A List of Petitions that Went Unheard




Have you ever had a good idea, suggested it and heard: “We appreciate your feedback, but take it to the forums”?

Well, I’m frankly pretty sick of having to jump through hoops and put legitimate suggestions somewhere where the devs say they will listen. Well, here’s the litmus test. The following is a list of suggestions I’ve made via the in-game help/suggestion application. Each of the following ideas has merit, is easily executable, and would improve the quality of life for a broad percentage of the player base.

As I fully expect this post to fall upon deaf ears, I am nonetheless issuing my ideas once and for all because the devs said they listen to these posts, so here goes…

1.) Mission Doors.
Please fix mission doors. Waiting for the door to have to be shut in order to enter is ridiculous. Super Heroes are not vampires, and do not need to be invited in. This item is only enhanced further by the WST. Now, we have common doors for TF’s that end up playing host to a bottle-neck of players rapidly clicking on doors, hoping to make their way in (most notably the STF submarine door). When the door is open, nobody can enter; when it’s closed a couple can enter. Brilliant. Not only is it inconvenient, it’s easily buggable. In the Portal Corp buildings, the elevators allow you to walk in, and will close behind you, and alas you are stuck. This happens in Grandville and Cimerora as well. Please mend this little issue. Make a blue hand mean “enter”, and forget what the door is doing. And while you’re at it, give us a new icon that indicates the difference between entering a door and, say, interacting with something else.

2.) Ouroboros Portals.
During the STF frenzy last week, we learned that Ouro portals can be placed on top of ground level doors, and make then inaccessible. It was pretty funny to see a half dozen portals sitting on top of the submarine door. But that novelty eventually wore off. Instead we, as a group of Incarnate Thirsty level 51 hopefulls are accidentally ending up in Ouroboros when trying to enter a submarine door. I sent a petition on this when it first happened to me, and I was told to “go to the forums” for an in-game issue. Brilliant. I simply suggest you give Ourobors portals a ‘no-fly zone’ if you will. Such as in PvP zones, or in Pocket D, you cannot drop an OP. This may take a little time but wouldn’t be to hard: make a 10’ diameter circle around each ground-level mission entrance (subs included) where Our portals cannot be placed. It is a little, simple, change that will prevent griefing down the line.

3.) Commas.
So how hard is this one? Please, for the love of God, add commas to the combat attributes window for infamy. I don’t understand your aversion to commas in general (It took you years to implement them in the character ID window). Thanks to a couple AE exploits, we’re all a little richer than we used to be. And we all carry more cash than we used to. Some savvy people actually monitor their inf via the combat attributes window. There are no commas, and that sucks. Please fix it.

4.) Anniversary Badges.
This one probably doesn’t apply to many, and I’d presume that nobody would complain about the following: please make anniversary badges global. You have done it with AE badges, and Vet badges already. I don’t really see why the anniversary badges (and the 1 Gladiator associated with them) are not available to all your characters. Don’t they reflect your veteran status anyway? There are some people out there badging on new toons that they love, and at this time will never have access to some easy, already earned, logging in badges. I, for one would deeply appreciate access to these badges globally, and I’m sure there are several people out there who feel the same way.

5.) Team Search Colors.
Honestly, people, WTF. Now our player search window is a box of crayons and some crazy ginger kid tore all the paper off every one. You implement these new colors for the team search window, and told nobody what they mean. And it’s not like it’s readily available in game. If I want to figure out what Plum means in the search window, I need Nic Cage and a damned treasure map. How about: you add a little button on the player search window called “show colors” or “define colors” and it brings up a teeny little window that tells us what the color mean. Wouldn’t be hard, and it would help everyone who uses the search feature.

6.) Power Pool Customization.
I sent this petition in the day you announced power customization. I’m not asking for much. I just want Hasten and SS to change color. If I attached a poll to this thread asking: Should the devs allow you to change Hasten/SS’s color? Just a hip shot here, but I’d say 99% yes, 1% tard. I think you’ve hinted at it, but haven’t yet implemented it. I suggested this a year ago, and since this is a dumping ground for stuff that you’ll ignore anyway, why not suggest it again.

I promised I’d keep this simple, I didn’t ask for Dark/Dark Dominators, Whips, or Water. I asked for colors, commas, grief-proof doors, and a badge or two. Sadly red names don’t seem to care, so I suppose this was a waste of time.

Kaars Aerinstar



It probably was. But that doesnt mean you shouldn't post any way. I think they are all good ideas. And some (door griefing) really gotta be fixed ASAP.

Just note, due to the tone of your letter the fan bois are gonna come in here and rip you a new one. Just ignore them.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



This should really be in Suggestions.

I agree with all your items, and they are all fairly simple. Apart from power pool customization; this is an enormously complicated beast, even hairier than powerset customization.

Also, knowing Paragon Studios, a simple colour change won't measure up to their standards when it comes to the travel powers. They'd want to put in alternate animations and effects. Different styles of run, fly poses, that kind of thing. A lot of this technology doesn't really exist for the existing power customisation system.

tl;dr, pool power customization is just a big of a job as I16 power customization was. They know you want it, but it takes time and manpower.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



First of all, there is actually a suggestion forum. While I understand that you are frustrated that your ideas are not getting implemented, there is a reason why it's separate than the other forums.

But to respond to your actual suggestions:

1.) You can still click the Sumarine door while it's open, but you have to have your camera turned a certain way and click a specific area for it to work. This is one of many that works for me:

It doesn't negate your point though. There are certainly other doors that don't have simple workarounds, and it can get a little annoying.

2.) Some people are always going to find ways to "grief" others. If the GM told you to take your complaint to the forums, the GM wasn't doing their job, or you didn't describe the problem appropriately. If you told the GM there was a griefer, they could have come and removed the portal and possily warned the player who put it there.

As for the suggestion to add a "no-fly" zone around doors... not bad, but not necessarily as easy as you might think either.

3.) Please yes. Commas in the Inf display would be great.

4.) I've got reasons to be on both sides of this argument, and it's been beaten to death for a long time already, so I'm not going to bother commenting on it here.

5.) I agree. It doesn't take long to do a quick search to find out what they mean, but we shouldn't have to do that outside of the game. Something right on the interface that explained it would be a lot better. Along those same lines, it should even be it's own search filter. Having a dropdown that allows you to search for only team leaders or teamless people would be a big help.

6.) Like you mentioned, they hinted at power pool customization in the future, but the way power customization currently works, it's just not possible.. or at least not efficient enough. Custom powers are linked to your character through your costume. Your primary and secondary powersets never change, which makes it easy to save the options at character creation, but since we can have more than one costume and more than one build, the player file would have to be expanded to include every power pool possible, whether you have that set or not, just in case you pick them later. That just wouldn't be efficient. Eventually they will find a good solution to allow it to happen, but until then, all we can do is wait.



I'll take a rain-check on power pool customization. That's fair, but it did fall on the list of petitions unheard.

If this is a suggestion post, I apologize. Maybe a red name will... *GASP* read it? and move it?

Kaars Aerinstar



1.) Mission Doors.

There's a door in the same boat Statesman is in. That door acts as a 'twin' of the submarine door for missions, and it allows entry when open. Try it next time, saves a lot of headache. See where my character is standing in this screenshot, that's the door:

2.) Ouroboros Portals.

I actually posted a thread about it, and that's where I learned about the alternate entry. It would be nice to have it suppress near any ground-level mission door, but I doubt that'll happen anytime soon; the change might sound simple but it probably involves adding a power suppression bubble around every relevant door in the map.

3.) Commas.
4.) Anniversary Badges.

Agreed on both counts.

5.) Team Search Colors.

Agreed on the lack of information, the colors should show up in the /help window under Social/Teams. For the record, this is what the colors mean:

Green: Same team as you.
Red: They have 'not looking for group' set.
Yellow: They can't be invited to team with you because they're on a mission map or in an arena match.
Orange: They're the opposite faction to you and not on a mixed team, so you have to go to their map to team with them.
Violet: They're the leader of a team with less than 8 people on it.
Pale blue: They're not on a team and you can invite them.
Grey: They're on a team but not the leader, so you can't invite them and they can't invite you.

6.) Power Pool Customization.

Power Customization was Back Alley Brawler's baby, and he got fired in October. Don't hold your breath on that one.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
1.) Mission Doors.

There's a door in the same boat Statesman is in. That door acts as a 'twin' of the submarine door for missions, and it allows entry when open. Try it next time, saves a lot of headache.
For what it's worth, even though it's a good suggestion, I don't think it's really intended to be a "twin". I don't even think doors are necessarily marked as mission doors to begin with. I believe there is a certain range connected to mission locations that allows the doors to be operated as an entry. Some locations may have a wider range than others.

There are a lot of other doors in the game that work that way:
In Kings Row, you can click on the building next to the truck that leads to Pocket D, instead of the truck itself.
In PI, there are a few doors nearby the Police Van that allow entry to it as well.
During LGTF, the buildings the first mission usually start at have doors around the corner of the same building that are "within range" and allow entry to the mission. Other similar buildings across the game work the same way.

The reason the Supergroup Portal in RWZ was moved from it's original location in the Vanguard base was because that "range" overlapped with a mission door in the back hallway. It was fun to use the door to enter a supergroup, but if you had a mission there, it was quite frustrating trying to enter it. lol



My 2 inf.

1) Don't really have an issue, but if WTS becomes the norm in the future, would be nice for a second door for such event that can get crowded.

2) See #1. It happens, but really how often outside of WTS?

3) Don't care either way.

4) As posted before in many thread, totally against. You didn't log on that day with that toon, you don't get the badge. Go find the other threads on the discussion. This isn't the one to rehash them.

5) Brought up in another thread that it would be nice to understand colors better.

6) Tired of linking, but a (former) dev (BABs) outlined the issues. Yes, they know, working on it, etc. It will come, be patient.

Unless you know the code here, SCR applies on how easy simple these are.



I'd say all of them are decent. Although, yeah, PP customisation has been asked for, lots. Doesn't mean we don't still want it, mind

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by KaarsAerinstar View Post
You implement these new colors for the team search window, and told nobody what they mean.
Specifically responding to the bolded part:

The meaning for the various colors were in the patch notes. So really, they told everyone who bothered to find out. Sure, they could put it somewhere in the game, too, but then the old colors were never explained either.




Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
Just note, due to the tone of your letter the fan bois are gonna come in here and rip you a new one. Just ignore them.
No, due to your troll is why "fan bois" will come in here and rip you a new one.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Specifically responding to the bolded part:

The meaning for the various colors were in the patch notes. So really, they told everyone who bothered to find out. Sure, they could put it somewhere in the game, too, but then the old colors were never explained either.
That's a dreadful excuse for a new feature. The colour system in the sea box is dreadful. You can't see an in-game explanation of them, and worse you can't even search/filter by them.

Quite simply a half-arsed non-feature which should never have gotten past Alpha testing without someone going "Hey, this is pretty damn user unfriendly, can't we make it actually useful?"

I'd also add the continuing bug where Enhancements don't show the info box when you mouse-over them, you have to right-click and info. But I think there was a funky bug introduced with the mouse-over which explains why that feature went away. I'd love to have it back though.



Originally Posted by KaarsAerinstar View Post
Well, I’m frankly pretty sick of having to jump through hoops and put legitimate suggestions somewhere where the devs say they will listen. Well, here’s the litmus test. The following is a list of suggestions I’ve made via the in-game help/suggestion application. Each of the following ideas has merit, is easily executable, and would improve the quality of life for a broad percentage of the player base.

As I fully expect this post to fall upon deaf ears, I am nonetheless issuing my ideas once and for all because the devs said they listen to these posts, so here goes…
I'm frankly pretty sick of people getting bent out of shape because their suggestions weren't implemented the same day they suggested them.

It's not like they can just press a button and make these things happen, any suggestion has to go through several channels before the dev team decides IF they will implement it, and then (if the answer is yes) it has to go through several more channels to determine how and when.

And, just because they didn't do exactly what you asked for doesn't mean they weren't listening. They may have decided not to do it for some reason, or perhaps already had plans to do something similar, or maybe they had plans to do something completely at odds with it. The point of them being suggestions is exactly that, they are suggestions. Just because you suggested something doesn't mean they are obligated to do it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't actually have a problem with your ideas here, but the first part of your OP comes off very much as "I had this idea and you didn't do it RIGHT NOW! You don't care about our ideas!"

It's not as simple as "suggest an idea and the devs will do it immediately". You will probably get farther if your posts didn't have the tone of "I'm going to demand these things even though you aren't listening, and complain because you didn't do everything I asked for right away".

More flies with honey than vinegar and all that.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by KaarsAerinstar View Post
6.) Power Pool Customization.
I sent this petition in the day you announced power customization. I’m not asking for much. I just want Hasten and SS to change color. If I attached a poll to this thread asking: Should the devs allow you to change Hasten/SS’s color? Just a hip shot here, but I’d say 99% yes, 1% tard. I think you’ve hinted at it, but haven’t yet implemented it. I suggested this a year ago, and since this is a dumping ground for stuff that you’ll ignore anyway, why not suggest it again.
I just want them to give us a kick that looks as cool as Maelstrom's kick. I've always been disappointed in the Fighting Pool kick, and it looks like whoever designed Maelstrom agreed with me about that...... except he/she didn't agree enough to give that awesomeness to the rest of our character concepts. Only his/her own character concept.



I still want a way to get missed anniversary badges. And its been far too long to not have powerpool,paron and epic pool customization ingame. I don't understand what the hold up is or why it isn't being worked on. A game that prides itself and a company that prides itself on player customization and yet we STILL don't have this part of power customization.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I'm frankly pretty sick of people getting bent out of shape because their suggestions weren't implemented the same day they suggested them.

It's not like they can just press a button and make these things happen, any suggestion has to go through several channels before the dev team decides IF they will implement it, and then (if the answer is yes) it has to go through several more channels to determine how and when.

And, just because they didn't do exactly what you asked for doesn't mean they weren't listening. They may have decided not to do it for some reason, or perhaps already had plans to do something similar, or maybe they had plans to do something completely at odds with it. The point of them being suggestions is exactly that, they are suggestions. Just because you suggested something doesn't mean they are obligated to do it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't actually have a problem with your ideas here, but the first part of your OP comes off very much as "I had this idea and you didn't do it RIGHT NOW! You don't care about our ideas!"

It's not as simple as "suggest an idea and the devs will do it immediately". You will probably get farther if your posts didn't have the tone of "I'm going to demand these things even though you aren't listening, and complain because you didn't do everything I asked for right away".

More flies with honey than vinegar and all that.
Erm, isn't poo the best way to attract flies? Or rotting meat perhaps?



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
More flies with honey than vinegar and all that.




Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I don't understand what the hold up is or why it isn't being worked on.
How do you know it isn't being worked on?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.