



Saw it in IMAX 3D...Magnificent.

Shaw was my POV character and through her experiences, I really enjoyed the movie, especially after her world went toes up and suddenly she was under the looking glass.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The timeline for the Weyalnd Corporation, both in the character of Peter Wayland and in the off-screen material, does not jive with the one in the Aliens vs. Predator movies, or so I'm told.
It's true.

Nevertheless, I'm sure some obsessed AVP fan is feverishly working on a way to explain the Peter Weyland vs. Charles Weyland and associated timeline conflicts.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
It's true.

Nevertheless, I'm sure some obsessed AVP fan is feverishly working on a way to explain the Peter Weyland vs. Charles Weyland and associated timeline conflicts.
There's two companies, Weyland Corp (Peter's) and Weyland Industries (Charles'). Charles died in '04 and Peter was born in 1990. It is possible that Peter is Charles' son (maybe born on the wrong side of the sheets, maybe not). The boy starts his own company, possibly to fulfill some item in Charles' will. If his was successful, the two companies merge at some point in the future.

That's just with a cursory glance at the AvP wiki.



Oh. End of movie? Space Marine vs. Chaos Demon. You can't convince me otherwise.

Something witty and profound



Finally got around to seeing this.

Fine film, worthy within the franchise.

And I totally do not understand the claims of retcon to the alien biology or how the goo doesn't fit. Made perfect sense to me, and fit nicely.

edit: there were some plot holes, however, such as the getting lost/left behind, running in a line away from the crash, and how the small hugger grew to such a great size without any material/energy in particular. nothing drastic, though.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Finally got around to seeing this.

Fine film, worthy within the franchise.

And I totally do not understand the claims of retcon to the alien biology or how the goo doesn't fit. Made perfect sense to me, and fit nicely.

edit: there were some plot holes, however, such as the getting lost/left behind, running in a line away from the crash, and how the small hugger grew to such a great size without any material/energy in particular. nothing drastic, though.
This film was better than any other in the franchise. Very well done and I am going to see it again tomorrow



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
There's two companies, Weyland Corp (Peter's) and Weyland Industries (Charles'). Charles died in '04 and Peter was born in 1990. It is possible that Peter is Charles' son (maybe born on the wrong side of the sheets, maybe not). The boy starts his own company, possibly to fulfill some item in Charles' will. If his was successful, the two companies merge at some point in the future.

That's just with a cursory glance at the AvP wiki.
See? I knew someone out there was creative enough to come up with something.



I was personally not too impressed by the movie. That is all I have to say



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
See? I knew someone out there was creative enough to come up with something.
Took me about 5 minutes. I'm not a rabid fan of the universe, but I can see how they could potentially tie everything together with minimal discontinuities.



Big disappointment. Ponderous, murky, full of plot and science holes. Unimpressive visuals. Continuing the downward trajectory of Ridley Scott's career. He's just getting duller and duller.

My friend who compared the original Robin Hood script to Scotts' just shakes his head at the comparison.

Anyway, I wanted my money and my two hours back.

Rend this space....



The film is either liked a lot or hated. Looks like another cult classic to me.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I was talking about the movie with some friends and afterwards something occured to me. When the scientists first meet Charlize Theron's character (forgot her name) they see the surgery machine in her quarters. But later on in the C-section scene, the machine says it can't perform a C-section (or abortion) because it is calibrated for a male. If the machine was for Charlize Theron's character, shouldn't it have been calibrated for a female? Did I miss something or was that just a major plot hole?



It was for Weyland.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
It was for Weyland.
But wasn't she was just as surprised as everyone else that he was aboard? I could have been mistaken on that fact too.



Originally Posted by Speculator View Post
But wasn't she was just as surprised as everyone else that he was aboard? I could have been mistaken on that fact too.
No. Remember when she stopped the android and asking him "What did he say"?

She knew he was onboard.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Of course the first crossover I remember was X-Men vs the Brood.

Finally got around to replying to this. For my money, the first "crossover" was the thinly-veiled Uncanny X-Men #143 with Kitty Pride in the role of Ripley...

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
See? I knew someone out there was creative enough to come up with something.
Personally I kind of ignore most everything from the AvP movies. If they'd been good I probably would have cared about anything they added, but really ... they weren't.

Prometheus on the other hand was ... ok. I'd give it a 6.5/10 or so. Nothing special exactly but it did have some very well done performances and it was stunningly shot.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Finally got around to replying to this. For my money, the first "crossover" was the thinly-veiled Uncanny X-Men #143 with Kitty Pride in the role of Ripley...

To be honest I didn't follow Marvel that much as a kid. Back then my preferences were Sgt. Rock and the various war comics with Marvel being prefered over DC super hero comics if the war comics weren't available.

Actually back then I'd rather read a book over a DC comic if it wasn't Sgt Rock/War themed.



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
That and the Geologist was supposed to be in tune with the puppies, as he created them. In the beginning, he acted like he knew everything the puppies were relaying back to the ship, yet he was the one that got lost. Made no sense.

As for the creation of humans, me and a freind were debating it at the end of the movie.

His take was that it was an intended act, in which one of the Engineers sacrificed himself to create life on Earth with the black goo from the ornate ritual-like jar.

Mine was the creation of life on Earth wasn't intended, and the result of the bad batch of coffee he drank which may have been tampered with by another Engineer (just as David did later), and the ornate jar was nothing more than an alien Scooby-Doo thermos or office coffee mug.
We have only the characters assumption the engineers creating humans, they were wrong about the nature of the planet they found, I don't think some other relationship has been ruled out. Other possibilities:
-Both were created by some other race - science origin
-the engineers discovered that evolution followed similar paths, pointing at God having multiple Edens
-Humans from earth are descendants of either an early colonization effert or desidents

Now why they would want to kill humans, I think thats simpliler,
lets assume some sciencist somewhere created a tribe of clones somewhere with some modifications. Wouldn't it be logical to assume some religious fundimentalists might be inclined to try to kill off the clones, since by their definition clones would be abominations?



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Personally I kind of ignore most everything from the AvP movies. If they'd been good I probably would have cared about anything they added, but really ... they weren't.
Hey, AVP promised me Aliens fighting Predators and they gave me Aliens fighting Predators. I wasn't expecting anything more than that. All my expectations were fulfilled.

Prometheus on the other hand was ... ok. I'd give it a 6.5/10 or so. Nothing special exactly but it did have some very well done performances and it was stunningly shot.
Eh, I would personally rate it higher, but not everyone's the same. I really enjoyed myself. I've been starving for a new space opera film. The last new space opera film I saw was the re-imagined Star Trek film from a few years back.

Truly, with the previous cancellations SyFylis made, this has been truly a scarce age for space opera.



Originally Posted by Tocharon View Post
Now why they would want to kill humans, I think thats simpliler,
lets assume some sciencist somewhere created a tribe of clones somewhere with some modifications. Wouldn't it be logical to assume some religious fundimentalists might be inclined to try to kill off the clones, since by their definition clones would be abominations?
But would you wait 33,000+ years to do it? That's a heck of a long time to hold a grudge.

But, as you point out, we only have character assumption. We don't know if they actually want to destroy mankind. That assumption was based on, well, what Dr. Shaw bases all of her assumptions on: Nothing.

Speaking of assumptions, we also have no way of knowing that the "Engineers" actually broke off contact 2,000 years ago. Just because we haven't found any later-date markings doesn't mean they don't exist (unless, I suppose, you operate on Dr Shaw/Holloway logic).

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
But, as you point out, we only have character assumption. We don't know if they actually want to destroy mankind. That assumption was based on, well, what Dr. Shaw bases all of her assumptions on: Nothing.
Well...the Engineer that was alive didn't exactly seem like he wanted to sit down and have a cup of tea with the crew of the Prometheus. His first instinct is pretty much, "EXTERMINATE!" with little regards to anything else.

Now, maybe he was just grumpy from a 2000 year snooze and needed to go to the bathroom, but these little hairless apes are running around his feet and trying to talk to him. Heck, I know I would be a little grumpy, but not to that extent.

Or maybe it was a religious thing, them not showing proper deferential treatment. Maybe David called his mom something...bad. We'll never know, but the first response is a killer.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
But, as you point out, we only have character assumption. We don't know if they actually want to destroy mankind. That assumption was based on, well, what Dr. Shaw bases all of her assumptions on: Nothing.
Indeed. There are NO FACTS in this film. Basically, we have a writer who couldn't be bothered, so puts some pictures on the screen and tells the audience to write it themselves.

I really should do something about this signature.