New to is Elec/SR for PvE?
SR is boss. Easily soft capped.
SR is a very good secondary for stalkers. Elec/SR has very good synergy.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
The real beauty of SR for Stalkers is you can get a mid-fight AS off more easily than any other secondary with it.
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My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

I agree with all the above posts, you'll be very happy with a Elec/SR stalker. slot for recharge across the board, so you can lightning rod as often as possible, and you'll really learn to love it.
Kaars Aerinstar
I'm not really sure what's so good about Elec Melee as a stalker set.
There is Lightning Rod, but out of all ATs that get the same power (including Shield Charge), Stalkers have the least potential with LR. Tanks and Scrappers get AAO to go along with SC, and Brutes have fury. Stalkers top out at 275% (ED soft cap + BU).
Thunderstrike's AoE portion only does .96 scale damage in a 7 ft radius. Compare that to Spine Burst's 1.22 DS and 15 ft radius.
Jacob's Ladder does 1.5 scale damage in a 50 deg cone, at a cost of 8.5 end. Compare that to Ripper's 2.5 DS, 90 deg cone, and 11 end. That's 2/3 more damage, 80% more area, and only 30% more end cost.
Chain Induction is more situational than traditional AoE powers, but it is paying an extra 8 second recharge on top of its base 6 second recharge for at most 4 charge jumps that deal only little more than half of the initial 1.32 scale damage. In other words, CI only deals about 3x ST damage in the best case. Often times a target would be killed by CI, be it the initial strike or one of the jumps, stopping the chain. Traditional AoEs don't suffer that penalty.
Back to Lightning Rod. It does 2.4 scale damage in a 20 ft radius AoE. Compare that to Throw Spines does 1.49 scale damage in a 30 ft radius, 90 degree cone. Roughly speaking, LR has about 150% the damage and twice the AoE size of Throw Spines. How did LR end up having 7.5x the recharge?
I don't think Elec's ST damage is any better than Spine's either. The only really good thing that Elec has going for it is its damage type.
I think Elec could use some buffs in the form of lowered end cost and/or recharge.
Why don't you try actually playing the set instead of basing your opinion on numbers?
Chain Induction is not an aoe, it's a single target attack, the jumping is a bonus.
Lightning Rod DOESN'T BREAK HIDE. So you can Crit AFTER using it, while everything is still getting up. BU>LR>TS=2 shotted a whole spawn.
It's certainly true that Electric is not great for single target, but then that's what AS is for. For AoE, Electric blows ALL the other sets right out of the water.
Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.
What's with all the numbers talk? The guy clearly stated that the concept he has requires Elec/SR, and that he likes Electric Melee... the question was if SR is a good set for Stalkers. It clearly is a good set, and has awesome synergy with the dynamic of a Stalker's play. There, that's it... case closed!
Why don't you try actually playing the set instead of basing your opinion on numbers?
Chain Induction is not an aoe, it's a single target attack, the jumping is a bonus.
Lightning Rod DOESN'T BREAK HIDE. So you can Crit AFTER using it, while everything is still getting up. BU>LR>TS=2 shotted a whole spawn.
It's certainly true that Electric is not great for single target, but then that's what AS is for. For AoE, Electric blows ALL the other sets right out of the water.
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I have an Elec/SR that I've been playing the past few weeks. He's 40 now.
If CI's jumping is a bonus, then how come the power has a base recharge of 14 second, and base end cost of 10? If you ignore the jumping, the attack is pretty much the same as Havok Punch. I am saying CI should have it's recharge and end cost lowered.
What's the big deal that LR doesn't break hide? It also doesn't crit. You sound like it's superior because it doesn't break hide. Different, yes. Superior? Not sure about that.
When I compared it to Throw Spines, I didn't factor in that Throw Spines can crit both in and out of Hide. Whatever spawns you can kill with BU->LR->TS, chances are it can be taken care of just as easily with BU->Throw->Burst->Throw. Except when all is said and done, Throw Spines is almost back up again, while LR still has another 30 or so seconds to recharge. I am saying TR should have its recharge lowered.
Also, Thunderstrike's AoE is a bit small for most spawns, and when you knock em down with LR, you aren't giving them time to gather up.
Elec doesn't blow Spines right out the water. That's just not the case.
What's with all the numbers talk? The guy clearly stated that the concept he has requires Elec/SR, and that he likes Electric Melee... the question was if SR is a good set for Stalkers. It clearly is a good set, and has awesome synergy with the dynamic of a Stalker's play. There, that's it... case closed!
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I went off topic. This probably isn't the right thread for me to ask those questions. Sorry about that.
Never said the set was bad, but I think it can be better, and some of the numbers don't make a lot of sense, particularly CI.
I have a concept in mind that uses Elec/SR, I already know that Elec is awesome but how does SR stack up against the other secondaries PvE-wise? Thanks