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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    Pity this never got used as the login:

    It is being used now.

    I think the i24 login is just awful.
  2. Wavicle

    Patron plagues

    It's plaques. With a Q.

    But I agree with your suggestion, the Hero ATs need to be added there.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    I'm just getting sick of the info being released bit by bit, and getting my hopes up and not living up to them. At this point I'm ready to bury my head in the sand till Double XP weekend and i24's release. Color Customization for pools has been an issue for me since I turned on full particle effects last year, whereas I've wanted to recolor my Warshade since I rolled him (Sunless Mire is the coloring I want, on a global level).

    But Hey, at least we will be able to recolor Hasten to match US, right?
  4. Sad little level 50 Stone Armor tanker. Never gets played.

    Big changes to the set might be too much to ask for, so how about a very small change.

    Leave it all as is except for one thing.

    Allow us to Jump when in Rooted and Granite, but with penalties to height and speed.

    Then I would play my stone tanker.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    "Potty Humor" has been stated to be a reportable and punishing offense.

    Just because you like it, does not make it an acceptable thing in the Real World.
    Please show me where it is stated that I should be reported and punished for having a character with a bathroom themed name.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    Not that I speak for NekoNeko, but I'm guessing it's because that's disgusting, juvenile, off-putting and unpleasant, and it's not something certain (most?) players, Neko included, want to see when they log onto the game. Plus it's an indicator of the kinds of things they're likely to be saying in chat, which are likely to be equally (or more!) disgusting, juvenile, off-putting and unpleasant.

    That's partially what the star/note system is for, after all: to allow us to identify the players we don't want to deal with -- for whatever reason, be it rudeness, abuse, ignorance, whatever -- and not play with people whose behaviors reduce our enjoyment of the game.
    Yea, I will avoid playing with players who whine about humorous names because it reduces my enjoyment of the game.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
    Not only will I not team with them, I will one-star ANYone I see using a yellow-tinted water blast. Lemonade... yeah, right. I just hope the devs are serious and prepared for the flood of complaints on this one.
    why on earth do you care? if someone wants to make a Water/Ice or Water/Cold and call it Yellow Snow why exactly is that a problem for anyone at all?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    You were 100% correct, Texas. Some of the personal story missions (Heather Townsend and Mu'Vorkhan) were part of the contact arcs. Both of those contacts had the arc icon in my contact list. I did their personal missions and was able to proceed to Praetor Duncan's missions.

    So I *am* being forced to do those NPC missions. But you're saying that it may be a bug.

    Well, I've already /bugged this problem, so if they ever get back to me I'll let them know what the problem was. Meanwhile this forum has the solution -- thank you!
    It sounds to me like what Tex was saying, and perhaps what your problem was, was that you have Other arcs open in addition to the personal stories.

    As far as I know you are Not "forced" to play the personal stories. I haven't found that to be the case on my characters.
  9. It seems to me the blaster secondary changes are basically a good idea.

    The ranged attack changes are also good, but they are really going to help Defenders and Corruptors just as much if not more than Blasters. They will also help most Dominators and a few Stalkers and Scrappers.

    Essentially the problem is this: Even with these useful survivability powers in the secondaries, blasters are still less survivable than even Stalkers. It remains to be seen exactly how far these range changes bring Blasters damage but they really ought to be able to put out sustained DPS numbers from Range comparable with Stalkers, Scrappers and Brutes in Melee.

    I don't have a problem with any of the changes, but it seems like a little something more for Blasters will be necessary. Even with these changes there might need to be an additional AT wide buff for Blasters or boosts for certain powers in various sets, or a little of both.
  10. Keep in mind that in teams Blasters will almost Always have 22% tohit from teammate buffs.
  11. Max's arc did NOT grant a reward in BETA.

    My belief is that it is WAI for Max's arc to not offer an end reward.

    I don't LIKE it, but I think it's WAI.
  12. Wavicle


    Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
    Ok, so I'm confused.

    In my Electric/Electric stalker, I put the ATO in my Jacob's Ladder and then put Hecatomb in my AS. With that, I get the proc about every 15 sec like the set says it would do. But from what I'm reading in this thread, it seems that the ATO procs immediately after using AS?

    If this is so, then my question is this; where is the best place to put the ATO for maximum dps? (I mean, we -are- a dps AT afterall)
    I'm pretty convinced the best place is AS itself, but I have 0 scientific basis for that.
  13. Wavicle


    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post

    Quoting my own initial post in the thread where I bothered to work out the math...

    (Edit: TL;DR version: yes - Burst is the only AoE improved in a primary power and only because it has a 100% critical rate from hidden status, which has been confirmed as a bug that will ... eventually ... get fixed).

    How many targets were you thinking, or would that not have an impact?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Orynn View Post
    Shift to today where we have this new mechanic, The Market, which allows folks who have more disposable income to throw at it than others to be more successful, if you will since you don't like the term win, and I see a highest bidder situation.
    Can you explain what purchases I can make on the market that allow me to be more succesful in playing the game? I'd really like to know.
  15. What I think IS possible is something similar to the following:

    Make Stalker Eagle's Claw cause the next attack or two against the same target have a small aoe effect, or Eagle's Claw causes the next Storm Kick to be a small cone or aoe.

    That accomplishes the goal of adding AoE without changing anything else about the set or the powers.

    As for EM, I still think if they WANTED to add AoE, adding it to Energy Transfer is the way to go (and I kinda think they should make that change to ALL versions of Energy Transfer).
  16. Wavicle


    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    But with the changes in i22, you're better off not using it unless you need the burst - something has to die now - or the demoralize to-hit debuff/chance for fear.
    Is this true about Placate even for AoEs?

    Like is Placate>Burst or Throw Spines or something a DPS loss?
  17. Wavicle


    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    (caltrops are a stalker's worst enemy!)
    And thus...

    Flying Stalkers were born.
  18. MA and EM don't need AoEs.

    The reason why:

    I know for a FACT there are some (bizarre) people out there who want to make toons with only single target attacks, and it's not so bad that there should be a couple of sets for those people.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
    Golden-Girl.. u know as much as i do.
    Stop pretending and let everyone think you have insider knowledge with your smiley icons.
    Because face it, if you had, u know you are not even allowed to drop a hint.

    God, i hope it'll be on April 9th so i can rub this in your face.
    So basically if she put "I think" before her post then you wouldn't get all flustered?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    See, I always thought it was a system that let you create a character that was BETTER equipped/geared through purchase than you'd be able to make just from sticking to in-game content.

    By that definition the whole incarnate system is 'pay-to-win', but I don't know if subscribe-to-win is a thing really.
    With a definition this loose the WHOLE GAME is pay-to-win. It's meaningless.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Surging_Starfall View Post
    you lose by augmenting, because you no longer have access to the set for all levels
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
    If A had little blinky lights on the chest part I'd totally pick that one.

    I vote for C

    but it would be awesome to get a Blinky Lights Chest Panel option IN ADDITION.
  23. When you're doing the second Signature Arc on a Stalker and you forget you're a Hero and you go kill the LT guarding the vault and then you're like 'OMG why can't I kill the vault!?' and then you realize you're a Hero, and you come back around the corner, and there's like a dozen cops standing there....but they can't see you.

    TL;DR...I need sleep.
  24. I am looking for a list of Every badge in Alphabetical order, with NO subcategories.

    Just every badge in the game in One list, A to Z.

    Does it exist?

    I know I can search Within a category such as Exploration, Achievement, etc, but is there anywhere a list without the categories?

    The reason I want this is so I can look for badges I might want for particular characters.