



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Just saw it, so SPOILERS AHOY!

This made no sense to me until I read the Wikipedia entry on the writing of the film. In a nutshell, blame Damon Lindelof:

So instead of having the familiar Alien life cycle we get a hodge-podge of different weird parasites that might:
  1. Just kill you outright
  2. Infect you with a degenerative disease that will also cause your sperm to create parasitic babies (which eventually mutate into Kraken-sized facehuggers)
  3. Turn you into an enraged super-strong killing machine

It sounds like Lindelof liked the idea of body horror parasites, but didn't want to rely on what had gone before. I can understand that, but he went too far in the other direction. The black goo seems to do whatever the story demands, instead of having set rules.
Actually, you could see what was in Prometheus as very early, nascent stages of the xenomorph bioweapon. Once it evolved into the more familiar facehugger, chest burster, acid-blooded xenomorph phase, it didn't really need to go back.

Kinda like how, once the Engineers had humans, they could reproduce in a naturalistic way, rather than needing to constantly be "made" by their creators.

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
For one, Prometheus pretty much retcons Predators out of existence.
Maybe, maybe not.

Why were humans created?

And was such a nasty weapon REALLY necessary to wipe *us* out? Or was it intended for a broader range of targets?

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Every time that is said, the level of gun-ness goes up a notch (with all previous tiers included).

For example:

Standard sidearms and semi-autos->Phrase->Full autos + Desert Eagles + Ferret Launchers->Phrase->RPGs + Flamers + .50cals + Badgers on Sticks->Phrase->Rail Guns->Phrase->Mini Nukes->Phrase->Cyclonic Torpedos + Orbital Bombardment

If they say it more than five times, well...that's gonna be a lot of hardware.
You forgot the last two phases.

+ Portable Star Generator + Portable Black Hole Generator

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initial impressions I'm reading:

good acting from the main three actors
meh acting from secondary actors
underwhelming story
visual effects are sexy



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Maybe, maybe not.

Why were humans created?

And was such a nasty weapon REALLY necessary to wipe *us* out? Or was it intended for a broader range of targets?
The why is fairly irrelevant, since the film directly contradicts the existing Predator lore (which had already answered the why in an incompatible way), and had them cast in the role that the Prometheans are in in this movie. It also sort of mucks up the timeline for the AvP movies, which has the Aliens much older than Prometheus suggests, although the use of a different chest-burster gives some wriggle-room.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron in skin tight space suits.

I need no other reason but more info about the Alien universe is plus.
I just saw the movie and towards the end, someone must have cranked up the air conditioning in the Prometheus for Charlize Theron.



Originally Posted by Speculator View Post
I just saw the movie and towards the end, someone must have cranked up the air conditioning in the Prometheus for Charlize Theron.

visual effects are sexy

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Don't be fooled or jaded by the past mistakes of Hollywood. This is in fact a TOP NOTCH sci-fi thriller that stands on it's own and runs strongly to the finish line.

Aha! Heh. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Um... no.

This thing is a steaming pile of crap. Bad dialog, bad acting, plot holes you can drop the Sun through, all the characters seem to have an I.Q. of 65. I was wondering how they get dressed in the morning they are so stupid. The move just flat out makes no sense. Just truly terrible.

"It's beautiful" No it's not you moron! It's a giant (and I kid you not) wang! Wait! What? Now it has wings and a (woman's piece of anatomy) for a face! It's making warning noises to back off. Yes by all means go try to pet it.


Something witty and profound



The Biologist didn't seem too smart about unidentified animals, I grant you.

The plot hole that bugged me most was the "search" for the Biologist and Geologist. Didn't you have a video feed from them 24/7? Isn't it recorded? You should know EXACTLY what happened to them before you go off on your search.

Also, how did those guys get lost int he first place? No one from the ship could have walked them through it? They had a freakin' 3D map of every part of the complex they were in!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Actually, you could see what was in Prometheus as very early, nascent stages of the xenomorph bioweapon. Once it evolved into the more familiar facehugger, chest burster, acid-blooded xenomorph phase, it didn't really need to go back.
That's one explanation I was considering. It does contradict AvP2 in terms of when Aliens were fully developed as we know them, but I don't think canon consistency was high on the priorities list, since Scott only did the first film.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
For one, Prometheus pretty much retcons Predators out of existence.

Can cinema still be saved.. I mean Xmen Origins Wolverine, I thought they'd get it after that.. |



They do talk some bison faeces too:

"NASA and the Vatican agree that [it is] almost mathematically impossible that we can be where we are today without there being a little help along the way...
As a former astrophysicist who has worked with NASA people, I think most would be of this opinion:

The idea of pansperma was developed by Fred Hoyle and others who believed 1) in a steady state universe, and 2) that it was statistically incredibly unlikely for life to occur spontaneously. These ideas are linked, since in an infinitely old universe, the incredibly unlikely accident of life would only have to occur once, then spread. Time isn't an issue, because you have an infinite amount of it.

There are very few scientists who believe in a steady state universe now. In addition, we also think the chance of life occurring is much higher, under the right conditions (such as those found on a planet but not in space). The probability of something like a virus being able to survive the radiation of space long enough for a significant space journey is also low.

Thus, whist life could have originated in outer space, Occam's Razor suggests that we should prefer the simpler explanation - it occurred spontaneously on Earth.

So, whilst most NASA scientists would consider it virtually impossible for life NOT to exist on other planets, they would also consider it highly unlikely that life was connected to life on Earth.

There is also some direct observational evidence: all living molecules on Earth have the same "handedness". If pan-sperma was correct, you would expect this handedness to be the same through-out the universe. However, organic molecules is space are observed in almost equal numbers of left and right handedness, suggesting their origin is chemical and not biological.

I suppose we can blame Scott's advancing years for clinging to ideas that where popular in the 1960s but have since been largely discredited.

As for the Vatican, I don't think they would endorse this interpretation for the origin of life on Earth...

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
all the characters seem to have an I.Q. of 65.
Okay, this has officially become spoiler territory. Proceed at your own peril!

I think what bothered me the most, was that everything we "learn" from this movie, is largely based on Dr. Shaw's theories. And she has notoriously bad theories.

Did the Engineers create humanity? We don't know. The movie doesn't really tell us anything about it. Dr. Shaw is convinced that they did because she "has faith" in what the cave paintings told her (ie. nothing). Maybe they did. Maybe they didn't. Maybe that's what the intro scene is showing. Maybe it isn't. We don't know for certain, and Shaw certainly has no idea.

Did they change their mind and decide to destroy mankind 2,000 years ago? We don't know. Dr. Shaw instantly draws this conclusion, but it's really just a guess. All we know is they plotted a course for Earth. Do we even know why they somehow failed to make the journey 2,000 years ago? It didn't seem like anything penetrated the bridge on the alien ship. Did someone forget to tell the pilot that he wasn't supposed to go into cryosleep with the rest of the crew?

Do we really know that the surviving Engineer decided to rush off to Earth the moment he woke up? We might have some idea (I forget if the star map made it clear he was plotting a course fo Earth). Shaw definitely didn't know, since she ran off long before this, and David didn't contact her 'till much later. She figured that maybe he was taking off to Earth and convinced the Prometheus to go kamikaze. Maybe a fair trade.

And why, exactly, does the Engineers hate humans, not just so much that they are hostile on sight (I kinda get that part. We don't even know what David said, he might have been something intentionally provocative just to see what would happen), but to the point where you crash-land your ship on a planet, drag yourself out of your ship, find the nearest piece of (to him) alien debris and go crazy trying to kill whatever is inside. I think, if it'd been me, I'd just have rolled over, made a half-***** comment ("now, that's what I call a close encounter") and let it fade to commercials. I probably wouldn't even remember that one human that ran off.

Lastly, there's the tweeest. The secret Weyland agenda. That turns out to be... "oh, yeah, so our secret plan is that we want the same thing as the official purpose of the expedition. SURPRISE! Oh, also, fake-old-guy that no one cared about isn't really dead so he's coming along." Maybe that's just to be intentionally different from Alien, but dangit, I miss some good, self-destructive Weyland double crossing.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Aha! Heh. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Um... no.

This thing is a steaming pile of crap. Bad dialog, bad acting, plot holes you can drop the Sun through, all the characters seem to have an I.Q. of 65. I was wondering how they get dressed in the morning they are so stupid. The move just flat out makes no sense. Just truly terrible.

"It's beautiful" No it's not you moron! It's a giant (and I kid you not) wang! Wait! What? Now it has wings and a (woman's piece of anatomy) for a face! It's making warning noises to back off. Yes by all means go try to pet it.

Wow ok......

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
The Biologist didn't seem too smart about unidentified animals, I grant you.

The plot hole that bugged me most was the "search" for the Biologist and Geologist. Didn't you have a video feed from them 24/7? Isn't it recorded? You should know EXACTLY what happened to them before you go off on your search.

Also, how did those guys get lost int he first place? No one from the ship could have walked them through it? They had a freakin' 3D map of every part of the complex they were in!
As to them being lost... the Capt and whats her name were busy... well... getting busy, so no one was on the bridge. Hence they got lost.

What is the AvP Canon that everyone keeps referencing?

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
What is the AvP Canon that everyone keeps referencing?
There are multiple, really. One is things apparently established in the two (not very good) AvP (Alien vs Predator) movies (and indirectly, things from the Predator movies themselves). Then there are things from the (rather better) AvP comics series.

The origin of the crossover was in Predator2, where an alien head was briefly seen in the trophy room.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
There are multiple, really. One is things apparently established in the two (not very good) AvP (Alien vs Predator) movies (and indirectly, things from the Predator movies themselves). Then there are things from the (rather better) AvP comics series.

The origin of the crossover was in Predator2, where an alien head was briefly seen in the trophy room.
I remember that. I just am not sure how that is contrary to Prometheus. It seems like the Engineers made the planet into a bio weapon factory (yes a big guess)... so that head could come from a previous something or other the engineers were involved in.

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i loved the movie and thought it was great. if movies give you all this much tension in life...take a step back kids



Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
As to them being lost... the Capt and whats her name were busy... well... getting busy, so no one was on the bridge. Hence they got lost.

What is the AvP Canon that everyone keeps referencing?
Vickers and the Cap didn't get busy until WAY after they were lost. They got lost and didn't return to the ship with everyone else. Since they departed the expedition early, maybe you should have someone on the bridge navigate their way back.

In the first AvP, we learn that Predators used to breed Aliens from ancient human civilizations for sporting purposes. If Aliens just came about because of Kraken-facehugger implanting the Engineer, then that obviously couldn't have happened.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
In the first AvP, we learn that Predators used to breed Aliens from ancient human civilizations for sporting purposes. If Aliens just came about because of Kraken-facehugger implanting the Engineer, then that obviously couldn't have happened.
Yeah cuz no one ever has taken advantage of someone elses discovery, creation, whatever you want to call it and used it for their own purposes.

<rolls yes>



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yeah cuz no one ever has taken advantage of someone elses discovery, creation, whatever you want to call it and used it for their own purposes.

<rolls yes>
Prometheus makes it look like it was an accident. I don't see how the Predators would have come up with the exact same life form to use on humans, especially since we have no reason to believe they ever had contact with Engineers.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Prometheus makes it look like it was an accident. I don't see how the Predators would have come up with the exact same life form to use on humans, especially since we have no reason to believe they ever had contact with Engineers.
Doesn't matter if it was an accident or deliberate, and we have no reason to believe the Predator race didn't have some sort of contact with the Engineers, either by direct association or by accidental discovery.

It is not hard to believe that one party would claim to be the inventor/creator of something another party discovered/created. After all isn't that what Weylund's been doing all along? Stealing alien secrets and developing them as their own inventions.



Just got back. Overall I enjoyed it. Was worth it just to see the great visuals. That said, I do agree with some of the criticisms people have.

1. Character motivations are very murky in places.
2. The old man reveal wasn't as big a moment as it seems they wanted it to be and it was resolved way to quickly.
3. A lot of the science was "odd" or just plain silly.
4. The impregnation didn't really make a ton of sense and used the standard sci-fi trope of "ultra fast gestation" so we can see what's cookin'.

That said, I'd recommend it as it was a decent sci-fi movie with a top notch cast and almost perfect visuals.


A few side notes:

1. I'm glad the original directors cut of Alien was on the other night and I'm really glad I watched it as it really made the movie going experience better seeing all the nods and winks to the original.

2. Ridley Scott made this movie. What we see is canon. The AvP........not so much. Throw it out now, he's retconned it. Sorry. I always saw the AvP world like a comicbook crossover event at best and disconnected from the original series. But that's just me.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



There was an alien bas relief in the room with the big head. Can't make a picture of something that doesn't already exist.

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
There was an alien bas relief in the room with the big head. Can't make a picture of something that doesn't already exist.
That's a good point.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff