



So! I just got back from watching Prometheus. It was... uhm... a little weird. I'm not quite sure I understood the plot. Maybe I'm having a slow week. It definitely wasn't what I expected.

Anyone has an opinion on this movie?

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




My opinion is that it doesn't open for another week in the US. I'll have an opinion then though.



Ridley Scott doing an Alien prequel? I'll be there next weekend.



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
My opinion is that it doesn't open for another week in the US.
My opinion is that my GF doesn't do scary films so I'll be waiting for it on NetFlix. Also that in concept it could be really cool but in execution I'm hearing it just doesn't have the same sort of edge that Alien did. I'm actually more jazzed to see Beyond The Black Rainbow too - I generally prefer something original over a retread.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
My opinion is that my GF doesn't do scary films so I'll be waiting for it on NetFlix.
You do know that you are, in all probability, two separate entities, correct?

Going to a movie by yourself is one of life's little pleasures. No one jabbering in your ear, no one telling you where to sit, no needing to share your popcorn. And if you go to an early enough matinee, there's a good chance (depending upon your location) that you'll be the only one there.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
You do know that you are, in all probability, two separate entities, correct?

Going to a movie by yourself is one of life's little pleasures. No one jabbering in your ear, no one telling you where to sit, no needing to share your popcorn. And if you go to an early enough matinee, there's a good chance (depending upon your location) that you'll be the only one there.
I work at night and don't own a car while she does, so going to see the film by myself presents some difficulties. On the other hand, maybe she can go see something else that I'm not interested in while I catch this. If I really wanted to see this, things like this would be worth overcoming; I'm only somewhat interested.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I work at night and don't own a car while she does, so going to see the film by myself presents some difficulties. On the other hand, maybe she can go see something else that I'm not interested in while I catch this. If I really wanted to see this, things like this would be worth overcoming; I'm only somewhat interested.
I wouldn't really call it a scary movie, anyway. Certainly not Alien scary. More, I don't know, Alien 3 scary? Even that might be pushing it.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




It just doesn't sound all that interesting. Ancient Astronauts is an old hat story, this doesn't looks like it has anything new to say.

I really should do something about this signature.



Its kind of a rare thing these days for a movie to run with an original concept really.

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"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
It just doesn't sound all that interesting. Ancient Astronauts is an old hat story, this doesn't looks like it has anything new to say.
Don't be fooled or jaded by the past mistakes of Hollywood. This is in fact a TOP NOTCH sci-fi thriller that stands on it's own and runs strongly to the finish line.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



While not wanting to spoiler anything:
1. What Khasei said.
2. Ridley is back at the top of his game.
3. Ridley has also become a bit (more) of a trickster in his old age. PAY ATTENTION.
4. While this is set in Alien's 'verse, refs to the other movies may (or may not…) be there purely to mess with the audience. Judge it on its own merits and don't keep trying to second-guess things.
5. Be afraid. Be…quite afraid.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Don't be fooled or jaded by the past mistakes of Hollywood. This is in fact a TOP NOTCH sci-fi thriller that stands on it's own and runs strongly to the finish line.
Ah, but this isn't something that has been done badly before - it's been done well, most obviously 2001 A Space Odyssey. But even Star Trek and Dr Who have done it (several times each). Nothing I've read suggests this film brings anything new to the table.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Ah, but this isn't something that has been done badly before - it's been done well, most obviously 2001 A Space Odyssey. But even Star Trek and Dr Who have done it (several times each). Nothing I've read suggests this film brings anything new to the table.
I guess... No, I know I have no real clue as to what it is new you would be looking for, but hey I am not a movie maker just one of the billion that is in the audience.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I guess... No, I know I have no real clue as to what it is new you would be looking for, but hey I am not a movie maker just one of the billion that is in the audience.
Well, something that isn't:

1) Aliens started life on Earth

2) The aliens now want to end it because humans are a) a failed experiment b) too aggressive c) to harvest for spare parts or d) reasons too alien for humans to understand (i.e. the film maker couldn't think of anything).

If you want to make a forgettable popcorn flick, sure recycle a hackneyed old plot, but if you want to make out your movie is more meaningful, then you need to have something new to say.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Well, something that isn't:

1) Aliens started life on Earth

2) The aliens now want to end it because humans are a) a failed experiment b) too aggressive c) to harvest for spare parts or d) reasons too alien for humans to understand (i.e. the film maker couldn't think of anything).
Well I see clearer now tyvm. I don't mind any of that if the movie is well done and this one sure is.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron in skin tight space suits.

I need no other reason but more info about the Alien universe is plus.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron in skin tight space suits.

I need no other reason but more info about the Alien universe is plus.
That's the other thing, I don't really think the "explanations" really do anything to improve on the existing mythos.

(apart from contradicting lore from the AvP movies, which is probably a good thing)

I really should do something about this signature.



I think we need to introduce a new rule though: Every time someone say "this is a scientific expedition. We don't need to bring guns", you should be allowed to punch them in the face.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I think we need to introduce a new rule though: Every time someone say "this is a scientific expedition. We don't need to bring guns", you should be allowed to punch them in the face.
Every time that is said, the level of gun-ness goes up a notch (with all previous tiers included).

For example:

Standard sidearms and semi-autos->Phrase->Full autos + Desert Eagles + Ferret Launchers->Phrase->RPGs + Flamers + .50cals + Badgers on Sticks->Phrase->Rail Guns->Phrase->Mini Nukes->Phrase->Cyclonic Torpedos + Orbital Bombardment

If they say it more than five times, well...that's gonna be a lot of hardware.



I don't think I am gonna go see this movie, when it comes out on dvd I might get it, but I have a speculation that.....
The Predator alien thing was the supposed alien that started human life on Earth so that they could have a good breeding ground for the chest popping aliens and I think the reason that they want to come back and destroy us might have a tie-in to Predator's 1 and 2 in that we kick their butts, yeah alot of people died but we still kicked their butts.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



I'm just back from seeing it and I was underwhelmed by it; some bits were entertaining but there were large parts of the movie that made no sense in terms of character motivation and other parts were just plain silly. I was also annoyed by the use of that old movie trope of having people trying to escape being crushed by a large toppling object by having them run directly down the path the object is falling down onto.

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In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!



Originally Posted by Generalissimo View Post
I was also annoyed by the use of that old movie trope of having people trying to escape being crushed by a large toppling object by having them run directly down the path the object is falling down onto.
That was such a stupid death.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
I don't think I am gonna go see this movie, when it comes out on dvd I might get it, but I have a speculation that.....
The Predator alien thing was the supposed alien that started human life on Earth so that they could have a good breeding ground for the chest popping aliens and I think the reason that they want to come back and destroy us might have a tie-in to Predator's 1 and 2 in that we kick their butts, yeah alot of people died but we still kicked their butts.
For one, Prometheus pretty much retcons Predators out of existence.

For two, the chest popping alien bioweapons in Prometheus are (pointlessly) different chest popping alien bioweapons to Alien.

I really should do something about this signature.



Just saw it, so SPOILERS AHOY!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
For two, the chest popping alien bioweapons in Prometheus are (pointlessly) different chest popping alien bioweapons to Alien.
This made no sense to me until I read the Wikipedia entry on the writing of the film. In a nutshell, blame Damon Lindelof:

Unaware of what the producers liked about the existing script, Lindelof informed Scott and the producers that he found the general concept appealing, but that the story relied too heavily on elements of the Alien films, such as the general concept of the Alien creatures life-cycle.
So instead of having the familiar Alien life cycle we get a hodge-podge of different weird parasites that might:
  1. Just kill you outright
  2. Infect you with a degenerative disease that will also cause your sperm to create parasitic babies (which eventually mutate into Kraken-sized facehuggers)
  3. Turn you into an enraged super-strong killing machine

It sounds like Lindelof liked the idea of body horror parasites, but didn't want to rely on what had gone before. I can understand that, but he went too far in the other direction. The black goo seems to do whatever the story demands, instead of having set rules.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Going to see it now. Putting hand over monitor to block spoilers.

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