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  1. LordAethar


    Originally Posted by EternalWho View Post
    After one issue launch, I can't remember which, there were problems with people's mail in game. Lost recipes and influence and such.

    So when I got home I checked and sure enough, I lost a couple recipe's.

    I made a ticket and tongue in cheeked that in addition to my two Enfeebled Actions and a Positrons Blast that there may have been a Ragnarok, a couple Hecatomb's, and an Apocalypse that got lost too.

    After being grilled about which character sent what and to who, I got everything I actually did lose and everything I never had.

    After admitting this on another forum and shamed for said act I held a couple CC's and gave away the Hec's.

    ...........I slotted the others..............
    I quit the game for a few years for what was effectively the opposite of what happened to you. The Auction House ate a few valuable recipes a couple days before the expiration date that existed back then. The big loss was a LotG (Def/Global Recharge), with several other valuable recipes that I don't recall off the top of my head. I petitioned for their return, and not only did I not get them returned, the Customer Service people at the time were very unprofessional about the whole situation, assuming that I was just trying to scam them. Their unprofessional ism and refusal to even look into the situation even after several separate partitions caused me to quit for a few years.

    Aside from that, I used to petition copyright infringement on a regular basis. When I started playing again after a few years off from the above fiasco, i never really bothered with reporting those kind of things again - even though I knew that CS was handled completely different than it was back then.

    I never actually played the game until just before I6 hit, mainly because I never got a chance to check the game out. I had applied to the beta for CoH, but never was accepted, and didn't even know about the trial passes until just before I got into the CoV stress test. When I did finally get to play it for the first time, I was sold on it when I spent over two hours in character creation tinkering with all of the costume options. Character customization is still a major thing for me.

    What other confessions do I have? Most of my character were female, because for the longest time they seemed to have better costume options than male & huge toons. Interestingly, I think my female characters would get "hit" on more often if their chest sliders were set to a smaller size, so I kept them set to the max most of the time

    I always wrote at least a basic backstory to my characters, and tried hard to integrate said stories into the existing CoH lore. Also over the years as I've deleted characters, I've written various back stories as to why they no-longer exist - sometimes humorous, sometimes serious. A few are, "Fire tank burnt-out and lost his powers", "Defender that retired and now has a family", and "Scrapper that was finally beaten by her arch-nemesis Lord Chocolate and now weighs nearly a ton." Sadly I have a bunch more "obituaries" I need to write up here soon

    I still have roughly a third of my characters that still have "regular" Stamina. I was going to get around to them eventually, honest!

    I never got around to fighting Hamidan. I did have a blast with Mothership raids though. I wanted to run my own MS raid eventually, but never got around to it.

    That's all I can think of at the moment.
  2. I'm feeling the same way. I was probably going to by Guild Wars 2 in the near future, but now I've completely written it off, both because it's online-only and the fact NCSoft owns it.

    Other MMO's don't really tempt me much anymore either. I enjoyed The Secret World in beta, but even on special I can't bring myself to buy it. Nor can I even bring myself to download the trial for Rift despite my brother trying to get me to play it.

    Even putting aside the uncertainties of an online-only, MMO-style of game... the problem is that most MMO's out are nothing more than EverQuest/WoW clones, and invariably bore me after a month or two. When I last tried out The Old Republic, I was bored after one weekend. Yes the stories had some potential, but ugh, the gameplay was so... bland and the character customization a joke. I was never super-impressed with Champions. I should look at DCU someday, but I've never been real big into DC's characters.

    Maybe I'll play around with Star Trek Online again... it's improved a lot, but you level-up so stupidly fast now adays it takes some of the fun out of it.

    /me sighs.
  3. Found my trial codes, but as I feared, they didn't work. "This serial code has expired."

    Le sigh... it was worth a try.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Awesome! Try it out, folks.
    It'll be a couple hours before I can check - I'm still at my shop waiting on some computers to finish their thing.... then I need to actually find those codes. I think I know where they're at *if* I didn't go and throw them away when I was spring-cleaning this earlier this year.

    Assuming all goes well, I'll post my findings. It probably won't work, but I really have nothing to loose.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I keep seeing this and I keep doubting it. I used a serial key after the store shut down to turn back on my VIP status. It was automated and damn near instantaneous. I logged out of the game, logged into plaync, applied the code, logged back into the game, VIP flagged.

    This leads me to believe that VIP status us nothing more than a flag on the account. A flag that could be tripped to on for all accounts by anyone with access to the account database.

    I think it far more likely that the reason for not doing it is tied to the belief that the servers would be flooded by trolls and gold farmers raising hell for the hell of it. Granted, that probably wouldn't happen to a large enough degree that any of us would care, but that's my thought.
    I still have some old trial keycodes kicking around somewhere... I wonder how the system will handle them?
  6. I too have to express my dissatisfaction. Whilst I have not put as much money or time into the game as others, I still have several years of paid subscription along with other purchases here and there (City of Villains, Going Rogue). I took the last few months off from VIP status due to limited funds (summer has been a slow time of the year for me) and was looking at re-upping my subscription by October at the latest (Trick O Treating and Haunted House!).

    Now there are characters I will never be able to look at again. I have 2 global unlocks left, but easily a dozen different characters... it's going to be torture deciding which two character I want to unlock. Do I unlock some of my oldest toons for one last spin around the city, or the newer characters I barely got to know? Maybe my Level 30 Praetorian, whom will otherwise never know the joys of Primal Earth?

    I'd like to know *why* we can't get VIP status. From what I can tell, it's simply further evidence of how little NCSoft cares about its customer base. Is it a technical issue? If so, why not spare a little manpower to resolve the issue for the good of the customers.

    Sadly I feel like I know the answer to that already... we're not important enough obviously for them to justify any expenditure of resources on. We're just cattle... livestock.
  7. I know the feeling of the OP. I was, at one time, considering buying GW2, but I'm so anti-NCSoft right now that i just can't bring myself to buy it. I'm rather quite paranoid atm about MMO's in general. The games I'm looking at instead?

    Torchlight 2 - I skipped D3 because of it being such an overpriced piece of tripe.
    Baldur's Gate EE - I loved the originals, some of which I no-longer have the disks for.
    Borderlands 2 - I loved the first one, but unless there's another pre-order special like there was last month (that I missed) I probably will wait a while for this one.

    I've been playing Dark Souls currently, with a dash of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite with some friends. I have a few games in my Steam account I still haven't tried yet. Evochron Mercenaries looks like it has potential (a space, Privateer-type game).

    I long-ago beat the main puzzles in SpaceChem, but there's still many ResearchNet puzzles I haven't beaten yet, or older puzzles to revisit to make them more efficient.

    I still occasionally dabble with Terraria too, although I'm still a little bummed that the game will likely never be 100% completed. There's some games coming down the road though that might fill the Terraria itch. Although Fortenight will be a AAA title, I've always been a fan of Epic.
  8. I try very hard to make sure any information I impart to others is accurate. If I ever hear information that contradicts my own, I'll look it up on ParagonWiki if I'm not sure myself, and try to politely correct people as necessary (with varying degrees of success).

    My most-recent Myth busted was from a couple months ago, while doing some old missions in Boomtown, I did a sweep to see if Babbage was in the area. Nobody in the group knew he even spawned there (they were only familiar with him spawning in response to one of the TF's). Funny thing was, he actually was at one of his spawn points, and we had just enough people left in the group to put the smack down on him.
  9. Well this is disconcerting. The little I've played since i23 didn't involve any temp powers. I use a heavily modified UI, and from the sounds of it, this new tray will serious frak things up.

    And here I was thinking of dusting-off my Kheldians and start playing them again
  10. Why am I not playing my Kheldians? Two reason:

    A) When last I played them last year, the game was being very unkind at the time and deleting/modifying my button macros at random times.

    B) I have a terrible case of alt-itis.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Do you have any screenshots showing what is being moved
    I was planning to upload some screenshots, but haven't had a chance to do so. I should be able to upload them later today or tomorrow, along with some specifics.

    Are you using a wdw.txt file saved from before Issue 22? Have you tried rearranging the UI to your liking, then saving a new wdw.txt file?

    Using /wdwsave and /wdwload should give you the same results as loading and saving window settings files in your Options window. If they are not, then that is a bug.
    I originally started with pre-i22 wdw.txt files (which loaded even worse). I fixed the UI loaded from the older WDW.TXT file, and resaved it. The post-i22 file is the version I'm working from now, and can't fully "fix". I've tried a few manual corrections of the .txt file too, but with no success.

    I prefer to use the slash commands , but I did also test this from the Options menu, and noticed nothing different.

    Are the UI bugs you're seeing at character creation different from those you see when moving into another zone?
    I wasn't too clear on that. Character creation was fine, but afterwords every time she relogged or zoned, her UI would get jumbled-up. My older characters did not have this problem, and the problem seems to have disappeared from my new character too.
  12. After taking a few months off, I've come back to the game and am having several problems with my UI being messed-up, either when I zone, or when I load/save a custom UI.

    The WDW_SAVE/LOAD commands have never worked 100%. Since their introduction they've had a variety of issues that made fully utilizing the commands challenging. It seems with i22, they've "fixed" some of the old bugs, but introduced other bugs that I can't work around with any amount of manual edition of the wdw.txt file. Specifically, my power tray (which rests in the lower-left-hand corner) will be offset to the right by about 350 pixels.

    Worse is the fact that with the new character I created last night, every time I zone the UI is messed up terribly. I don't think it's quite the same kindof UI mix-up that happened when i21 hit, but it's pretty bad. It's faster to wdw_load my UI and fix those errors instead of fixing the errors I'm getting when I zone.

    Anybody have any thoughts or comments on how to fix the zoning issue, or some work-arounds to get my custom interface to load without need of tinkering?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Paragon Points (aka market money) should be credited to your account for VIP status no more than 24 hours after you are billed. If 24 hours has passed from your monthly bill date and your points have NOT been awaded, contact billing support asap at http://support.cityofheroes.com

    The Reward Token, on the other hand, is given at the end of the billing month.

    Transfer tokens on the first of the month.
    Thanks for the info Rajani. Sounds like rewards are still a mess, but at least I should be able to get my PP's relatively quick (I bought Beast Mastery recently, but I'm still eying Staff Fighting so I can create "Maintenance Staff")

    Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
    Yet another variation on "PANCAKEing about getting free stuff".

    "No, you don't get it. I want it when I WANT it, not when they want to give it to me."

    /emote yada
    With all due respect NekoNeko, I don't consider any of this "free". I'm paying $15 dollars for use of a product and service for a month's time. It is not unreasonable of people to want the goods and services they pay for on a timely basis.
  14. I've taken the last few months off from CoX due to time, interest and (most importantly) money. I'm thinking of starting back up, but I'm wondering, what's the current status on VIP Rewards? Have they fixed the issues with VIP rewards being rewarded at random intervals during the cycle, instead of at the beginning like originally intended?

    I used the last of my points recently to buy a few of the recent Market offerings, and depending on if VIP rewards are being rewarded properly or not is going to affect whether I re-subscribe, just directly buy some points, or just forget about the game and try again in a few more months.
  15. Aside from the UI issues I'll be posting about later, I heard some rumblings that there's some AI tweaks for Masterminds in development. If true, I'd love to see that, considering I just made a new MM.
  16. *uses a wakie on this nearly-dead post*

    I've taken a few months off from CoH, and I'm having a similar problem. I extensively use the /wdw_save and /wdw_load commands so that I can easily reset my UI when I create a new character, or move from my Desktop to my Laptop.

    Since they introduced these commands several years ago, they never worked quite right. The commands are all saved in a .txt file on the computer. Some of the bugs were the result of improper saving, others from improper loading. I /bugged them way back when, and (I think) back when I returned after a 2-year hiatus last year. Sadly the problems were never fixed, but I eventually managed to to work around the bugs were good.

    I'm guessing with I22, they attempted to "fix" the old problems with the system. One of the old bugs that existed (the inspiration tray's position not saving correctly) appears to be fixed, but a slew of new bugs have arisen, and no amount of manual tweaking of the wdw.txt file fixes the problems. The end result gives me nearly the exact same kinds of errors that you're suffering from (Power tray in the lower-left no-longer starts in the corner).

    The fact that I've found very little info on the forums about this (this was the most recent post I've seen on the topic), I'm guessing not many people actually use the ability to load/save the UI?
  17. I miss my Stargate - SGU started out focusing a little too much on the internal bickering between the characters, but it was starting to find its feet in the second season. I understand why they did what they did in Season 1 - they didn't want to just be another "Lost in Space" or "Star Trek". One thing I loved about SGU is how they really made Space feel like more than just a backdrop, and a sense of how *BIG* the universe really is. In Star Trek, Star Wars, or any other Sci-Fi show I've watched, Space doesn't seem any bigger than my back yard, and is simply a backdrop to to the rest of the show.

    Fringe is currently my only source of Sci-Fi right now. NBC has this "Revolution" show coming soon. Even though it's JJ Abrams work, it's also on NBC (which controls SyFy )
  18. My first 50 Villain was a Merc/Traps MM. She's evolved a little bit over the years, but I still play her with a strong emphasis of support. She has the Medicine and Leadership PP's, and is overall a very active set. Placing mines, caltrops and traps while the pets do the heavy lifting and tossing-out the occasional heal or self-heal as needed.

    She excels in BAF's, and is so-so with Lambdas (depends a bit on team composition). Mercs don't have quite the DPS as Thugs, but they dish-out more debuffs (stuns, -def, occasional KB and heals).

    Like every other MM, I wish the AI was a bit better, but I've learned to work around their shortcomings most of the time. Like Zombie Man, sometimes letting the pets run free actually works better than trying to overly micromanage them, although I do make fairly liberal use of "Move to this location".

    I haven't played any other MM yet mainly because most of the other alternatives haven't piqued any concepts for me yet. I'm not a big fan of Ninjas or Undead, I'm on the fence with Demons, Thugs are a little too close to my beloved Mercs, and Bots just never did much for me. Beast mastery has caught my fancy, and I will probably start one of them up in the near future.
  19. As much as I'm interested in Staff, I'll be waiting for a little while for the mob to die-down first before buying it. I probably will buy BM in the near future though - I'm on a break from coH, but playing a new MM has a lot of appeal.
  20. LordAethar


    Hopefully they'll help you Brandy, but with some of the bad experiences I've had with CS in the past, I wouldn't count on it.

    I lost a LotG (and a couple other IO's) a few years back on WW's, and the CS reps wouldn't even elevate my petition to somebody that could look into the matter. They simply assumed that I was trying to scam them and dismissed me out of hand. I'm still sore about that one.
  21. The real question I'd like to have answered is, "Why?". Why are there spelling and grammatical errors over 5 years old in this game? Why don't these things get fixed?

    The sad part is that many programmers consider simple "spelling" errors to be a low-priority fix since they don't impact the performance of the product. What they fail to realize is how much poor spelling and grammar can impact the appearance of the product. Any product with such errors will always look like an inferior, second-class product. This can and will drive-away potential customers.
  22. I think I see how they came up with the 800 point cost. They took the 500 points that people paid for the other recent novelty pets, and added 300 points because of it's 10% Influence bonus.

    Still, I have Zero interest in this pet. I have no need for an Inf boost, and I've found the 500-point vanity pets a little overpriced.

    I'm all for people paying to support this game, but don't throw money at them for poor and/or overpriced products. It'll only encourage them to further overprice things, which could work negatively towards the overall game if the prices drive people away.
  23. I've taken a couple months off from CoH and let my account drop back down to Premium. I'm starting to get the itch to play again soon (I'm starting to recover from my knee injury). Money's been tight for me IRL, so I'll likely be playing at Premium at least for a little while.

    I've seen the world a little bit through the eyes of a Premium when my brother reactivated his account briefly back a few months ago, but it'll be handy to fully experience it for myself.

    And welcome back to the OP!
  24. My newish Native American blaster would thematically find this power handy, but not sure if I can justify 600 points for just one of my characters.

    Considering I'm taking another break from CoH, I'll probably pass in it for a while.
  25. Hmm, hard choice, hard choice.

    I have dreams where I use Telekinesis, but I'd probably take Teleport/Long-Range Teleport first.

    Hard choice too between Empathy and Regeneration. I'm leaning towards Regen - Empathy would allow for me to heal others, but once word got out that I could heal?

    Finally, since there's no shapechanging ability in Cox (aside from WS/PB), I say the Super//Science tailor from Icon be considered a super power. Imagine changing your height, build, gender, hairstyle, facial features, or just your wardrobe on a dime, and change between one outfit or another whenever you feel like it!