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Quote:On the Skulls, it could work, at least on the Gravedigger initiates. At that level, they should look like what they are: a ragtag group of jackasses who think they're hardcore because they're part of a gang. In fact, I could see the Death Heads throw barbs at the Gravediggers over it.It's called "Doofus". It's also on some of the new Family members. The devs keep using it, thinking it's good and it'll catch on. It won't. It's awful.
Quote:"Did your grandma take this long giving you that stupid haircut?"
"Yeah, you're an artist. Now do something artistic with that haircut. You're embarrassing me."
"Think faster, will ya? I'm gettin' sick of looking at your hair!"
Stuff like that.
Now, as for the accents, I'd rather that stay restricted to the higher ranks. The Gravediggers and Death Heads should be your average punk, with MAYBE some Slavic mannerisms slipping through from hanging out with the higher-ranking Skulls. Perhaps have a few of them say something in a Slavic language, as though to keep passing heroes from overhearing their plans.
But to give them all this accent? No. -
So...this whole event is just the Television trolling Captain Mako like a boss?
Let's all not forget about the Clockwork King. You know, that ill-tempered archvillain with his own army of robots standing ready to pancake you up if you so much as sneeze on Penny Yin?
Yeah. I'm sure the risk of getting mauled to death by ticked-off Clockwork would be plenty of incentive NOT to tell Penelope Yin that her costume sucks. Which might be why her costume sucks. And why she's kind of a spoiled brat. -
Quote:In Batman: Arkham Asylum and its sequel, the Detective Mode function basically gives Batman an X-Ray view of the world around him, allowing him to scan clues, spot enemies, etc. If you need any further explanation, go do a search for it on Youtube. There are dozens of videos showcasing it.Since some people here probably haven't played either of those games, you should probably explain a little better what you mean instead of just pointing and saying "like that."
While my idea wasn't quite the same thing, it does bring up roughly the same result.
Semi-transparent textures and objects in CoH filter out certain particle and effect textures. These particles and textures could be used to hide certain mission objects, which the player would reveal by viewing them through a semi-transparent prism or screen.
This goes in line with a common trope in superhero media where the hero must look through a special lens or artifact to see some invisible and/or supernatural whatsit. I used Batman's Detective Mode vision as a reference, since that's pretty much what Batman uses it for in the games.
In CoH, the effect could be accomplished using simple item placement or by applying the transparency texture to a screen-texture overlay. The latter could be used for navigating an obstacle course of invisible deathtraps, for example. -
One thing I've noticed while playing is how semi-transparent objects and surfaces tend to filter out certain things, mostly particle effects. For example, if your character is Invisible, and you look through him at a mob with an aura, the mob will be visible through your character, but his aura will not.
Today, I got to thinking about this. This filtering effect could be used to create mission maps with hidden NPCs, objects, and doors. There could be a semi-transparent object (probably a screen or a crystal, depending on the theme) for the player to look through to find them.
Alternatively, there could be a temp power that, when active, will place a semitransparent polygon just in front of the camera, effectively giving the player a temporary-use Detective Mode. This would be good for missions with invisible hazards to navigate, like a minefield. Activate the temp, and the textures hiding the mines get filtered, and the player can now navigate the minefield. -
I believe the comic book staples we're missing are the ones typically found in the very center of the book.
Which also gives me an idea for a ranged set: Staple Guns. -
Was going to start another emote-suggestion thread, but wisely decided to just post my suggestions in this thread before it reaches the "necropost" threshold.
/em glassespull - Character whips out a pair of shades and...pulls a Horatio Caine. *YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!*
/em wingslap - Available only to characters that have wings. Character dopeslaps someone with one of his wings. A backhanded variant could be made to complement /em smack.
/em lordofthewings - Character produces a red bucket of chicken wings. The slogan printed on the bucket would read "ONE WING TO RULE THEM ALL." And yes, it would be a reference to KFC. -
What happened to the clone you saved at the end of the Clone Factory arc? Where is he now? What is he up to? Did he indeed go on to become a hero, or did he become a villain like you were at the time?
Although I do like the storytelling, this is one of the disappointments I have with the endgame content. That arc apparently does tie into it, since both Ajax and Protean are key parts of the DA story arc. But where the hell is my clone? Shouldn't he be involved, too? -
Also, flip flops as melee weapons.
...What? Have you never wanted to run around slapping Hellions in the face with a pair of flip flops? -
Replace that baby with a little person with a howitzer, and you've got my vote.
Who doesn't want their very own Mortar Midget? -
IMO, people who spend all their time farming AE missions should get a monument of their own, but not of their character. Of an anonymous tombstone hidden in the glass windows of the AE buildings, visible only from the inside and only for characters that have not logged off or left the buildings for 24 hours or more.
"Quickly, Robin! Throw down the Pun-Repelling Bat-Spray!"
Quote:You'd probably think Khelds, given the Kheld back story guide, and all the little questions (and inconsistencies - such as how the battalion could actually have captured/wiped out an extragalactic, fairly easily multigalactic species such as the Kheldians - moreso when we have portal technology in game - and what makes Twilight Son think he's actually the last.)
I'll try and cut out all the Incarnate crap for you.
Twilight's Son works for Mender Silos. Mender Silos has been revealed to be a future version of Lord Nemesis.
There doesn't need to be a Well involved to explain this. It's Nemesis. He fired the shot that started the Rikti Wars, and half the game's content tells us how THAT played out. So he's done this sort of thing before. If throwing an entire race of living beings into a furnace will suit whatever agenda he's cooked up, Lord Nemesis will find a way to throw those beings into that furnace and come out with clean hands and the world none the wiser.
That said, the only character in the CoH mythos that knows what REALLY happened to the Kheldians is going to be Mender Silos, until a future issue lets us beat the truth out of him. -
I can't really say one way or another, since I've only taken Chassis Commander (my Bots/Pain) PvPing a few times...and sucked EVERY time.
One thing I will say is that MM pets are GREAT for tracking Stealthed enemies. If they're still aggro'd to your opponent, they can still see through his Stealth. If you can observe your pets' behavior, you can get an idea of where your opponent is and what he might be doing.
That's how I stumbled upon on of my VERY few PvP victories. -
Quote:The other thing to keep in mind is that the letter is found in the past. In the various letters the Dream Doctor seems to have pretty much forgotten what order your various time travel adventures happen in terms of your personal chronology.
Yes. You're working with Ouroboros, which is all about time travel. Whenever you insert time travel into the equation, chronology quickly becomes a big mess of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...stuff.
And unfortunately, this particular Doctor did NOT have a TARDIS.
EDIT: Every time somebody posts that reference, take a shot. -
Quote:Here's how I get around that issue:Once and for all find a way to solve the problem with Mastermind pets that leaves them stuck at the entrance to a map.
1. If I'm not using my pets for combat or RP, I don't have them active. Your MM is not going to burst into flames and die if he walks through a zone without pets trailing him.
2. I summon pets after I zone into the mission. It's easy enough to catch up and make up for the time spent. Which WILL be shorter than if I had to /release and resummon them.
3. If I DO have to /release them...I have it set as a macro slotted right next to the one for "dismiss all" in the tray.
All that said.../unsigned, on account of having solved the problem myself.
My pets don't work for me. I work with them. So far, that's worked out well for us. -
Quote:It took *WHAM!* extra time for me to *WHAM!* read all that *WHAM!* with my *WHAM!* head banging against my *WHAM!* desk.If all else fails, check Paragonwiki. The amount of misinformation perpetuated by players in-game is absolutely astonishing. Take, for example, a DFB run last night:
Scrapper: how do u get hydra stomper
Me: Beat DFB
Controller: no you have to kill the heads at the same time like BAF
Me: No you don't. All you have to do is win the trial.
Brute: no hes right, you kill both
Dominator: no u hav to kill the left hydrahead first or u wont get it
Mastermind: Guys, I've done this a bajillion times, all you have to do is finish. I'll bet 1 billion inf on that.
Brute: no you kill them at the same time
Controller: k bets on
Thankfully I was on a high-damage blaster, and the MM and I killed the right head first as people were still whittling down the both of them. The rest of the team lost their marbles and just started to rage at us. When the left head died 3 minutes later and the badge was awarded, no one said anything and the Controller put the MM on ignore and logged.
When in doubt, Paragonwiki! -
Two bits of info I'd add to the suggestion:
1) How long has the GM been active?
2) How many people are currently engaging it?
Based on these two pieces of information, I could decide whether it's worth the time and effort of dashing over there in hopes of getting any reward. I'd rather NOT go to that trouble if the GM's only going to be dead before I even see it. -
Quote:I've heard quite a few "Team (name)" based on the team's makeup. Usually teams with 6 or more of the same AT will be dubbed Team...Scrapperpult: Building a team only to realize it's all scrappers with the occasional blapper or dark/fire brute. Also known as: "There's no problem that can't be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
- Smashy-Face: Brutes
- Forth Eorlingas: The Brutes all have weapon-based sets, i.e. Broadsword, War Mace, Battle Axe, etc. Shield Defense considered a plus.
- Seafood: Kheldians
- Firing Squad: Blasters and Corruptors
- Sunset Riders: ...with gun-based powersets in general (Assault Rifle, Beam Rifles, Dual Pistols).
- Reb Browns: ...with rifle powersets (Assault Rifle, Beam Rifles)
- John Woo Gun Fu (JWGF): ...with Dual Pistols.
- Zerg Rush: Masterminds
- Robot Zombie Ninja Rush (RZNR): Each MM has a different pet type.
- Smashy-Face: Brutes
This actually came up while rolling an Earth/Thorns Dominator. I had dressed him up with an awesome "killer scarecrow" look. When it came to naming him, I hit a snag: the words "scarecrow," "hobgoblin," and other synonyms were all names of very well known copyrighted characters.
Because I knew some jackass would make that connection without a second thought, I had to think of things I'd never thunk before. And then sit...and think some more.
I would not be just a nothin'
My head all full o' stuffin'
My heart all full of pain...