Is there a rule saying each major patch has to purposely break at least one thing?





Is this annoying yet?

GOOD! Because it is annoying me.

Another pointless change due to nitwits. If people can't figure out they got a temp power and use it... Their loss! I shouldn't have to be punished for other people's stupidity, yet it happens again and again and again and again and CantControlServerTray.

At least this could have been made optional. Ugh.

(...I'm hoping by acting super angry about this the universe will prove me wrong so I look stupid. Which would give me a solution. Pretty please?)



Is there a rule saying each major patch has to purposely break at least one thing?
That's why they call them "issues".



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
At least this could have been made optional. Ugh.

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Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
If you delete the temp powers in the new tray, it goes away.
First thing I tried. The game won't let me do that. A right-click gives me "Info", and no other options.

Ok, going through the temp power tab I can delete it and it works as you said (and I suppose that's what you meant and I misinterpret it as "delete the hotkey"). Whew! Thanks. I do like looking foolish when it fixes my issues.



Hrm. It just...worked for me. No issues at all.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
First thing I tried. The game won't let me do that. A right-click gives me "Info", and no other options.
I did the same thing at first, I should have thought to mention going into the powers tab, glad you thought of it on your own.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Hm. What causes that message? I haven't seen it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Hm. What causes that message? I haven't seen it.
Trying to do anything to that tray, like add/remove temporary powers to/from it, gives that error. The contents of that tray are completely at the whim of the server. That's fine for stuff that drops when you've already got three completely full power trays, which usually happens to me when I'm in the middle of a task force or trial and have limited time to reshuffle trays and hunt through the powers tab to find the new temp(s). But you can't control where the bar appears, and there aren't any obvious hotkeys for the powers in that tray, so making the temps usable usually means digging for them anyway.

Removing the temporary power from the powers tab seems a little drastic, because then the power is gone for good instead of just somewhere else. (Or so I assume, I haven't ever tried to remove powers from the powers tab.)

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

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27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



Originally Posted by CapnBarcode View Post
But you can't control where the bar appears, and there aren't any obvious hotkeys for the powers in that tray, so making the temps usable usually means digging for them anyway.
You should be able to bind keys to

powexec_serverslot 1-10

I'm not sure if it shows up in the key binding options window or not, if it does it should be like Server Tray Slot or something.

AFAIK there's no way to hide or relocate the tray when it's up, though, which is really annoying if it covers part of your UI.



Ah, OK. I haven't found a need to fiddle with the tray, in the sense of trying to change what's in it.

I'm surprised by the notion that you need to dig for temp powers that go in the tray. Under what circumstances?

I do think the tray could really use slot number binds, if they don't exist already. I'm seriously considering letting that tray be how I deal with my Kheldian forms instead of traditional tray switching binds. Doing so will require other bind swapping, though, possibly to direct form power names.

Edit: Heh, timing. Good to know they do exist.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I'm surprised by the notion that you need to dig for temp powers that go in the tray. Under what circumstances?
Under circumstances when I want to fire them quickly. Almost all combat I do is with the keyboard, because I have a hard time tracking the mouse cursor and getting it to a particular spot, like over a power I want to click. When I do use the mouse quickly, I end up moving the power to a different slot about as often as I end up successfully firing it. So I have to take my eyes off the action and stop for 3-4 seconds to locate and fire a power by mouse. If it's something rarely used, that's fast enough, but if I need to do it a lot I'd rather take 20 seconds to open the power tab, scroll, and swap out something I don't need in that fight in exchange for knowing I can chord Ctrl+6 or whatever to fire it fast when I need it.

Probably more than you wanted to know, but you asked.

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



I haven't actually had a chance to log in yet since the patch went live, so I don't know how broken the temp power tray thing is, but in all honesty, the way the game handled temp powers up until this point was terrible, it desperately needed a revamp. It may not have gotten there yet, but any step in that direction is a good start IMHO.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
I haven't actually had a chance to log in yet since the patch went live, so I don't know how broken the temp power tray thing is, but in all honesty, the way the game handled temp powers up until this point was terrible, it desperately needed a revamp. It may not have gotten there yet, but any step in that direction is a good start IMHO.
Not only that- but think of the potential.

They can effectively award any character with any set of powers they want for any mission. They could transform you into a critter with critter attack powers, give you "powers" that are noncombat actions for novel stories and events... mix things up a little.

It may not be ideal for how some people use the power trays, but it certainly opens up interesting possibilities....



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
It may not be ideal for how some people use the power trays, but it certainly opens up interesting possibilities....
Yeah, and once those of us who didn't do the beta get past the learning curve it'll probably become easier to use, even if it isn't the way we're used to doing business. I've got to admit to a little bit of 'who moved my cheese?' (new phrase, gotta use it in a sentence, sorry).

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



This Issue was a written off failure to me the moment it came out without having done absolutely anything at all to fix the issue with mobs fleeing.

Glaring structural flaw in the core mechnics of the game - not fixed. I would take absolutely everything else in this Issue and burn it on a fire if it meant that something that actually mattered got fixed instead of ignored.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
I haven't actually had a chance to log in yet since the patch went live, so I don't know how broken the temp power tray thing is, but in all honesty, the way the game handled temp powers up until this point was terrible, it desperately needed a revamp. It may not have gotten there yet, but any step in that direction is a good start IMHO.
A fair point. Still, I think it is anyone's [deity] given right to throw a tantrum whenever a significant interface change is made without any notice nor an option to opt out. Warn me about it being not recommended, tell me I have a stupid face if I don't use it, but just let me do what I want with my UI.

It's a bit like, to my mind, if they made the League chat mandatory in your bottom chat tab and wouldn't allow you to delete it or move it to another tab without also removing the option to join a league.

This feels like the extended chat window debacle once again. Ok, maybe not as drastic, but still... It baffles me a little that in a game touted for its great player customisation, mandatory changes like this are enforced time and again. To be fair, the devs come around more often than not at some point down the line, but still...



Originally Posted by CapnBarcode View Post
Under circumstances when I want to fire them quickly. Almost all combat I do is with the keyboard, because I have a hard time tracking the mouse cursor and getting it to a particular spot, like over a power I want to click. When I do use the mouse quickly, I end up moving the power to a different slot about as often as I end up successfully firing it. So I have to take my eyes off the action and stop for 3-4 seconds to locate and fire a power by mouse. If it's something rarely used, that's fast enough, but if I need to do it a lot I'd rather take 20 seconds to open the power tab, scroll, and swap out something I don't need in that fight in exchange for knowing I can chord Ctrl+6 or whatever to fire it fast when I need it.

Probably more than you wanted to know, but you asked.
This is pretty much exactly how I play. I rarely use the mouse except to place Location AoE type powers or Teleport.

Until and unless the APB (alternate power bar) is given a way to be used by the keyboard AND customizable in terms of where a power ends up in it... the whole thing is functionally useless to me (unless like on the Tyrant mission my regular trays go away).



My issue with the server tray is that it was implemented without regard for the fact that not everyone uses the default UI positioning.

I have other UI elements at the top of my power trays, having the server tray FORCED at the top of it means that whenever the server tray pops it's now covering part of my UI.

But since I can't MOVE THE SERVER TRAY to some other spot for the few times that the damned thing actually freaking matters, my only options are either suck it up with the annoying overlap, or rearrange the UI on EVERY SINGLE ONE of my characters so that the stupid server tray has room to display.

Seriously, how hard would it have been to make the server tray movable?

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
My issue with the server tray is that it was implemented without regard for the fact that not everyone uses the default UI positioning.

I have other UI elements at the top of my power trays, having the server tray FORCED at the top of it means that whenever the server tray pops it's now covering part of my UI.

But since I can't MOVE THE SERVER TRAY to some other spot for the few times that the damned thing actually freaking matters, my only options are either suck it up with the annoying overlap, or rearrange the UI on EVERY SINGLE ONE of my characters so that the stupid server tray has room to display.

Seriously, how hard would it have been to make the server tray movable?

They probably had to do extra work to even make it nonmoveable, actually.

The question was probably "when you have a piece of the UI that's normally there suddenly appear, where do we place it on the screen to be the least likely to +&^%^* up users?"

Imagine the tray popping up in annoying places- over chat, under toolbars, under that little unclickable transparent area where the exclamation point appears. Perhaps this was intended to be the "least likely to be intrusive" spot.

Why go through the extra effort to make it unmobable? it may have to do with future design plans for the tray. If you move it, change it to a 3x4 box, etc, it may not fit the future design plans. Maybe they don't know all the possible design plans concretely yet so they just decided that "lock it down" would be better than limit future plans.



Yeah, I am hoping customization/moving will come for this in the near future. It's a great idea and will allow a lot of interesting things, but not being able to move it is very annoying.
I think I'll bind some keys for those slots though...

Originally Posted by CapnBarcode View Post
Under circumstances when I want to fire them quickly. Almost all combat I do is with the keyboard, because I have a hard time tracking the mouse cursor and getting it to a particular spot, like over a power I want to click. When I do use the mouse quickly, I end up moving the power to a different slot about as often as I end up successfully firing it. So I have to take my eyes off the action and stop for 3-4 seconds to locate and fire a power by mouse. If it's something rarely used, that's fast enough, but if I need to do it a lot I'd rather take 20 seconds to open the power tab, scroll, and swap out something I don't need in that fight in exchange for knowing I can chord Ctrl+6 or whatever to fire it fast when I need it.

Probably more than you wanted to know, but you asked.
Yeah, I play the same way and rarely ever use my mouse to activate powers.
However, I thought I'd just mention (you may already know) that there is an option to lock your powers in the trays so that you cannot move them (accidentally or intentionally).
All you have to do is turn off that option if/when you want to rearrange them.
I can't quite remember where that particular option is within the Option menu... I think under General, but again, I'm not positive.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
This is pretty much exactly how I play. I rarely use the mouse except to place Location AoE type powers or Teleport.

Until and unless the APB (alternate power bar) is given a way to be used by the keyboard AND customizable in terms of where a power ends up in it... the whole thing is functionally useless to me (unless like on the Tyrant mission my regular trays go away).
Play a Kheld. I use binds for mine, like most multiformers seem to.

We can't *not* use the tray at this point - it pops up regardless. And unlike temp powers, it doesn't appear you can remove the form powers from it. After all, the only way you can delete those is to get rid of the form.(And yes, I did just log in and try a few ways to remove the powers - including "remove from tray" in the powers window. No go.)



Originally Posted by khorak_EU View Post
This Issue was a written off failure to me the moment it came out without having done absolutely anything at all to fix the issue with mobs fleeing.

Glaring structural flaw in the core mechnics of the game - not fixed. I would take absolutely everything else in this Issue and burn it on a fire if it meant that something that actually mattered got fixed instead of ignored.
And your proof that it's been ignored is?

Something still being broken isn't not proof it's been ignored. Especially when it comes to the behavior AI.

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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by khorak_EU View Post
This Issue was a written off failure to me the moment it came out without having done absolutely anything at all to fix the issue with mobs fleeing.

Glaring structural flaw in the core mechnics of the game - not fixed. I would take absolutely everything else in this Issue and burn it on a fire if it meant that something that actually mattered got fixed instead of ignored.
Don't you like enemies fleeing in terror because of your power?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't you like enemies fleeing in terror because of your power?
Dammit, GG. I already used my "look" pic on you once today. Don't make me wear it out.