Heads up: more (possible) Transgaming news




I'm still trying to track (reliable) sources on this but something was said among the tech vendors over at Oktoberfest wiesn: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?pag...item&px=OTk0Mw

Given Mr. Larabel's lack of accuracy when it comes to Transgaming I'd take the following line with more than a grain of salt:

- Transgaming / Cedega is quite likely to be acquired by a public company in the next quarter or less.
That being said the possibility of Transgaming selling itself has been a recurrent possibility over the years with suitors ranging from Valve (reportedly for Steam-Linux integration), Activsion-Blizzard (reportedly Blizzard wanting the tech), to Electronic Arts (as one of Transgaming's best clients bringing the tech in-house seemed like a good idea at the time). I don't know who this new possible buyer is supposed to be outside of it's not supposed to be Apple.

Among the candidates touted this go-around are Intel, Google, Nvidia, and Amazon. For the sake of readers here who might be interested I'll go into a quick list of why these 4 are being mentioned in the, as of right now, rumors.

Intel is a long-time hardware partner of Transgaming through GameTree.TV. Bringing the Cider/G.T.L. software-package internally would give Intel a cozy software weapon if Microsoft decides to go ahead with forcing every Windows 8 user into Metro. As far as Intel would be concerned they could just focus their gaming efforts on OSX and Linux, and just use Cider/G.T.L. as a legacy compatibility pacakge.

I wouldn't put it past Google to snap up Transgaming just to be a thorn in both Apple and Microsoft's sides... but honestly... Google is more the type of company to play by Open-Source rules. Direct case in point being the changes made to run Picasa under WINE getting submitted back to the WINE dev trees. That being said Cider/G.T.L. fits more with the usage of open-licensed, but non-gpl'd software, in Android/Linux and Chromium/Linux. Picking up the Cider/G.T.L. translation layer and associated programmers would give Google a weaponized gaming advantage for it's Android/Linux and Chromium/Linux platforms. That being said, as far I am aware the Cider/G.T.L. tech is largely optimized for x86. While there are, and will be, Chromium notebooks with x86 processors, the majority of Android systems are, and will continue to be, ARM based. Kind of a sticky development problem.

Nvidia is more of a puzzle since they don't exactly have that much money to be spending. However Nvidia is making a push into the mobile market with Tegra, Tegra2, and the upcoming Project Denver. There's also the standing offer from Nvidia to help developers get their games running on Android/Linux. Transgaming's tech would be an attractive purchase for Nvidia. That being said the same x86 limitation applies here. The Cider/G.T.L. tech might be useful for Nvidia to win over a few devs and enhance it's software capabilities... but there's going to be a lot of engineering work before this happens.

For those unaware of Amazon's latest Kindle it's now an Android Tablet. Amazon has been looking to get into a proper digital download store to compete with Valve's Steam for well... a pretty long time. While Amazon does have an App store, it's fairly safe to say that it isn't as game-focused as Transgaming's existing GameTreeMac. Bringing Cider/G.T.L. in house would give Amazon a leg up on it's gaming digital distribution, but the same x86 limitations are in play.

Just to be clear:
  • I do not know if any of these listed companies are actually considering purchasing Transgaming and it's associated Technologies.
  • I do not know how close Transgaming is to actually selling itself and or it's technologies.
  • This is just a summary of the various rumors that have been floated around various tech forums and interested parties.
  • If Transgaming does sell itself and/or it's technologies I do not yet know how this will impact NCSoft's contract with Transgaming for the official OSX client.