Anyone else get a chuckle out of this article?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Jack had a lot of great ideas and was able to get a great game launched.

His problem developed after launch when he got locked into seeing CoH as just a mechanized version of a table-top roleplaying game where, he, as the GM, kept the players in the dark not only about content and lore (which was mostly appropriate, otherwise, massive spoilers would have ruined the fun for a lot of folk), but also in the dark with regard to mechanics.

Jack thought that knowing the mechanics would make the game less fun. The problem with that is that the mechanics had a lot of flaws and imbalances and just wrong numbers. And Jack (and the powers team at the time, excluding Castle) would purposely turn a deaf ear to the players. On top of that, the players would find all sorts of loopholes and exploits which became nearly impossible to fix since... the Dev team run by Jack weren't in dialogue with the players and the players didn't know what the real numbers were to test.

On top of that, the playerbase would change the focus of the gaming habits (hating streetsweeping and using just the instanced missions for level-appropriate foes, e.g.) and Jack was slow to respond (if he ever did) to how the players wanted to play. He tended to be inflexible to what the players were supposed to consider to be fun.
This actually explains CO a lot. I tried playing it when it first came out because I loved COH and thought CO was going to be 10x better. What I found with CO was a confusing ability, stat, and role system that I couldn't make heads or tales of. I quit after my free month because the whole game mechanics didn't make any sense. Also, CO insistence on making everything super solo friendly meant hardly anyone formed groups, or stayed very long in them, as there was no real incentive too. I couldn't believe that the creator of COH could turn around a make a game that took everything great about COH and turn it on its head. The mind boggles.

This is why I don't currently play CO, and now that PW is running the show and spamming lock box messages everywhere I will absolutely never play CO ever again. I also don't play STO anymore because of the lock boxes (and the fact they screwed up space travel, but that's a rant for another day).



Yeah, CO was a mess. I didn't even wait out the free month. Between a stat system that was nearly unintelligible and horrible, horrible content writing. I was pretty well done with the "game" part of CO within a few days. Add in the single server/many small instances of zones and being mostly unable to find people to hang out or RP with (a big part of my CoH play), I couldn't stomach it for the full free month.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Plus there's the "If I can't solo my way to max level the game sucks" mentality. Mind you, it's a MMO, so teaming should be required.
Gonna keep spewing that lie even as the game dies, huh?

Be well, people of CoH.



This is why I don't currently play CO, and now that PW is running the show and spamming lock box messages everywhere I will absolutely never play CO ever again.
CO has no lock boxes.

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