Macro Question
I don't have experience with your particular keyboard, but I do have an original Logitech G15 with 18 macro keys. I have found 2 ways to do what you are asking about.
- Use the macro to call a keybind. I have a macro key set up to call shift+s. On all of my characters that have stealth powers, I bind that power to the shift+s key. Easy to set up and it lets you use keys that are not normal, like alt+/ for things.
- Have the macro type in the entire command and execute it. This works, but is actually pretty unwieldy and I wouldn't use it for what you want. I have it set up to email stuff to myself in game, filling in the address, then tabbing down to put something in the message, after I create the new email. But it is too easy for lag to cause missed keys or whatever in the middle so combat, especially on the iTrials, plus it is more information contributing to the lag.
There are probably ways to use whatever programming language you keyboard has, but I don't really think you need to for what you want.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

Go into your keyboard's programming software and tell it to assign your S keys to whatever keys you have the incarnates bound to. I suggest using shift or alt or ctrl + [something] just so that you can still use the [something] keys normally in-game.
For instance, I have shift+numpad1 through shift+numpad6 bound in game to do various toggleon binds. Then I told my G15 software to make G1 through G6 to activate shift+numpad#.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I'm sorry in advance if this has been covered, but my searches thus far have been fruitless.
I recently purchased a Microsoft X4 Keyboard. This is my first fiore into programmable keyboards. Simply put, my keyboard has 6 programmable keys. My goal is simply to program one to perform Judgement, one for Destiny, one for Lore, and in the future the other incarnate stuff.
A bind I used to use for my numpad was pretty successful it was simply a jargon of combined powexecs, and looks like this:
/bind (_) "powexec_name ion total core judgement$$powexec_name ion partial core judgement$$...[many more judgements]...powexec_name pyronic partial radial judgement$$powexec_name pyronic total radial judgement"
I would input every judgement name, and the only one that actually fires is the one that's equipped. I like this move alot, because I don't need to spend much time typing out macros for every toon, and I just copy/paste it once and it works on all my toons. I do the same thing for Destiny, Lore and the little buff pets, etc...
I just don't have much experience with programmable keyboards and macros. I don't need anything very complex, I guess I just want to know if anyone knows a way to bind the additional keys (S1-S6) to perform as they did on my numpad macro.
So if anyone uses the same keyboard, or knows more about macros and programmable macro buttons, I would deeply appreciate some guidance.
Thanks in advance.
Kaars Aerinstar