Y'know what zone could really use a revamp?





Apologies if this has come up a lot and I've just missed it, but it seems that most recent zone revamp requests have focused on lower-level zones like King's Row and Perez Park. Not to say that those zones couldn't use some love, but Brickstown should be a prime candidate for a zone revamp for a number of reasons:

- It's right at the start of the 'content dead zone' for levels 30-40.

If you're a new player, there's more and better content 1-30, and especially 1-20, then there's ever been, what with Death from Below, the Shining Stars arcs, the revamped Atlas Park intro arcs with Matt Habashy, and the re-worked Positron Task Force. If you're really new, you can run the Praetorian starting zones from 1-20. Add in the Penny Yin Task Force and the Roy Cooling and FBSA arcs in Talos Island from 20-30, not to mention the option to head off to First Ward, and you've got solid content options there, too.

Hit level 30 and...what? There's Night Ward, which is interesting but fairly insular in that much of what happens there is contained in its own lore that doesn't really connect to much of the larger game. There's Founders' Falls, which is a good zone...well, the Numina TF is kinda grindy in the middle and a lot of the other level 30-35 mission arcs date from the time period when 'fun' was defined as 'the sense of pleasure you feel when the game stops hitting you in the forehead'.

Until you realize that many arcs in Brickstown are just duplicates of arcs available in Founders' Falls -- remember doing the Unity Plague arc as offered by Jenny Firkins in FF? Now you can do the same arc on your next Science toon thanks to Lou Pastorelli in Brickstown! Did Library of Souls with Peter Stemitz in FF? Do it again with Allison King in Brickstown! (Note: much of this info comes from ParagonWiki, which I'm going to try to confirm with a couple of low 30s heroes over the next week or so. I don't see any reason to doubt ParagonWiki's info, though.)

Founders' Falls also has more other options -- more Task Forces start in Founders' Falls, it has more Signature Story Arc contacts (though this could change), it has access to the Rikti War Zone via a Vanguard office, and to Cimerora via a Midnighter entrance at the University. Brickstown is just behind in pretty much every way, content-wise.

- The zone design is frustrating and often actively hostile to new heroes journeying there.

If you've ever seen the loading screen hint that talks about 'if you can't find your mission entrance despite seeming to be right on top of it, look around to see if there's an entrance to an alternate level', then you've seen a hint suggested by someone adventuring in Brickstown. Numerous sewer mission entrances are located in areas with limited access, sometimes hundreds of feet from the actual mission entrance, and with enemies scattered along the entire path from area entrance to mission entrance. Stalkers might well enjoy this, but most ATs won't, especially if...

...you've been given a mission that takes you into a part of the zone far higher than your current Security Level! Actually, scratch that -- it's not just missions that get oddly assigned this way. One of my own recent characters who'd just leveled to 31 decided to head off to Brickstown to meet his only contact there -- Marisel Valenzuela -- who is squeezed between a warehouse and a chain-link fence right in the midst of a part of the zone filled with SL 34-35 enemies. Once I got there, I wondered if I should be accepting missions from her or escorting her to a womens' shelter. A quick check of VidiotMaps confirms that, of the four SL 30-35 contacts in this zone, one (Marisel) is in an area that spawns SL 33-35 enemies, while another (Lou Pasterelli) is in an area that spawns SL 36-38 enemies! Faceplant FTW!

- No zone event

Admittedly, this one is probably considered an advantage for players who don't care for zone events, but I happen to be of the opinion that zone events help add character to a zone, from the Troll raves in Skyway City to the fires in Steel Canyon, to the Ghost Ship appearances in Talos Island and Indy Port. Even the much-maligned Kings Row zone has the Clockwork Paladin event.

Now, one could argue that higher-level zones don't and shouldn't have zone events -- neither Founders' Falls nor Peregrine Island have zone events that are separate from global events like the Nemesis invasion, for instance. Yet of all the eventless zones in the game, Brickstown is the one with the most obvious hook for a zone event -- Jailbreak! Heroes, rogues, and vigilantes could interact with the game's signature villains here during a high-energy zone event, and it's not as though frequent breakouts from the Zig don't already form a significant part of the game's lore.

If done well, this event alone could make a Brickstown revamp worthwhile.

I could make a snarky comment about Swan being the best thing about the zone, but the reality is that Brickstown is actually a really good zone for NPC contacts -- you have the aforementioned Swan, plus Steven "Dr. Science" Sheridan. I had no idea that the police contacts -- named after characters from the old 'Barney Miller' TV show -- were actually modeled after folks who work at Paragon Studios. And Serafina is arguably the most interesting of the 'vendor contacts' in Brickstown and Founders' Falls (the other top candidate IMO would be Penny Preston in FF). I would definitely keep and even expand on the uniqueness of the contacts in Brickstown as part of any revamp.

Let's make this happen!




Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Let's see...Zones in need of revamp:

King's Row
Indy Port
(possibly) Hollows
(Maybe a wee bit) Faultline
Any I may have missed?
Crey's Folly and Terra Volta, off the top of my head. Terra Volta just needs to be shrunken down and given higher res textures and it'd be set. Crey's Folly needs a complete overhaul, though.



I'd support this. Blueside really needs new 30-40 content.



If anything, I'd suspect (and support) Crey's Folly getting a revamp.

- Right level range.
- Nothing to do there now that's inherent to the zone itself.
- Even though ti doesn't seem to enter into it, there are "logical" entrances for heroes and villains (it's RIGHT on the other side of the RCS/RWZ.)
- Possible reason to expand Praetorian content (Prae Hami meets Primal Hami in a toxic wasteland) - also a reason for all "sides" to fight together.
- Let's mix the Resistance and the Freakshow - nobody will understand what they're saying! (I'd love to see that meeting. "Woah, slammer flip-flops on pan hands frazzle dig?" "d00d, w4t?" "Huh?")



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
- Possible reason to expand Praetorian content (Prae Hami meets Primal Hami in a toxic wasteland) - also a reason for all "sides" to fight together.
You lost me right about here.



I'll gladly support any and all Zone revamp suggestions, however any such revamps MUST include a new Villain SF that deals/relates/causes the revamp in question.

Now the Devs have been trying to be fair about how new stuff gets split between the sides and i think a SF for a Zone revamp is more than fair.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
You lost me right about here.
I know they were just quick points. I've talked about this one before as a possibility of (somehow) expanding praetorian content - ok, the place gets nuked, but still.

The Devouring Earth (primal) are already there. It's *exactly* the sort of area that would enrage Hamidon - human activity disrupting nature, poisoning the water with industrial waste, etc.

Get some hook for Praetorian Hamidon - different, more powerful - to come through and discover it, and the Primal Hamidon. Praetorian is far more powerful, of course - so having the two join up, compare notes and modify what they're doing would be a problem for all sides - survivors of Praetoria would *want* to stop that (they've lived with it,) and a Hamidon that strong is certainly not something either a hero or villain (well, some villains) would want to see come to pass.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
I'll gladly support any and all Zone revamp suggestions, however any such revamps MUST include a new Villain SF that deals/relates/causes the revamp in question.
Well, making Brickstown into a co-op zone would be thematically easier than most, since even villains would have a reason to jailbreak their buddies (though a villainous jailbreak would probably have to be a Strike Force rather than the generic zone event, which would likely be more about stopping the bad guys from escaping). Heck, successful completion of the villanous Strike Force could actually trigger the main zone event!

The biggest challenge, to my mind, would be coming up with a sensible and not-irritating villain zone entrance. Having a giant Arachnos flyer parked in one corner of the zone would be a bit obvious, but having to slog in via the sewers would be tedious.




Originally Posted by Pauper View Post

The biggest challenge, to my mind, would be coming up with a sensible and not-irritating villain zone entrance. Having a giant Arachnos flyer parked in one corner of the zone would be a bit obvious, but having to slog in via the sewers would be tedious.

Where did you get the idea I wanted Co-OP/Competitive Zones?

All I want is a Strike Force accompanying the revamp. Villains need to do Villainous things, A Strike Force with a Zone revamp is a good way to accomplish that without another forced CO-OP scenario.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
- Let's mix the Resistance and the Freakshow - nobody will understand what they're saying! (I'd love to see that meeting. "Woah, slammer flip-flops on pan hands frazzle dig?" "d00d, w4t?" "Huh?")

That right there sold me on the idea.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I know they were just quick points. I've talked about this one before as a possibility of (somehow) expanding praetorian content - ok, the place gets nuked, but still.

The Devouring Earth (primal) are already there. It's *exactly* the sort of area that would enrage Hamidon - human activity disrupting nature, poisoning the water with industrial waste, etc.

Get some hook for Praetorian Hamidon - different, more powerful - to come through and discover it, and the Primal Hamidon. Praetorian is far more powerful, of course - so having the two join up, compare notes and modify what they're doing would be a problem for all sides - survivors of Praetoria would *want* to stop that (they've lived with it,) and a Hamidon that strong is certainly not something either a hero or villain (well, some villains) would want to see come to pass.
We have far more Praetorian content than we need, though. It does not need to be spilling over and taking over Primal zones. Crey's Folly would be better suited for letting Crey take the spotlight, while sharing some of that attention with the Freakshow. Also have the Rikti Restructurists poking around and you've got the makings of a great conspiracy plot right there. We really need to make our Primal villain groups threatening and relevant again.

And co-op zones got tired about four co-op zones ago. I'd rather they just keep Crey's Folly a hero zone entirely as opposed to shoehorning villains into it "for the greater good" again.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
We have far more Praetorian content than we need, though.
I disagree. Goldside is the only faction that can't reach 50 entirely from its own storylines. They're pretty much forced to go Primal.

"What if I think the best way to prevent the war is to spread the truth among the people?"

"Too bad. (random punctuation) your people. The Primals need you more...somehow..."

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
I disagree. Goldside is the only faction that can't reach 50 entirely from its own storylines. They're pretty much forced to go Primal.

"What if I think the best way to prevent the war is to spread the truth among the people?"

"Too bad. (random punctuation) your people. The Primals need you more...somehow..."
Goldside stops at 20, I totally know and hate it, myself. Thing is we've been getting Praetorian focused content for, like, two years now. And FW/NW aren't even a proper continuation of the whole Praetorian experience because of how linear it is, how it forces you to become Resistance Warden, and it's massive departure from fighting/helping Cole and his government to fighting witches, wizards, and undead knights in a place no one cares about. Plus it's co-op to everyone else, Primal hero and villain.

Praetoria just needs to be left alone and die, tbh. It's ship has sailed and the devs dropped the ball big time with it. After we get our trial to fight Prae Hamidon or whatever, we just need to stop and focus on where a majority of the game actually takes place; Primal Earth. Fix up it's old zones, make new zones that take place on our world, and fill the zones we have with more content.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Goldside stops at 20, I totally know and hate it, myself. Thing is we've been getting Praetorian focused content for, like, two years now. And FW/NW aren't even a proper continuation of the whole Praetorian experience because of how linear it is, how it forces you to become Resistance Warden, and it's massive departure from fighting/helping Cole and his government to fighting witches, wizards, and undead knights in a place no one cares about. Plus it's co-op to everyone else, Primal hero and villain.

Praetoria just needs to be left alone and die, tbh. It's ship has sailed and the devs dropped the ball big time with it. After we get our trial to fight Prae Hamidon or whatever, we just need to stop and focus on where a majority of the game actually takes place; Primal Earth. Fix up it's old zones, make new zones that take place on our world, and fill the zones we have with more content.
I can't really disagree with anything here. Maybe and it's a longshot but maybe add a forest zone that covers 40 to 50 and builds up the Hami Trial fight.But that would be a longshot.



Perez is the most likely since it's right next to the destroy galaxy city that is infested with neo-shivans and they have something to do with the coming storm.



They already have something for an awesome zone event in Brickstown that they just aren't using to it's full potential: The Zig. It's so easy to imagine a major prison break event with supervillains and every possible villain group breaking out. Maybe an event that incorporated the original villain tutorial, the Arachnos instigate this breakout. It would be great to see something new in Brickstown though.

"You doubt the glory of my CAPE SLEEVES?!" - Doba Ajiba



All of them but Atlas, Mercy, and DA need a revamp, missions are all old and boring need more missions



BoomTown, needs a whole lot of love.

What I find confusing about the entrence to BoomTown is that it's located arounf the 14-19 lvl enemies in SteelCanyon, and when you go into BoomTown it starts off with lvl 12-13s.

Could they make BoomTown's enemies go from 12-20 or 14-20? I think this would make more sence.

Since barely any one goes there, just be cause they want to, could there be something unique to BoomTown, like an event ( not like the Giant Monster Clockwork), but maybe like a gang war between the trolls and the outcasts?

That's my opinion.