4197 -
got a rude surprise when I opened up the NCSoft launcher on a Windows installation a few minutes ago. NCSoft is now requiring the installation of the Pando Media Booster for it's AION release game.
If you are not familiar with the Pando Media Booster I suggest a quick Web Search and note that both Google and Bing have immediate related searches of Pando Media Booster Spyware and Pando Media Booster Malware. I would also note the searchable backlash from players of Riot Game's League of Legends, many of whom were on limited bandwidth allotments and were unable to play the LoL game due to the Pando program actively chewing through limited bandwidth.
Also as of note, the logins to AION's forum and feedback services have been shut down at the time of this posting, indicating an attempt by NCSoft to stem the backlash from what is no doubt going to be a highly upset AION playerbase.
Given NCSoft's behavior I feel it is important for Paragon Studios to get the message that Pando Media Booster is Crapware, we don't want it, and that any possible plans to introduce the program into City of Heroes needs to be terminated, say, right now. -
Here's a nice little bug for players thinking about converting from VIP to Premium.
The conversion system likes to go ahead and auto-assign your global slots to servers, regardless of whether or not you actually have previously purchased slots on those servers.
In addition, NCSoft support is declining to move those system-assigned slots back into Global-slot unlock so you can place your purchased slots where you want them.
I've verified this auto-assignment behavior also occurs on accounts that do not have any additional purchased slots, at all.
So hey, if you go from VIP to Premium, be prepared to have a lot less global slots than /mypurchases says you will have. -
Zwill: don't forget to open up the OSX forum as well to premium players.
Quote:Just because "other"... well... "insert noun of your choice here" performs a "insert verb of your choice here" does not, I repeat, DOES NOT, mean that "inserted verb here" is okay and should also be done.Right, because being dramatic and entertaining should never be done to sell a product, yes?
Would someone like to point out where other game companies have done 'misleading' advertising for their games, or would that just be stating the bleeding obvious?
Thing is, I'd have a hard-time classifying the trailer as dramatic. The only storyline theme it tries to create is a theme that just is not present in "City of Heroes" which other players have already addressed.
I'd also have a hard-time classifying the trailer as entertaining. It's just a jumble of quick shots that... again... don't go anywhere. There is no unifying theme or point to the trailer other than a bunch of shiny keys being jangled in potential players faces.
So, in the style of Nash... let's do the math:
- Non-dramatic trailer
- Non-entertaining trailer
- Misleading elements of trailer
- Misspent marketing resources.
In all fairness most video game ads, even outright misleading and/or fraudulent ads, typically cover their rear-ends with boiler-plate statements about how game experience may differ online, or blanket statements about how sections of games shown may not be available in all countries. In most cases such boiler-plate clauses are a good enough legal shield.
To reiterate, just because a company can get a way with a misleading advertisement, doesn't mean they should. It also does not give carte-blanche to marketing companies to just do whatever they feel like doing to promote a product.
Thankfully for the ad-companies the results really come down to what the consumers think. If you think what was done was dramatic and entertaining in your opinion, and that misleading elements of an ad do not matter, then the ad-company has succeeded in reaching you. -
I'd have no problems with placing Base-Rent behind a Paragon Rewards marker.
As is I think this is going to be yet ANOTHER potential public relations disaster as players who have left the game come back to play. Veteran players returning are probably NOT going to be happy they won't be able to reactivate or pay base rent for bases they set up over the past 7 years.
Or maybe I should say: ARE NOT HAPPY. I saw quite a few requests floating around global channels for a VIP player to join SG's and VG's for the sole sake of just paying rent. I also saw similar requests floating around broadcast chat on a couple servers in Atlas Park, as well as requests in various server help-channels.
I understand the desire of the developers to prevent players from "gaming the system"... but there's a pretty big difference between "gaming the system" and "pissing your potential subscriber base off" -
Very: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16814150540
The RadeonHD 5770 / 6770 (it's the same card: http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=88&pgno=3)
is perfectly capable of driving all Ultra-Mode options in 1920*1200: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=219534
Problem is, you are going to need a new power supply. Yes, you can get a RadeonHD 5770 / 6770 to run full clocks on a 300-watt power supply, but you won't be running anything else (e.g. hard-drives, dvd-drive, system fans, and you'll need a mobile or ultra-low-volt processor). With a typical system load you'll be looking at around 450 watts for a starting point.
If you are trying to keep your total purchase price around $150 this Thermaltake will probably work for your system: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16817153023
yes it's a 430 rather than a 450, but Thermaltake's sustained power is typically good enough it shouldn't be a problem. -
Kind of have to add my voice to the: That's just a tad bit misleading
I don't know who did the trailer, but I really think the marketing money would have been better spent on paying Samuraiko to do a trailer. -
Quote:Wouldn't matter. Manga or I would see it regardless of where he posted the question.You might have better luck asking in the Mac Users forums here:
I'm going to assume that the original poster is actually asking a serious question and isn't just trying to be funny with this post.
To the Original Poster: no, it will not.
Currently most of the shipping Apple Imac Systems, as well as all existing Apple laptops, are not-capable of running Ultra Mode graphics.
The starting point for all Ultra-Mode options in Low is around the Desktop AMD RadeonHD 4850 / Nvidia Geforce GTS 250.
The starting point for all Ultra-Mode options in High is around the Desktop RadeonHD 5770 / Nvidia GTX 460
Currently shipping Imac's say they come with RadeonHD 67xx or 69xx cards. What is not made clear on Apple's site is that those Imac's use the MOBILE edition of the chipsets.
These mobile chips are below the starting point for Ultra-Mode High performance, but they are in range of running some Ultra-Mode options:
Desktop Theoretical Numbers: http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=88&pgno=3
Mobile Theoretical Numbers: http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=88&pgno=3
* * *
Now, I'm going to assume that because you linked to a USB card thinking it was a real graphics card.
It is not.
Neither Nvidia nor AMD make their graphics cards available in USB formats.
The don't use USB because USB is too freaking slow to run high performance graphics.
Now, if you want to be cute about, yes, you can actually hook a High-Powered PCI-Express graphics card up to a laptop with an ExpressCard slot: http://www.techradar.com/news/comput...adaptor-915616
This option probably isn't available to you since, as far as I am aware, no shipping Apple laptop has an ExpressCard slot.
In short: if you have an Apple Laptop, an Apple Imac, or an Apple Mac Mini, you are stuck with whatever graphics card it shipped with. There is no upgrade path available for you. -
Quote:I started a thread on the AMD dev forums about the problem located here: http://forums.amd.com/devforum/messa...&enterthread=yI uninstalled my old driver then installed the 4th rev of the driver. Then I restarted my computer.
I was able to alt tab out of the game without my computer freezing up, but after ~30 minutes, when I went back in to the game(which was in the middle of character creation), the game was frozen and I had to close it and restart it to get back in to the game.
I'll report more on my problems as I continue in the game. Thanks again, all!
as of yet there's been only one other person... EVER... to post in that thread besides me.
Wouldn't mind having more data to give AMD, but for the most part, many of the subscribers here just don't seem to like the idea of actually doing anything to get driver problems addressed.
If you are interested in trying to help out in getting AMD the information, please go post in the AMD forum thread with your hardware and software specifications. -
Quote:It was explicitly mentioned in a Ustream that a fix was being worked on.Yes. The last couple versions of the Radeon drivers have been an absolute *AHEM!* as far as CoH is concerned.
In most cases, uninstalling the current drivers, running a driver cleaner, then reinstalling with the older driver package solves most of the issues.
And considering that they're on the 4th rev of drivers since it started breaking things, I don't know if anyone can tell you when (or if) AMD is going to ever fix it. -
Graphics Card: Radeon HD 6950
Try using a driver that isn't known to have issues with the game. -
I'm still trying to track (reliable) sources on this but something was said among the tech vendors over at Oktoberfest wiesn: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?pag...item&px=OTk0Mw
Given Mr. Larabel's lack of accuracy when it comes to Transgaming I'd take the following line with more than a grain of salt:
Quote:That being said the possibility of Transgaming selling itself has been a recurrent possibility over the years with suitors ranging from Valve (reportedly for Steam-Linux integration), Activsion-Blizzard (reportedly Blizzard wanting the tech), to Electronic Arts (as one of Transgaming's best clients bringing the tech in-house seemed like a good idea at the time). I don't know who this new possible buyer is supposed to be outside of it's not supposed to be Apple.- Transgaming / Cedega is quite likely to be acquired by a public company in the next quarter or less.
Among the candidates touted this go-around are Intel, Google, Nvidia, and Amazon. For the sake of readers here who might be interested I'll go into a quick list of why these 4 are being mentioned in the, as of right now, rumors.
Intel is a long-time hardware partner of Transgaming through GameTree.TV. Bringing the Cider/G.T.L. software-package internally would give Intel a cozy software weapon if Microsoft decides to go ahead with forcing every Windows 8 user into Metro. As far as Intel would be concerned they could just focus their gaming efforts on OSX and Linux, and just use Cider/G.T.L. as a legacy compatibility pacakge.
I wouldn't put it past Google to snap up Transgaming just to be a thorn in both Apple and Microsoft's sides... but honestly... Google is more the type of company to play by Open-Source rules. Direct case in point being the changes made to run Picasa under WINE getting submitted back to the WINE dev trees. That being said Cider/G.T.L. fits more with the usage of open-licensed, but non-gpl'd software, in Android/Linux and Chromium/Linux. Picking up the Cider/G.T.L. translation layer and associated programmers would give Google a weaponized gaming advantage for it's Android/Linux and Chromium/Linux platforms. That being said, as far I am aware the Cider/G.T.L. tech is largely optimized for x86. While there are, and will be, Chromium notebooks with x86 processors, the majority of Android systems are, and will continue to be, ARM based. Kind of a sticky development problem.
Nvidia is more of a puzzle since they don't exactly have that much money to be spending. However Nvidia is making a push into the mobile market with Tegra, Tegra2, and the upcoming Project Denver. There's also the standing offer from Nvidia to help developers get their games running on Android/Linux. Transgaming's tech would be an attractive purchase for Nvidia. That being said the same x86 limitation applies here. The Cider/G.T.L. tech might be useful for Nvidia to win over a few devs and enhance it's software capabilities... but there's going to be a lot of engineering work before this happens.
For those unaware of Amazon's latest Kindle it's now an Android Tablet. Amazon has been looking to get into a proper digital download store to compete with Valve's Steam for well... a pretty long time. While Amazon does have an App store, it's fairly safe to say that it isn't as game-focused as Transgaming's existing GameTreeMac. Bringing Cider/G.T.L. in house would give Amazon a leg up on it's gaming digital distribution, but the same x86 limitations are in play.
Just to be clear:- I do not know if any of these listed companies are actually considering purchasing Transgaming and it's associated Technologies.
- I do not know how close Transgaming is to actually selling itself and or it's technologies.
- This is just a summary of the various rumors that have been floated around various tech forums and interested parties.
- If Transgaming does sell itself and/or it's technologies I do not yet know how this will impact NCSoft's contract with Transgaming for the official OSX client.
Quote:Heh, a lot of players on this board don't care for what I have to say, most likely because of jealousy. Either that or my style of covering every single little detail in long-drawn out posts leaving no room for any counter-argument just invites players looking for every tiny in-accuracy they can find just so they can throw insults and feel better about themselves.some interesting posts found here:
Like this...
"Now, yes, the Incarnate System was created with Going Rogue in mind, and the developers did make an intentional decision to make the Incarnate content only available to purchasers of the expansion. However, the implementation of the end-game system was only determined after players had already been informed about what Going Rogue would contain... in March 2010: http://goingrogue.na.cityofheroes.com/en/2010/03/"
written by: je saist
Anyways I commented on this particular subject earlier in this thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=141
Quote:rom all outside perspectives the Incarnate System has been advertised since it's public inception as part of the Going Rogue system that was gated behind a purchase of Going Rogue. You had to Buy Going Rogue to get Incarnate Access. That Incarnates were never part of the retail release is immaterial. You still needed to purchase Going Rogue for access, making Incarnates part of the Issue System going forward for the Going Rogue expansion.
There is also the less that subtle marketing positioning found here: goingrogue.na.cityofheroes.com/en/game-info/incarnates/overview.html Whether NCSoft likes it or not Paragon Studios was pretty explicit about promoting the Incarnate system THROUGH the Going Rogue expansion. Paragon Studio's own website demonstrates this marketing positioning.
This is kind of where we get into a sticky positioning of how MMO content works: At what point is Content associated with what a player has paid for?
For City of Heroes: Freedom it appears that NCSoft has decided to distribute content based on retail packages alone rather than following issue updates. As such the Incarnate System has been decoupled from the Going Rogue purchase requirement and made fully part of the Subscription requirement. Like-wise the Architect Entertainment system has been decoupled from it's retail box association, although unlike the Incarnate System, the AE was never placed behind a separate paywall.
On a personal level I do not agree with this positioning of game content taken by NCSoft. My own personal opinion is that NCSoft missed a perfect marketing opportunity with the Incarnate System, which I also already addressed in other comments in this thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showpost.php?p=3895925&postcount=146
Quote:Premiums who bought Going Rogue Retail: note: retail, not Paragon Market version - -allow for slots up to Tyrant trial
- -allow for access to I-trials up to Tryant trial
This also locks future Incarnate content, such as the Battalion, behind the paywall, at a point when Incarnate Content would likely be separated from Going Rogue content.
Additionally it would let players who were convinced that Incarnate Content was part of Going Rogue retail release, a perception influenced by the placing of Incarnate Content behind the Going Rogue Retail paywall, feel they had gotten a bit more value for their money. Ultimately it wouldn't cost NCSoft any more additional resources outside of setting up the data-base to recognize the difference between Going Rogue retail codes and Going Rogue: Paragon Market.
* * *
That being said I still favor the idea of putting at least some Incarnate Access behind a Veteran / Paragon Rewards wall. For me it comes back down to marketing 101 which I'm not sure NCSoft has a strict handle on.
The marketing reality is that an invisible, and inaccessible, Incarnate System won't matter to Premium Players. Yes, Premium Players will see VIPS wandering around with Alpha Slots, Lore Pets, Interface Boosts, and Judgement Nukes, but one of the biggest draws in F2P games is letting players experience the game-play.
The marketing reality is that very few players are going to look at a subscription and try it for the Incarnate Content. Why do I say this with such conviction?
Well, keep in mind something Blizzard once admitted about WoW: kotaku.com/5469238/most-new-world-of-warcraft-players-dont-go-past-level-10
The website link pretty much spells that point out. Now combine it with something that was said during Issue 17 testing. I can't find a red name quote so here's something from Fleeting Whisper: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...9&postcount=12
Quote:Datamining shows otherwise. The number of players with access to either Arachnos Soldiers or Kheldians is a small fraction of the number of players who do not, whether because the player is new or because they succumb to altitis. This is also why the EATs have traditionally been a low-priority item for development, and why the devs vowed to never again make an EAT unlock with a level 50 after they created the SoA -- too few people actually unlock them.
Ergo, what is the logical conclusion?
Oh yeah, that's right: Less and Less people are going to be running Incarnate Content. This is highlighted by another quote from Mr. Miller: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=312
Quote:Also note: Solo Path does not equal "at the same rate as those who do Trials". Those players will ALWAYS advance through the system faster. Otherwise the Trails will shrivel up and die, and those people who (gasp) like them will never get a chance to run them. - Empirical evidence says that very few of the incoming Premium Players will hit level 50.
- Empirical evidence says that even fewer of the incoming Premium Players will be interested enough to invest in a subscription.
- Empirical evidence suggests that future content will lesson the ability for existing subscribers to play existing content
Okay, in all fairness, maybe I am overthinking the implications of the hybrid F2P model City of Heroes has right now.
Maybe I am seeing "Doom and Gloom (tm)" where there is none.
Or maybe, just maybe, I've actually bothered to think the implications of the marketing positioning of the game out based on available marketing data... something that all existing empirical evidence (e.g. the Paragon Market) indicates NCSoft hasn't done at all. -
unless you used this launcher: http://us.ncsoft.com/en/launcher/ncsoft-launcher.html
your game would not be up to date. -
Quote:I'd really like to see you try and back this insult up.Well in accordance with the accuracy of some of the other information you have posted in the past, it very well could be a reference to i13.
But I think I would die of old age before you could come up with enough times where I was inaccurate. -
You will need to respec characters that you already took the Fitness pool on to take advantage of Inherent Fitness. -
Well, it's not a reference to Issue 13, wrong year and wrong month.
Could be a reference to Issue 10 Beta Testing: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Issue_10 -
Quote:Not necessarily. There have been cases in the past where the player-base has asked for something / demanded something resulting in that something coming to pass. Major case in point being power-customization.Incarnate access is VIP only - that's not changing, so this thread is totally pointless
What we can do now, as players, is at least voice our opinions here, where Paragon Studios staff can easily collect and collate the posted information.
That way the next time NCSoft-Korea holds a business meeting and starts to ask Mr. Miller questions about players leaving the game; about the lack of sustained sales in the Paragon Market; or why there was a sudden drop-off in VIP's; Mr. Miller has a nice set of print-outs on hand detailing what the players think and said.
Will that result in a change of direction?
I don't know. Again, I'm assuming that Mr. Miller and other Paragon Studios staff are not calling the shots here. He (Mr. Miller), nor any of the other Paragon Studios staff for that matter, look like they've sustained massive injuries to the head so I'm not inclined to think their responsible for the questionable positioning of content access. -
Quote:If we're going to look at compromises that NCSoft might find acceptable since I really don't see NCSoft stepping back and putting Incarnate Access behind a Paragon Rewards barrier:What i'd do for premiums that have bought Going Rogue:
-allow for alpha slot.
-Don't allow access into iTrials.
Premiums who bought Going Rogue Retail: note: retail, not Paragon Market version- -allow for slots up to Tyrant trial
- -allow for access to I-trials up to Tryant trial
This also locks future Incarnate content, such as the Battalion, behind the paywall, at a point when Incarnate Content would likely be separated from Going Rogue content. -
I find myself falling into agreements on both sides of the issue here.
I have gone out of my way in the past to document the exact timeline of Going Rogue's development process and marketing publications to show that the Incarnate System was never a part of the retail Going Rogue release. I have chewed out players for various complaints over the lack of Incarnate and/or Alpha slot on Going Rogue's retail release. No I'm not going to link to those posts, mostly because I really don't care anymore.
While the Incarnate system was not a part of the retail release, I find it very hard to argue against the Idea that the Incarnate System was a follow-up Issue release to the Going Rogue expansion. I find myself agreeing with the posters who say that the Incarnate System should be counted as part of the Going Rogue purchase price.
From all outside perspectives the Incarnate System has been advertised since it's public inception as part of the Going Rogue system that was gated behind a purchase of Going Rogue. You had to Buy Going Rogue to get Incarnate Access. That Incarnates were never part of the retail release is immaterial. You still needed to purchase Going Rogue for access, making Incarnates part of the Issue System going forward for the Going Rogue expansion.
Ergo, as a player, I find the position that has been taken on Incarnate Access to be... well... wrong.
As I have made clear in previous posts I do not think Positron, Ghost Falcon, Second Measure, or any of the other Paragon Studios Developers are actually the ones making these calls. It is my opinion that Paragon Studios OWNERS... you know... NCSoft-Korea... is the one making the marketing and promotional calls.
From all empirical evidence Paragon Studio's owners don't care one lick about what Paragon Studios did, or said, as Paragon Studios. The Incarnate System was never a part of the retail Going Rogue expansion, and as far as the ones who are calling the shots now are concerned, that's the end of the discussion.
As a player I thoroughly disagree with that positioning. My own opinion is that the Incarnate System should have been gated behind a similar Paragon Rewards gate as the Mastermind / Controller Access, Permanent IO access, and perma Auction-house access. It would have been a nice bone to throw veteran players as well as those who can afford to dump a few hundred quid on what I've already called "beyond ludicrous prices" -
And here I thought it was Nobel Savage doodling ASCII art in the window labeled Bash on Television's desktop...
Quote:Since announcing City of Heroes Freedom weve been extremely excited to share all of the new features coming with Issue 21, one of the most exciting being the Paragon Rewards Program.
Weve fielded several questions over the last several weeks about the Paragon Rewards Program, one of which being about how Paragon Reward Tokens are awarded for players who purchase Multiple Month Subscription plans. Our original design, and what weve been sharing, is that VIP players who purchased multi month subscription plans would be awarded all Paragon Reward Tokens at the time of purchase. Unfortunately due to technical limitations that we have been unable to overcome, this will not be the case. Instead, VIP players who purchase multiple month subscription plans will receive their Paragon Rewards Token each month on their billing cycle, at the same time they receive their monthly allotment of Paragon Points. Please note that Paragon Reward Tokens granted by the purchase of Paragon Points will grant at the time of purchase.
We do sincerely apologize that we were not able to launch Issue 21 with this feature and will continue to endeavor to implement it in the future. -
reading through the cliff notes here I have to say that I am... unconvinced that the paragon prices are being re-evaluated. Despite all of the feedback on the beta forums, the feedback on the game launch when the "real" price-list was revealed, and the immediate backlash on the Pirate costume "sale" price... nothing has changed. Empirical evidence indicates that no, the Paragon Market prices have not been re-evaluated, if they had ever been evaluated at all.
The servers and data-base can be prepped for the equivalent of WoW's population, but all the server tech in the world won't do anything for prices that are on the wrong side of Ludicrous.