2931 -
I hate to be a downer but...massive shooting at Aurora, Colorado.
http://www.9news.com/news/local/arti...eater-shooting -
I loved this movie, not as much as the 2nd movie but it's very close. I find it impressive that both the 1st and 3rd movie build depth back and forth, so much so that I now appreciate the 1st film a lot more than when it came out.
As for the ending, I loved it. You have to keep in mind that Nolan set out to make a realistic story, and a man can only get beat up so many times and suffer so much before he has to stop. If you're like Unknown_User, you might not be remembering that Bruce Wayne has been spending 2 films to find a way to stop being batman, but is unable to because the call to protect Gotham. There is a reason why they state all the health problems he is suffering from in this film, Wayne's body is giving out and he has been emotionally drained from the events of the 2nd film. At the end of the film, he has seen that Gotham can now protect itself with the help of Robin and how strong the police force has gotten since the first film. With the presumed death of Batman, Wayne has sacrificed his alter ego to save Gotham one final time and give inspiration and hope to the citizens of Gotham. -
I was online at the time but just simply wasn't informed would have gladly brought my ice/cold corr along.
I'm totally skipping Aqua Bolt and Steam Spray with some focus on global recharge to smooth out my ST and AoE rotations.
The fortunata has the best damage type and the best damage will help you significantly considering all your own damage is heavily resisted lethal damage. Also they are pretty awesome for AVs since most don't resist psionic.
It's pretty lackluster, could use some minor improvements:
- Neurotoxic breath needs to be something more than just a slow cone aoe, like say make it have blast set level damage and change it to a ranged target aoe. The mag 2 hold is pretty rare, but I'm ok with that since holds and -recharge effects have very little synergy.
- It would be nice if Paralytic Poison dealt damage over time, seriously for a set built around poisons as a theme there is almost no damage (give Ice arrow some burst cold damage too).
- buff Envenom and Weaken's aoe radius from 8 to 20, because 8 is so small it might as well be single target and similar click debuffs use 20 to 25 for their radius (Acid Arrow also needs this treatment).
- Antidote needs its cast time reduced by 0.53 seconds to match clear mind and enforced morale (Thaw and Clarity also need to be reduced). -
Water/Poison blood blaster for sure. Concept is the guy can manipulate his blood and drain the life and abilities of anyone he touches with his blood.
Already have a Water/Poison corruptor planned that will be a blood blaster.
Quote:Blasters have higher sustain dps but since the regen wall starts at 40% Corruptors have higher DPS for breaking through because of scourge crits.Just a slight sidetrack here, and I know you said, "one of the only ways".
But, I would like to point this out.
There are only two corrs on that entire league. Go go broken blasters and defenders!
Total min/max dps type would be:
- a mix of Psi/* and Sonic/* corruptors
- with damage hybrids, not sure on Core or Radial
- T4 seers
- Soul Patron Fortunata Mistress
- Musculature/Spiritual alpha
- Mix of Barrier and Ageless T4, a few Rebirths depending on support sets
- 4reactive/4degenerative/4spectral/4preemptive/4cognitive interface
- Core Pyronic or Radial Void
- mix of */cold, */kin, */rad, */time, */Thermal, */Pain, */Poison. */Dark is borderline depending on overall +Def/-Tohit and healing.
- enough Ultimate inspirations to last the fight.
But like I said that's min/max, you can do it less. You will still need melees to tank the standard hits of course and there will be filler spots left. -
Considering it limits you to lvl 29, an Ice/Cold Corr will not have sleet or heat loss and a Cold/Ice defender won't have BFR or Blizzard. Only major difference is who gets what powers early, and for some support sets that tips heavily in defenders favor. Rad/Rad corr vs Rad/Rad def will most likely have very little difference in performance because of how frontload Rad is on it's core powers.
Corruptors IMO are still a better AT for endgame content as you have higher damage caps and scrouge crits while still having more than decent support to stack on top of Destiny/Hybrid/Interface powers. It should also be noted that one of the only ways people have found to get the badge The Really Hard Way was to use a league of mostly damage capped corruptors for the scourge criticals to bypass the regen of Tyrant at the 40% phase change. -
Most the OP's problem sounds like inadequate slotting on both the brute and corruptor's part into their defensive abilities and end management. Also since the brute is a damage resist brute, you should prioritized EF>LR>RA>RI and should conserve endurance by only using flares and fire blast until the boss is less then 30% when reliable scourge (50% chance) starts kicking in. At 20% prioritize everything into attacks as you will be getting crits on almost every attack.
Walking out the theater I thought this movie was okay, not good but okay. However the more I think about it all, I start to really realize this movie is just as bad as the 2003 Hulk movie. That might sound extreme but there just massive plotholes that undermine and conflict with the entire movie as a whole. The only thing that the movie had going for it was that at least most of the actors were trying their best to make it work despite how badly the script was.
wow those colors, especially the purple amidst the flames.
Perez is the most likely since it's right next to the destroy galaxy city that is infested with neo-shivans and they have something to do with the coming storm.
correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't some of the widow attacks have claw extension animations? Wouldn't that prevent a lot of the standard claws customizations?
Nobody uses these powers on teams and when they do it's a method of trolling, can we get this changed to a power that acts like an inverted repel, drawing foes into a central point (on targeted foe or location based) for a limited duration. Thematically it matches both powers and it would bring something really unique to both sets.
The costume parts and wolf should only be available separately if they retire the current super pack at a later date. You can't have them on the market at the same time because it would completely devalue the super pack and it's still too new to be retired within the year.
What will probably happen though is that when they do retire the current super pack they'll give one last discounted sale of it and make the EO/wolf rewards permanently unattainable once they are no longer for sale. I believe this as this is how they've treated the VIP costume packs which are of the same quality and there is more money to be had by forcing people to make a desperate buy knowing it will never be available again. -
Sonic Resonance and Trick Arrow are the two worst support sets for different reasons.
Sonic only really has it's +res bubbles which are inferior in protection to FF's +def bubbles, unless you somehow have +regen +heals to support it (like thermal). Couple with that it has the worst designed anchors in the game and a detention field power and a redundant clear mind clone on top of already having a Dispersion bubble.
Trick Arrow has the issue of taking 3 powers to do what any other support set would do in 1 power and then also having inferior numbers on it's debuff values on top of that. Also every power in this set seems to draw an enormous amount of aggro even off taunt aura tanks. PGA, Glue, and Flash seem pointless to even cast on teams as they will only get you killed and really add nothing significant to the fight, and take way too long to apply for crappy values. So the only 3 powers you ever end up using are the 2 -res arrows and oil slick, the latter being the only power that contributes anything significant and has a long cooldown.
Ice Melee and Ice control are pretty awful sets too. -
Quote:I've only done it on an Ice/cold corr and dark/fire brute, both of those being almost entirely single target except for Ice Storm and Blazing Aura. The sub effects of my attacks also helped quite a bit in the survivability.I think one of the reasons my Corruptor had less hassle with them than my Scrapper was AoEs. Helped to reduce the hp on a larger number at once, at which point I could whittle them down individually, as opposed to having to try to take them out individually each time.
EDIT: To clarify, I didn't pull the entire groups all at once; only two to three at most, and even then not on purpose. I would snipe individually, but occasionally pull multiples, but it actually worked in my favor with my Corruptor for the reasons above, ie, AoEs. Normally, my Scrapper is much more effective against groups than my Troller, but in this case- particularly with the Cyclops'- it wasn't the case. -
The trick to those monsters are to burn one down til he pops his unstoppable then switch and repeat. They take a long time to kill regardless of what you are playing though.
actually this is probably the MMO with the least amount of power creep I've ever played. Unless you're running lvl 50 content, all players function at a balanced level. Even at lvl 50 content it's mainly the level shifts that cause the power creep.
RF certainly has a greater edge with the KB->KD IO, so my vote is there. Also Force Bubble's range is frankly too big, which makes it very cumbersome compared to RF.
This exactly, I think it would look jarring as a plant/nature troller.