And this is why City of Heroes will always be unique




Even though there's a 50/50 chance of this being modded in some way, I thought this was worth posting. I was just reading an article in Forbes magazine talking about a recent laser sword-wielding MMO. It should be easy to google search for, but if the link survives its here.

I've commented on this game before, specifically as it pertains to certain aspects of the game that I think are so dramatically different - and worse - than City of Heroes. I thought these things were obvious. But apparently not:

Flashpoints & Heroics – I understand that the intent is to provide you with opportunities to group, without actually requiring you to do so. But honestly, these stories are again somewhat disconnected from the other storylines, and they can be entirely skipped with no ill effects. There’s literally nothing in this game except Heroic Areas that forces you to group…and even those can just be avoided…maybe if you had to venture through Heroic Areas to get to the next stage on a planet, that might alter the initial path – the first time through, you’d have to group or be very lucky to unlock the speeder path.
"Nothing that forces you to group." According to this keen observer of MMOs, the problem with this game is that nothing forces you to group, even through the core elements of the game. In fact, the implication at the end of the quote is that if only they forced you to group to unlock the game's travel power things might be better.

The problem is not that its extremely clumsy to group. Not that its very inconvenient to group. Not that even if you want to group you have to sometimes wait tens of minutes for party members to reach you even with that "easy" to unlock travel power. Not that its difficult to chat globally across the game to find team mates. Not that there's no system for normalizing combat level and rewards between different players. Not that you can't team with more than three other people except in special circumstances.

Nope: its not that you can't find people to team with, can't reach other potential team mates, can't get rewards for teaming with lower level team mates, can't team with more than three people. Its that the game didn't take the precaution of forcing you to team, throughout the game. And this is not an isolated opinion.

And that's why this game continues to offer a unique gameplay experience. We don't force you to team just to cross Indy port, we don't gate travel powers behind teaming, we don't force team mates to crawl to your location at a slower speed than they could physically jog to your house, we don't restrict people to only teaming with other people of the same level, and we're apparently the crazy ones.

And its not that Paragon Studios simply doesn't care if we team or not. They *want* us to team. They think teaming is important. They just believe its better to encourage us to team, and eliminate barriers to teaming, and provide the odd carrot or two to team, and not generally *force* us to team. But apparently that's not the right way to do it.

This is why this game has no competition: you're never going to see another City of Heroes, because no one wants to make one. Apparently, that's not the way an MMO is supposed to work.

It never ceases to amaze me, how no MMO is so bad, that it couldn't be made worse by listening to its playerbase. Change just one thing - force me to team in a game whose teaming mechanics suck - and you wouldn't have any players at all. Its ironic that I was saying what this writer said at the start even during this game's beta: "BioWare has successfully created the first Massively Single-Player Online Role-Playing Game." I actually used that exact phrase on these forums. And yet he thinks its because the game doesn't force you to team, and I think the game *can't* force people to team because teaming sucks so badly that I actually think an MMO based on Checkers would be more likely to form groups.

We do a lot of things wrong. And there are people who would say we even do this thing wrong sometimes. But nowhere do I see the contrast between this game and every other MMO I've played than in this one single MMO dogma: if you don't force people to team, they won't, and then they'll leave. People believe this so strongly that even when presented with a game whose teaming mechanics are so bad no one *wants* to team someone will say that the problem isn't that people don't want to team, its that they were not forced to team.

To me, this seems so obvious. Eliminate the barriers to teaming, and people will team. I've accused people of oversimplifying complex situations, and I'm not suggesting that's a simple idea here. But its a *true* idea, isn't it? But its a truth no one else that makes MMOs seems to believe. I'm not even sure *our* dev team would believe it, if they didn't actually live it.

One last thing: isn't it odd how so many things that make this game a solo-friendly game are actually teaming considerations? In effect, this game is not solo-friendly because the solo game itself is special - actually that other game does that in spades. This game is actually solo-friendly because it constantly provides openings to team, which the player can take or not take. You can solo, then decide to team, then quit teaming and go back to soloing. That ability to decide almost moment by moment whether to team or not makes it easy to solo all the time if you want. But its the result of the game spending time making sure you *could* team if you wanted to, by making sure the solo game is not terribly disconnected from the teaming game. You don't lose much by soloing most of the time. But you don't lose much by deciding to team either.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)




When I played that one game once in a beta a while ago; I joined someone else to do a certain quest (which I guess wasn't necessary; thought it was at the time). It wasn't hard or cumbersome...

Then again I was the one that got invited so...*shrugs*

Still think all MMOs need a video tutorial on how to do things. I'm not talking about a tutorial in the game that you can skip through and never have to actually read the text that is displayed in front of you.

I mean a full fledged video that says, "okay, here's how to do x!" Have an NPC in the game or something with all the various documentation.

I'm all about documentation! Something like this would work for, in this game, iTrials. If you're wanting to know what's this new DD iTrial all about, go to the NPC, go through the text and say "show me the video!" And then it'd show you a video of what to do, how to do it, etc...

That's just me I guess....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
And its not that Paragon Studios simply doesn't care if we team or not. They *want* us to team. They think teaming is important. They just believe its better to encourage us to team, and eliminate barriers to teaming, and provide the odd carrot or two to team, and not generally *force* us to team. But apparently that's not the right way to do it.

This is why this game has no competition: you're never going to see another City of Heroes, because no one wants to make one. Apparently, that's not the way an MMO is supposed to work.
ArenaNet are the only group of mavericks who started from the idea of "how do we remove obstacles that get in the way of teaming?". And their approach has basically been taking CoH's system and improving on it.

(SSK is good, but how about if every zone in the game auto-exemped you to its max level? Sharing mission completions and improving rewards for teams is good, but what if you didn't even have to invite other people to your team at all? Oh hey, most character builds are self-sufficient, but almost any team-up is greater than the sum of its parts.)

Character index



"How to do" is shown here, in the forums, or in Help channel, or in, I dunno, exploration maybe in how the game works/doesn't?

I'm not tryin' to be smarmy, but I think that's an important key: Discovery.

/If you had all the answers of life, life would really be disappointing.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post

When I played that one game once in a beta a while ago; I joined someone else to do a certain quest (which I guess wasn't necessary; thought it was at the time). It wasn't hard or cumbersome...

Then again I was the one that got invited so...*shrugs*
And they probably *saw you* and invited you. You were standing right there.

If you're on Hoth and someone in your guild asks for help on Tatooine, if you decide to help them:

1. It will take you a long time to get there. There is travel to the space port, then travel to the system, then travel down to the space port, then travel to their location.

2. You may have to fight your way there. If the person is in an area with a high density of enemies, they won't just part for you. And you can't fly over them or teleport past them. You can shuttle to the general area, but then you're on your own.

3. You may get virtually no experience rewards for that mission. You can still get money, but not really progress, when running lower level missions.

3a. Bonus: you could be going to a lower level area for which you cannot earn significant XP, but it could still be high enough that if you try to simply speeder your way to the destination, the critters can still shoot you and knock you off your speeder forcing you to fight things you can't get significant XP from.

4. You may arrive and discover the person wants help for a Heroic-4, and is going to spend time looking for, recruiting, and then waiting for two other people.

I once offered to help someone with a mission, and from that moment when I abandoned my own mission until when I arrived at his was nine minutes. And I'm very good at it. I then spent twenty five minutes waiting for him to recruit two other people and wait for *them* to arrive.

I don't think there exists two points anywhere in the City of Heroes universe that is separated by nine minutes of travel. I think I can sprint from the Atlas Globe to portal court with a level two in less time than that.

And of course, first you have to *find* someone to team with, or they have to find you.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I frequently run into people who think games are less sociable because they do nor force you to group.

As I recently commented in an in-game chat:

If there's one thing I've learned from the past hour of interesting and civil discussion among a dozen or more players, it's that no one in MMOs ever socializes anymore.



I recall the old (old fantasy based on-line game) days of travelling from one continent to another before all the high level wizard and druid ports, or the moon ports. If I'm not mistaken, there was one particular voyage that could take 45 minutes, between sitting at the docks waiting for the right boat, getting to said boat, travelling on that boat, zoning, traveling, zoning again, and arriving at the docks of your destination.

Then I discovered that by hopping off the boat after the first zone, at the right spot, swimming and catching another dingy to another boat, you got to your destination faster. That's if I remember all that correctly. Either way, it was a horrid mess.

Sometimes you really did feel like the world was really large, and there was so much to explore, and that was wonderful. But it sure got old fast, particularly if you were trying to catch up with others to form a team.



Any subculture, whether it's an interest-based group like internet forumites, a professional group like doctors, lawyers, or airline pilots, or even a segment of an industry, in this example, develops its own definitions of the thing it does. Sometimes, that includes arbitrary restrictions or attitudes that have nothing to do with its core mission or organizing principles.

"MMO's must force people to team" is one of those things. As Arcanaville notes, nothing in the nature of a multiplayer, online game requires forcing people to operate in groups, but that is the way the genre has evolved and probably the way its producers think without even noticing they're doing so. It doesn't make sense, but it seems unlikely that it'll change any time soon.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I frequently run into people who think games are less sociable because they do nor force you to group.

As I recently commented in an in-game chat:

If there's one thing I've learned from the past hour of interesting and civil discussion among a dozen or more players, it's that no one in MMOs ever socializes anymore.
Well played.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

I don't think there exists two points anywhere in the City of Heroes universe that is separated by nine minutes of travel. I think I can sprint from the Atlas Globe to portal court with a level two in less time than that.

I know this is slightly off-topic, but I simply can't resist...

I'd love for someone to time the trip from the Thorn Tree on Thorn Isle in Nerva Archipelago, to Faathim the Kind in The Chantry - to make it fair, let's assume it's on a Rogue, so using Ouro to hop blueside as the first step isn't an option

I'll do it myself later, of course (can't right now, at work) - but thought I'd throw it out there as a sort of open challenge

@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...



In playing a certain game discussed in the OP, I was actually a bit frustrated that there was no way to assemble the party without travel time, as is possible in a certain other game which has done a lot to streamline finding parties and doing party-level content.

More generally, I think MMO design is struggling toward easier teaming, but not all at once, and many of the pieces that already exist don't get coopted when they probably should be. The certain game in the OP for example has made teaming significantly less painful than certain other games, but still falls short of this one by a lot.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I am still trying to understand why people compare these two games.

It's like comparing "A link to the past" to "Mass Effect 3" because they are both rpgs. Would you do that? Would you argue that one game is better or more "unique" than the other in rpgdom? (the examples chosen were not done so randomly by the way...)

I just see two completely different experiences, sharing only that one label (mmorpg).

[COLOR=darkorchid]Nebulhym's AE Arcs: Try them now![/COLOR]
# 12647: Of feathers and fur...[COLOR=yellow]Winner of [B]The American Legion[/B]'s January 2011 AE Author Contest![/COLOR]
# 292389: From Tartarus with love...
# 459592: Interdimensional Headache



I have seen many complaints about how any given MMO does not sufficiently force teaming, like old MMOs did. MANY complaints. Always from people who were imprinted on an MMO which has long since become irrelevant.

Forcing people to team is stupid. Enticing them to team works beautifully.

I frequently can't team ("can't" might be a bit strong, but I'm autistic and much of the time, grouping would be far too stressful), and what I've found is that if a game entices me to team, but leaves it optional, I'm much more likely to team when I'm up for it.



Originally Posted by Mistress Rue View Post
I know this is slightly off-topic, but I simply can't resist...

I'd love for someone to time the trip from the Thorn Tree on Thorn Isle in Nerva Archipelago, to Faathim the Kind in The Chantry - to make it fair, let's assume it's on a Rogue, so using Ouro to hop blueside as the first step isn't an option

I'll do it myself later, of course (can't right now, at work) - but thought I'd throw it out there as a sort of open challenge
From Thorn Tree to Faathim on a level 40 Rogue Mastermind using Stealth, Sprint with Stealth, Ninja Run and a Jetpack from the FBZ Vendor, about twelve minutes total including time spent evading midair Watchers and circling the Chantry from the wrong side, evading more Watchers.



Radio you should invest in a Pocket D teleporter



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Radio you should invest in a Pocket D teleporter
You do know the point was to time the trip, right? :D

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



I completely forgot I had one! That would shave a pretty significant chunk of time off.

Of course, in the spirit of Worst Case Scenario, twelve minutes is still a pretty good ballpark for someone who has nothing more than sprint and some temp powers.

Less, of course, since as I think on it, even without the Pocket D porter you can catch the truck to the D in Shark and skip Indy faster than you can get to Janus anyway.

This is a very connected game we have here.



Originally Posted by Mistress Rue View Post
I know this is slightly off-topic, but I simply can't resist...

I'd love for someone to time the trip from the Thorn Tree on Thorn Isle in Nerva Archipelago, to Faathim the Kind in The Chantry - to make it fair, let's assume it's on a Rogue, so using Ouro to hop blueside as the first step isn't an option

I'll do it myself later, of course (can't right now, at work) - but thought I'd throw it out there as a sort of open challenge
Do you allow use of the Pocket D or base teleporter?

I figure getting a teammate to grab a door mission in a shard zone and then mission teleporting is probably cheating so I won't include that.

Even that run isn't as bad as it used to be thanks to the black helicopter on the north side of the Longbow base. Doesn't really make a lick of sense for it to be there, but hey.

Also, I *know* I had a vigilante get either the purchasable or day job black market TP power and was able to use it while blueside. It doesn't work anymore so I'm not sure when or why it was changed.



I agree that the teaming feature is one of the best things City of Heroes offers.

I wish we'd finally get a dedicated channel for it though. Just FYI, the first time I quite CoH (and got reeled back by a later issue) its because I didn't know about global channels.

We shouldn't need global channels for the way they are being used. Just let us talk to each other globally, and not on the Help channel.

[Although I have a simple proposal for something to make that possibly even better: an alerts board. People forming events post to a message board anyone can see from a panel in the game. That way there is no need to spam channels. Basically the reverse of the Looking for Team flag. The important thing is to not over-engineer it like the LFG Queue. Very basic functionality to announce you are leading an event is what the game critically needs, whether that event is a raid, TF, team, or something free form like a costume contest. Truly "leaderless" teams are actually something CoH does NOT do well IMO.]



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
We shouldn't need global channels for the way they are being used. Just let us talk to each other globally, and not on the Help channel.
Well, the one really nice thing about global channels is that they are global, so you can see what's happening even across servers. That's really handy if you're playing a character on one server, but see a TF starting on another that you want to take a different one to.

So if something was introduced to try to reduce reliance on global channels for team finding, it would need to be cross-server at the least to come close to being able to replace them.



In two MMOs I play, you can post your group to a 'find teams' tool, which shows what you're up to, who you've got, and optionally what you're looking for.

Players can attempt to join the group directly from this interface, subject to final approval from the team lead.

It works remarkably well in my experience.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by houtex View Post
"How to do" is shown here, in the forums, or in Help channel, or in, I dunno, exploration maybe in how the game works/doesn't?

I'm not tryin' to be smarmy, but I think that's an important key: Discovery.

/If you had all the answers of life, life would really be disappointing.

I don't know, I think I'd disagree with you on the last statement

Yes there is discovery but for people like me who just would like to "play the game" there would be an option to look things up IN the game.

One thing I never understood is the fact that all MMOs (at least the ones I've played since AC2) have tons of info on the main website (forums or fan sites)....that's great! Why isn't most of that IN the game? You know, to at least be someone immersive instead of, "man I'm really having a hard time finding x...I don't have another hour or two to look around and just want to do x....*asks in chat, how do I do x?* *go look online* o_O"

One of things that I HATED about WoW was the "go see x npc in y town." Ugh, looking around for that npc was so painfully tedious to me. Give me CoH where it shows you right where the NPC is with a mini-marker. So nice.

Again my thought like I said earlier, was to have an NPC. The walkthroughs/videos wouldn't be jammed down someone's throat but if someone wants to look at what to do, etc....then go to that NPC.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
And they probably *saw you* and invited you. You were standing right there.

Actually no, I just said in the general chat "hey I'll join that quest with you (he broadcasted saying he was looking for people)." I got a "x has invited you...he's on a different instance (shard ?), if you say yes you'll be tp'd to him."

So least in this case I guess he knew what to do

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Actually no, I just said in the general chat "hey I'll join that quest with you (he broadcasted saying he was looking for people)." I got a "x has invited you...he's on a different instance (shard ?), if you say yes you'll be tp'd to him."

So least in this case I guess he knew what to do
Interesting, because I've never seen that before. I've been invited to teams that were on different instances, and I had to *select* the instance. I've been on teams where we had to tell people that the reason they couldn't see us even though they were right on top of us in the map is because they were in the wrong instance.

And I have never, ever, been teleported to another player when invited to a team. Not in normal content, not in flashpoints, not in giant world-boss-killing mega leagues. If that feature is in the live game, its somehow escaped me completely. If it was in beta, I must have missed when that feature existed, and I guess there was an exploitability issue that removed it. Then again, it would not be the first time a feature of that game escaped my attention for an extended period of time. But if I'm a moron for not knowing about it, every single person I've ever teamed with in the game is equally brain dead.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I have seen many complaints about how any given MMO does not sufficiently force teaming, like old MMOs did. MANY complaints. Always from people who were imprinted on an MMO which has long since become irrelevant.

Forcing people to team is stupid. Enticing them to team works beautifully.
Yes, this. Past attempts at forcing teaming in this game didn't do much more than break up people's attempts to just play the game (like the "Click two or more glowies simultaneously mission).

I frequently can't team ("can't" might be a bit strong, but I'm autistic and much of the time, grouping would be far too stressful), and what I've found is that if a game entices me to team, but leaves it optional, I'm much more likely to team when I'm up for it.
"Can't" might be a strong word, but if your difficulties are similar to mine, it's hard to find a better word. When I'm up for teaming, it's great, and I love it. When I'm not, it's nearly impossible to adapt to someone else's pace or even find a medium between my preferred pace and theirs. And it gets bad enough to trigger headaches, even with one other person.

I have been part of a long-running team (we got three or four characters into the 30s-40s through daily teaming), but it was the same people every day and our playstyles were fairly compatible in terms of pace and expectations.

I wouldn't mind doing trials every night because I like that kind of play, but I can't really handle actually playing trials every night. I like having multiple options for things to do when I want to play but don't want to deal with other people.

I'll also add that overdosing on teaming is the #1 cause of my taking breaks from any given MMO.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



In fairness, CoH's teaming system wasn't nearly as defined as it is now, when it launched.

We've had 7 years of QoL improvements to consider. I'm sure that Space MMO will improve it's over time as well, given the chance to of course.

*Wanders off recalling the endless broadcasts for bridges in PI*

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
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