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This is old news by now, but I just heard that they are being cancelled and G4 is going to remake itself to appeal to a new audience. I stopped watching regularly since some of the past personalities have left, but it is still a shame that the only shows of its kind will be gone. With the news of CoH, then Lucasfilm, and now the end of G4, a lot of changes are happening in my geek world.
I know the population playing late at night on West Coast could get really low...sometimes it was hard getting enough people to do a BAF or Lambda on Freedom even before the announcement. But only two people on a server? That was the first time I've seen anything that low.
I was on Infinity last night around midnight PDT. Only myself and one other person was logged in at that time. Most people have moved on to something else.
I know someone who has done some work for Marvel. Several years ago (back in the 80's and 90's, and maybe into the 2000's), there used to be a saying around the Marvel offices: "The only two people who stay dead are Uncle Ben and Captain Marvel". But now that new management has taken over and all the old editors are gone, I'm guessing all bets are off.
It probably doesn't cost NCSoft much to hold on to the IP and if someone comes out with a game like "Suburbs of Super-Powered Guys" they can sue the pants off of them.
Quote:I'm playing a Storm/Ice defender mostly solo right now. While Hurricane and Freezing Rain are definitely powerful, the endurance usage on this character is huge. I can solo +0/x1 pretty safely in my mid-20's but I don't think I can increase the difficulty or number of mobs without a constant supply of blue candy to keep my attacks going.I love KB too, but Gale has that accuracy penalty and Hurricane is autohit and has a monster debuff.
My take on the OP's question is "Storm by a mile." A Stormie can floor enemy to-hit with Hurricane alone on SOs, and to paraphrase Alien, "In solo, no one complains about knocback."
Hurricane's debuff is actually better than the defense soft cap. Enemies have the same floored chance to hit you, but 'Cane's knockback has them ragdolled a significant portion of the time, during which time they cannot attack at all, so their chance to hit is zero. If you don't mind throwing things around, it's awesome.
Storm has other fun powers too, of course, including one of the game's best debuffs (Freezing Rain). But when you can literally reduce your enemies to rag dolls flopping helplessly at your feet with one power, all the other powers are just gravy. -
I was talking about the movie with some friends and afterwards something occured to me. When the scientists first meet Charlize Theron's character (forgot her name) they see the surgery machine in her quarters. But later on in the C-section scene, the machine says it can't perform a C-section (or abortion) because it is calibrated for a male. If the machine was for Charlize Theron's character, shouldn't it have been calibrated for a female? Did I miss something or was that just a major plot hole?
I just saw the movie and towards the end, someone must have cranked up the air conditioning in the Prometheus for Charlize Theron.
I vividly remember when Ray Bradbury made an appearance at San Diego Comic-Con a couple of years ago. If you never been to Comic-Con, it has become a giant mob scene of people either trying to get from one place to another, or clogging up the aisles waiting in line. Whether it’s to get an autograph, an exclusive action figure, or just a picture with someone dressed in costume. But when Mr. Bradbury came on the main floor, everyone around him stopped. People both young and old were staring in awe at seeing a legend. He was being pushed in a wheelchair and being led by some beefy security guys, but it didn’t seem like the extra security was needed. Everyone made way for him and no one was pushing their way through trying to get a picture. Some people politely said hi or wanted to shake his hand, but I think that was the first time at a Comic-Con where I’ve seen everyone be respectful. At a place where celebrities routinely make an appearance and mobbed, it was probably the closest thing to royalty that I ever seen walk through.
Back when I was in college, I let guys on my dorm floor read The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller and they became instantly hooked. Might be a good place to start. I agree that Watchmen is probably better for someone who is already a fan of comics.
I agree with the others that it would probably be easiest to find some trade paperbacks of some of the "classics" and start from there. If you are worried about getting lost in continuity, start with reprints from the 60's/70's/80's when storylines weren't as convoluted. The great thing about comics is that the good stories and art are timeless. Most of the time what makes a comic great is what an artist/writer does with a character, so if you read something and like it make note of who are the creators. I grew up reading mostly Marvel, so here are some suggestions off the top of my head:
Avengers Kree/Skrull Saga
X-Men by Chris Claremont/John Byrne - especially Dark Phoenix Saga
Daredevil by Frank Miller - Elektra Returns and Born Again stories
Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock by Jim Starlin
Thor by Walt Simonson
Hulk by Peter David
This is mostly mainstream stuff...if you prefer a small independent film over a summer blockbuster, check out DC's Vertigo line. Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Grant Morrison's Animal Man, and Alan Moore's Swamp Thing are good examples of the genre. -
Bummer. The same weekend as WonderCon. Can't you make it an extra long double XP weekend? :P
Congratulations! Along with the diapers, its worthwhile to invest in some peepee teepees. If you don't know what they are look it up, they are valuable when changing baby boys.
+1. I've been using the rejoin last event button under the LFG tab and can get back in, but sometimes it takes me two tries. But with the time it takes for the game to freeze, then log out, and log back in again the trial is almost over. I've resigned myself to just not joining LAMBDA teams anymore.
Hopefully this is a one time deal while they remodel the Moscone Center.
Quote:I'm pretty sure we are talking about the same guy. I was on Freedom and Mikey would be a good clue. I was a little leery at first because of his spamming requests in Pocket D, but I thought it couldn't be worse than my first run and I would still get Incarnate XP no matter what happened. I guess my point is that it is no different than joining any other PUG. You might get on a great team/league that is steamrolling or everything you could think of could go wrong. You won't know until you start and the worst it will cost you is the efficiency your reward/playing time.If he is the one I think you all are referring to (the Mikey thing gives it away if on Freedom), the fellow is a pretty good egg. I get the feeling English isn't his first language, but he tries hard.
Setting up leagues for others to run and have a good time (whilst not realizing the affect of leaving said league before it starts) also would fit with this personality.
He really does not mean harm. -
I joined one of these leagues organized by this guy last night. It was the second time I tried the BAF. I just got done with a trial attempt that failed horribly because of no organization, when I got a request to join this new league. It went as others described; the organizer made a team of scrappers, a team of tanks/brutes, and I think one more team of other ATs mixed together, and then the organizer gave some directions for the teams and quit.
We ran the trial and everything went smoothly. We even captured all of the prisoners for the badge and finished pretty quickly. I don't know his motives (maybe he is dual-boxing and organizing leagues for his alts?) but I had a good experience and would join one of his teams again. It certainly went a lot better than the first time when I joined a PUG team put together the more "traditional" way. -
Quote:Once I realized it was re-installing the game, I tried to stop it and point it to my old installation. But for some reason it couldn't find the file CityofHeroes.exe in the old folder. Somehow the old filename got temporarily changed. After the full download and the new version was completely installed, the Launcher could see both old and new versions of CityofHeroes.exe. By then I just uninstalled the old version of the game.Even if it did not find your old installation of City of Heroes, you still did not need to uninstall it. At the Installation screen, where it shows you the "Total download size:", you can press the "Customize" button and point it to your existing installation.
I don't want players thinking that they need to uninstall their old installation and re-download and install City of Heroes when they transition to using NCsoft Launcher.
I know this information does not help you right now. I just want to make sure this information is available for future players who may experience this issue.
Tex, thank you for replying. Hopefully other long time players can avoid the problem I had and get back to playing sooner. -
Except in my case where I originally installed City of Heroes in 2004. Back then the game installed itself in the folder C:\Program Files\City of Heroes. When I installed and ran the NCsoft Launcher, I tried to start up City of Heroes and it immediately installed a second version of City of Heroes in C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes. I ended up having to uninstall my original copy of the game and transfer all my saved costume files, keybinds, etc. to the new folder. Kind of annoying for what was supposed to be a seamless transition.
Does the launcher always need to be run as an Administrator? I installed the launcher under my Administrator account on my PC (Windows XP) but I normally play CoH on my User account. When I run the launcher as a User, I get warning messages about not having access to files in the CoH directory. I can click OK to get past the warnings and play the game, but its annoying to do so when running the old launcher is more convenient.
I just saw this on Hulu. What was it that Santana said that made Emma shush her when John Stamos' character (forgot his name) said he saw a hole that he was trying to fill? I couldn't make it out.
On a side note, was anyone else impressed by how easily Heather Morris picked up Kevin McHale and carried him to the bed? I don't know of many women who could do that and not look like they are straining.
It's not the first time he's been a jerk. Remember when Tina confided to him that she faked her stutter? She's opening up to him by revealing a secret and he dumps on her like she did it all just to trick him. Maybe they are purposely writing him to have a big martyr complex.
Also, Artie commented that Brittany never even made eye contact with him before. Now, when they are assigned a project where the students need to partner up, Brittany shows interest in him? Coincidence?
After giving it a little thought I don't have a problem with Artie changing his mind. People have all done things they regret the next day. But the way he treated Brittany like it was all her fault and he was completely innocent was wrong.