Computer/Game randomly locking up on a regular basis




I also sent in a ticket to official tech support, but I figured that asking for help on the forums wouldn't hurt.

I recently bought the VIP starter pack for City of Heroes.

When I play it, the whole game randomly freezes. It used to happen a lot, but when I turned the graphics down to recommended settings, it happens less often now - but it still does happen.

When I say "freeze", I mean the game didn't close or crash - it just froze, and when I started clicking on it, the window grayed out. I have sometimes waited quite a while, but it never unfroze. I had to force close it.

When the graphics were above recommended, it froze constantly. Now that they are at recommended, it only usually freezes about 25% of the time whenever it is loading from map to map.

The even bigger problem is how it causes my computer to lock up. A lot of the time, if I keep the game open but not focused(i.e. alt tab to view browser) for a prolonged period of time, my whole computer locks up. I can't do anything - not even press ctrl+alt+delete or move my mouse. I have to force shut down my computer to stop the issue.

A specific example of my computer locking just happened to me. I turned my computer on, and it loaded rather quickly(as usual). After it finished loading, I opened up my browser and the NCSoft Launcher. I launched City of Heroes. I logged in, and alt-tabbed back to my browser. After ~10 minutes, my whole computer locked up. This has only happened once or twice before, and only when City of Heroes is open. I had to force shut down and turn back on my computer to fix the issue.

My computer is a beefy gaming computer that I bought, custom built, only a couple months ago. I have been able to play games that are a lot more resource-intensive on max graphic quality without issues. But City of Heroes, for whatever reason, causes these extremely frustrating issues.

I have never had any issues like this with any game, let alone with my computer. I have checked my computer's temperatures intensively while the game is running, as well as right after I turn it on after the game locking up. My temperatures are unchanged. My computer runs very nicely thanks to the liquid cooling system I have.

This locking up is obviously not a problem with overheating, nor is it a problem with faulty hardware.
All my drivers are the latest from the manufacturer.

Please help me!
I am really enjoying my time on City of Heroes, and I surely don't want my $15 to go to waste. Thanks a lot; I hope to hear from you soon!
Do note that I currently run the game in windowed mode, usually with 115% UI scale, on recommended graphics settings.
My computer is a custom built 2 month old gaming beast that hasn't had any other problems whatsoever with anything, especially games.
Processor: Intel i5-2500k
Graphics Card: Radeon HD 6950
Cooling: Astek Liquid Cooling
Hard Drive: Main one is a small SSD, but the one CoH is on is a 750 GB HD with 64mb cache at 7200rpm.

I am open to suggestions, questions, or other people's experiences that may be related to mine. Thanks all for the help, it's highly appreciated.



Originally Posted by TimeB0mb View Post
So 11.8 has issues but 11.4 doesn't? If so, thanks a lot. Hopefully this fixes my problems.
Yes. The last couple versions of the Radeon drivers have been an absolute *AHEM!* as far as CoH is concerned.

In most cases, uninstalling the current drivers, running a driver cleaner, then reinstalling with the older driver package solves most of the issues.

And considering that they're on the 4th rev of drivers since it started breaking things, I don't know if anyone can tell you when (or if) AMD is going to ever fix it.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Yes. The last couple versions of the Radeon drivers have been an absolute *AHEM!* as far as CoH is concerned.

In most cases, uninstalling the current drivers, running a driver cleaner, then reinstalling with the older driver package solves most of the issues.

And considering that they're on the 4th rev of drivers since it started breaking things, I don't know if anyone can tell you when (or if) AMD is going to ever fix it.
It was explicitly mentioned in a Ustream that a fix was being worked on.



I uninstalled my old driver then installed the 4th rev of the driver. Then I restarted my computer.

I was able to alt tab out of the game without my computer freezing up, but after ~30 minutes, when I went back in to the game(which was in the middle of character creation), the game was frozen and I had to close it and restart it to get back in to the game.

I'll report more on my problems as I continue in the game. Thanks again, all!



Originally Posted by TimeB0mb View Post
I uninstalled my old driver then installed the 4th rev of the driver. Then I restarted my computer.

I was able to alt tab out of the game without my computer freezing up, but after ~30 minutes, when I went back in to the game(which was in the middle of character creation), the game was frozen and I had to close it and restart it to get back in to the game.

I'll report more on my problems as I continue in the game. Thanks again, all!
I started a thread on the AMD dev forums about the problem located here:

as of yet there's been only one other person... EVER... to post in that thread besides me.

Wouldn't mind having more data to give AMD, but for the most part, many of the subscribers here just don't seem to like the idea of actually doing anything to get driver problems addressed.

If you are interested in trying to help out in getting AMD the information, please go post in the AMD forum thread with your hardware and software specifications.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I started a thread on the AMD dev forums about the problem located here:

as of yet there's been only one other person... EVER... to post in that thread besides me.

Wouldn't mind having more data to give AMD, but for the most part, many of the subscribers here just don't seem to like the idea of actually doing anything to get driver problems addressed.

If you are interested in trying to help out in getting AMD the information, please go post in the AMD forum thread with your hardware and software specifications.
Once I have a bit more info about the extent of my problem with the 11.4 driver, I'll post there.



Dont bother rolling back drivers it really doesnt work or at least it hasnt for me and other friends. Aka its not a full proof method and takes your driver updates too far back



Originally Posted by Fickle View Post
Dont bother rolling back drivers it really doesnt work or at least it hasnt for me and other friends. Aka its not a full proof method and takes your driver updates too far back
No. While it may not have worked for you, it HAS given some people relief from their situation with the current generation drivers. As such, it's valid advice. If it works, he's golden. If it doesn't work, he's no worse off than he was before.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by TimeB0mb View Post
I uninstalled my old driver then installed the 4th rev of the driver. Then I restarted my computer.

I was able to alt tab out of the game without my computer freezing up, but after ~30 minutes, when I went back in to the game(which was in the middle of character creation), the game was frozen and I had to close it and restart it to get back in to the game.

I'll report more on my problems as I continue in the game. Thanks again, all!
I'd also check your GPU temps when it locks like this.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

Wouldn't mind having more data to give AMD, but for the most part, many of the subscribers here just don't seem to like the idea of actually doing anything to get driver problems addressed.

If you are interested in trying to help out in getting AMD the information, please go post in the AMD forum thread with your hardware and software specifications.
Frankly I already have a full time job. I didn't know paying money for a high end video card and an MMO made me become part of their technical support departments.

It is frustrating that I constantly crash. And worse, sometimes the crash locks my PC up completely. They know there is an issue and they have the resources to troubleshoot it, how much of my own time do I need to spend on this?

I know you are trying to help but it isn't fair to make this seem like this is our fault this hasn't been fixed after 5 months.



Originally Posted by Hy-Beams View Post
Frankly I already have a full time job. I didn't know paying money for a high end video card and an MMO made me become part of their technical support departments.

It is frustrating that I constantly crash. And worse, sometimes the crash locks my PC up completely. They know there is an issue and they have the resources to troubleshoot it, how much of my own time do I need to spend on this?

I know you are trying to help but it isn't fair to make this seem like this is our fault this hasn't been fixed after 5 months.
Yes. The cards are expensive. And AMD is a multi-million dollar company.

But even THEY don't have the ability to test every POSSIBLE hardware and software combination in existence.

Telling them to "just fix it" helps NOTHING. Because they can't operate Q&A in a vacuum. They need system and software information to help them determine if there are any hardware/software conflicts on your system and if necessary, replicate your setup.

Nobody's ASKING you to take another full time job as a hardware/software tester. There's merely an implicit request for the provision of system specifics so that a proper troubleshooting job may be done.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Nobody's ASKING you to take another full time job as a hardware/software tester. There's merely an implicit request for the provision of system specifics so that a proper troubleshooting job may be done.
Speaking for myself, if there was a way to submit hardware/software specs WITHOUT having to sign up for another useless forum account, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

As it is... I'll leave it up to AMD/Paragon to work it out with my info posted here.



Rolling back the drivers has made the problems occur less often, but my computer still locked up after being alt-tabbed out of the game for a prolonged period of time.

Like I said in my original posts, all my temperatures are perfectly fine. This isn't faulty software/hardware on my end.



Originally Posted by TimeB0mb View Post
Rolling back the drivers has made the problems occur less often, but my computer still locked up after being alt-tabbed out of the game for a prolonged period of time.

Like I said in my original posts, all my temperatures are perfectly fine. This isn't faulty software/hardware on my end.
11.3 is what worked for me and my 6950.

FWIW, Saist, this bug is easily reproducible: 64 bit Windows 7; AMD video card (seems to be a cluster of people with 6950s); driver released after 11.4 (11.4 didn't work for me, 11.3 did). If AMD or NCSoft need more information, they could, you know, ask for it.

Further, since NCSoft has said they're working on it with AMD, it would, IME, be reasonable to assume that one of our devs is forwarding info to AMD. 'Cause that's what people working together do.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Yes. The cards are expensive. And AMD is a multi-million dollar company.

But even THEY don't have the ability to test every POSSIBLE hardware and software combination in existence.

Telling them to "just fix it" helps NOTHING. Because they can't operate Q&A in a vacuum. They need system and software information to help them determine if there are any hardware/software conflicts on your system and if necessary, replicate your setup.

Nobody's ASKING you to take another full time job as a hardware/software tester. There's merely an implicit request for the provision of system specifics so that a proper troubleshooting job may be done.
I personally dont blame AMD - since the half dozen or so other games I run, have absolutely NO PROBLEMS - surely NCSOFT must be breaking some rules here? Why is CoH the only game crashing??



Originally Posted by The_Goddess View Post
I personally dont blame AMD - since the half dozen or so other games I run, have absolutely NO PROBLEMS - surely NCSOFT must be breaking some rules here? Why is CoH the only game crashing??
I would suspect it is because CoH is using OpenGL and the other games are likely running DirectX.

DirectX gets better graphics driver support because there are so many people playing so many different DirectX games, which helps in finding bugs.

OpenGL has long had problems with getting decent driver support due to the smaller number of programs to test with and people to test.

Oh, and BTW, the 11.9 drivers work very well with CoH.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.