Eliminate Hasten Animation?




Is there already a thread discussing the removal of Hasten's "Glowing Fists"?

If not, I just wanted to throw my two cents in and request an option to "hide" the animation.

Most players take hasten, and I'd assume many of them put the power on auto, if not keep it close at hand. As I run around CoX, I notice that most players have the same hands.

I just thought that with as awesome as the costume creator is, and and how hard you guys work on all the costume pieces, you may want us to actually see the gloves.

Is there any reason? I mean, in PvP perhaps it would be 'nice to know' but, really? Can't we all just assume the person in the PvP zone will want to attack fast? When you're on a mish team, it can't really make that much of a difference. Is someone really 'not' going to Speed Boost the guy w/ hasten already on?

I concede that there may be a technical aspect to this, if so, just consider this a request to move this item a little higher on the list.


Kaars Aerinstar



While I'm normally the "rabble rabble devs are bad" poster, even I have to concede they got this one right. In Issue 24, this is (supposedly) fixed. The animation will still fire every 2 minutes-ish, but the "glowing fists" effect can be minimalized.



that is awesome!

Kaars Aerinstar



Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
While I'm normally the "rabble rabble devs are bad" poster, even I have to concede they got this one right. In Issue 24, this is (supposedly) fixed. The animation will still fire every 2 minutes-ish, but the "glowing fists" effect can be minimalized.
Yeah, I don't think adding in the ability to hide the glow will piss many people off. I'm sure it'll hack someone off, but I can't imagine the reason they'd give... Almost can't wait to see that post/complaint/rant show up...



Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
While I'm normally the "rabble rabble devs are bad" poster, even I have to concede they got this one right. In Issue 24, this is (supposedly) fixed. The animation will still fire every 2 minutes-ish, but the "glowing fists" effect can be minimalized.
Nothing was "fixed", it can simply be given a no effects (except PvP) setting (much like Willpower) via Power Customization, which has been extended to Power Pools. You can also color your Hasten hot pink, if you're so inclined.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



And, just to clarify, it's not just Hasten. In I24, every single power pool, Epic Power Pool, and Patron Power Pool is going to have full light/dark color customization options, and ones that affect only the user (self buffs like Hasten, toggles including travel powers, etc) will also have Minimal FX options for the most part.



As long as fly, super speed, super jump get the minimal FX Ill be happy.

Since we are talking about animation supression, would be cool to:
Use heal pool without tricoder
Activate fighting pool toggles without chest beating stupid animation



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
As long as fly, super speed, super jump get the minimal FX Ill be happy.

Since we are talking about animation supression, would be cool to:
Use heal pool without tricoder
Activate fighting pool toggles without chest beating stupid animation
No time for Alternate Animations in I24, so says the Devs.

So, maybe later?

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Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Since we are talking about animation supression, would be cool to:
Use heal pool without tricoder
Activate fighting pool toggles without chest beating stupid animation

These would be nice, too, I'll agree. Maybe someday.

Speaking of someday, maybe we'll also see some customization love for HEATs/VEATs at some point. I'd love a few more choices of claws, maces, and guns, too, but, I certainly am not holding my breath.



I am rather looking forward to turning off the animations for both Combat Jumping and Hasten. Combat Jumping in particular. I don't like brown dust constantly falling out of my hands.