Olivia Munn finally replaced




As of Monday Olivia Munn, the Cohost of AOTS, has been replaced by Alison Baily as a permanent cohost.

So Olivia Munn, officially fell off the edge of the world finally apparently...



Fell of the edge of the world? Not really.

She has a new sitcom on NBC that will be a mid-season replacement and is already scheduled to appear on the Thursday Night Comedy Block.

And I am pretty sure she will continue to be apart of The Daily Show, though probably in the same limited capacity she already is being used as.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




No, she just moved up to the Daily Show and an NBC sitcom.

EDIT: Also, the new cohost is Candace Bailey, not Alison.



Being on 1 hour a day to and moving on to a likely to fail half-hour tv show once a week and an unfunny person on one of the funniest comedy shows... yeah... she's fell off the edge of the world...or teetering.



Or, conversely, being on a TV show a broadcast network (albeit one that is in last place) instead of being on a cable network that was just dropped from Direct TV and a critically acclaimed late-night talk show (who cares if she is funny on it? Still gets to put it on the resume), is actually being more in the spotlight.

Like it or not, 2011 will be the Year of the Munn. 2012 may not be, but 2011 will see its fair share of her.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




I bet you she'll not be on the top 100 hottest women of the world this year ^.^ and that'll be proof enough since the last 2 years or so she's gone up the ladder.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Being on 1 hour a day to and moving on to a likely to fail half-hour tv show once a week and an unfunny person on one of the funniest comedy shows... yeah... she's fell off the edge of the world...or teetering.
1 hour a day on G4 (which DirectTV just dropped) sandwiched in between 23 hours of "Cops" reruns, or on spots of one of the more watched cable shows plus an actual network show. Hmmm...seems her career is moving in the right direction to me.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
1 hour a day on G4 (which DirectTV just dropped) sandwiched in between 23 hours of "Cops" reruns, or on spots of one of the more watched cable shows plus an actual network show. Hmmm...seems her career is moving in the right direction to me.
The problem is that it really isn't... The best that is going to happen is the show lasts a little while. She's not talented enough or hot enough to get very far and really she gave up a cushy job for more than likely a soon canceled show and soon kicked off of show... So while she is "technically" in a better position she really isn't because of the prospect coming from it.



I am saying that she was lucky to get where she was, and more than likely her trying to go further will result in her being shown she's not talented which means she is going to end in a worse position than where she was. If I was jealous I would be hoping for her to fail, not hoping that she would succeed, but realistically saying she's going to likely fail.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I am saying that she was lucky to get where she was, and more than likely her trying to go further will result in her being shown she's not talented which means she is going to end in a worse position than where she was. If I was jealous I would be hoping for her to fail, not hoping that she would succeed, but realistically saying she's going to likely fail.
Durakken, you can be such a wet blanket.

Munn is going from a cable show with a limited audience to network sitcom with a much larger audience, plus spots on a cable show with a much bigger audience than her previous show. Yes, the odds of a new sitcom being successful are not great, but it you don't take risks, you don't get the rewards. Besides, she is probably getting paid a LOT more as a featured performer for the sitcom and the bit pieces than she was on G4. And if it is a lot more money, then she's headed in the right direction.

She has a number of fans and some great name recognition, or they wouldn't have considered her to be a desireable addition. Those fans are in a very-much-sought-after demographic. She has a personality that many find attractive or appealing, regardless of whether you think she has "talent." (There are a hell of a lot of "untalented people" who make it big because they were in the right place at the right time.) Plus, every bit of experience she gets helps for the next job.

The little bit I have seen of her, she's attractive and entertaining. She has a better chance of becoming a well known star than others starting without a fan base.

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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
The problem is that it really isn't... The best that is going to happen is the show lasts a little while. She's not talented enough or hot enough to get very far and really she gave up a cushy job for more than likely a soon canceled show and soon kicked off of show... So while she is "technically" in a better position she really isn't because of the prospect coming from it.
Nobody cares about talent level. How many people completely devoid of talent have become famous and wealthy in the past 10 years?

Carlos Mencia
Dane Cook
Tila Tequila
The Kardashians
Simon Cowell

And if I really cared I could go on and on.

Talent has absolutely NOTHING to do with success in show business. NOTHING.

But once you get an opportunity, people will keep giving you opportunities whether they are merited or not.

And once people figure out you have no talent, you'll have probably made more than enough money to retire several times over.

A "steady gig" on G4 pays far less than a 6 episode gig on a network (and I know someone who used to work at G4, so he would know).

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I bet you she'll not be on the top 100 hottest women of the world this year ^.^ and that'll be proof enough since the last 2 years or so she's gone up the ladder.
Your measure of success is bizarre and shallow.

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-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



The difference between what Munn was doing on G4 versus what she's doing now is a little like the difference between being the most important player on a high school varsity football team and being the least important bench warmer on the NFL team that just won the Superbowl. Frankly if I had the chance I'd rather be the bench warmer on that Superbowl team any day of the week.

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Simon Cowell
Actually I'll take issue with the statement that he has no talent.

Okay, for the record, I think Simon Cowbell is a gigantic *****. My first introduction to him was his appearance on Top Gear: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd4VraE4o68

Really, try watching that video and not developing an urge to call the Malta and take out a contract on him.

That being said, Simon has demonstrated quite a bit of talent in picking musical acts, at least in the UK market, and he's not actually a bad driver, at least on the Top Gear Test Track.

Too bad he's not as fast as an actual recording artist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFbVgA6J878



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Actually I'll take issue with the statement that he has no talent.

Okay, for the record, I think Simon Cowbell is a gigantic *****. My first introduction to him was his appearance on Top Gear: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd4VraE4o68

Really, try watching that video and not developing an urge to call the Malta and take out a contract on him.

That being said, Simon has demonstrated quite a bit of talent in picking musical acts, at least in the UK market, and he's not actually a bad driver, at least on the Top Gear Test Track.

Too bad he's not as fast as an actual recording artist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFbVgA6J878
Yeah and while Mencia may be a joke thief and I don't particularly care for Cook's style, the fact that they did work their way to fame through actually doing stand up in the clubs (and not some reality game show) is a fair indication of talent. They are good at what they do.

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"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Okay, we get it, Durakken. You don't like Olivia Munn.

You assumptions about her career are biased and weird, but we get it.



Felicia Day should be the bestest greatest star ever1!



Is Munn moving up the ladder? Yes.

Does this mean she's any good? No. She has a long way to go before she stops looking out of place whenever I have seen her.



It's not that I dislike her, it's that it doesn't make sense to me to consider a risk that is more likely to knock you off your career path as a good decision and really I was more commenting on the fact that AOTS replaced her finally after several months of her not making any appearances.



This is what happens when you can't post hawt pics.



I care not for Olivia Munn, but it's about pants-on-head retarded to argue that her stock hasn't risen. G4 is a small, niche cable channel. Comedy Central is one of the most popular, mainstream cable channels. And having a sitcom actually air on network television - regardless of its placement during the season or even whether or not it bombs - is higher profile still.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Just to get on the topic of "Is Olivia Munn making wise career choices?" (I think that was the original intent, that she wasn't).

I don't even know what "aots" stands for. I've never watched G4, ever. I know that's a serious blow to my geek cred, but there it is.

After her first Daily Show appearance, she showed up on my radar. I asked "hey, who is this hot correspondent?" and went about looking for her imdb info. Now I recognize her on magazine covers, tv appearances (Chuck) or whatever.

So, I'm giving one testimonial that leaving her niche show for bigger pastures is a good move.

Heck, let's play out a worst-case scenario for her, that she bombs badly, I'm willing to bet in 2-3 years she can go back to some back-water cable channel (whether G4 or another) and get back to the same level of promincence she had a few months ago.

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*eats popcorn, is entertained*



Perfect Couples preview

Yeah, I think it's safe to say the show has little chance outside of it being put in between two solid shows.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
... She's not talented enough or hot enough to get very far ...
If rumors are to be believed, she was hot enough for Justin Timberlake.