



Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
There was an alien bas relief in the room with the big head. Can't make a picture of something that doesn't already exist.
True. So Aliens did exist, but I'm not sure what relationship they had to the black goo. Everyone we saw who was living and directly contacted it basically fell apart (Engineer from the first scene, Holloway). Everyone we saw who was dead and directly contacted it (Geologist) turned into a zombie rage monster. The alien impregnation did seem like something that happened as an odd coincidence (sexual transmission from an infected person to a non-infected person).

I get that they felt the Alien lifecycle was played out, but what they gave us was something incomprehensible.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Doesn't matter if it was an accident or deliberate, and we have no reason to believe the Predator race didn't have some sort of contact with the Engineers, either by direct association or by accidental discovery.

It is not hard to believe that one party would claim to be the inventor/creator of something another party discovered/created. After all isn't that what Weylund's been doing all along? Stealing alien secrets and developing them as their own inventions.
You're missing the point. If the xenomorphs did not come about until THAT SPECIFIC INSTANCE in Prometheus, then by a simple matter of time the Predators couldn't have taken them for use as 'the ultimate prey' on ancient earth.

The black goo is predisposed to be a bio weapon of the engineers. But we don't know if the bio weapon is actually intended to create xenomorphs as we know them or if it was a fluke from the chain of events in Prometheus (Which is Goo + humans + spawning = Goo baby monster + engineer = Xenomorph). Like the stuff does xenomorph-like things, but we can't know if it was always intended to create them in the form we know them.

So, yes, it's very possible that it completely retcons the back history in AvP.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
2. Ridley Scott made this movie. What we see is canon. The AvP........not so much. Throw it out now, he's retconned it. Sorry. I always saw the AvP world like a comicbook crossover event at best and disconnected from the original series. But that's just me.
Do we really want to get into a canonical debate on this? I partially agree with you, but if we throw out the AvPs, do we throw out everything past Alien? I want to keep Aliens! I don't want to keep Alien Cubed and the godawful Resurrection!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
So, yes, it's very possible that it completely retcons the back history in AvP.
But don't forget the Alien depiction in the Face Chamber, like I did. Clearly, Aliens did exist before that room was built.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
But don't forget the Alien depiction in the Face Chamber, like I did. Clearly, Aliens did exist before that room was built.
I will soften my statement as well, given the relief in the chamber. I hadn't thought about it when I wrote up my thoughts.

That said, I still (somewhat softer now) stand by the overall idea, that Ridley has tweaked the canon whether people like it or not.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
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My personal take on the canon, which is highly biased, is just Alien, Aliens, Predator, Predator 2, and Prometheus.

As far as I'm concerned, nothing happened past Aliens and there was never a movie crossing the two franchises. It's made me a happier person for it.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
You're missing the point.
Not really. I'm saying none of us knows enough about that universe to be able to say which came first. There are too many unknowns about the origins of all the involved races/species.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Not really. I'm saying none of us knows enough about that universe to be able to say which came first. There are too many unknowns about the origins of all the involved races/species.
Well right but you could concede the possibility instead of outright disavowing it :P I do agree though, it's too vague to really say for certain.

I just hope.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Well right but you could concede the possibility instead of outright disavowing it :P I do agree though, it's too vague to really say for certain.

I just hope.
Sorry didn't mean to disavow it, poor choice of words on my part.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Aha! Heh. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Um... no.

This thing is a steaming pile of crap. Bad dialog, bad acting, plot holes you can drop the Sun through, all the characters seem to have an I.Q. of 65. I was wondering how they get dressed in the morning they are so stupid. The move just flat out makes no sense. Just truly terrible.

"It's beautiful" No it's not you moron! It's a giant (and I kid you not) wang! Wait! What? Now it has wings and a (woman's piece of anatomy) for a face! It's making warning noises to back off. Yes by all means go try to pet it.

Man, you lied to me like somebody here lied to me about Immortals being a better movie than 300.

I really enjoyed Prometheus

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Ok, I haven't seen the movie yet, but in regards to the xenomorphs/Engineers/Predators...

Is it possible that the xenos existed, the Predators used them, but the Engineers were tinkering with an offshoot/subspecies of them? And this goo/different facehugger results/etc being mentioned, could that be the result of said tinkering?

Like say, the xenos were an indigi species somewhere and both races ended up using them for various things? That could explain the xeno bas relief on the wall.

Something else...what if the Engineers weren't actually creating species from scratch, but were acting more along the lines of the various races from David Brin's Uplift series? Modifying/improving/making catgirls with what was already there?



It's just easier to say the AvP movies were crap writing in all regards and ignore them.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
It's just easier to say the AvP movies were crap writing in all regards and ignore them.
Except its not just AvP movies. It's also the Predators in Predator 2. They have a xeno skull in their trophy room. Now granted, that doesn't mean they bred them on Earth and had their hunts for 'em here, but it does mean they are familiar with the species.



The whole inclusion of the Predators into the Alien mythos was a side effect of a single prop in the Predators 2 movie, a Xenomorph skull. From there the whole AvP concept spawn into comics, video games and eventually a pair of so-so movies. It's a studio construct to join two somewhat successful series. It's the Freddy Vs Jason of the SciFi genre.

It's like ET being in the Star Wars prequel or the Enterprise and Serenity appearing in the new BSG so somebody proceeds to build an entire mythos around those cameos and them get upset when their creators contradict the fandom. Heck Batman fought the Predators in comics. So did Superman. Lets make that cannon.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Heck Batman fought the Predators in comics. So did Superman. Lets make that cannon.
I recall Bats also fought the Xeno's

Yes that's xeno from the Joker

And Green Lantern

Judge Dredd ...


Witchblade ...

The Terminator ...

Even the Buffy comic, sort of.

Of course the first crossover I remember was X-Men vs the Brood.



I hope there is a Prometheus 2 and that lady from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo blows up the Engineers homeworld.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I hope there is a Prometheus 2 and that lady from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo blows up the Engineers homeworld with a Death Star.

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Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
The Biologist didn't seem too smart about unidentified animals, I grant you.

The plot hole that bugged me most was the "search" for the Biologist and Geologist. Didn't you have a video feed from them 24/7? Isn't it recorded? You should know EXACTLY what happened to them before you go off on your search.

Also, how did those guys get lost int he first place? No one from the ship could have walked them through it? They had a freakin' 3D map of every part of the complex they were in!
That and the Geologist was supposed to be in tune with the puppies, as he created them. In the beginning, he acted like he knew everything the puppies were relaying back to the ship, yet he was the one that got lost. Made no sense.

As for the creation of humans, me and a freind were debating it at the end of the movie.

His take was that it was an intended act, in which one of the Engineers sacrificed himself to create life on Earth with the black goo from the ornate ritual-like jar.

Mine was the creation of life on Earth wasn't intended, and the result of the bad batch of coffee he drank which may have been tampered with by another Engineer (just as David did later), and the ornate jar was nothing more than an alien Scooby-Doo thermos or office coffee mug.



I agree with a lot of what was said here - it was an entertaining movie, but it was also rife with plot holes and unanswered questions. I'm hoping someone will make a sequel that explains things and ties up the plot threads.

Also, the inconsistancies with Alien and Aliens bothered me, but maybe those inconsistancies were intentional since this was supposedly not set in the same universe as Alien, which is just annoying given all the similarities.

My biggest complaints are the change in location as well as the change in form of the creatures. However, maybe there is an explanation for this we just have been told. For one thing, the planetoid featured in Alien and Aliens was designated LV-421, but the planetoid Prometheus landed on was designated LV-233 (or 223 I forget which). I supposed this could be a way of showing that either...

A) The Engineers were conducting bioweapons experiments in more than one location, and the experiments on LV-421 were focused on the xenomorph form we are more familiar with. The pilot of that ship, which was carrying thousands of xenomorph eggs, died while taking off and the ship crashed.


B) When the xenomorphs (the ones we're familiar with) got loose on LV-233, one ship managed to take off, but crashed on LV-421 when the pilot died. The pilot was infected with a queen embryo and she was the origin of the leathery eggs in the ship on LV-421.

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I think Prometheus definitely takes place in the same universe as Alien (we do have Old Man Weylan of Weylan-Yutani fame, after all), but the change of location and life cycle are intentional.

They didn't want the movie to end with a scene of the egg chamber from the first film (well, at least Damon Lindelof didn't want that), so they told a similar story about ancient astronauts and bioweapons.

If they told a tight story using those elements, I wouldn't care. I just don't like the plot holes and the generally unintelligent reactions of the characters (No weapons on a scientific expedition, indeed!).

EDIT: Here's the quote I was referring to:

Lindelof clarified, "If the ending to [Prometheus] is just going to be the room that John Hurt walks into that's full of [alien] eggs [in Alien], there's nothing interesting in that, because we know where it's going to end. Good stories, you don't know where they're going to end."[77] "A true prequel should essentially proceed [sic] the events of the original film, but be about something entirely different, feature different characters, have an entirely different theme, although it takes place in that same world."[69]

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Yeah, the canon itself works well enough since this was an entirely different place (a moon even, where the site of the Engineer ship in Alien was a planet), so there could've been any number of variations between those 'batches' of Aliens. The plot holes and sheer brainlessness of the expedition members, though...yeah, not so much.

Well okay, so the Captain and his pilots at least had their wits about them. But that was about it.

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I think Lindelof decided to to the script he wanted, rather than the one the fans wanted. He wanted to invent his own (less good) xenomorphs, so he moved everything to the next planet over.

I think what the fans would have wanted was a prequal that lead directly into Alien, but shed new light on proceedings, causing us to look at the original film in a new light.

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Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
If they told a tight story using those elements, I wouldn't care.
Honestly, Prometheus could have been a sequal, a prequel, or something else entirely, for all the difference it makes. It's just a series of unrelated events that just happen to be set in the same continuity as the Alien franchise.

Considering how much they go out of their way to be not-Alien for the most of the film, the end scene comes across as particular ham-fisted and, to be frank, unnecessary.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Of course, Alien was a rip off of Doctor Who - The Ark in Space anyway.

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
I think what the fans would have wanted was a prequal that lead directly into Alien, but shed new light on proceedings, causing us to look at the original film in a new light.
Personally, I didn't care whether the movie was a prequel that lead into Alien, as long as it was a good movie.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
