Slow should slow everything




As it stands, slotting slow simply means slowing movement. While this is good for runners, I find it nearly useless when in comes to recharge rates, especially when it comes to minions who may have one two or three powers anyway. I think it would put slow powers on par with other debuff powers if we could slot for -recharge along with movement.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
As it stands, slotting slow simply means slowing movement. While this is good for runners, I find it nearly useless when in comes to recharge rates, especially when it comes to minions who may have one two or three powers anyway. I think it would put slow powers on par with other debuff powers if we could slot for -recharge along with movement.
I think the problem here is the same for -DMG powers, and why we can't slot for that. I think that if we could slot -recharge in powers, it would actually be affected by +Recharge enhancements in the power. Either that, or slotting for -recharge would negativeley impact the recharge of the power it's slotted in, not just the enemy.

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Meh, slot a -recharge proc.

In all fairness, most NPCs have between 2 and 4 attacks. If you could neuter their recharge to the point where they have to wait a minute between using brawl, that would be massively overpowered. You might as well just Stun them.

-Dam is the same way. If an effect does -40% damage, and you enhance that to the ED cap, you're talking a power which you can keep casting affecting a foe for -80% damage. A 1,000 damage attack becomes 200 damage. You might as well have a power that level-drains the target for about 3-5 levels.


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Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Meh, slot a -recharge proc.

In all fairness, most NPCs have between 2 and 4 attacks. If you could neuter their recharge to the point where they have to wait a minute between using brawl, that would be massively overpowered. You might as well just Stun them.

-Dam is the same way. If an effect does -40% damage, and you enhance that to the ED cap, you're talking a power which you can keep casting affecting a foe for -80% damage. A 1,000 damage attack becomes 200 damage. You might as well have a power that level-drains the target for about 3-5 levels.
Damage Buffs and debuffs can't be enhanced because with the way the engine works, they would self buff themselves infinitely.

As is there's a maximum cap for Recharge Slows of -75% which quadruples the recharge of a power. (Note that there are many powers that will debuff for more than the cap allows, the higher value only comes into play vs AVs/slow resistant enemies.)

I'm not really sure if there would be wonkyness by allowing you to slot powers for -recharge, there probably is. Generally all the effects that cannot be enhanced (resist debuffs for instance) are that way because it breaks them.

Even if they *could* allow for -Recharge to be slotted, it would just mean they'd neuter the base debuff value, and I for one would prefer to keep the higher debuff without having to devote multiple slots toward it.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I think the problem here is the same for -DMG powers, and why we can't slot for that. I think that if we could slot -recharge in powers, it would actually be affected by +Recharge enhancements in the power.
This. A recharge debuff reads as "-<Scalar> * <AttributeModifier> Recharge". A recharge buff reads as "<Scalar> * <AttributeModifier> Recharge". In both cases, a Recharge enhancement would increase those values if it weren't for the 'not affected by enhancements' flag attached to the effect.



I thought this was going to be a thread about Warwolves and their various incarnations prior to being Warwolves suddenly becoming super-speeders every time a slow is used on them.

There are some powers which slow attack rate AND movement speed - Snow Storm is one of them, I think...

I would go with slotting a -recharge proc too, however. And isn't -recharge far more useful in PvP anyway?



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
I thought this was going to be a thread about Warwolves and their various incarnations prior to being Warwolves suddenly becoming super-speeders every time a slow is used on them.

There are some powers which slow attack rate AND movement speed - Snow Storm is one of them, I think...

I would go with slotting a -recharge proc too, however. And isn't -recharge far more useful in PvP anyway?
I thought the same initially.
As far as PvP, I don't think there are many that focus on -rech (Ive only seen a handful of players even talk about it) since +damage seems to be the be all to end all since i13. Even more support oriented toons focus on damage more times than not.

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Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Damage Buffs and debuffs can't be enhanced because with the way the engine works, they would self buff themselves infinitely.
That's a myth, actually. As it turns out, the game engine only recursively applies those types of buffs twice. We actually have buffs that buff themselves and are enhanceable, and its those powers that gave insight into what happens. See: Combat Training: Offensive.

The reasons why those two do not accept ways to buff themselves are partially historic, and partially due to more complex issues related to balancing of the powers and how they would be affected by very high buff values.

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