"Cottage Rule" for costumes?

Adeon Hawkwood



I hear a lot about the cottage rule and that being the reason some powersets won't change. The devs like to leave them.

While that frustrates me, I guess I have to understand a little--I definitely use the cottage rule for my old toons and their costumes. I can think of ways to make them updated, but I like to leave them the way there were way back in the day. It would seem a shame to not have them in the same costumes that I slaved away to get them to 50 in.

Just curious if anyone else is like this.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I also have some of those costumes that were glitched that I don't want to get rid of (I have an invisible chest on one, invisible arms on another, a skirt with the slits in the crotch instead of the sides...)

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I sort of get this. My main still has his original costume as one of his slots. Granted, i NEVER use it any more because, well, I didn't quite have the options I had later in his career.

A better example, though, is one of my toons who started in "Patent Leather" for his chest and legs, made to look like more realistic tights. Well, now we have the "Defender" look which is really perfect, so I made the Defender variation costume, instead of just modifying the original.

I put a lot of thought into my costumes, but I have never ran out of costume slots. Usually, I struggle to think of what to do with my 5th slot because I am content with my original ideas. (Though I know I am in the minority on that front...)

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



See and the only toons I have that have more than one slot are the first 20 or so I made. My current ones only have one slot. I don't like to make multiple costumes for toons--I figure if I like the costume idea, I'd rather put it on a NEW toon.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



When I first saw that there was the opportunity to get costume slots 6-10 for my characters I went straight away and did it. No hesitation at all. I have some characters with old looks that were modified as things changed in the costume editor, but I was able to figure out what the items were renamed to (I imagine that's the source of the invalidation issues). I do have old(er) characters with their classic costumes, and most of those haven't changed, but I always find time to create new looks for all my characters.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Several of mine still have their first costumes... Often because that's still just the way I think of them being dressed. They may have other costumes that they wear sometimes... but those first outfits are still their default, their signature look. They wouldn't be the same without them.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Several of mine still have their first costumes... Often because that's still just the way I think of them being dressed. They may have other costumes that they wear sometimes... but those first outfits are still their default, their signature look. They wouldn't be the same without them.
This is part of why I don't change them much.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



The first four costumes on my 50s are static. I pretty much don't mess with them. The fifth slot tends to be my "swap slot", where I play with temporary costume ideas, or seasonal themes, or dress for special events.

I tend to not change costumes on any character after settling on a look for a static slot. My characters that only have one or two costume slots tend to look the same at level 2 as at level 25. Very few characters get updated when something new comes out; most new costume pieces get folded into a new character instead. After all, I have 192 character slots for free, and have several veteran and purchased slots on top of that. If I have a free character slot and an idea, why not fill it up?

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I'll only mess with the default costume under two conditions: If I run out of costume slots (I refuse to be fleesed $20 for each extra), or if I can improve it without changing the core concept. I see a costume, ultimately, as an idea. If I have better ways to realise that idea, I will. If I have a new idea, I'll do that in another slot.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Do any of you guys have the glitched costumes still like me? (the invis torso, etc?)

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Do any of you guys have the glitched costumes still like me? (the invis torso, etc?)
Remember when SoAs first came out, and there was some bug that made Crab Spiders [player ones] invisible or some such thing? That was such a hoot.... hated to see that bug fixed.



Okay, since I seem to be the only one who doesn't know.... What the hee-haw does "cottage rule" mean?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I only have one 'glitched' costume, at least, that I know about. My Mind/Storm controller has a magic bolero with a short cape, effectively giving her two 'cape' rigs at once.



I don't have too many "bugged" costumes left - I've had to fix them over the years if I've wanted to adjust something else on the character (tweak her powers there, adjust his weapon here). Sadly I have one character with a Roman outfit that I can't adjust at all because the updated version is broken terribly.

Female, Tops/Shirts > Roman Chest details clip TERRIBLY with the shirt now, but used not to. I prefer the shirt underneath the Roman breastplate for the "poofiness" of what would represent the padding underneath the armor.

Some of my characters still have their original outfits. But when I create a character I usually have at least 2-3 different outfits to fit the theme of the character. Some characters I could easily use more than 5 slots (but won't buy the extra slots, they're too much money) and other characters I have to work to get to make all 5 costumes for.



My main's, well, main outfit is like that, having the old Blend pattern for the skirt that meshed much better with the other pieces than the modern Blend (which I do not like much at all on a skirt).



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Okay, since I seem to be the only one who doesn't know.... What the hee-haw does "cottage rule" mean?
Basically the Cottage Rule is that Devs won't update things like /devices for blasters, even though most would agree it could use an update, because they don't want to mess with designs of things that are still functional and from earlier issues. They want to keep the tradition and not allow changes to older sets if they can help it.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Basically the Cottage Rule is that Devs won't update things like /devices for blasters, even though most would agree it could use an update, because they don't want to mess with designs of things that are still functional and from earlier issues. They want to keep the tradition and not allow changes to older sets if they can help it.

The "cottage rule" is a design principle that the devs follow which was named after an off the cuff comment Castle made about a power creating a cottage.

The actual design principle states that the devs will not make certain mechanical, usage, or structural changes to powers and powersets unless there is an overriding balance-significant reason for doing so.

Before Castle made the cottage statement, he explicitly endorsed a post I made regarding powerset changes which were essentially the cottage rule before the cottage rule term was coined. That post stated the following:

1. The devs won't change the order of a powerset without a critical balance-significant reason.

2. The devs won't change the mechanical execution of a power (whether its a toggle or a click, whether its a targeted power or a location AoE, etc) unless there is a powerset imbalance that requires such a change to resolve.

3. The devs won't remove a primary power usage effect without a balance-significant reason for which there exists no other options to resolve.

Tradition has nothing to do with it. The fact is no matter how much you think a power "obviously" is broken, there are players that like it, take it, and use it for precisely the reason you think is worthless. Those people have the same rights to have the power as you do to change it. When its your preference against their preference, no change is made. To make a change likely to change a power out from under another player, there has to be a balance-significant reason. By the devs' definition of balance significant, not the players'.

Fundamentally, the cottage rule is there to protect the interests of the 95% of players that don't nag the devs.

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Speaking for myself, any character that I play a significant amount at level 50 is probably going to get changes to their main costume sooner or later. In most cases this is incremental as I tweak the costume (often incorporating newly available costume parts) into something that I like more. I'm less likely to completely re-do their costume although in one case I did as part of a retcon to the character's backstory.

With my current leveling character I'm actually experimenting with modifying his costume as he levels up to show changes in his powers. When he was level 1 he had relatively normal Steampunk style street clothes with his only gear being his backpack gloves (Temporal relocation device and shock projectors). As he leveled up I added several other tech pieces such as goggles and rocket boots to reflect his newer powers. He's now closing in on 50 and I'm trying to decide if I want to add an armored chest and legs to represent Charged Armor.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I only have one 'glitched' costume, at least, that I know about. My Mind/Storm controller has a magic bolero with a short cape, effectively giving her two 'cape' rigs at once.

I have the same combo. Can't change that costume now, or else I'll lose it. Thankfully, I like the costume I've got.

Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Basically the Cottage Rule is that Devs won't update things like /devices for blasters, even though most would agree it could use an update, because they don't want to mess with designs of things that are still functional and from earlier issues. They want to keep the tradition and not allow changes to older sets if they can help it.
Arcanaville got into the specifics, but the name derives from a comment Castle made claiming that they wouldn't change Build Up into a power that summoned a small cottage, because it's not what the players with the power already expect it to do. The devs aren't against updating things, they're against fundamentally changing what a power is used for. Build Up will always be a power that it used to boost your attack power. It won't "Build Up" a cottage. That's the cottage rule.




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Arcanaville got into the specifics, but the name derives from a comment Castle made claiming that they wouldn't change Build Up into a power that summoned a small cottage, because it's not what the players with the power already expect it to do. The devs aren't against updating things, they're against fundamentally changing what a power is used for. Build Up will always be a power that it used to boost your attack power. It won't "Build Up" a cottage. That's the cottage rule.
More directly "X is broken because of the cottage rule" is always false. The cottage rule doesn't prevent the devs from changing a powerset to fix something that is genuinely broken. The rule doesn't even say "don't change." It says "these changes should be performed only as the last resort." If X is broken, its either because the devs don't think its broken, or because they haven't gotten around to fixing it yet. Its not because the cottage rule prevents them from fixing it.

As to my own costumes, I tend to try to save costumes when possible, burning new slots to make new costumes. But on my oldest characters, that wasn't possible, and eventually I overwrote some of the original costumes for those characters. I have been *tempted* to buy costume slots *specifically* to create those original costumes again, just because. Its weird, but its like I loaned those costumes out, and now that its possible I want them back.

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