of the article was the Evony ad in the sidebar.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



you know, id say coh is less a "red headed stepchild" and more a product that found a small to moderate sized evolutionary niche and filled the @#$% out of it. as my old buddy jack E. said, the long term fans of coh will not leave no matter what you do to them. Heh, maybe we can call coh the duck-billed platypus of the mmo market, unusual, but filling its niche.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
you know, id say coh is less a "red headed stepchild" and more a product that found a small to moderate sized evolutionary niche and filled the @#$% out of it. as my old buddy jack E. said, the long term fans of coh will not leave no matter what you do to them. Heh, maybe we can call coh the duck-billed platypus of the mmo market, unusual, but filling its niche.
If that's the same Jack E. who said:

"Champions Online is going to be better than City of Heroes in every way, shape, and form. It's sad, but it's evolution."
Then I don't think you can really trust what he says

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



the post was somewhat tongue in cheek, but at the time the comment was taken as an insult by some, but if you paid attention, it was really a compliment about the resiliance of the fans dedication. an ambidextrious left-handed compliment it you will.



Jack is a toad.

the best thing that ever happened to this game was him taking NC's bribe to leave.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



The MMO boom is just the latest fad. It's like 20 years ago with the Trading Card boom. One gets successful, spawns a thousand copycats, market gets oversaturated, the weakest/poorest/most mismanaged ones die out, the strongs ones kick around, the lesser ones try to re-strategize and then the process repeats til the pool whittles down and the next big fad comes along.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
You know, for all the grief people give States, they tend to forget, there would be no City of Heroes if not for him. Yeah, he made a lot of sketchy design choices, but he's still become a bit of a Scapegoat Creator. [/devilsadvocate]
Some fathers make terrible parents and are only good at planting the seed.



"We think that a franchise such as Star Wars has the potential to attract 30 million or more monthly active users (MAUs), suggesting that the free-to-play version of the game has the potential to generate $120 —150 million in annual revenues. …"

You know, for anyone not familiar with 'the biz', this would sound like the most moronic statement ever made, often satirized by the 'dumb salesman' who says that they'll give their product away for free and they'll make their profit through 'volume.'

And anyone writing articles in 'the biz' and doesn't use the term 'microtransactions' maybe *is* that proverbial dumb salesman.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Any developer that now launches a sub-only MMO is insane.
I'd say that's only true because players have gotten to the "I'm entitled to everything free" mindset as well as the "The game has to have everything at the start now, even though all those other MMOs never did."

Plus there's the "If I can't solo my way to max level the game sucks" mentality. Mind you, it's a MMO, so teaming should be required.

Plus, to many players want to level to max level right away.

Look at the MMOs being brought out. If it took them a few months to get to max level, they'd say it's taking to long. If they get to max level in a month, they're asking for new content.

Hell, you see it here in CoH. "Okay I beat all the new content you just released, what's next?"

Or the even pathetically funnier "I played it all in Beta. So now it's all old. What's coming next?"

Sub only MMOs can work still, but it takes planning, and it takes a hook that will get enough players in who are willing to stay and play.

Basically MMO players arent interrested in MMOs. They're interrested in a chat room they can attack things in while they play. Or at least, the ones who've gotten into MMOs. I'm sure there's players who still enjoy the teaming.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
"We think that a franchise such as Star Wars has the potential to attract 30 million or more monthly active users (MAUs), suggesting that the free-to-play version of the game has the potential to generate $120 —150 million in annual revenues. …"

You know, for anyone not familiar with 'the biz', this would sound like the most moronic statement ever made, often satirized by the 'dumb salesman' who says that they'll give their product away for free and they'll make their profit through 'volume.'

And anyone writing articles in 'the biz' and doesn't use the term 'microtransactions' maybe *is* that proverbial dumb salesman.
It worked for that other superhero MMO based on a IP.

Will it work that well for the new sci fi one as claimed? I kinda doubt it. But, I think they'll get a sizable player base in there when they all go "'s free and I love all things Star Wars as long as I dont have to pay a monthly sub"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I don't think that COH is the Red Headed Stepchild.

My view is that most MMOs are trying to be WOW 2.0 and make (to take a phrase from Wrestling) MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS! Now this somewhat works for WOW except that in the past few years they have been steadily losing a the player base because every expansion they try to "reinvent" the game and each time they turn the system less and less interesting. The new talent system is a great example of why WOW is losing players, none of the choices really matter or are choices at all.

COH doesn't care about billions or dollars they focus more on making a good game, and improving upon what they have.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Plus there's the "If I can't solo my way to max level the game sucks" mentality. Mind you, it's a MMO, so teaming should be required.
Required teaming has actually been the downfall of a few MMOs. Teaming should be user friendly and offer increased rewards, but it should never be a requirement. (I don't mean EVERYTHING should be available solo, just that you shouldn't hit a brick wall with your character's progress if you don't want to team.)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
"We think that a franchise such as Star Wars has the potential to attract 30 million or more monthly active users (MAUs), suggesting that the free-to-play version of the game has the potential to generate $120 —150 million in annual revenues. …"

You know, for anyone not familiar with 'the biz', this would sound like the most moronic statement ever made, often satirized by the 'dumb salesman' who says that they'll give their product away for free and they'll make their profit through 'volume.'

And anyone writing articles in 'the biz' and doesn't use the term 'microtransactions' maybe *is* that proverbial dumb salesman.
They'd also need to make a Star Wars game first.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
I don't think that COH is the Red Headed Stepchild.

My view is that most MMOs are trying to be WOW 2.0 and make (to take a phrase from Wrestling) MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS! Now this somewhat works for WOW except that in the past few years they have been steadily losing a the player base because every expansion they try to "reinvent" the game and each time they turn the system less and less interesting. The new talent system is a great example of why WOW is losing players, none of the choices really matter or are choices at all.

COH doesn't care about billions or dollars they focus more on making a good game, and improving upon what they have.
Yeah, explain that to Blizzard. Please. Blizzard doesn't seem to understand that you don't keep players happy by radically changing the game. You might attract a few new players to the new style, but you'll lose people who liked the game for what it was. But the name of the game is "Dumb it down!" now days. Up to and including the new talent system. They could have easily kept the old system and found a way to incorporate the new talents into them. But instead they said "Guess what guys? Now you have ALL the talents! ((So we know exactly what you have and can balance it as such)) And the unique talents you get every fifteen levels all do pretty much the same thing, so you can just take what you want!" Meh. On the one hand, I guess it does give you some...choice, since it doesn't matter much what you take. You can take whatever you want and do it in the way you prefer. That isn't the problem. The problem is they scrapped the system that they have had since inception in favor of it, and that is not a smart move at this point.

Rant over! Sorry about that.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



MMOs are stagnating because they've barely evolved in the past ten years. They're extremely expensive to make, so studios are afraid to take risks. They stick to what has worked in the past, but eventually players get tired of the same old grinding-levels-and-loot routine. It's time for a fresh take.



Fresh takes don't work... Funcom tried that with The Secret World and everyday on their forums there are people complaining about it being too different, lack of levelling system, no mounts, no classes, too easy, too hard, lack of content (which I find hilarious, the game is one month old, you can't expect years of content on the onset...) and so yawn and yawn.

Most people are formatted to a particular model and don't want it to deviate even if it is in a totally different setting. TSW went with a subs only model and everyday there's someone crying for F2P and asking when it's going F2P. People don't seem to realize that F2P is anything BUT free! The amount you spend on micro-transactions compared to a monthly sub with ingame money only stores is ludicrous AND ridiculous. It's fleecing on epic proportions. Couple that with the sense of entitlement and the "I want it nao and I want it all" mentality and you have an ever growing abyssal maw you can never, ever come close to satisfying.

Also, one of the reasons why MMORPG are losing customers has to do with the economical crisis raging all over the world. With less jobs, more unemployment and job instability it's no surprise people are retracting from expenses they cannot justify when they need to worry about food, housing and, for those who have them, family.

And then there's the jaded feeling: no matter what you come up with, no matter how innovative you think you are or can be, chances are you won't get enough player retainability to keep your game afloat, mainly because today's youth (and, regrettably, the 30 something crowd) have the attention span of a fruit fly gnat and are always on the lookout for the next big shiny thing which they then proceed to devour like a cloud of hungry locusts, leaving a wasteland of detritus behind while flocking to the next new horizon which will never quench their hunger.

Rinse and repeat sweetlings, rinse and repeat...

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
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I'm actually really curious about The Secret World, but...yeah. I only have enough spare cash for one MMO right now.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I'm actually really curious about The Secret World, but...yeah. I only have enough spare cash for one MMO right now.
Same here. I will try it when it goes f2p.

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