1926 -
Like I've always said, City of Heroes has been quietly innovating MMORPGs since 2004. Too bad about that "quietly" part. For whatever reason the game has always been and continues to be very much under the radar.
However, more and more I've found that MMORPGs sacrifice too much to accommodate those massively multiplayers. I look at what can be done with single player RPGs, and MMORPGs do not compare favorably at all. The MMORPG is very primitive by comparison.
Other people do more to stop your fun than to add to it. That is the single biggest problem with MMORPGs as I see it. People who mostly or exclusively team say it themselves. They team because the game itself isn't fun. Other people are fun, but not the game. With SPRGPs, the game itself is fun. -
Compared to the Cthulhuesque horror we could have gotten, the wolf is a big disappointment.
One of my biggest gripes about Freedom is, despite some good features, it is unapologetically, full-on pay-to-win. One of the reasons why Freedom only garnered 18%ish revenue increase where other freemiums double or tripled theirs.
They've been charging for the highest tier of power (Incarnate) from day 1, so why would this be at all surprising? -
If Rage with it annoyances is the only thing stopping you from rolling a SS Brute, you can leave it out of your build without much concern.
Even truer now with the Brute Fury proc. -
Start by reading about them on Paragon Wiki.
Glad to see the numbers up, though I too was hoping they'd be better. I'm a bit concerned about current in-game population, and I don't see how the numbers will keep going up for next quarter, but I sure hope they do!
I wonder how low the sales can go before the game can no longer stays open? NCsoft is a harsh mistress.
And I wish they hadn't made so many returning players give up and leave by graying out their IOs. Not letting returning players keep their IOs was a dumb move. -
Another vote against time-limiting items on the store. Let us give you our money year round!
That said, I bought the leather studded belt because it's one of the best belts in the game. It's really great!
Discount or no discount, I'll continue to buy a la carte because if I dress a character in a complete set, I've failed in my costuming. I only buy pieces I have an immediate use for, and 99% of my costume-piece purchases happen in the costume creator as opposed to directly in the store. -
DM/SR isn't a mistake. It's one of the better combos you can roll.
No cure necessary. If you're playing what you enjoy, good!
Melee is king, support is just a wing! -
Maestro Card is the standard credit card issued by The Council. It's only good at Council supply depots.
SR can hit 45% Defense without a single set bonus, so if you want the Incarnate cap of 59% it's a mere 14% away. Should be pretty easy to get with set bonuses or simple Defense Inspirations which fall like rain (and on a 50 you have a lot of Inspiration slots). So SR is in a better position to deal with the Incarnate cap than any other set.
Goes double if you're a SR Tanker. Triple if you're a SR/MA Tanker.
And Bill Z Bubba is one of the very few players of this game who truly understands SR. It's a very misunderstood set. -
I see no issue at all with allowing people to build for 100% debt protection if that's how they choose to spend their IO bonus opportunities. Planning for defeat in this game is a rational act since it is an unavoidable part of the game. Buying fire insurance does not invite fire.
Okay so all teammates must be in the same zone, but non-teammates don't have to be. That is weird, but okay.
And the teammates-in-same-zone thing isn't changing in I22? That's too bad, but I'm glad it's on the to-do list.
You know, I find myself thinking the LFG would work better if it would add people so long as the league wasn't at max. Right now, IIRC, it will add people only if the league drops below the minimum.
We'll see what I22 brings. LFG isn't worth much if I have to do all the work of getting the team together for it (yes, I've been dipping my toe into team-leading again, but I can see why no one wants to do it as it's a lot of thankless work and frustration).
P.S. LFG's biggest problem is trust. If people would just trust it and queue as individuals, DFBs would be starting much more reliably. But people don't trust it, so don't queue, so DFBs don't start. Human nature! -
A team tries to queue for DFB in Atlas Park. One member of the team is in Kings Row. Can the team successfully queue and get into DFB?
Given the "one-and-done" nature of First Ward and Praetoria as a whole, I wonder if this is the way forward players really want? Choice is good, but something went wrong with goldside and especially First Ward, as you see very few people teaming there.
Golden Age was all about Magic and Natural origin characters, with the Silver Age focusing more on Mutant and Science. Golden Age had lots of Nazis and gansters, Silver Age had lots of giant monsters and mad scientists/inventors.
Though some identify the classic tights look with the Silver Age, Superman and Batman both started in the Golden Age with tights. Though overall the Golden Age did have more of the suit-and-mask/pilot-with-cape/modified-normal-clothing looks, and the Silver Age made tights ubiquitous.
Golden Age heroes had little compunction about killing. Even Batman wielded a gun in these days (his hatred of guns is a recent addition to the character, one people like because it's feels very true for the character). The Silver Age was weighed down by the Comics Code Authority, but idea of heroes not killing was an improvement over the Golden Age, in my opinion. -
If you want to team easily, Freedom and Virtue are the only real choices.
I prefer Street Justice by quite a margin. It's much more iconic and comic booky than Titan Weapons. Plus, StJ/NIN/WPN (Stalker) is the Batman build. Batman is awesome!
Super Reflexes. Its elegant design, its thematic coolness and its 1-small-inspiration-godmode keep me coming back for more alts.
Street Justice has proven so completely awesome on every level: sights, sounds and numbers. Best melee set in the game IMHO. -
Quote:Welcome to the game! We're all glad to have you here!So the title says it all. I am/will be new to the game and am looking for some advice.
1. What would be a good build to start out with?
2. Could you post a link or a quick idea on a build?
3. Are all areas PvP?
4. I will be FTP at the start will this lock a lot of content?
Thanks in advance for any and all help!
1. I'd play a Brute or Scrapper to start with. They are the most straight-forward and forgiving. Make sure to roll on Freedom or Virtue, as they are the most populated servers and will be the easiest places to find teaming.
2. I find the game more fun if I make my own builds. I've done that since the first day I've played. Playing someone else's build has always bored me. I like to discover things for myself for the most part, but with an ear always willing to listen to those more experienced or knowledgeable. I highly advise you do the same. Read some guides, but make your builds your own. Make your characters your own.
3. There's no open-world PvP in this game. There's no /duel, either. If you want PvP you have to go to an Arena to join a match or go into one of the PvP zones such as Bloody Bay, Siren's Call and Recluse's Victory.
4. Though some content is locked to a free player (most notably Praeotria), there are lots and lots of story arcs for you to do as a free player. You can have hundreds of hours of play in this game without spending a dime. But if you do decide to go buy points or go VIP, a whole lot of new stuff opens up to you.
Good luck and have fun! -
Pro-tip: do Holsten Armitage's (Brickstown Science store) mission to get your Ouroboros Portal if you don't have it by that time.
You are epic.
So true, but the main problem with this game has always been, on a team there is little to no sense of story, and I'm not sure the Praetoria/First Ward/Caption (aka, who the heck is speaking?) is addressing this problem adequately. But solo, yeah, story can be very solid. -
Quote:Actually, you don't do anything but celebrate because if the farmers leave AE, that would be mission accomplished, if the OP's idea is to get farmers out of AE so that story-focused arcs become the norm. If they go on to farm regular content, who cares? AE would be allowed to serve its purpose and less dev time would be spent on stopping the latest farm exploits.Anyways, AE is fine. If people don't farm AE, they'll farm TFs. Then what would you do? Nerf regular content? I personally want to try the challenge of leveling from 1 to 50 on nothing but actual story arcs in AE sometime.
I'm just stating what the point of the OP is. I myself do not care there are farmers in AE. I do wish farms and story arcs could be segregated in such a way that would make it easier to find a story when you want one or a farm when you want one. Currently, the farms "drown out" the story arcs, and that is a problem.