limitations on permanent invention license?
AFAIK, no, it's not correct.
By permanent license, you mean the Tier 7 Paragon Rewards unlock?
That, and any Invention unlocking method (Temporary licenses, VIP, etc.) all give full access to the system for as long as you have them.
Yesterday someone told me in game that the permanent invention license for non-VIP players is limited. He said you could only use plain Invention Origin enhancements, not set ones. And if you already had sets, you could keep them slotted, but they have none of their set bonuses. Is this correct?
When you can use inventions, you can use *all* of them. Doesn't matter if you're VIP, higher tier Premium or using an invention license.
Go back, find that person, correct their misinformation, then smack them on the back of the head.
The person who told you that is either (a) yanking your chain or (b) ... let's be tactful and say "woefully misinformed."
When you can use inventions, you can use *all* of them. Doesn't matter if you're VIP, higher tier Premium or using an invention license. Go back, find that person, correct their misinformation, then smack them on the back of the head. |

Anyway, all, thanks for the info. What he said didn't really make sense to me, but since I didn't know for sure, I thought I'd ask here.
-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection
If all else fails, check Paragonwiki. The amount of misinformation perpetuated by players in-game is absolutely astonishing. Take, for example, a DFB run last night:
Scrapper: how do u get hydra stomper
Me: Beat DFB
Controller: no you have to kill the heads at the same time like BAF
Me: No you don't. All you have to do is win the trial.
Brute: no hes right, you kill both
Dominator: no u hav to kill the left hydrahead first or u wont get it
Mastermind: Guys, I've done this a bajillion times, all you have to do is finish. I'll bet 1 billion inf on that.
Brute: no you kill them at the same time
Controller: k bets on
Thankfully I was on a high-damage blaster, and the MM and I killed the right head first as people were still whittling down the both of them. The rest of the team lost their marbles and just started to rage at us. When the left head died 3 minutes later and the badge was awarded, no one said anything and the Controller put the MM on ignore and logged.
When in doubt, Paragonwiki!
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I try very hard to make sure any information I impart to others is accurate. If I ever hear information that contradicts my own, I'll look it up on ParagonWiki if I'm not sure myself, and try to politely correct people as necessary (with varying degrees of success).
My most-recent Myth busted was from a couple months ago, while doing some old missions in Boomtown, I did a sweep to see if Babbage was in the area. Nobody in the group knew he even spawned there (they were only familiar with him spawning in response to one of the TF's). Funny thing was, he actually was at one of his spawn points, and we had just enough people left in the group to put the smack down on him.
If all else fails, check Paragonwiki. The amount of misinformation perpetuated by players in-game is absolutely astonishing. Take, for example, a DFB run last night:
Scrapper: how do u get hydra stomper Me: Beat DFB Controller: no you have to kill the heads at the same time like BAF Me: No you don't. All you have to do is win the trial. Brute: no hes right, you kill both Dominator: no u hav to kill the left hydrahead first or u wont get it Me: ... ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS WIN THE TRIAL. Mastermind: Guys, I've done this a bajillion times, all you have to do is finish. I'll bet 1 billion inf on that. Brute: no you kill them at the same time Controller: k bets on Thankfully I was on a high-damage blaster, and the MM and I killed the right head first as people were still whittling down the both of them. The rest of the team lost their marbles and just started to rage at us. When the left head died 3 minutes later and the badge was awarded, no one said anything and the Controller put the MM on ignore and logged. When in doubt, Paragonwiki! |
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
Yesterday someone told me in game that the permanent invention license for non-VIP players is limited. He said you could only use plain Invention Origin enhancements, not set ones. And if you already had sets, you could keep them slotted, but they have none of their set bonuses. Is this correct?
| a player who was Premium and used both temporary IO licenses and the Tier 7 unlock (permanent) later, I used any and all IOs at will, set or non-set, and got the bonuses. I only lost them (and all IO benefits) during the occasional pre-Tier 7 window when the monthly license would expire before I renewed it.
Just thought some firsthand experience might help cement the responses.
- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]
If all else fails, check Paragonwiki. The amount of misinformation perpetuated by players in-game is absolutely astonishing. Take, for example, a DFB run last night:
Scrapper: how do u get hydra stomper Me: Beat DFB Controller: no you have to kill the heads at the same time like BAF Me: No you don't. All you have to do is win the trial. Brute: no hes right, you kill both Dominator: no u hav to kill the left hydrahead first or u wont get it Me: ... ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS WIN THE TRIAL. Mastermind: Guys, I've done this a bajillion times, all you have to do is finish. I'll bet 1 billion inf on that. Brute: no you kill them at the same time Controller: k bets on Thankfully I was on a high-damage blaster, and the MM and I killed the right head first as people were still whittling down the both of them. The rest of the team lost their marbles and just started to rage at us. When the left head died 3 minutes later and the badge was awarded, no one said anything and the Controller put the MM on ignore and logged. When in doubt, Paragonwiki! |
Yesterday someone told me in game that the permanent invention license for non-VIP players is limited. He said you could only use plain Invention Origin enhancements, not set ones. And if you already had sets, you could keep them slotted, but they have none of their set bonuses. Is this correct?
-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection