Current status on subscription rewards




I've taken the last few months off from CoX due to time, interest and (most importantly) money. I'm thinking of starting back up, but I'm wondering, what's the current status on VIP Rewards? Have they fixed the issues with VIP rewards being rewarded at random intervals during the cycle, instead of at the beginning like originally intended?

I used the last of my points recently to buy a few of the recent Market offerings, and depending on if VIP rewards are being rewarded properly or not is going to affect whether I re-subscribe, just directly buy some points, or just forget about the game and try again in a few more months.



I think that currently, you get the Reward Token on the day you're charged for your sub, or would be charged if you were paying monthly and are actually paying 3 or 6 months at a time.

You get your free points on the 15th of each month I think, and if you'd get your token before the 15th, you get it then.

I think.



Tokens, transfers, and points all pop at different times. But they do pop. If I recall correctly, the points are awarded when your monthly bill date hits.

Yearly badges are no longer awarded, but the extra character slot is.

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It's annoying that you're only awarded the paragon points a month *after* your subscription is billed - if you only buy a month of VIP time, you'll only have access to your points when your subscription runs out. Worse, if you buy 6 months of VIP time, you're not immediately awarded 2400 points, it gets divided into 6 tranches of 400 points at the end of each month, meaning you'll only be able to reasonably afford a new powerset (800 points) at the beginning of the 3rd month of VIP time...



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
It's annoying that you're only awarded the paragon points a month *after* your subscription is billed - if you only buy a month of VIP time, you'll only have access to your points when your subscription runs out. Worse, if you buy 6 months of VIP time, you're not immediately awarded 2400 points, it gets divided into 6 tranches of 400 points at the end of each month, meaning you'll only be able to reasonably afford a new powerset (800 points) at the beginning of the 3rd month of VIP time...
Paragon Points (aka market money) should be credited to your account for VIP status no more than 24 hours after you are billed. If 24 hours has passed from your monthly bill date and your points have NOT been awaded, contact billing support asap at

The Reward Token, on the other hand, is given at the end of the billing month.

Transfer tokens on the first of the month.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

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Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
It's annoying that you're only awarded the paragon points a month *after* your subscription is billed - if you only buy a month of VIP time, you'll only have access to your points when your subscription runs out. Worse, if you buy 6 months of VIP time, you're not immediately awarded 2400 points, it gets divided into 6 tranches of 400 points at the end of each month, meaning you'll only be able to reasonably afford a new powerset (800 points) at the beginning of the 3rd month of VIP time...
Yet another variation on "PANCAKEing about getting free stuff".

"No, you don't get it. I want it when I WANT it, not when they want to give it to me."

/emote yada



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Paragon Points (aka market money) should be credited to your account for VIP status no more than 24 hours after you are billed. If 24 hours has passed from your monthly bill date and your points have NOT been awaded, contact billing support asap at
My billing date is the 16th of every month. I get my points on the 8th.


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Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
My billing date is the 16th of every month. I get my points on the 8th.

Contact support.

Some people (especially a number of us on the 12+2 sub) have had our dates messed up - they can fix it. I did have to contact them twice but it's been working fine for me now.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Paragon Points (aka market money) should be credited to your account for VIP status no more than 24 hours after you are billed. If 24 hours has passed from your monthly bill date and your points have NOT been awaded, contact billing support asap at

The Reward Token, on the other hand, is given at the end of the billing month.

Transfer tokens on the first of the month.
Thanks for the info Rajani. Sounds like rewards are still a mess, but at least I should be able to get my PP's relatively quick (I bought Beast Mastery recently, but I'm still eying Staff Fighting so I can create "Maintenance Staff")

Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Yet another variation on "PANCAKEing about getting free stuff".

"No, you don't get it. I want it when I WANT it, not when they want to give it to me."

/emote yada
With all due respect NekoNeko, I don't consider any of this "free". I'm paying $15 dollars for use of a product and service for a month's time. It is not unreasonable of people to want the goods and services they pay for on a timely basis.



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
Sounds like rewards are still a mess,
While I didn't keep track in the beginning, I haven't seen any problems since I first kept track late last year.

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I still can't figure out exactly when I get my Tokens (or rather, why I get them when I do). I just got a token yesterday, which based of my memory does at least seem to be consistent with it being awarded toward the end of every month. Thing is, my sub renews on the 10th/11th of every month, which is when I get my Points. So I know the following things about Tokens are true:

  • It's not at the beginning of a billing period
  • It's not at the beginning of the calendar month
  • It's not at the end of the calendar month
  • It's not at the end of a billing period
I need to keep a closer eye on Token dates, but I am seemingly getting them halfway through each pay period.

TL;DR yes it's a freakin' mess, and by the way, no the yearly badges aren't fixed and they probably never will be.

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Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Yet another variation on "PANCAKEing about getting free stuff".

"No, you don't get it. I want it when I WANT it, not when they want to give it to me."

/emote yada
Considering we actually *pay* for that VIP subscription, considering new costumes and powersets *used* to be included in the normal subscription and now cost extra in exchange for those 400 points a month (a fair trade IMO, assuming the system works), I think this goes beyond your Nekonominicon yada emo stuff. No one's claiming this is a conspiracy to rob us of our points, either, just a schedule problem in delivery. I really don't get the fuss from your part...

Or are you the type of Neko who orders lasagna or whatever cats eat for dinner and doesn't mind when it gets delivered the following month?



Or to put it another way, if a local pizza place has a deal where if you order $20 or more you get a free two-liter, and I place a $23 order, I'm not out of line to ask the delivery guy "hey, where's my soda?" if I don't get one. Even though it's advertised as "free if you buy this."



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Contact support.

Some people (especially a number of us on the 12+2 sub) have had our dates messed up - they can fix it. I did have to contact them twice but it's been working fine for me now.
After Black Pebble posted that, I contacted support. My bill date is the 15th, I get my points on the 28-29th. I get my token around the same time.

Support said BP's post didn't mean what I thought it meant, and I was getting my Points at the right time. No fix was available, as nothing was wrong.

So, yeah. Support isn't much help there.



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
After Black Pebble posted that, I contacted support. My bill date is the 15th, I get my points on the 28-29th. I get my token around the same time.

Support said BP's post didn't mean what I thought it meant, and I was getting my Points at the right time. No fix was available, as nothing was wrong.

So, yeah. Support isn't much help there.
Try again, is all I can say. Mine are now correct. Please recall that support is people (and possibly green...) and they can be mistaken, mixed up, or just wrong.

And as far as the Reward Tokens go, they are triggering off the old vet reward system. Any bonus time from things like friend referrals can/will offset when you get the token.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Try again, is all I can say. Mine are now correct. Please recall that support is people (and possibly green...) and they can be mistaken, mixed up, or just wrong.
I think that that "fix" is only meant to apply to people on multi-month subscriptions.

I cancel my billing each month and manually resubscribe, usually on the 5th or 6th. I get my points about a week later. Last month I sent in a support ticket on the 8th, since I didn't have my points yet.

I got the "We have received your ticket" email the next day, and about 5 minutes later got the "I'm escalating your ticket" email - the lowbie staff wouldn't even touch it.

My next response was from Gm_Lloyd (The Senior GM that used to write the article in the Paragon Times about being support staff). He told me that "That post (the one from Black Pebble that I had linked in my ticket) doesn't mean what you're reading it as", but didn't elaborate further. He told me that my points would be awarded by the 13th, and to contact support if I didn't have them by the end of that day. I got my points late in the evening of the 12th.




Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
So I know the following things about Tokens are true:
  • It's not at the beginning of a billing period
  • It's not at the beginning of the calendar month
  • It's not at the end of the calendar month
  • It's not at the end of a billing period
I need to keep a closer eye on Token dates, but I am seemingly getting them halfway through each pay period.
Every time your total VIP time reaches an amount evenly divisible by 30 days, you get a token.

If you started your account after the launch af Freedom (which I know you didn't), then it's at the end of each billing period.

If you started your account before the launch of Freedom, there's a few things that can skew it:
-If you were on a trial account before subscribing, then you'll have 7 or 10 days of VIP time added.
-If you used the OLD Invite a Friend Back program, both accounts got 15 days of VIP time.
-There may have been other ways to get free time in less than 1-month blocks.

I started on a trial, so I get my token about a week before the end on my billing cycle. Since you say you get yours in the middle of the cycle, I'm going to guess you used an Invite A Friend Back code (either as a giver or as a receiver) at some point.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Every time your total VIP time reaches an amount evenly divisible by 30 days, you get a token.

If you started your account after the launch af Freedom (which I know you didn't), then it's at the end of each billing period.

If you started your account before the launch of Freedom, there's a few things that can skew it:
-If you were on a trial account before subscribing, then you'll have 7 or 10 days of VIP time added.
-If you used the OLD Invite a Friend Back program, both accounts got 15 days of VIP time.
-There may have been other ways to get free time in less than 1-month blocks.

I started on a trial, so I get my token about a week before the end on my billing cycle. Since you say you get yours in the middle of the cycle, I'm going to guess you used an Invite A Friend Back code (either as a giver or as a receiver) at some point.
Actually, it's simpler than that.
Freedom officially started on the 24th of September, as such, anyone who has been subscribed since Freedom started has had their Token count start from that date rather than the date of their subscription.

As such, the vast majority of pre-Freedom subscribers get their token on the 24th.

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My billing date is the 14th.

I routinely get billed on the 13th (I assume this is due to being billed on the 13th in GMT)

I generally receive my points on the 14th (though it has been the 15th)

I receive my tokens on the 24th

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
With all due respect NekoNeko, I don't consider any of this "free". I'm paying $15 dollars for use of a product and service for a month's time. It is not unreasonable of people to want the goods and services they pay for on a timely basis.
Forgive me, I started long before the "Vet Rewards" started. I consider all of them (now "Paragon Rewards" ), plus the new stuff like the PP monthly stipend for VIPs, to be "free stuff". When I started playing, all we paid for was access to the game, and most of us were grateful for that. That's still all you get for your monthly charge for most other MMOs out there. Too bad that a lot of players feel that their monthly charge pays for a righteous sense of entitlement, too.

And, yes, before you mention it, I do see that you started before the Vet Reward program rolled out, too. I see your $15 apparently gets you far more than my $15 gets me.

As a side note, I have never NOT gotten anything I've been promised by the game. Some things might have been delayed a bit, but everything I've earned I've gotten. No use in complaining it wasn't "soon enough" to suit me. All my expectations about this game have been met, and surpassed. In no way am I "entitled" to anything above what they want to give me for my $15. If I don't like it, or I feel "ripped off", I can always stop giving them my $15 every month.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Or are you the type of Neko who orders lasagna or whatever cats eat for dinner and doesn't mind when it gets delivered the following month?
No. I would expect the lasagna I paid for to be delivered on time, but on the other hand, the price for my lasagna doesn't usually include a free pizza, nor the right to treat the employees like dirt if I don't get it the instant I want it. Preparation time is assumed, especially if this restaurant never included pizza on their menu prior to this.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Considering we actually *pay* for that VIP subscription, considering new costumes and powersets *used* to be included in the normal subscription and now cost extra in exchange for those 400 points a month (a fair trade IMO, assuming the system works), I think this goes beyond your Nekonominicon yada emo stuff. No one's claiming this is a conspiracy to rob us of our points, either, just a schedule problem in delivery. I really don't get the fuss from your part...

Or are you the type of Neko who orders lasagna or whatever cats eat for dinner and doesn't mind when it gets delivered the following month?
The devs never promised monthly subscribers they would get their Paragon Rewards at the beginning of the month. It was always at the end.

Now Prior to Freedom launching they did say that paid their subs 3, 6, 12 months in advance would get their rewards up front. They were wrong to say that, and on 10/5/2011 Zwill explained how it would work.

There has been some recent confusion surrounding the schedule for the awarding of Paragon Points and Paragon Reward Tokens included as part of your VIP subscription. When we first announced the details surrounding Freedom, we communicated that players would receive their monthly stipend of Paragon Points and Paragon Reward Token on their monthly billing date. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations of the Paragon Rewards Program and safeguards with the stipend system there have been some adjustments to the cadence of release for these VIP Benefits.

So how will VIP subscribers be awarded their monthly stipends and Reward Tokens?

LetÂ’s address your Paragon Points first. If your game account has a bill day between the 1st of the month to the 10th of the month, you should expect your October stipend of Paragon Points on October 11th, provided your VIP subscription continues. Over the next few months, your stipend date will line up with your bill date as long as you maintain the VIP status of your game account. If your game account has a bill day between the 11th of the month to the 31st of the month, you will receive your Paragon Points on your game accounts billing date, as long as you maintain the VIP status of your game account.

The monthly Paragon Reward Tokens are awarded differently. They follow the same schedule as the old Veteran Reward program. This means you may not receive them on the same date that you receive your monthly VIP Paragon Rewards Points. Veteran rewards were calculated based on the time your game account was actually playable with active paid game time, and not just based on your bill date. Just as a temporary block changed your Veteran Reward dates, these types of things changes to your game account will also change the date you receive your monthly VIP Paragon Reward Tokens. You also have to play out the month of game time before receiving the tokens. You may pay for time in advance, but you have to play out the time before you receive your next reward.

We sincerely apologize for any confusion that this may have caused. I know that many are anxious to receive their monthly points, especially in light of our weekly releases in the Paragon Market. Hopefully this post will help set expectations moving forward and allay concerns you have about receiving your points for October.





Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
No. I would expect the lasagna I paid for to be delivered on time, but on the other hand, the price for my lasagna doesn't usually include a free pizza, nor the right to treat the employees like dirt if I don't get it the instant I want it. Preparation time is assumed, especially if this restaurant never included pizza on their menu prior to this.
Didn't see anyone treating the employees like dirt here. That said, and borrowing Traska's example, if I paid in advance for a pizza that openly advertized a free soda with the package, I'd expect that soda to be delivered with the pizza, not at a later date. If that happened with a store I didn't know or trust, I'd be asking for my money back and never order from them again.

I trust Paragon Studios, but I've also been here since Good vs Evil was released in Europe. New players might not share that trust.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The devs never promised monthly subscribers they would get their Paragon Rewards at the beginning of the month. It was always at the end.
Never said they did. I said it's annoying that the points don't get delivered when you're first billed for your subscription (which can happen any time of the month), and gave an example on why this current delay in point delivery can negatively affect the value of the VIP subscription - by delaying whatever use I might come up with for those points for at least a month.

Deny it if you will, but I still say there are a lot of problems with the current implementation of the Paragon Store. For instance, I've temporarily cancelled my VIP subscription last month for personal reasons, but I'm delaying its renewal in hopes that the Who Will Die full pack will be put back on sale once the SSA #2 - Pandora's Box hits live - since you can't buy anything already included in the VIP package while you're a VIP. Wishful thinking, I know. Now, am I qualified to determine if a specific problem is costing Paragon Studios more money than it'd take to fix it? No, I'm not. All I can do is share my opinion.

We shouldn't be tiptoeing around these problems for fear of scaring away potential customers or whatever, but rather do our best as players to make this game into the best thing it could be - through bug reports, suggestions, constructive criticism, by being friendly to new and old players alike, by helping everyone understand the changes that took place in the game, and yes, by sharing with everyone why we like this game. And I do like the game, even if I don't say it enough.

Anyway, went a little off-topic, Forbin, but I felt that your post was an extension of our previous word exchange a few days ago. If I'm wrong about that, I apologize.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Never said they did. I said it's annoying that the points don't get delivered when you're first billed for your subscription (which can happen any time of the month), and gave an example on why this current delay in point delivery can negatively affect the value of the VIP subscription - by delaying whatever use I might come up with for those points for at least a month.

Anyway, went a little off-topic, Forbin, but I felt that your post was an extension of our previous word exchange a few days ago. If I'm wrong about that, I apologize.
Then I misunderstood and I apologize for that. I've seen posts by other people similarly worded who did mean it the way I thought, I wrongfully assumed your post was another, and I was just trying to keep the accuracy of what we were told by the devs about who would get the rewards up front and why it didn't happen.

As to the other thread, TBH I completely forgot we were at odds a few days ago, and it wasn't trying to drag anything from there over here. Sorry if I gave that impression.