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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm better, and I still do it for free here. Also, there's no way to perform a "statistical analysis" of the game design's flaws without a level of sampling data of the game's execution you don't possess. And there's no way to do a thorough one in any event because most of the game's design has no statistical component. Adding the word "statistical" to "analysis" doesn't make it automatically better.

    I do analysis of powersets. I do statistical analysis of probabilistic events. Technically speaking, the computational reviews I did of scrapper secondaries back in Issue 7 is a stochastic enhanced analysis, not a statistical one. An analysis of the game's mechanics and data would be primarily a systems analysis, not a statistical one.
    Do it, then. Let's see your analysis that demonstrates that the game is in balance, if not numerically than in relative proportion.

    Demonstrate conclusively that the game is closely enough balanced that the obvious break points are not relevant enough to be fixed rapidly and I'll call that a win for you.

    EDIT: Of course, I know better than to think you'll do so. Not ONE PERSON has been able to look at what I'm saying and disprove it outright, folks are simply saying that they're alright with it being bad. Since I'm the only one who seems to be bothered by a blatant imbalance, I'll take my leave. Enjoy your ****** game, Junior.
  2. Conceptually good set. I like the ideas here.

    Let's hope there's reasons for Blasters to play other secondaries when this comes out.
  3. They should just have Pebble write the patch notes. He's the only member of the team who can keep the information side straight.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Yea, a PBAoE KB can be handy, but if you want to keep up your regen and recovery you need to use it whenever its up. And while solo this may not be a problem, a team could complain.
    I totally get this point, Grim. The dev team still views this ability as a viable crowd control; the proof is its presence in other Electric Melee-esque sets and also in Super Strength variants. While I think a few players are going to argue against change for its own sake, I'm sure most folk understand your concern.

    We'll have to see what they do in i24, and then judge.
  5. Not gonna do the dev's jobs for them, Steele, and I don't work for you or the community. I'm taking up a determined opposing viewpoint and I'm not shifting until either I get what I'm looking for from the development community, or they come out and admit that they aren't able to balance their game to my satisfaction.

    As to the datamining thing - sure, absolutely, i'd need to be able to do POL on everyone who quit to have a real sense of what was causing folks to walk away, but I listed a plausible scenario and you know it. Before I got fed up, I was grouping more or less continuously and I never saw one Blaster who wasn't superfluous. Were they entirely useless? No, not at all - but they could have done absolutely nothing and the party still would have cleared the +4x8 run on the strength of the melees by themselves, let alone when the controllers / dominators / defenders / corruptors / masterminds were backing them up.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Unless one is Rakeeb, apparently. Then, rather than only wonder, one can conclude that many potential subscribers have been driven away, more than would leave due to sweeping changes.

    One can only wonder how Rakeeb has reached this conclusion in the absence of data and precognition.

    Also, I rather like the game as it is, as I suspect do most of the people here. If we didn't, we wouldn't be here, after all. I'm not saying nothing can ever be changed, nor that everything about the game is perfect, but "Rakeeb thinks it's broken" isn't a particularly compelling reason to radically alter the whole metagame and pull the rug out from under the rest of us.
    Are you asking for quantifiable proof?

    I'm good at quantification. When you're good at something, never do it for free. PM me to work out a price for a thorough statistical analysis of the game's shortfalls.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I think it is unrealistic to expect any sort of nerf to existing set bonuses.

    Alienating the player base at large because a few malcontents don't approve of the power levels possible is not going to help the game it'll kill it.

    That's all I really have to say. You can spout your "balance" rhetoric all you want but at the end of the day Paragon Studios needs money to survive. Any major nerfs on the scale of ED/GDN (which is what you guys are basically talking about doing) would kill the game.

    If we have to lose you as subscribers for not changing things to your taste vs. losing the whole game over a change that would be so vastly unpopular as to decimate the player base we currently have then so be it.
    Please demonstrate that a rebalancing to nerf the top end and bring everyone else up to 90% of that top end would cost subscribers.

    I'd ask a different question... how many new players came into the game, tried out Energy Blast because they wanted to be Dragon Ball Z characters, died to thugs beating them up with tire irons while their SS/Fire brute buddy devoured the whole room in one fight, and stopped playing? One can only wonder at the lost potential there.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I think it is unrealistic to expect any sort of nerf to existing set bonuses.
    You are exactly correct, it's totally unrealistic. Your reasons are also valid, but the biggest reason that you're correct is that this dev team has given up on trying to balance their own game.

    I don't even have to reach for arguments folks, they present themselves to me.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    True balance isn't impossible, but it also isn't necessarily fun.
    Correct - there's a homogenization line that has to be carefully respected when you're bringing sets into alignment. Now I'm totally fine with a large degree of homogenization, so long as core flavor is left in, and I recognise that I'm a rarity in that sense. I don't expect to get that. I just don't want a situation like we have now, where ATs and powersets are so far away from each other that it's actually stupid - like really dumb - to play certain sets because they're just that bad comparatively.

    It's not cool for players to roll up bad sets out of ignorance, because they're new, and then be a bystander to a team of steamrolling melee types.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    Rakeeb, I have been around since launch, took a 3 year break around the time of the big nerfs, and it is very obvious that the current crew is much more willing to make changes to the game than those even three years ago were. I too wish that certain changes were more forth-coming, but am happy that they are making the effort AND giving the playerbase an opportunity to give feedback whenever they DO.

    Your characterizations of the Developers and the Players is not helping your case, it is just making you look bad.
    When they fix their game, they prove that they're not bad. Until they fix their game, or give real indications that they're trying to fix their game (i.e. not talk - roll fixes onto the beta server for testing, and be willing to go through a process of rapid iteration... Bio Armor's test cycle is a perfect example of this), then they've decided to continue to be bad, because the problem feels too big to solve.

    On the Bio Armor example - I think that's what's really got me up in arms. Synapse demonstrated that when he cares, when he's engaged, he can do it right. Bio Armor went through a real wringer in a two-week period. We had something like 6-7 iterations, lots of commenting, fixes being issued for problems encountered during the test cycle. That was great work! The end product looked and felt capable, was strong and suited itself to multiple playstyles.

    Would that they'd be willing to do that with ongoing fixes. They should have rolled the Snipe change immediately onto the beta servers for player interaction, to see where the system broke and where it needed fixing. Did they? No, of course not. Rather, they'll pack them all into a massive beta test for i24, with tons of other variables ALSO changed, and not be able to iterate on set balance properly prior to launch.

    If other, more successful games can all do it, then I think that Arbiter Hawk and Synapse can do it if they really want to.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    When you've worked as hard as I have to improve this or any game, much less the game developers themselves, you earn the right to judge work ethic. You are rapidly catapulting yourself into the realm of stakeless kibitzer.
    One last thing - Arcana, you don't know me or what I do for a living. Don't you dare judge me. If you want to know what I do for a living, make a visit to Arlington.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    "Fairness" is not the same thing as "balance" and there's lots of things you can do to improve archetype and powerset fairness without total game upheaval. Those things are a lot easier to do, particularly as its very hard to make wholesale changes to an MMO if you destroy the revenue stream paying for development.
    So now because true balance is "impossible", ie folks don't want to work that hard, we're trying to compromise with "fair"?

    I didn't realize that Arbiter Hawk and Synapse were actually Castle.

    No compromises. Fix the game. It's not hard; it simply requires commitment.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I prefer focusing my attention on the possible. An invention system GDN is not going to happen at this point. The time to fight that battle was several years ago, and it was fought and lost.
    I had no idea, was oblivious to that at the time. Probably wasn't subscribed. I find it completely believeable that there was an argument over it.

    More evidence that the devs are bad, I guess. The idea that you'd write off a game system change because it's been set in stone for years is one of the core issues afflicting the dev community.

    Fear of nerfing to bring your game into balance because of player response? Says a lot about the dev community.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Oh I get what you're saying.

    More +res bonuses to balance it all out.
    I'd honestly go with that, swap out some of the +Def for +Res. The diversity would do the IO system good.

    I'd still want to turn down the numbers, though.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Its ironic that the best way I can see to adjust for the proliferation of defense bonuses in a way that makes defense sets more balanced in performance across higher end builds is to slowly escalate critter defense debuffing.

    Praetorian tohit, by comparison, is the worst possible way to do that in the general case.
    Or, you know, you could put a stop to defense proliferation and bring defense focused sets back into the conversation as relevant.
  15. While I'm normally the "rabble rabble devs are bad" poster, even I have to concede they got this one right. In Issue 24, this is (supposedly) fixed. The animation will still fire every 2 minutes-ish, but the "glowing fists" effect can be minimalized.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    But pissing off your customers isn't a good idea. And currently it seems to be pissed off Rakeeb vs pissed off most of the game
    It's Rakeeb versus bad design team, and I'm largely unconcerned with the rest of the playerbase.

    I don't expect the playerbase to support me because if the dev team follows through on my design ideals, the playerbase will initially react poorly. You guys like being ridiculously overpowered and making a mockery of the game's content. If all sets could do it, then I'd be in favor of it and just making content to that level to challenge the sets - but hey guess what, turns out Fire Melee is demonstrably superior in all ways to Radiation Blast. Mental Manipulation is clearly better than Ice Manipulation. Scrappers are demonstrably, quantifiably better than Blasters.

    Until they're balanced, I'm going to continue to argue for it and for nerfing things like IO sets that make things like Super Reflexes and the Cold Domination armor buffs useless. At least until my sub expires as it's not being renewed, so if you wait long enough, I'll probably go away.

    About the only thing that'll bring me back is an i24 that actually balances the game, or puts demonstrable effort into trying to reach that goal. You can bet that I'll come back with every analysis piece I can conjure up to underline effects of the changes and impact to the game, and which sets then need numerous small changes to get them in line.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    That would make approximately 30% of players pissed. Also, the game is balanced around SOs, not IOs.

    Super Reflexes has something IO sets can't give anyhow, defense debuff resistance.
    You are correct that the game is balanced around SOs. Please witness by the raw volume of IO'd SS / Fire brutes just how well the game is "balanced".

    If the devs were good, they'd balance around all tiers of gear. They're bad and therefore don't do it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post

    I want to feel super and do super stuff, and ramping up my difficulty to be challenged, or getting to fight hordes of yellows and oranges and just smoking them is a feeling you really don't get in other games.

    If you don't like it don't use it, or customise the difficulty appropriately to how you enjoy the game.
    You'll still be good. You just won't be +4x8 good. Deal with it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightmarer View Post
    My 2 cents:

    Dark Armor: CoF should have a review on either it's accuracy or end usage (not both). I'd much prefer it's accuracy to be 75% base instead of 60%. I'd also like see a Mag 3 fear on scrappers instead of Mag 2

    Energy Melee: Whirling Hands is very lackluster, pretty much anything would improve it.-

    SR: The always 1 trick pony, thought Melee Hybrid would help a great deal but at the time I didn't know Hybrid toggles can't be always on. The resistances from passives are not enough, but not sure what could be done to improve the set, I guess pretty much anything would do the trick.-
    Very late reply to this... Super Reflexes (along with other Defense focused sets like Force Field) lost their luster when Defense got passed around too cheaply in IO sets. My response to this issue would be to give those two sets a minor pass to give them more game, and to nerf the crap out of +Def in sets. Kinetic Combat giving 3.75% defense on 4 slots? NOPE. All IO defense would be cut by 50-75%.
  20. I guess my standard is different. 15% difference is a dealbreaker for playing the weaker set because the game's reward system is tied to killing the enemy. Debuffing them is fun and all, but it is 2 seconds not spent on doing things that directly lead to rewards - assuming of course that the debuff is not essential to killing them or staying alive.

    I completely agree that TA should be looked at for its early progression.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    "highest dps in the game if you can survive that long"

    Seriously, do the numbers for an IO'd / Incarnate Energy or Fire Manipulation alongside Fire Blast or something else that can fill the natural hole in their attack strings.

    Yeah, I don't think it's consistently possible because as Dug indicates they die alarmingly fast. But as long as they're alive, they do incredible single-target DPS.

    If the devs do a fantastic job of buffing Blasters otherwise, I might reconsider dropping my subscription... assuming nothing else good has come along.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I get that way sometimes. Like when I said the devs would normalize defense, or when I said there was an easy path to animation customization, or when I gibbered about adding new defense mechanics to the game. You should ignore me when I get into one of those fugues.
    You're not necessarily wrong. I like the angle you're taking wrt: Blaster modifications, arguing for a fundamental change to the AT, and removing the "blasters cannot do X" mindset. I think you'd make a great DM in a tabletop game, for instance.

    I just don't think the devs can back you up, is all.

    Being a Peacebringer player, animation customization is something of a sore subject.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Quite a bit of hopeful material.
    Big talk. Let's see the devs back up all that.

    We'll see how things are in i24.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Possible? Yes. Much more difficult? Yes. Just look at pure Defense sets versus layered defensive sets. You can easily add Defense with IO slotting, but it's tougher to add resistance to the Defense set, or get meaningful Regen on them. So a Resistance set might not be all that great on just SOs, but with Set IOs can be godly, taking far more damage than the Defense set can.

    Can it be done? Yes, but you need all sets to be able to compete equally with limited set options. Some sets benefit hugely from +Recharge, and others don't. How do you balance those?
    Very broad strokes:

    Figure out what you want each AT to contribute
    Build measureables to match those goals into each set for the given AT, and understand your system completely
    Make sure your system is coherent, internally consistent, and makes sense
    Do the math! Run analyses for the set at various levels of loot and keep an eye on performance

    It's not easy, no. It requires diligence and complete comprehension of what is actually being built.

    You'd have to be professional designers to do it.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Designing game balance around epic loot is how you get the 900 lbs gorilla in the room. No thanks.
    It's very possible to design a set to react well to all sets of enhancements across the spectrum, from TO to DO to SO to IO and including Incarnate levels. The low end and high end aren't mutually exclusive when it comes to set balancing.