Ok whats with some of these roleplayers?

Agent White



This makes me glad I play on Protector, I've never seen any kind of RP going on in pocket D there.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i saw the same sort of thing in a global channel a couple weeks ago. The player in question only plays on one server AFAIK and it's not Virtue or Union. OTOH it wasn't that much racier than what he tends to chat about in globals anyway, just as an ERP statement rather than discussing more general interests.
That's always a fun time, really, when someone's ERP gets dropped into a Global. One of the few times that happened in my primary Global was so patently out of nowhere that it's become a legend.

I'm still sad to this day I didn't have chatlogging on at the time. The reactions of everyone (the unlucky MTer included) were absolutely priceless.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You're right: this whole issue is a money grab. We're going to be grabbing money from impatient people with money to burn and completionist complexes, and using it to make a better game for everyone, including the 99.9% of the rest of the playerbase that isn't going to be buying everything, multiple times, immediately upon release, and spending hundreds of dollars in the process.



Originally Posted by Athena Six View Post
(Looking for group) Forming a Pocket D ERP badge team need three more, and some olive oil: Empaths preferred..
I am actually crying from laughing so hard...ugh...it hurts *gurgle*.

You think that is bad just wait until the slopes are open again...some players ERP right in front of the Elf lol. I don't mind RP'ers though...it's what makes this game so awesome.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
My SG often jokes the best way to navigate the D is to take a pair of rubber boots and a mop.
On the one hand, having Fiery Aura can come in handy - burn all that stuff right off before you get near it. On the other hand, there's the resulting smell...

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



To paraphrase Tom Lehrer:

All chat can be indecent chat
Though recent chats are bolder
For filth (I'm glad to say) is in the mind of the beholder
When correctly viewed
Everything is lewd
I can tell you things about Penny Yin
And that sweet little Swan? Who knows where she's been?




Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok so I recently moved to Virtue and I am not really into roleplaying. I mean I write my character biographies, have a concept, etc. but some of the stuff people do baffles me.

I am not trying to slam someone else's gaming experience, I am merely trying to understand. So thats what I came here asking.

Anyways, I am in Pocket D and I am running Gladiator matches for badges. I keep appearing next to this "couple" and I am catching their conversation. First let me describe their outfits:

Player A is wearing a school girl outfit, high heels, max boob slider, etc. Player B is also a female character with purple stockings, long legs, etc. Well when I started noticing the conversation they are flirting back and fourth and then eventually roleplaying making out. Granted I am popping in and out of arena so only catching bits and pieces of the conversation.

Eventually they are roleplaying, or maybe were the entire time, the naughty school girl getting seduced by the teacher. The teacher is female and so is the student. The teacher is telling the student if you get an A you get a special reward nudge nudge.

Then they start talking about being in a relationship and asking to be the other's girlfriend. So mind you we have two people roleplaying here two female characters making out, that are teacher and student, getting a bit graphic, and then being in a relationship.

From an outside perspective, this seems bizarre to me. I could understand roleplaying this with your wife or girlfriend in a real life bedroom situation, but in the game? Does this go on a lot in roleplaying?

The other thing that baffles me is its two female characters, I am sure one or both players are male. Does this have an effect at all? Or does the player fantasize the other is female?

I am literally trying to understand the behavior and maybe a poster out there likes to do this. What does it do for you? Is it simply fun? I can accept that.
LOL Welcome to Virtue. Look at it this way in Pocket D at least you had the option to move away. One of the first coalitions my SG joined was with a group of ERP Sgs. Now when they weren't engaged in RP that we will NOT go into detail here they had some very good players but it all there were 6 or 7 different groups and the main had this huge fully equipped base. All the others were set up like nightclubs with "private" rooms. Coalition chat was going constantly and was normally at least r-rated plus it was going on so much we all shut it off so it didn't interfere with us getting directions from any team leaders we were playing with. Now the REALLy fun part .. at some point they visited our base and "heaven forbid" we had actually built teleporters, had workshops with salvage storage, etc.. in other words we had a working base not a brothel ... They kicked US out

Most of the RP you will see is clean and all for fun but when you run across the hard core stuff just quietly back away and then RUN!

Now that said you will also find some of the friendliest, most helpful and most knowledgable players in the game here. We know how to succeed at every aspect of this game and have no problem helping others do so as well. Enjoy your stay with us just remember .. you don't have to be crazy to play on Virtue. But it helps!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
!!!!!!!!! HELLO. I have not seen that name in A BAZILLION YEARS. (Did you start in RDI like I did, or did you skip that step like so many later Rhy'Din denizens?)
I gave the RDI a try for a few days, but found the user made rooms far more engaging.



Pocket D Schoolgirl Vixen Nymphos: a virtue exclusive expose

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Athena Six View Post
(Looking for group) Forming a Pocket D ERP badge team need three more, and some olive oil: Vampires preferred..
Fixed. Emphasis mine. I feel sorry for the day when a D-ERP badge is released. Heh... Derp...

Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
First, you can't assume that. Second, I don't see how that changes anything about it, certainly doesn't make it any -more- creepy than it already was.
The primary audience for girl on girl action is men, which is also the primary audience of MMOs. You can assume that .

Anyway, this stuff is actually rarer than most people think it would be. I, myself, have never personally encountered a couple of DERPers, and I have been playing almost exclusively on Virtue for several years. Its rarity leads to its fame, whereas if this practice were commonplace it wouldn't be reported nearly as much. Most of the RP I witness is more or less just conversations or that kind of stupid pretendy fun that we all enjoy on rare occasion. I myself only RP in rare circumstances (my head is really bad at wrapping around concepts like getting into character. Darn you, aspergers!), and the few times I do it is usually my hyper strange tough-guy-who-loves-pink character going nuts on someone for mentioning that he wears a bunny costume into battle.

Regardless, in this MMO you are bound to get plenty of fetishes. In contemporary society even the morally righteous are in to at least one thing that is strange. But, being based around Superheroes and villains and the supernatural, you'll get a whole lot in this place. Comics and superheroes are already a hyper-sexually charge medium, with hulking brutes of men and women wearing stuff that would get you arrested on the street for public indecency, all beating each other up. Off of super heroes we already get skin-tight spandex, leather, catsuits, weapons, from superhero plot we get dominance and submission, torture, danger, aliens, bondage, from what the game merely permits with it's engine we get furries, maids, vampires, werewolfs, trolls, frankensteins, politicians, hostesses, essentially any outfit or profession or vaguely humanoid mythical creature. Take all of this, then combine them in limitless combination and you will get what this game allows. And that is just the stuff I've heard of. I'm afraid of what I haven't.

CoX is weird fetish central. I have never seen nor heard of an MMO that attracted and had such a refined and diverse sense of deviancy. Second place goes to WoW and it's "LoL u no wut dat looks like?" crowd of immense immaturity. CoX is preferable, though, because it makes for a great conversation when someone gets caught being a vampire-troll submissive on global.

EDIT: Forgot about second life. Second Life beats out CoX by miles.

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Ultimus is here to police your RP, and dictate your fun.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I would not be able to explain this to you without exact quotes.