6218 -
Quote:Well, that's my point. Don't buy things if you don't want them... but don't not buy things just because of who made them.A boycott out of spite, no, I agree. A boycott because NCsoft has yet to field (and not instantly shut down) a decent game in years, however, benefits me quite a bit because I get to save a lot of money I might have otherwise spent on Guild Wars 2 under pressure from a friend of mine to play a game I genuinely do not like. Instead, I can spend that on Tera or World of Tanks or... I don't know, a new Lego set. Or maybe a new hat. My old Camel Trophy hat went limp.
My VIP status lapsed in July. On the one hand, I'm glad I didn't renew for another year this time around. On the other hand, I'm sad to see it all go.
COH is my favorite PC game of all time (second favorite game of all time running close behind Xenogears for PS1). I haven't been playing (or posting) nearly as actively as I have in the past thanks to other interests and commitments popping up. I'm running a league for Magic: the Gathering, I'm writing a couple fanfics, and now that I'm back in my home town I can get to game night with my friends each week. Still, I love COH.
A boycott, however, does no good for any of us. All it's going to achieve (if it does achieve anything) is shutdown of other games that don't deserve it, just like COH doesn't deserve a shutdown in our eyes. Do the people who love Aion of GW/GW2 deserve the carpet yanked out from under their feet like it has been done to us? No! Do the developers of other NCSoft-published games deserve to be forced to switch companies and move their families across the country? No! So don't avoid paying NCSoft money for the sole reason that it's NCSoft who's publishing the title. Buy games that you think are worth playing. I prepurchased GW2, and I'm enjoying it in the little free time I've got. (lv12 thief and lv7 mesmer, yay altitis!)
Quote:And I've got a DM/ElA Brute build with capped Psi res saved on my computer, so I don't really see your point.Very simple answer:
Dark Armor is the ONLY set in the game that can cap Psi resistance. Dark Armor tanks can have 90% resistance to Psionic damage, and they can get it relatively easily. Scrappers can hit 75% just as easily. The only AT that CAN'T hit their resistance cap to Psionic with DA is brutes, and that's because their cap is 90% but they have the same base as scrappers. -
Quote:All critters will aggro at their perception range (assuming they're not grey). However, based on personal experience, it appears that their perception range does depend on the direction they're facing (they don't aggro as far from behind as they do from the front)From what I recall snipers merely have a greatly increased perception range (per my own Surveillance power) of 149ft ... meaning outside of stacked stealth powers or Stalker Hide they may as well ignore it. Though this also assumes they also have a greatly over norm aggro range as well which also seems to be true.
Quote:I have the same combo. Can't change that costume now, or else I'll lose it. Thankfully, I like the costume I've got.I only have one 'glitched' costume, at least, that I know about. My Mind/Storm controller has a magic bolero with a short cape, effectively giving her two 'cape' rigs at once.
Quote:Basically the Cottage Rule is that Devs won't update things like /devices for blasters, even though most would agree it could use an update, because they don't want to mess with designs of things that are still functional and from earlier issues. They want to keep the tradition and not allow changes to older sets if they can help it. -
Ion Judgement is really nice for when you just don't feel like herding a group together, but you will want to kill dudes in an AoE. Ion can even travel around corners, if the mobs are standing close enough. It's great for Oranbega missions.
Only if they're all-white faceless abominations with barcodes on their chest.
I agree that it works inconsistently, but it does work outdoors, at least sometimes. Just today I noticed the crate with the letter in the last mission of the ITF showing up on the minimap.
I believe a redname said they're looking into this problem, and intend to fix it. Until then, my solution was to put everything I know I don't have on my Wishlist, and then only add things to my cart from the wishlist. (When you add something to your cart from the wishlist, it's removed from the wishlist.)
Quote:I also bought PPs mostly for the reward tokens (still 1 token short of the full Celestial set, but I can wait for the last one). But I spent the points on increasing salvage and auction storage space over extra costume slots, since the drop rates seem to have skyrocketed.The only reason I bought the costume slots...well, ok, the thing that pushed it over for me was the fact I needed points bought to get the Celestial Armour. Plain and simple.
Had I not needed that boost, then I would have been having serious annoyance issues over the price, given how damn long we waited for extra costume slots. -
Quote:Depending on where you go and what brand you get, here you can find the hot dogs in packs of 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, or 16. There may be more, I'm not sure. For the buns, I've only seen 8, 10, and (at Sam's Club), 24.Precisely - it's the same reason (allegedly) hot dogs come in packs of ten and buns in packs of eight.
Quote:Jeff Jeffty-Jeff. (Born the first of Jeff, Nineteen-Jeffty-Jeff)I think from now on, I'll name all the characters in my MA arcs "Jeff".
There's already a /reply command. However, all it does is fill your chat input with something along the lines of '/tell <last person who sent you a tell>, '
Quote:Good thing neither NCSoft nor Paragon Studios are incorporated in the UK!Problem in some countries for example the UK that policy is illegal.
More seriously, there are only two things you can purchase for this game: VIP time, and Paragon Points. It's hard to argue that you're dissatisfied with Paragon Points, or that the PPs are damaged or somesuch; while you could probably technically get a refund for the PPs under UK law, it's an unlikely situation if the seller doesn't want to. VIP time can't be returned, so there's no way you could get a refund under the Sale of Goods Act (IANAL).
Spending Paragon Points on the Street Justice set is not a monetary transaction. As such, even if you took the issue to court in the UK, you're unlikely to get a refund out of it. -
Quote:A targetable corpse is not a requirement for Vengeance (indeed, it is possible to get Vengeance off of a player who used Self Destruction, last I checked). Vengeance's only targeting requirement is that the target be a dead player. This means that dead pets don't work, even if they leave a corpse.Thanks all for the how to use these pets ideas.
I was curious as the Paragon Wiki article for Veteran's Rewards ( http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Veteran_Reward_Powers ) for the 48 month Combat-Buff Pets states that
"Only the Light/Dark Fairy Pet seem to leave a targetable corpse."
and a targetable corpse should allow Veng.
Jak -
"Essentially" nothing! Knockback resistance works the same way damage resistance does; 100% KB resistance would reduce the KB to 0. 10,000% is overkill.
At level 1, you select from your first two primary powers. The first two powers in every Mastermind set are the minion henchman summon, and a single-target ranged attack. So yes, you can skip your pets on a Mastermind if you choose to.
Quote:I can't read half of the popup boxes in the game, because they show up behind my minimap -- I set up my UI years prior to the popup text existing, so that I have a minimap (scaled to its minimum size) always sitting underneath my target window, so that I can more easily see routes within a mission*. I like my minimap even more ever since I got the Reveal power.(Also, I'm not sure how a game assuming you can't read is "more modern", except in a really cynical "this is the post-literate future" sense.)
Yes, the popup text shows up in the chat window, but I'd love to have some narration for them.
* The areas in some missions that say "Map Unavailable" really piss me off, too. -
This. A recharge debuff reads as "-<Scalar> * <AttributeModifier> Recharge". A recharge buff reads as "<Scalar> * <AttributeModifier> Recharge". In both cases, a Recharge enhancement would increase those values if it weren't for the 'not affected by enhancements' flag attached to the effect.
Afterburner gives you the "Affecting Self" status. Presumably this is why you can't cast the portal while it's active.
I'm still keeping my money on Penn & Teller from the ending cutscene.