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Is there already a thread discussing the removal of Hasten's "Glowing Fists"?
If not, I just wanted to throw my two cents in and request an option to "hide" the animation.
Most players take hasten, and I'd assume many of them put the power on auto, if not keep it close at hand. As I run around CoX, I notice that most players have the same hands.
I just thought that with as awesome as the costume creator is, and and how hard you guys work on all the costume pieces, you may want us to actually see the gloves.
Is there any reason? I mean, in PvP perhaps it would be 'nice to know' but, really? Can't we all just assume the person in the PvP zone will want to attack fast? When you're on a mish team, it can't really make that much of a difference. Is someone really 'not' going to Speed Boost the guy w/ hasten already on?
I concede that there may be a technical aspect to this, if so, just consider this a request to move this item a little higher on the list.
Thanks, -
I'm sorry in advance if this has been covered, but my searches thus far have been fruitless.
I recently purchased a Microsoft X4 Keyboard. This is my first fiore into programmable keyboards. Simply put, my keyboard has 6 programmable keys. My goal is simply to program one to perform Judgement, one for Destiny, one for Lore, and in the future the other incarnate stuff.
A bind I used to use for my numpad was pretty successful it was simply a jargon of combined powexecs, and looks like this:
/bind (_) "powexec_name ion total core judgement$$powexec_name ion partial core judgement$$...[many more judgements]...powexec_name pyronic partial radial judgement$$powexec_name pyronic total radial judgement"
I would input every judgement name, and the only one that actually fires is the one that's equipped. I like this move alot, because I don't need to spend much time typing out macros for every toon, and I just copy/paste it once and it works on all my toons. I do the same thing for Destiny, Lore and the little buff pets, etc...
I just don't have much experience with programmable keyboards and macros. I don't need anything very complex, I guess I just want to know if anyone knows a way to bind the additional keys (S1-S6) to perform as they did on my numpad macro.
So if anyone uses the same keyboard, or knows more about macros and programmable macro buttons, I would deeply appreciate some guidance.
Thanks in advance. -
Great idea, I really like the idea of having GM's interract with the existing architecture.
Maybe when Deathsurge appears its: "Deathsurge has been sighted siphoning Cap au Diable's Power Supply". Players have 15 minutes to interrupt his siphon, or Cap GOES DARK! (no market or something).
Maybe Caleb and his army of Demon Lords diable the Black Line Helicopter somehow, and in order to re-activate it he needs to be defeated or scared off.
There's no reason that GM's cant interract more closely with other enemy groups as well, as for your Kraken quandry, maybe Kraken kidnaps a CoT leader, and the CoT threaten a full-scale retaliation on Galaxy City if their leader is not returned to them unharmed. -
I'll take a rain-check on power pool customization. That's fair, but it did fall on the list of petitions unheard.
If this is a suggestion post, I apologize. Maybe a red name will... *GASP* read it? and move it? -
Have you ever had a good idea, suggested it and heard: “We appreciate your feedback, but take it to the forums”?
Well, I’m frankly pretty sick of having to jump through hoops and put legitimate suggestions somewhere where the devs say they will listen. Well, here’s the litmus test. The following is a list of suggestions I’ve made via the in-game help/suggestion application. Each of the following ideas has merit, is easily executable, and would improve the quality of life for a broad percentage of the player base.
As I fully expect this post to fall upon deaf ears, I am nonetheless issuing my ideas once and for all because the devs said they listen to these posts, so here goes…
1.) Mission Doors.
Please fix mission doors. Waiting for the door to have to be shut in order to enter is ridiculous. Super Heroes are not vampires, and do not need to be invited in. This item is only enhanced further by the WST. Now, we have common doors for TF’s that end up playing host to a bottle-neck of players rapidly clicking on doors, hoping to make their way in (most notably the STF submarine door). When the door is open, nobody can enter; when it’s closed a couple can enter. Brilliant. Not only is it inconvenient, it’s easily buggable. In the Portal Corp buildings, the elevators allow you to walk in, and will close behind you, and alas you are stuck. This happens in Grandville and Cimerora as well. Please mend this little issue. Make a blue hand mean “enter”, and forget what the door is doing. And while you’re at it, give us a new icon that indicates the difference between entering a door and, say, interacting with something else.
2.) Ouroboros Portals.
During the STF frenzy last week, we learned that Ouro portals can be placed on top of ground level doors, and make then inaccessible. It was pretty funny to see a half dozen portals sitting on top of the submarine door. But that novelty eventually wore off. Instead we, as a group of Incarnate Thirsty level 51 hopefulls are accidentally ending up in Ouroboros when trying to enter a submarine door. I sent a petition on this when it first happened to me, and I was told to “go to the forums” for an in-game issue. Brilliant. I simply suggest you give Ourobors portals a ‘no-fly zone’ if you will. Such as in PvP zones, or in Pocket D, you cannot drop an OP. This may take a little time but wouldn’t be to hard: make a 10’ diameter circle around each ground-level mission entrance (subs included) where Our portals cannot be placed. It is a little, simple, change that will prevent griefing down the line.
3.) Commas.
So how hard is this one? Please, for the love of God, add commas to the combat attributes window for infamy. I don’t understand your aversion to commas in general (It took you years to implement them in the character ID window). Thanks to a couple AE exploits, we’re all a little richer than we used to be. And we all carry more cash than we used to. Some savvy people actually monitor their inf via the combat attributes window. There are no commas, and that sucks. Please fix it.
4.) Anniversary Badges.
This one probably doesn’t apply to many, and I’d presume that nobody would complain about the following: please make anniversary badges global. You have done it with AE badges, and Vet badges already. I don’t really see why the anniversary badges (and the 1 Gladiator associated with them) are not available to all your characters. Don’t they reflect your veteran status anyway? There are some people out there badging on new toons that they love, and at this time will never have access to some easy, already earned, logging in badges. I, for one would deeply appreciate access to these badges globally, and I’m sure there are several people out there who feel the same way.
5.) Team Search Colors.
Honestly, people, WTF. Now our player search window is a box of crayons and some crazy ginger kid tore all the paper off every one. You implement these new colors for the team search window, and told nobody what they mean. And it’s not like it’s readily available in game. If I want to figure out what Plum means in the search window, I need Nic Cage and a damned treasure map. How about: you add a little button on the player search window called “show colors” or “define colors” and it brings up a teeny little window that tells us what the color mean. Wouldn’t be hard, and it would help everyone who uses the search feature.
6.) Power Pool Customization.
I sent this petition in the day you announced power customization. I’m not asking for much. I just want Hasten and SS to change color. If I attached a poll to this thread asking: Should the devs allow you to change Hasten/SS’s color? Just a hip shot here, but I’d say 99% yes, 1% tard. I think you’ve hinted at it, but haven’t yet implemented it. I suggested this a year ago, and since this is a dumping ground for stuff that you’ll ignore anyway, why not suggest it again.
I promised I’d keep this simple, I didn’t ask for Dark/Dark Dominators, Whips, or Water. I asked for colors, commas, grief-proof doors, and a badge or two. Sadly red names don’t seem to care, so I suppose this was a waste of time. -
Mind/Fire is my main. I believe this to be the build you're looking for.
I don't check the forums often, and I accidentally happened upon this thread, so if you have questions about this build or the toon itself, my global is @Kaars Aerinstar, and I spend most of my time on Freedom.
Good Luck
Click this DataLink to open the build! -
So, i have uninstalled and re-installed several times, deleted every file associated with City of Heroes, and re-installed to make sure...
during Verification, the installer gets into the fixing files portion and occasionally this message will pop up:
"Updater - File Error
cheksum failed on piggs/texWorld.pig
click ok to do full checksum of all files.
you may be out of disk space or you may be trying to install where you have insufficient permissions."
it's not always texWorld, it varies, i have plenty disk space on this hard drive, and everything else i do on the comp works just fine...
is there a small setting i'm missing? or is this game just done, i've done everything i can think of. installing w/ other people's disks, downloading the client fresh, updating drivers, rolling back to old drivers... i'm just out of ideas, and want to play again.
thanks in advance -
This conversation is really between the fortunata and the bane spider. i chose fort, and here's why:
1- Fort, psi damage hardly gets resisted, when compared to the widow's lethal damage.
2- Fort, has a single target hold, immob and KB. soloing -vs- small mobs you'll have plenty of mitigation, and if things get tough you'll have psychic wail (more mitigation with the stun). Plus you can also work the confuse into the build if you want more mitigation.
3- Fort, they get in less trouble at range, and you have a couple AoE/Cones from which to choose that can do more group damage to a larger mob. But otherwise i think its a wash. As long as you take your leadership(s) you'll be a welcome member to a team.
4- they both suck before 24, but when you respec at 24, you can have your whole attack chain for a Fort (subdue, dominate, TK blast, confuse) very quickly. You wont have to wait for crowd control at 32 after your respec, and you wont be tempted to take anything from your soldier pools.
5- they are equally survivable, since the fort can have mind link, and the bane gets a pile of resistance. they both get both leaderships and the standard epic defense. My 50 Fort runs about 63% def to melee/range/aoe when mind link is up (about 20 second downtime).
The Bane spider and fort are awesome toons to solo, and after 24 they're VERY fun. The Fort will be more rewarding sooner, and PvP's much more easily. however, for pure fun placate/crowd control is freaking awesome from the bane. You'll prolly want to roll one of each
hope that answers your questions. -
Even if you dont roll an assault rifle corr with kin, or even any damage buffs whatesoever, you can still take soul drain, which serves as a quick build up and allows you to return to a safe distance, my 50 is an AR/Sonic, and i'm not disappointed in it at all.
I agree with all the above posts, you'll be very happy with a Elec/SR stalker. slot for recharge across the board, so you can lightning rod as often as possible, and you'll really learn to love it.
I've played both to 50, and they both have their strengths and weaknesses. if you spend the money, the willpower is MUCH more survivable. no matter how you fast you can hit the heal, the %res and regen is unmatched. Dont get too wrapped up in needing the AoE's with stone. I took Assault/Tactics instead of fault/tremor. i know its unorthodox, but with all the recovery it was a good decision, and works better in teaming. I'd recommend a willpower because it IS the best brute secondary in the game (in my opinion) and its hands free, so you can focus on using your primary, and not have to 'worry' about what you need to do from your secondary. you can just attack, and be a brute.