Defeat the Army of Romulus Augustus.
Soloed it on:
Dark/Dark/Soul Brute
Titan/Willpower Brute
DP/Kin Corr
Earth/Earth/Ice Dom
Ill/Kin/Primal Controller
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Crab Spider/Leviathan Mastery
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Solo'd on a Dual Blades/WP scrapper and a titan/elec brute. Was a lot of fun to do.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
I've only done the arc 3 times, all solo.
- broadsword/regen scrapper
- stone/stone tank (did not need Granite)
- empathy/dark defender
The emp was the only one who died at all (twice, I think), but he was able to finish it.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Elec^3 Blaster
Bots/Dark MM
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Soloed it twice; once intentionally, once unintentionally (went in with the NPCs, but they all got wiped by the minotaurs and cyclopses at the bridge. Grr.)
Oddly, it was easier and quicker on my usually squishy AR/Traps Corruptor than my Dark/Regen Scrapper. Probably had at least a little to do with the +2 level shift, but even so, my Corruptor often gets his butt handed to him quicker than the Scrapper.
BION, I soloed it with an Energy/Energy/Electric Blaptroller.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
Soloed it here twice, first with a fire/wp brute then with a wp/tw tank
Soloed twice for a badge with :
Katana/INV/Body Scrapper
DM/EA/Soul Brute
Elec/elec blaster
Db/sr scrapper
Fire/fire blaster
Didn't try with my nin/ta mastermind, because I was sick of the arc and hoped the allies would speed things up. The fact that I've only used them once since, with my emp/psy defender who kept all the Romans (and Dream Doctor) alive and thus actually got some use out of them, should tell you how well that plan went.
I soloed it with a Peacebringer; took about an hour though. Judgment (Cryonic in this case) was my big go-to opener for the Talon groups. Most of my time was spent kiting the monsters.
It was much much quicker with a tank/troller duo. As long as you don't accept the NPC help, you should get a badge if you successfully complete it.
One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.
AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED
Energy/Energy Blaster
Night Widow
Those are the only two of my toons who have gotten that far in the arcs.
Also on Steam
Soloed with:
BS/SR scrapper
Ill/Kin troller
Bots/Traps MM
WP/Axe Tanker
DB/Elec Brute
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
Soloed with:
Inv/SS tanker
Mind/Psi Dom
Ill/Rad controller
Demon/Pain MM
Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30
Shield Defense/ Kinetic Melee tank
Dual Blades/Ninjitsu Stalker.
I've soloed it with my plant/emp troller and my dark/dark/dark defender.
I also soloed it with my MA/SR scrapper, but he had full difficulty turned on, even AVs.
NCSoft will be getting no more of my money and my GW2 purchase was halted the day of the announcement. I'm a loyal and very profitable customer. I hope to return to giving them all of my money, should CoH survive.
The trick to those monsters are to burn one down til he pops his unstoppable then switch and repeat. They take a long time to kill regardless of what you are playing though.
Is that mission 5 from Sister Solaris?
Have anyone soloed this mission? I tried, with my inv/energy tank but those groups of Talons do a lot of damage. I took out a group of monsters... I used Nemesis Staff, Blackwand, and Laser Eye.
Just wondering if anyone done it... if so what AT and powers.... I clicked the completed button hoping for a badge, I should have knew that would not work.... oh well :P |
Inv/SS/EM Tank
Fire/Fire/Pyre Blaster (Yes, it took longer...)
Going in with a team of players and no NPCs counts for the badge too. Got it that way with my Fire/Rad/Stone Troller during my Monday night fire/rad group. And DAMN but did we cook them up!
Have anyone soloed this mission? I tried, with my inv/energy tank but those groups of Talons do a lot of damage. I took out a group of monsters... I used Nemesis Staff, Blackwand, and Laser Eye.
Just wondering if anyone done it... if so what AT and powers.... I clicked the completed button hoping for a badge, I should have knew that would not work.... oh well :P |
Have anyone soloed this mission? I tried, with my inv/energy tank but those groups of Talons do a lot of damage. I took out a group of monsters... I used Nemesis Staff, Blackwand, and Laser Eye.
Just wondering if anyone done it... if so what AT and powers....
I clicked the completed button hoping for a badge, I should have knew that would not work.... oh well :P