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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Seattle has more sunny days per year than Pittsburgh. 74, as opposed to 59.

    I'm actually taking a chance here.
    Is this true?
  2. I used the word scalpel as a metaphor for the surgical way you can dissect a single target from it's current surroundings.

    I have no idea how I missed that giant squiggly red line under scapel.
  3. When it comes to knockback powers there are 2 kinds that I find useful, a KB power that will move one target a great distance 100% of the time. Telekinetic Thrust is one, so is Force Bolt but my favorite is Power Push. These types of powers I call scalpels.

    The other type of knockback power I enjoy is an AoE cone that will move a big group of NPCs reliably 100% of the time. Shockwave from sonic blast is one of those powers I find fun, but Torrent form the corruptor Dark Blast and Gale are real nice as well. These types of powers I call hammers.

    KB is just anther tool in your toolbox, you want reliable tools. Powers like Electron Haze and M80 Grenade make horrible tools. You also want to avoid using your tools in the wrong situation.

    There's a few powerset combos that will let you have both a hammer and a scapel. Energy Blast/Storm and FF/Sonic Blast. Both solid sets with a lot of other nice powers and tools so when you end up on teams that don't need KB you can still contribute to the team.

    * edited for spelling
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    My EA brute found both Boxing and Tough a waste of slots and endurance.
    Every AT finds boxing a waste.
  5. Well I learned that the word tyrant used to mean something different in the past then it does in modern time.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post



    The "biggest" plot hole, for me, was at the beginning when Parker was snooping around. You saw how he got inside the main door but then the huge door where the spiders were said: RESTRICTED ACCESS....yet he just opens the door? o_O No key card access again, no combination, nothing?!
    Peter entered the combination. He moved the circles around on the keypad in the right order after observing Irrfan Khan entering the code while Peter was hiding around the corner.

    The Nitrogen on the roof was the biggest WTF in the movie.

    If I had to rank the Spiderman movies my list would go
    SpiderMaquire 2
    Amazing Spiderman
    Spidermaguire 1
    Spidermaguire 3
  7. I had to call for a GMs help to get past that part of Lockhart's mission as well.
  8. I've always found it more effective to 6 slot thunderstrike into a snipe then to 5 slot a set of Manticore. I'd don't see these changes to snipes making more recharge more valuable then as much ranged defense as I can build.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    It's astounding to think that it would have to DOUBLE its receipts to hit #3 of the inflation-adjusted list. And to hit #1... TRIPLE its current take.

    Was it a law that everyone had to see Gone with the Wind once a year for a decade?
    My grandma saw Gone with the Wind a dozen times as a kid but she says several times she ended up seeing Gone only because her family wanted to see a news reel and the theater was the only place in 50+ miles that had air conditioning.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
    Isn't Dual Pistols in the same poo? No Aim or Build Up, they had the Swap Ammo mechanic instead.

    Seems like a simple choice would be to just slightly dink their basic bonus to-hit for using a "weapon" up. You're basically just a bit more accurate as compensation for your firearms not being able to supercharge up an Aim/BU.

    DP doesn't have a snipe power.
  11. I'm not sure if these blast changes or the BCS coming up with in outline for playoffs to determine the college football championship is the most exciting thing announced today.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
    Tried the out of breath, the person is too bent over.

    Do you know where ingame I can find the code for the person on the ground? I've been messing with the PYR ALOT for this issue so its no problem. Hopefully it works. The only place I've seen that MOV was in the Breakout which I don't think exists anymore.
    I'm pretty sure the guy on the ground is doing a fall emote.
  13. You can use jump to "suppress" the teleporting, superspeed look of Vorpal that doesn't mesh with your characters style. If you run and jump into a mob you can hit Vorpal at anytime in the air and you won't get rooted. You'll land in the mob, your targets will still be hit by the vorpal attack animation. This will just make Vorpal look more like a quick pbaoe attack instead of some super saiyan teleport attack.
  14. warden_de_dios

    Merging the...

    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    Adding a new NPC isn't hard. Name one case of an NPC being removed or altered in a zone prior to Going Rogue.
    Calvin Scott was the contact for the Calvin Scott Task Force. He was standing next to Sister Psyche in IP. At the same time Malaise was the trainer for the zone.
  15. You need to add Annie to the list.
  16. warden_de_dios

    Merging the...

    Sorceress Serene and War Witch didn't merge, Primal War Witch stepped in at the last moment of the ritual and stole Sorceress Serene's body. The spirit of Sorceress Serene is still running around.

    Preanessa and Des are merged through the mask in the same way Primal Vanessa is merged with her great great grandmother Giovanni. If I remember that lore correctly.

    Anyway does anyone know what the best part of two War Witches merging is?
    They might accidently kiss.
  17. Del Toro and Perlman working on a movie together and the movie isn't Hellboy 3?

    Don't seem right.
  18. warden_de_dios


    I hope there is a Prometheus 2 and that lady from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo blows up the Engineers homeworld.
  19. warden_de_dios

    Summer Reading

    I went to the bookstore today and got

    Readme by Neal Stephenson
    Under the Dome by Stephen King

    David Brin has a (non Uplift) book coming out this summer. If it's in paperback I'll pick it up.

    I still haven't read the Hunger Games and I've noticed everyone and their mom owns those books now. I'll borrow those books from someone this summer. Everyone and their mom also has the 50 Shades of Grey series, if I run out of things to read maybe I'll borrow those as well.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
    Ugh. Still, i think we knew all it will happen.

    So glad they got rid of base slavage though - that was confusing
    Celestial is already in the game, it's one of the reward options for the Belladonna Vetrano incarnate arc. The Celestial merits are redeemable for either 2 astrals or 1 emp merit.
  21. Is the Black Queen the Praetorian version of Lady Grey?
  22. warden_de_dios

    ~Artz gone F2P?~

    how did you break your legs?
  23. This happened to me a few times in Nightward. I ended up putting my hold on auto, scrolling my view out I far as it would go, and then hammering the tab button until an attack would finally fire off.
  24. I just tested out the sweep combo 3 times in PP and I'm only KBing and damaging 1 NPC with that combo. Sweep has gone from an AOE to a ST effect. Hopefully it gets fixed soon, Sweep is my favorite combo.