CONSTANT Crashing, help requested.



So, i have uninstalled and re-installed several times, deleted every file associated with City of Heroes, and re-installed to make sure...

during Verification, the installer gets into the fixing files portion and occasionally this message will pop up:

"Updater - File Error

cheksum failed on piggs/texWorld.pig
click ok to do full checksum of all files.

you may be out of disk space or you may be trying to install where you have insufficient permissions."

it's not always texWorld, it varies, i have plenty disk space on this hard drive, and everything else i do on the comp works just fine...

is there a small setting i'm missing? or is this game just done, i've done everything i can think of. installing w/ other people's disks, downloading the client fresh, updating drivers, rolling back to old drivers... i'm just out of ideas, and want to play again.

thanks in advance

Kaars Aerinstar



I'd recommend starting with Zloth's ++ Common Solutions & Posting Guidelines ++ thread that is stickied in this forum.

Secondly, post a log from running CoH Helper as it will give information about your system and the CoH installation and settings.

Thirdly, post a log from running HijackThis. This will show what else is going on on your computer while you are playing CoH.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.