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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I think it's more like them putting it into a safe.

    Yet, if you break into a junkyard as much useless stuff they have there and take something, it's still is stealing, assuming the dogs dont get ya first. Or like someone turning down an offer for a tv that is going to a basement and someone just coming in and taking it, still is stealing.

    It is their property and they have the right to do what they please with it, even if it seems as illogical as turning a Rolls-Royce into a hunting buggy, still it's it their property and their right to chose to sell it or not. It's not yet in the trash can or else it would been open in the trash bin for the public. Seeing how they didnt release it to the public, it seems to be still in their possession and just taking it, is stealing.

    Most people have stuff around their house they are not using or what not, but doesnt mean that someone have a right to just invite themselves in and take it because they think you are not using it often enough or properly or say that you are not planning on using it because you stop sharing it with them and they still want to use it.
    An emulation server isn't breaking in and taking anything, it's permitting us to use the products that we paid for and own. Like opening up and modifying a piece of hardware that we purchased to suit our personal needs. Sure, it voids the warranty, but the original manufacturer is no longer providing support or service for the product. We can't go into business selling the modified product, of course, but we can do whatever we want to what we bought.

    Now, you can say that the software is only licensed, not purchased, but as far as I'm concerned that's unenforceable nonsense. Software I pay for is mine to use as I see fit, just like anything else I buy for personal use. The service is like ink and toner for a printer; I don't have to stop using a printer when the manufacturer stops selling ink, I can buy ink from a third-party vendor. Or make my own, if I had the skills and urge.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    I don't understand this kind of thinking. Why would I waste my time playing something that is going to be gone in 60 days? When there was hope of it going on with another vendor I could play with the thinking that I might have to re-roll my characters after 11/30 but I'd still be able to play my game and eventually have my characters back. But why would I spend any time playing something which is going vapor on 12/1?
    Why wouldn't you? Most games that are purchased aren't played for more than 60 days. (Champions Online and Spore spring to mind for me.) The game isn't any less enjoyable for having a finite lifespan, and you can continue to play it for 2 whole months.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    I'll just leave these here so you can think about what you've done.
    Oh, you pronouns and your ambiguous referents! Obviously, what _I_ said made sense in context; there's not enough time to run each of those events for the usual amount of time, and still have normal non-event play. In two months, we could run two events and a 2XP weekend, in normal circumstances. Even if we ran them all back-to-back, for the usual duration, the servers wouldn't be shutting down until February. (Which would be fine with me, but isn't going to happen.) So we're getting shorter tastes of more things.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    Good news!

    But I am curious. Why are these events, which typically last a couple of weeks, only going for a weekend apiece?
    Um, so we can taste them all one last time before the game goes dark?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
    Well, as to that, all I can say is if you regard Nebula Award winning novels such as "Ender's Game" to be 'fail' then I only wish I had a writing career with that level of fail in it!
    Too bad his recent work, i.e. the last 15-20 years, hasn't lived up to his early potential. Ender past book 2 was unreadable, Alvin Maker was so-so... has he written anything else lately?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    Marvel Heroes is starting closed beta test in November.

    Details are sketchy but the downside is that it appears to be a game where you play AS one of Marvel's stable of heroes. That's makes it less an MMO than an online game that happens to feature Marvel Characters. I'm envisioning it as an adult version of Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.
    Seems that way. Two aspects of that are dealbreakers for me: it feels like Diablo, and you play somebody else's character. I played Diablo 1, got bored about 5 or 6 levels down into the dungeon, and never bothered wit the franchise again, and the less said about stealing other people's characters, the better. (Granted, it's not stealing when it's forced on you, but it has no appeal.)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    ... does everyone else open the Launcher and then open CoH from inside the Launcher, pausing to read the tiny 6-point font text every single time, instead of opening the game itself?)
    I wasn't aware that opening "the game itself" would run the launcher/updater any more, so no, I haven't run it that way since the common launcher was introduced. And after clicking the button to launch CoH, I usually glance at the news headlines on my way to closing the launcher while CoH takes its own sweet time opening a window.

    Sure, the notice could be more obvious, but opening the game in the sanctioned, supported, and recommended way gives everybody plenty of opportunity to see the headline. I suppose they could put the notice at the top of the EULA and be more covered, since everybody has to acknowledge that every time they log in...
  8. Aww, you got me something fun for my birthday. Thanks! I am all over that thing. Or I will be, you know, when it happens next week.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    I don't know who that is, but well done! We can always use more redheads on our side.
    Felicia Day. Writer, actress, geek idol. Recurring roles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Eureka, main force behind the Guild web series, etc.
  10. Happy Amiga 1000 user. I still have it around here, boxed up; I don't think the old Workbench floppy would still be readable after all this time. I'll never need to code Gadgets or consult the Guru again, but I just can't bear to part with it. I might even still have the ROM Kernel manuals around here, somewhere.
  11. Bob "Doctor Von Bey" Willis (@Duskthorrne, I think; we didn't use globals much back then, but that's the global attached to his characters in our SG). Founding member of the Awesome Power Ninjas on Liberty. He had a number of other characters whose names I've forgotten; Windmill Calhoun is one of the few that sticks, and I might've gotten that one wrong. Lost him to a heart attack in 2008.
  12. I'd rather not lose those characters, but if it's a choice between CoH from scratch and no CoH at all, that's not a real choice. If I have CoH, those characters can be rebuilt. More likely that new ones would be created instead, but some might be re-levelled.
  13. CapnBarcode

    To all of you...

    Zwill, you are awesome -- and so is the team at Paragon. NCSoft gets all my rage for this, which I won't be sharing here. You guys put so much work into this game, and it showed. There isn't another one like this out there. I can't think of a single MMORPG I have any interest in playing other than CoH, so I'll be playing until the servers shut down. To say that I'm sorry to see this game end would be an understatement in the extreme.

    Thank you for everything. And please find a way to let us know how you're doing, and what you're doing, after this. This isn't just a game -- we care about you guys.


    <-- doing Rikti Monkey Dance in your honor
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I wonder if anyone has taken Spadowski...
    I don't know, but that would be an appropriate character for the fireman's helmet. (One of the many bits in UHF that sticks with me.)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
    For consideration though, at least when you required people to retweet the message it ensured they were following you, and it gave a free CoH advertisement to all of their followers as well. Now, following isn't even really a requirement.
    I read through this thread to see if this was mentioned, and this post ^ seemed to be phrased the most concisely. I thought that the main marketing benefit CoH got from TCT was heightened visibility -- basically, players retweeting (and following) puts CoH in front of more eyeballs belonging to people who aren't players but could be.

    I can see how putting out lists of codes for everyone to see, and the quick-fingered to use, is easier, but I can't see how this is achieving any marketing goals. It doesn't increase CoHs visibility to non-players at all. Devs, am I missing something? Is there a different goal? Just wondering.
  16. For some reason I got fixated on Hokusai's famous wave painting, but I couldn't come up with a coherent concept for Mrs. Hokusai's Laundry. Instead, I colored the powers orange and red, named him Urist McMagma, and ignored every power description that said 'cold'. (Took the powers, but mentally wrote in "!!MAGMA!!" where it said "cold".) I'll leave the cleverer names to my wife this time around.
  17. What, no Splash Gordon yet? Sheesh!

    I haven't decided on a name or concept yet -- some of my names reflect the powersets, but not all. Depends on my mood, and the character concept.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenLantern68 View Post
    I did verify files...twice. And it IS super-annoying. I think I'm gonna go check elsewhere too. Thanks, Goat.
    Have you checked your firewall settings? Usually CoH will time out during login if there's a network problem, but maybe not in your case.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Getting mad because a thread on the internet doesn't stay on topic? Man, you must have like seventy two ulcers.
    Seventy-two ulcers? That's the weirdest Islamic Paradise yet.
  20. I soloed it with a Peacebringer; took about an hour though. Judgment (Cryonic in this case) was my big go-to opener for the Talon groups. Most of my time was spent kiting the monsters.

    It was much much quicker with a tank/troller duo. As long as you don't accept the NPC help, you should get a badge if you successfully complete it.
  21. I like the atmosphere. I've enjoyed the navigational challenges of Skyway City from time to time, and it has some reasonable arcs, but it's always been tough to do all of the content there. Once they added the Hollows and Striga, revamped Faultline, and increased the rate of levelling, it became easy to skip it completely.

    As far as getting around goes, jet packs are so easy to get or craft that it's not really an issue. Hell, you get jump packs from the start for those higher jumps if you miss the mayhem or don't want to craft anything. But it's been so long since I ran through it that I can't point to specific story arcs of interest. So you probably have a point, story-wise.
  22. It seems to me that a race which is "generally pretty stupid, but tough and VERY long-lived" might just heal really quickly, making Regeneration a possible option.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Now I'm picturing The Rock in a remake of Kung Fu. And that's really difficult to unsee.
    Sure is. Ow. Ow ow ow. Staff fighting does sound like a workable choice, though.
  23. I will try to be there with Yiu Otter Noh, 50+3 rad/son def, if you still have a debuffer slot. Achille's Heel, Deflated Ego, and Dark Watcher's Despair procs are slotted in Radiation Infection. Also has Tactics and Maneuvers.

    Storm Elemental Total Radial Improved, Rebirth Partial Radial, Degenerative Partial Core, Void Radial, Musculature Radial, Assault Radial Genome.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
    I almost think that a Well based trial makes more sense than a radiation accident given current lore.
    What's that? Timmy's fallen down the Well of the Furies? Let's go, Task Force Lassie!
  25. There are many known homages and references in the game, mostly as Easter eggs. The devs don't usually speak up and say anything about them, as far as I know. The right people get them.

    The design isn't exactly the same as the boxes the TARDIS is modeled after, although it's close, and that box is red instead of blue. Because of the trademark issue, the devs are sure to steer clear of an exact replica, so this is likely to be as close as they can reasonably get to a visual TARDIS reference. On the other hand, if Night Ward is set in Britain (I don't know, haven't been there -- is it?), you would expect to see some old police boxes still standing. Maybe Praetorian police boxes are all red except for those stubborn Praetorian Scots who paint theirs blue. :P